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1. With centralized processing each computer system is isolated and does not communicate
with another system.
2. The network operating system (NOS) is application software that controls the computer
systems and devices on a network and allows them to communicate with each other.
3. A DSS is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices
used to help make products that solve problems.
4. Marketing MIS supports managerial activities in product development, distribution, pricing
decisions and promotional effectiveness.
5. What-if analysis involves making hypothetical changes to problem data and observing the
impact on results.
6. Sales ordering involves a set of rules that must be followed to capture a customer sales
7. The transaction processing system provides data to the Marketing MIS.
8. Tacit knowledge is the knowledge that is difficult to learn and remember.
9. When two pieces of tacit knowledge are combined, it is known as a mash-up.
10. Global reach helps to reduce the gap between rich and poor countries.
11. E-commerce and M-commerce can be used in many innovative ways to improve the
managers of an organization.

12. Which option is not an output of the MIS?
a) Scheduled report
b) None of the above
c) Demand report
d) Key-indicator report
13. Which model must be followed if you have to be very certain that a decision will have the
best possible outcome?
a) Heuristics
b) Satisficing model
c) Satisfaction model
d) Optimization model
14. Which one does not form part of the TPS processing cycle?
a) Data collection
b) Data editing
c) Data correlation
d) Data manipulation
15. If a certain decision must be taken urgently, which decision-making model should be used?
a) Satisficing model
b) Satisfaction model
c) Heuristics
d) Optimization model
16. Which of the following is not an advantage of an ERP?
a) Duplication of costly, inflexible legacy systems
b) Upgrade of technology infrastructure
c) Improvement of work processes based on best practices
d) Improved access to data for operational decision making
17. Which of these is not an application of artificial intelligence?
a) Determine what is wrong with mechanical devices
b) Assist in designing and downgrading other systems
c) Make medical diagnoses
d) Explore for natural resources
18. Which of these are not mobile devices?
a) Smartfile
b) Netbook
c) Smart watches
d) Smartphone
19. EBay can be found in the following category of m-commerce?
a) Manufacturing
b) Retail and wholesale
c) Auctions
d) Marketing
20. Which type of decision-making model does Expert systems use?
a) Optimising
b) None of the above
c) Heiristics
d) Satisficing
21. Which of these is not a major branch of AI?
a) Robotics
b) Learning systems
c) Natural systems
d) Vision systems


22. ___________ is the rate at which data is exchanged.
23. Fibre-optic cable transmits data as a ___________.
24. Using electricity cables for data transmission is____________.
25. A very short range wireless data transmission is___________.
26. A ___________ uses a physical device address in each incoming message on a network to
determine to which output port it should forward the message to reach another device on
the same network.
27. ___________ and ___________ are communications software.
28. The ___________ tag turns text on a web page bold.
29. _______allow websites to communicate with each other.
30. FTP is ___________.
31. Google Docs and Zoho are examples of___________.
32. ERP stands for __________.
33. Systems that allow an organization to conduct business are __________.
34. OLTP is __________.
35. RFID can be used to __________ the data necessary for transaction processing.
36. The process of performing calculations and other data transformations is __________.
37. Buying a book on a smartphone is an example of __________.
38. Systems used to improve interaction between a government and its citizens form __________.
39. CRM stands for __________.
40. A wholesaler selling to a high street shop via the Internet is an example of __________.
41. When you sell an old textbook on Amazon to another student you are taking part in__________ commerce.
42. The first stage in decision making is the___________ stage.
43. A programmed decision can be made by a computer by following a ___________.
44. A model that produces a good enough decision is called ___________.
45. Most of the data for an MIS comes from a___________.
46. A regular, periodic report is called ___________.
47. An MIS that supports promotional effectiveness is a ___________ MIS.
48. GIS stands for ___________.
49. Making hypothetical changes to data and
50. observing the results is ___________.
51. A GSS supports decision making by a ___________.
52. A decision-making approach that encourages ideas ‘off the top’ of participants’ heads is ___________.
53. AI systems demonstrate characteristics of .
54. Two branches of AI are ______ and ________.
55. Research into robots that are the size of a grain of salt is called _________.
56. Systems like a Google search on a smartphone that allow users to give voice input are
examples of _____________________.
57. The component of an expert system that stores relevant data and rules is the _________.
58. An application for an expert system is ____________.
59. HMD stands for ____________.
60. A program that solves a problem by evolving new solutions repeatedly is a __________.
61. A program that attempts to simulate a human brain is a _________.
62. A system that attempts to approximate the way
63. a person feels is ________.
64. Smart shoes’ would be an example of ___________.
65. Paying without cash is often labelled ___________.
66. M-Pesa is attempting to replace a bank account with a ___________.
67. A ___________ attempts to get a user to feel emotionally attached to it and so continue to
interact with it.
68. CSCW stands for ___________.
69. A device that allows notes on a whiteboard to be saved is an ___________.
70. An online diary is often called a ___________.
71. On the move retail’ is sometimes called___________.
72. Advertising to particular market segments is known as ___________.

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