Alif Akbar Hamdani - 1906387581 - Guest Lecturer Summary

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Alif Akbar Hamdani

Binter – A

Summary of Guest Lecturer

Assoc. Prof. Andre Anugerah Pekerti, Ph.D

N- Cultural : Functional individuals who live at the jumcture of two or more culture and
maintain them with multiple cultural identities and frameworks.

The concept of culture :culture is a set of shared patterns, assumptions, values, norms, and
meaning within a society.

Cultural assumptions & its influence

Norms, artifacts, behaviours, & thought patterns :
• Are by products and most observable, it is easiest to observe and change, rules for
controlling evil, and as a cultural icons that provides identification
Values and beliefs :
• It is an expressions of assumptions, it is semi-observable, meaning that it is a
specific ideas that people accept true about the world.
Assumptions :
• Hidden dimension, unobservable, and general ideas.

According to GLOBE study :

“Shared motives, values, beliefs, identities, and interpretations or meanings of significant
events that result from common experiences or members of collectives and are transmitted
across age generations” (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness;
Dorfman & House, 2004; p. 57).
The three of mental programming

• Human Nature is the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral

traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.
• Culture is a culture that generated within a society.
• Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's
distinctive character.

A variety of approaches to understand an individuals with multicultural experiances

1. Acculturation
2. Social identity
3. Social cognition
4. Multicultural individual frame shift

The effect of integrating idetitites

1. Creativity
2. Cognitive complexity
3. Intercultural effectiveness
Existing views on multicultural individuals

Individuals of mixed race or ethnicity, those who have lived in multiple countries such as
expatriates, international students, inpatriates, immigrants and other types of sojourners, children
raised in multicultural households (Benet-Martinez, 2011).

Berry’s Bidimensional Model (1974 ; 1980)

Conceptualising n-Culturalism

N-Cultural is an ideal multicultural individual who has KIICS

• K for Knowledge of multiple cultures

• I for identification with more than three cultures
• I for Internalizing values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral assumptions
• C for commitment to maintain these identities
• S for Salience of multiple values

From the perspective of multi-cultural management, we have a responsibility to manage

this reality that exist in our daily life, especially in Indonesia. For example, let’s say a company
requested “give us someone who can drink with us at the end of the day” This perspective can be
seen as positive or negative. People can be trained to maintain their identities without having to

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