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Module 2: Employer-Employee Relationship A motion to dismiss filed by the government agency in the

above-cited example will not prosper on the ground that the

Labor. Arbiter has no jurisdiction, because the term
“Employer” includes government agencies. It does not make
Art 97b.” Employer” includes any person directly or any qualifications whether it is one with or without original
indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an charter.
employee and shall include the Government and all its
branches, subdivision and instrumentalities, all government-
owned or controlled corporations and institutions, as well as  An employee is always a NATURAL PERSON
non-profit private institutions, or organizations. (Expanded may include Filipino citizens or foreigners.
Example: Dumon Sari-sari Store (single proprietorship).
Art 97c. “Employee” includes any individual employed by an
employer. Q: Who is considered the employer?

Art 212e. “Employer” includes any person acting in the A: Wilbert Dumon will be the employer, because the sari-sari
interest of an employer, directly or indirectly. The term shall store does not have a separate juridical personality. So, if
not include any labor organization or any of its officer or Dumon is made a defendant in a labor case, the caption will be
agents except when acting as employer. – “Employee vs. Wilbert Dumon, doing business under the
name and style of Dumon Sari-sari Store.”
Art 212f. “Employee” includes any person in the employ of
the employer. The term shall not be limited to the employees Hiring of employees
of a particular employer, unless this code so expressly states. It  Foreigners – Art. 40-42, PD 442 applies
shall include any individual whose work has ceased as a result  Filipino- there is none. The Constitution and the Labor
of or in connection with any current labor dispute or because Code encourage the employment of Filipinos.
of any unfair labor practice if he has not obtained any other
substantially equivalent and regular employment. (Expanded Foreign Investment Code
Of those corporations owned by foreigners, if they want to
It is in personam, involves the rendition of personal service by employ alien as their employees, the following requirements
the employee, and partakes of master and servant relationship. must be complied with:

EMPLOYER 1. Such domestic or foreign companies should obtain a

permit from the DOLE (Alien Employment Permit)
 May be NATURAL OR JURIDICAL, a single at the nearest regional office
proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation. 2. There must be a determination of the non- availability
of a person in the Philippines, who is competent,
The Government is an employer within the meaning of the
able, willing at the time of application to perform the
Labor Code in Labor Standards.
services for which the alien is desired.
So, a government agency with an original charter contract with  The purpose of the law is to protect the Filipinos.
a security agency to supply security guards, and this security 2. DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF
agency is unable to pay the wages of its guards. EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP

Q: Is principal government agency considered jointly and Four-Fold Test

severally liable with the security agency? Will Article 106-
Selection and Engagement of Employees
109, LC apply to them? Can the guards file with the labor
complaint with the nearest arbitration branch of the NLRC and 1. Exercise of Right/Prerogative: Absolute?
sue both the security and government agency?
Our laws recognize and respect the exercise by management
A: YES, the Labor Code will govern. The government agency of certain rights and prerogatives. For this reason, courts often
cannot move for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of decline to interfere in legitimate business decisions of
jurisdiction on the part of the Labor Arbiter and say that they employers. In fact, labor laws discourage interference in
are governed by the Civil Service Law Rules and Regulations. employers’ judgment concerning the conduct of their business.
The government agency contracted the services of an (Philippine Industrial Security Agency Corporation vs.
independent contractor, so they are considered principals. Aguinaldo, G. R. No. 149974, June 15, 2005; Mendoza vs.
Therefore, the LC will govern regarding the monetary claims Rural Bank of Lucban, G.R. No. 155421, July 7, 2004).
of the security guards.
An employer can regulate, generally without restraint, - (b) Any person between fifteen (15) and eighteen (18)
according to its own discretion and judgment, every aspect of years of age may be employed for such number of hours
its business. (Deles, Jr. vs. NLRC, G. R. No. 121348, March 9, and such periods of the day as determined by the
2000). chanrobles virtual law library Secretary of Labor and Employment in appropriate
This privilege is inherent in the right of employers to control - (c) The foregoing provisions shall in no case allow the
and manage their enterprise effectively. (Mendoza vs. Rural employment of a person below eighteen (18) years of
Bank of Lucban, G.R. No. 155421, 07 July 2004). age in an undertaking which is hazardous or deleterious
2. Management Prerogative in nature as determined by the Secretary of Labor and
Needless to state, the exercise of management prerogative is
not absolute. The exercise of management prerogative is Unfair Labor Practices of Employers - Art. 259[b], LC
subject to the limitations imposed by law or by CBA,
employment contract, employer policy or practice and general
principles of fair play and justice. (The Philippine American
Life and General Insurance Co. vs. Gramaje, G. R. No.
156963, Nov. 11, 2004).

3. Legal Limitations/Prohibitions prior to hiring:

Prohibition Against Stipulation of Marriage - Art. 134, LC Prohibiting the Employment of Children Below 15 years of
Age in Public and Private Undertakings - R.A. No. 7658
- (a) Establishments which are required by law to
maintain a clinic or infirmary shall provide free family Prohibits employment of children below 15 except
planning services to their employees which shall when employed directly by the child's parents or legal
include, but not be limited to, the application or use of guardian, provided that the work does not endanger the child's
contraceptive pills and intrauterine devices.
health and morals, and that the child is provided with primary
- (b) In coordination with other agencies of the
and/or secondary education. Also permits children to be
government engaged in the promotion of family
employed in entertainment productions, provided a permit is
planning, the Department of Labor and Employment
shall develop and prescribe incentive bonus schemes to secured from the Department of Labor and Employment.
encourage family planning among female workers in Sec. 14, R.A. No. 7610
any establishment or enterprise.
- Section 14. Prohibition on the Employment of Children
Minimum Employable Age - Art. 139, LC
in Certain Advertisements. – No person shall employ
- (a) No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall be child models in all commercials or advertisements
employed, except when he works directly under the sole promoting alcoholic beverages, intoxicating drinks,
responsibility of his parents or guardian, and his tobacco and its byproducts and violence.
employment does not in any way interfere with his

Guidelines in Assessing and Determining Hazardous Work discriminate, deprive or diminish employment
in the Employment of Persons below 18 years of age - DOLE opportunities or otherwise adversely affect said
D.O. No. 149 s. 2016 employee;
- (2) The above acts would impair the employee’s rights
or privileges under existing labor laws; or
Sec. 3, Anti-Sexual Harassment Act - R.A. No. 7877 - (3) The above acts would result in an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive environment for the employee.
- SEC. 3. Work, Education or Training-related Sexual - (b) In an education or training environment, sexual
Harassment Defined. — harassment is committed:
- Work, education or training-related sexual harassment is - (1) Against one who is under the care, custody or
committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervision of the
supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, - offender;
professor, coach, trainer, or any other person who, - (2) Against one whose education, training,
having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the offender;
another in a work or training or education environment, - (3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the
demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual giving of a passing grade, or the granting of honors and
favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, scholarships, or the payment of a stipend, allowance or
request or requirement for submission is accepted by the other benefits, privileges, or considerations; or
object of said Act. - (4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating,
- (a) In a work-related or employment environment, hostile or offensive environment for the student, trainee
sexual harassment is committed when: or apprentice.
- (1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring
or in the employment, re-employment or continued Any person who directs or induces another to commit any act
employment of said individual, or in granting said of sexual harassment as herein defined, or who cooperates in
individual favorable compensation, terms, conditions, the commission thereof by another without which it would not
promotions, or privileges; or the refusal to grant the have been committed, shall also be held liable under this Act.

Sec. 35, Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of

1998 - R.A. 8504

Sec. 35. Discrimination in the workplace. –

Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to post-
employment, including hiring, promotion or assignment,
based on the actual, perceived or suspected HIV status of
an individual is prohibited. Termination from work on the
sole basis of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status is
deemed unlawful.

Sec. 55.04, General Banking Laws of 200 - R.A. no.


- 55.4. Consistent with the provisions of Republic

Act No. 1405, otherwise known as the Banks
Secrecy Law, no bank shall employ casual or non-
regular personnel or too lengthy probationary
personnel in the conduct of its business involving
bank deposits.

Sec. 23[c], Responsible Parenthood & Reproductive

Health Act of 2012 - R.A. No. 10354

- Sec. 23 (c) Any employer who shall suggest, require,

unduly influence or cause any applicant for employment
or an employee to submit himself/herself to sterilization,
use any modern methods of family planning, or not use
such methods as a condition for employment, continued
sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or employment, promotion or the provision of employment
classifying the employee which in any way would benefits. Further, pregnancy or the number of children
shall not be a ground for non-hiring or termination from (b) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona fide
employment; seniority system that is not intended to evade the
purpose of this Act;
Secs. 4-7, Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment Act - (c) The intent is to observe the terms of a bona fide
R.A. No. 10911 (see also DOLE DO No. 170 S. 2017) employee retirement or a voluntary early retirement
Section 4. Coverage. - The provisions of this Act shall apply plan consistent with the purpose of this Act:
to all employers, labor contractors or subcontractors, if any, Provided, That, such retirement or voluntary
and labor organizations. retirement plan is in accordance with the Labor Code,
as amended, and other related laws; or
Section 5. Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment on (d) The action is duly certified by the Secretary of Labor
Account of Age – and Employment in accordance with the purpose of
this Act.
(a) It shall be unlawful for an employer to:
Section 7. Penalty. - Any violation of this Act shall be
(1) Print or publish, or cause to be printed or punished with a fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos
published, in any form of media, including (₱50,000.00) but not more than five hundred thousand pesos
the internet, any notice of advertisement (₱500,000.00), or imprisonment of not less than three (3)
relating to employment suggesting months but not more than two (2) years, or both, at the
preferences, limitations, specifications, and discretion of the court. If the offense is committed by a
discrimination based on age; corporation, trust, firm, partnership or association or other
(2) Require the declaration of age or birth date entity, the penalty shall be imposed upon the guilty officer or
during the application process; officers of such corporation, trust, firm, partnership or
(3) Decline any employment application because association or entity.
of the individual’s age;
(4) Discriminate against an individual in terms of Payment of Wages
compensation, terms and conditions or ART. 102. Forms of payment. - No employer shall pay the
privileges of employment on account of such wages of an employee by means of promissory notes,
individual’s age; vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any object other
than legal tender, even when expressly requested by the
(5) Deny any employee’s or worker’s promotion employee.
or opportunity for training because of age;
(6) Forcibly lay off an employee or worker Payment of wages by check or money order shall be allowed
because of old age; or when such manner of payment is customary on the date of
(7) Impose early retirement on the basis of such effectivity of this Code, or is necessary because of special
employee’s or worker’s age. circumstances as specified in appropriate regulations to be
(b) It shall be unlawful for a labor contractor or issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or as
subcontractor, if any, to refuse to refer for stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement.
employment or otherwise discriminate against any
individual because of such person’s age. Art. 1705 (CC). The laborer's wages shall be paid in legal
(c) It shall be unlawful for a labor organization to: currency.
(1) Deny membership to any individual because EXCEPTIONS (IRR Book III, Rule VIII, Section 2):
of such individual’s age;
(2) Exclude from its membership any individual Section 2. Payment by check. — Payment of wages by bank
because of such individual’s age; or checks, postal checks or money orders is allowed where such
(3) Cause or attempt to cause an employer to manner of wage payment is customary on the date of the
discriminate against an individual in violation effectivity of the Code, where it is so stipulated in a collective
of this Act. agreement, or where all of the following conditions are met:
(d) It shall be unlawful for a publisher to print or publish
(a) There is a bank or other facility for encashment within a
any notice of advertisement relating to employment
radius of one (1) kilometer from the workplace;
suggesting preferences, limitations, specifications,
and discrimination based on age. (b) The employer or any of his agents or representatives does
not receive any pecuniary benefit directly or indirectly from
Section 6. Exceptions. - It shall not be unlawful for an
the arrangement;
employer to set age limitations in employment if:
(c) The employees are given reasonable time during banking
(a) Age is a bona fide occupational qualification
hours to withdraw their wages from the bank which time shall
reasonably necessary in the normal operation of a
be considered as compensable hours worked if done during
particular business or where the differentiation is
working hours; and
based on reasonable factors other than age;
(d) The payment by check is with the written consent of the allowances as well as deductions and SSS contributions. It is
employees concerned if there is no collective agreement therefore apparent that petitioner is economically dependent
authorizing the payment of wages by bank checks. on respondent for her continued in the latter’s line of
 If all of these conditions are met, the employer can
validly, by himself, pay wages by checks. Q: How to determine that a person is economically
 Note the differences of the instances in the rules that dependent?
allow payment by check and place of payment, because
1. Number of years in the company
that it usually the mistake of students when they
2. Reported to SSS, good indicator of treating him as an
interchange the instances and of course, these being
different, they will end up wrong.
3. Registered in the payroll
 Note that the employer should not enter into an
4. Identification card
arrangement with the bank that the employer will receive
5. Company uniform
commission if the employer pays in the form of check.
 Determine the underlying economic realities of the
There should be no pecuniary benefit from this
activity or relationships.
arrangement of payment through check.
 The determination of the relationship between employer
NOTES: Where the employee alleges non-payment of wages and employee depends upon the circumstances of the
and/or commission, the employer has the burden to prove whole economic activity.
payment. 1. The (broad) extent to which the services performed
are an integral part of the employer’s business.
Power of Dismissal 2. The (limited) extent of the worker’s investment in the
Whether or not employer has the power to dismiss employee. equipment and facilities.
3. The nature (close supervision) and (high) degree of
Power of Control control exercised by the employer
4. The workers (limited) opportunities for profit and
Whether or not the employer has the power of control over the loss
employee. 5. The (small) amount of initiative, skill, judgment or
Two-Tiered Test / Economic Reality Test foresight required for the success of the claimed
independent enterprise
“The better approach would be to adopt a TWO-TIERED 6. The (high degree of) permanency and duration of the
TEST involving (1) the putative employer’s power to relationship between the worker and the employer
control the employee with respect to the means and 7. The degree of dependency of the worker upon the
methods by which the work is to be accomplished and (2) employer for his continued employment in that line
the underlying economic realities of the activity or of business.
relationship. 3. Distinguish Employer-Employee Relationship from:
This two-tiered test would provide us with a framework of Principal-Agent Relationship
analysis, which would take into consideration the totality of
circumstances surrounding the true relationship between the Art 1868 NCC: By the contract of agency, a person binds
parties. himself to render some service or to do something in
representation or on behalf of another, with the consent or
This is especially APPROPRIATE in this case where there is
authority of the latter.
no written agreement or terms of reference to base the
relationship on; and due to the complexities of the relationship It is the principal who selects the agent. An agent is
based on the various positions and responsibilities given to the compensated under the contract of agency of services
worker over the period of the latter’s employment. rendered. He is disciplined by the principal as in the case of an
The determination of the relationship between employer and employee because the agent is under the authority of the
employee depends upon the circumstances of the whole principal. The principal controls the means and methods of the
economic activity. The PROPER STANDARD OF work of an agent. In this relationship, there is only one party.
ECONOMIC DEPENDENCE is whether the worker is The agent is merely an extension of the principal. They are
dependent on the alleged employer for his continued regarded as one. So, if there is a contractor relationship, it is
employment in that line of business. not among three parties but is between the principal/agent and
the other party.
Under the broader ECONOMIC REALITY TEST, the
petitioner can likewise be said to be an employee of Thus, to make a distinction between a principal-agent and
respondent corporation because she had served the company employer-employee, the four-fold test will not be used
for six years before her dismissal, receiving check vouchers because the agent is selected by the principal and is also
indicating her salaries/ benefits, 13th month pay, bonuses and
compensated by the principal and most oftentimes, the The definition says that aside from engaging in a business
principal substitutes his own judgment for that of the agent. separately distinct from the principal, to perform job, work or
service, according to his own means and methods, free from
Note: To make a distinction between a principal-agent control and direction of the principal except as to the results
relationship and that of an employer-employee relationship, thereof.
the four-fold test will not be used because the 1) agent is
selected by the principal 2) compensated by the principal 3)
and most oftentimes, the principal also substitutes his own
judgment for that of the agent.

Principal-Contractor Relationship

The principal selects the contractor. The contractor is

compensated for services rendered. The contractor is not under
the discipline of the principal. The distinction says that aside
from engaging in the business separately distinct from the
principal, the performed job, work, or services is according to
his own means and methods free from the control and
direction of the principal except as to the results thereof.

 Contractor may be Individual, Corporate Juridical Entity

– no need of protection from labor code because they
earn better.

Working Conditions in the Movie & Television Industry –

DOLE Advisory No. 04 s. 2016

4. Contracting and Subcontracting Arrangement

Art. 106 of the Labor Code

Art. 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer In the event of any violation of any provision of the Labor
enters into a contract with another person for the performance Code, including the failure to pay wages, there exists a
of the former’s work, the employees of the contractor and of solidary liability on the part of the principal and the contractor
the latter’s subcontractor, if any, shall be paid in accordance for purposes of enforcing the provisions of the Labor Code
with the provisions of this Code. and other social legislation, to the extent of the work
performed under the employment contract.
In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the
wages of his employees in accordance with this Code, the However, the principal shall be deemed the direct employer of
employer shall be jointly and severally liable with his the contractor’s employee, in cases where there is a finding by
contractor or subcontractor to such employees to the extent of a competent authority of labor-only contracting, or
the work performed under the contract, in the same manner commission of prohibited activities as provided in Section 7,
and extent that he is liable to employees directly employed by or a violation of either Sections 8 or 9 hereof.
Legitimate Contracting/ Subcontracting v. Labor-Only
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate Contracting
regulations, restrict or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to
protect the rights of workers established under this Code. In so Is there a significance of knowing the difference between Job
prohibiting or restricting, he may make appropriate contracting and Labor-only contracting? THERE IS. Job
distinctions between labor-only contracting and job contracting is valid and recognized by law while Labor-only
contracting as well as differentiations within these types of contracting is a prohibited act. A finding that a contractor is a
contracting and determine who among the parties involved labor-only contractor is equivalent to a declaration that there is
shall be considered the employer for purposes of this Code, to an employer-employee relationship between the principal and
prevent any violation or circumvention of any provision of this the employees of the labor-only contractor. In such a case the
Code. labor-only contractor shall be responsible to the workers in the
There is “labor-only” contracting where the person supplying manner and extent as if said workers were directly employed
workers to an employer does not have substantial capital or by him.
investment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries, work
DOLE Department Order No. 174, Series of 2017
premises, among others, and the workers recruited and placed
by such person are performing activities which are directly
related to the principal business of such employer. In such
cases, the person or intermediary shall be considered merely as Elements of Legitimate Job Contracting
an agent of the employer who shall be responsible to the
workers in the same manner and extent as if the latter were
directly employed by him.

Trilateral Relationship – refers to the relationship in a

contracting or subcontracting arrangement where there is a
contract for a specific job, work or service between the
principal and the contractor, and a contract of employment
between the contractor and its workers.

There are three (3) parties involved in these arrangements: the

principal who decides to farm out a job, work or service to a
contractor; the contractor who has the capacity to
independently undertake the performance of the job, work or
service; and the contractual workers engaged by the contractor
to accomplish the job, work or service.

Section 5. Trilateral relationship in contracting arrangements;

Solidary liability. – In legitimate contracting or subcontracting Under the Labor Code, the State may restrict or prohibit the
arrangement there exists: contracting out of labor to protect the rights of workers. Job
contracting is not absolutely prohibited. The Department of
(a) An employer-employee relationship between the contractor Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) latest issuance, Department
and the employees it engaged to perform the specific job, Order (DO) 174, s. 2017, sets out parameters for permissible
work or service being contracted; and contracting arrangements.
(b) A contractual relationship between the principal and the The concurrence of the following is essential for a contractor
contractor as governed by the provisions of the Civil Code. to be considered as a legitimate job contractor:
a) The contractor or subcontractor is engaged in a distinct and
independent business and undertakes to perform the job or
work on its own responsibility, according to its own manner
and method;

b) The contractor or subcontractor has substantial capital to

carry out the job farmed out by the principal on his account,
manner and method, investment in the form of tools,
equipment, machinery and supervision;

c) In performing the work farmed out, the contractor or

subcontractor is free from the control and/or direction of the
principal in all matters connected with the performance of the
work except as to the result thereto; and

d) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with all the

rights and benefits for all the employees of the contractor or
subcontractor under the labor laws.

Effects of Labor-Only Contracting

Labor-only contracting refers to arrangement where the

contractor or subcontractor merely recruits, supplies or places
workers to perform a job or work for a principal. There are
two variants of labor-only contracting:

1. When the contractor or subcontractor does not exercise the

right to control over the performance of the work of the

2. When: (i) the contractor or subcontractor does not have

substantial capital, or does not have investments in the form
of tools, equipment, machineries, supervision, work premises,
among others; and (ii) the contractor’s or subcontractor’s
employees recruited and placed are performing activities
which are directly related to the main business operation of
the principal.


In instances where there is a finding of labor-only contracting

or illegal employment arrangements, the principal shall be
deemed the direct employer of the contractor’s or
subcontractor’s employees.

In labor-only contracting, the statute creates an employer-

employee relationship for a comprehensive purpose: to
prevent a circumvention of labor laws. The contractor is
considered merely an agent of the principal employer and the
latter is responsible to the employees of the labor-only
contractor as if such employees had been directly employed by
the principal employer. A finding of a “labor-only” contractor
is equivalent to a finding that an employer-employee
relationship exists between the company and the labor
contractor’s employee, the relationship being such as provided
by the law itself. (In technical terms, the principal employer is
solitarily liable with the labor-only contractor for all the
rightful claims of the employees

Other Illicit Forms of Employment

DOLE Department Order No. 174, Series of 2017

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