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Kama Trikona

3, 7 and 7th houses are called Kama trikona houses. These houses represent persons desires in a
chart and to what degree it will be fulfilled. Kama basically means desires, it can be related to
money, name, fame, achieve love, any position/recognition in job or any wish which he wants.

3rd house is controlled by Mars. 7th house by Jupiter in female chart and Venus in male chart and 11 th
house by Jupiter. If Jupiter is strong then we can say that desires will be fulfilled of that person to
some extent.

3rd house is siblings, actions taken by that person, courage in a person, desires, its subconscious
mind. Subconscious is active when u sleep. 4 th house is time of midnight (12:00am to 2am). 3rd house
is 2am to 4am. 4am to 6am is 2nd house. 6am is 1st house.

In 2am to 4am we get majority of dreams. Its in 3 rd house which is of subconscious mind. Its very
deep, background, back of mind from where desires come.

All desires everything, all planning is in 3 rd house subconscious mind. All desires are there, all
planning, what want to do, etc.

The mind can never be desireless. Mind can’t be still. We can choose what we think, the power to
think, desire is with us. The desire to not have any desire is also a desire. It’s the power of
subconscious mind. Whatever experience you give an experience to conscious mind goes to
subconscious mind. 3rd house is root cause of desire. Mars is karaka/signifier of 3 rd house. Courage
means extreme desire. Rahu does very well in 3 rd house. 3rd house is hands. 3rd house is IT industry,
communication. 3rd house ruler is Gemini.

Next Kama trikona is 7th house. 7th house shows internal sexual organs, spouse, marriage. 8 th house
shows external sexual organs. 7th house shows sexual desire. 4 activities animals do- eating, sleeping,
mating, fighting. Desire of mating is strong, it’s the reason bcoz of which you are born. 7 th house is
core of sexuality. Its 7th house of marriage-union. 7th house is most important in Kama trikona. Lord
Krishna says in Bhagwat Gita- Desire is like a fire, the more desire you add, the more it grows. The
more you indulge in it, the more it grows. You need to control your desire. In ramayan, Ravana is a
demon n a villain. He has the most beautiful wife – Mandodri. Still he was not satisfied and kidnap
devi Sita. So we think if we have that girl or that boy we will be satisfied. Its not like that. So we get
married – vivah which means Vishnu and vahan-vehicle. So marriage is vivah…vehicle thru which
man and woman goes towards Vishnu. And in marriage you unite with partner and don’t look
outside and develop higher taste of God – practise spirituality. If you do like this then you realise
that pleasure of sex doesn’t last long, actual pleasure comes from practising spirituality. Lord Krishna
says I m that sex thru which children comes. Lord Krishna says if ravan was not satisfied with
mandodri there is nothing which can satisfy. So we need to engage in limits of dharma and do
spirituality then we will transcend this desire and go to higher taste of God’s love.

11th house is house of money. 11th house is daily income and elder siblings. Money is component
thru which you can eat meat, do gambling, illiciet sex-before marriage and outside marriage and
intoxication- taking drugs and alcohol. This intoxication makes person happy for very less time but
makes their mind confused, agitated, deluded, makes them cry after some time and are high for
short time and then fall from that height. Alcohol is poison. This degrade your body and mind. This is
house of friends, if you choose bad friends-bad company your life will go down.
3rd house is destroyed if your 7th house is destroyed and 11th house is destroyed. If you talk about
good things with your friends, take good habits, then your 3 rd house will improve. If you are in limits
of your marriage your 3rd house will give positive results.

Helping others, changing things for the better comes under desire.

Result of 7th house and 11th house results in actions of 3rd house.

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