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1. Describe something you own which is very important to you

Although I value many of my possessions, I would definitely put my laptop on top of the list of
the most important things, and today I’m gonna to tell you about that.
I have a MacBook pro which is quite an expensive computer but I bought it second-hand from
my friend so it was cheaper than buying it new. Fortunately, she hadn’t used it much so it was in
mint condition when I first started using it. In fact. I’ve had for about 3 years and it hasn’t given
me any trouble.
I’ve probably used it everyday since I bought it. I prepare lessons and presentations for my
classes on it. When I’m not using it for those things, it’s a great entertainment device. I’m a big
fan of movies and often stream the latest films on Netflix.
I love my laptop for two reasons.
First of all, the processor is really fast. My previous laptop was so slow, it took ages to get
anything done. My MacBook can do everything I want it to and I don’t get stressed out when I
have a deadline.
Moreover, the screen is amazing. It has a high-definition screen which makes watching movies a
pleasure. It also allows me to enjoy some quality time by myself and remain busy when I have
nothing to do, or nobody is there to accompany me.I hope I can continue using this computer for
the next few years.

2. Describe a memorable event in your life.

There are several memorable events in my life that I can summon up and out of those, I would
like to talk about the time when I was getting ready for the university entrance exam.
This was an event that I still recall vibrantly. In Vietnam, the University Entrance Exam is very
crucial to any student’s future. Every high school graduates are obligated to take this
examination in order to get into universities. Therefore, the pressure is understandably high.
During this time back in 2013, I had to not only go to school on the basis but also had to join
extra classes because the content of the exam was enormous. To put it clearly, I went to school
from 7 in the morning until 9 in the evening. The pressure was so high because you have to get
good points in order to be admitted to proper universities. However, my parents were very
supportive and caring which help me to push more and try harder. In addition, teachers and
friends offer encouragement and support.
Looking back at it, although the pressure seems to be unhealthy for kids, I think it is worth it. My
career, what I am doing, where I am and what I will become are all shaped by this event. If i
didn’t pour out all of my effort, I would not be able to attend a prestigious university and would
not receive a quality education. That’s why this is a very memorable event of my life.

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