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Distance Learning Education

Class: M.A 3rd Course Titles: American literature Course Code: DENG-558
Student’s Name: Roll No.
Time Allow: 30Min. Max Marks: 20
Q.No.1. Tick the correct answer in the following MCQs.

Question A B C D
1. How old was Sylvia when she had her first Eight Ten Twelve Fourteen
poem published?
2. How did Plath eventually commit suicide? Firearms Hanging Carbon monoxide Overdosing on
poisoning pills
3. You do not do, you do not do / Anymore, The beginning The beginning The beginning of None
black shoe' -- What effect do these lines of the poem has of the poem the poem leads
create? a soft effect sounds joyful the reader to
created by expect a nursery
sibilance rhyme
4. How many of Baby Suggs' sons died? Eight Four Nine Five

5. How long is it since Paul D and Sethe last 18 years 2 years 5 years 20 years
saw each other?

6. The farm from which Sethe escaped was Kansas Kentucky South carolina Georgia
located in

7. School teacher could be said to represent The kindness Christian The abuse of The power of
of some slave- charity science and the politica
owners role of science in
justifying slavery
8. Throughout the novel, Paul D's heart is most A tobacco tin
An empty
often said to have been replaced by with its lid A ball of stone A savage beast
rusted shut
9. What job did Frost's father hold? Banker. Reporter. Doctor. Lawyer

10. What was the name of Frost's first book of A boy's will. A friend's A child's desires. A man's wants.
poetry? determination.

11. What was Frost's epitaph? "Heaven will "I had a "I told you I was "I leave
be golden" lover's quarrel sick" reluctantly to a
with the world of
world." shadows"
12. Which of Frost's poems is included in S.E. "After apple "nothing gold "after apple "nothing gold
Hinton's novel The Outsiders? picking" can stay" picking" can stay"

13. What condition was Alexie born with that Hydrocephalus Autism Cerebral Palsey Cleft palate
made doctors fear he would be mentally
14. Which of Alexie's works is semi- Tonto and the The Indian Killer Reservation
autobiographical? Lone Ranger Absolutely Blues
Fistfight in True Diary of
Heaven a Part-Time
15. Native Americans believe in relationship Vertical Matriarchal Horizontal Hierarchical
with nature

16. The Mending Wall was written in 1927 1912 1914 1969

17. Sherman Alexei was born in 1966 1967 1956 1972

18. Who has compared human sleep with the Robert frost Sylvia plath Sherman alexei Ted hughes
sleep of woodchuck?
19. According to the speaker in “Mowing,” what The fact Beauty Rest The truth
is “the sweetest dream that labor knows”?
20. What does the wife see through the window Horsemen The coroner’s Her child’s grave Her husband
at the beginning of “Home Burial”? approaching wagon returning

Distance Learning Education

Class: M.A 3rd Course Titles: American literature Course Code: DENG-558
Student’s Name: _________________________ Roll No: ____________
Time Allowed: 2 Hrs. – 30 Min Max Marks: 80

Note: Attempt any FOUR questions. Each question carries equal marks. (4x20)

Q.2.Frost’s poetry carries reader from pleasure to wisdom. Explain with reference to the poems you
have read.
Q.3.Critically evaluate the “Sasquatch” poem by Sherman Alexie.
Q.4.Sherman Alexie is the saviour of his Coeur d'Alene tribal culture and history in his short stories.
Prove with reference to “Search Engine” & “I Shall Redeem What You Pawn”.
Q.5.Sylvia Plath’s poetry is the expression of her psychological complexes. Demonstrate with examples.
Q.6.Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” shows his modernist tragic vision in contrast with Aristotle’s vision
of tragedy which Miller considers archaic. Discuss.
Q.7.Race matters. How has Afro-American’s skin colour been the most significant marker of their
suppressed identity? How does Morrison fight against it in “Beloved”?

Distance Learning Education

Class: M.A 3rd Course Titles: American literature Course Code: DENG-558
Student’s Name: _________________________ Roll No: ____________
Time Allowed: 2 Hrs. – 30 Min Max Marks: 80

Note: Attempt any FOUR questions. Each question carries equal marks. (4x20)

Q.2.Frost’s poetry carries reader from pleasure to wisdom. Explain with reference to the poems you
have read.
Q.3.Critically evaluate the “Sasquatch” poem by Sherman Alexie.
Q.4.Sherman Alexie is the saviour of his Coeur d'Alene tribal culture and history in his short stories.
Prove with reference to “Search Engine” & “I Shall Redeem What You Pawn”.
Q.5.Sylvia Plath’s poetry is the expression of her psychological complexes. Demonstrate with examples.
Q.6.Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” shows his modernist tragic vision in contrast with Aristotle’s vision
of tragedy which Miller considers archaic. Discuss.
Q.7.Race matters. How has Afro-American’s skin colour been the most significant marker of their
suppressed identity? How does Morrison fight against it in “Beloved”?

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