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Lesson Plan

English 9: Quarter 3
Lesson Duration: 55 minutes
Teacher: Carmie Rovertz G. Santillan

DLC No. and Statement: EN9LC-IIId-6.5: Recognize faulty logic, unsupported facts, and emotional
Topic: Faulty Logic, Unsupported Facts, and Emotional Appeal
Value to be Integrated: Honesty
Value Concept: Honesty is about speaking and acting truthfully. Faulty logic, unsupported facts, and
emotional appeal are persuasion techniques aiming to mislead viewers to act on something. The value of
honesty in application to the topic will encourage learners to be truthful of their words and actions.

I. Learning Competency
EN9LC-IIId-6.5: Recognize faulty logic, unsupported facts, and emotional appeal
1. Recognize faulty logic, unsupported facts, and emotional appeal. - C
2. Uphold honesty through speaking and acting truthfully -A
3. Identify faulty logic, unsupported facts, and emotional appeal found in statements and
materials. -B
II. Learning Content
Lesson: Faulty Logic, Unsupported Facts, and Emotional Appeal
● Presentation
● Whiteboard
● Laptop
● Pen
● Projector
● Worksheets
● Eraser
● Marker
1. Appeal to the Reader’s Emotion. Mometrix. (2023, January 18).
2. City Schools Division of Tayabas. (n.d.). G9 English lesson exemplar 3rd Quarter. Share
and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare.
3. Jollibee Studios. (2016, December 10). Ang Regalo ni Lolo. YouTube.
4. Matillano, J. S., & Abarientos, A. C. (2020). English Quarter 3 – Module 2: Connecting to
the World.
5. Vergara, R. A. V. (n.d.). English 9-Q3-M5. Scribd.

III. Learning Tasks

Introduction: How do you convince someone that you are right?
People use different techniques and strategies to make sure that other people will believe
them, and it is important for us to determine whether we are getting convinced using the right
reason. At the same time, when trying to convince someone, we need to have the capacity to
win them through factual information.
Preliminary Activity:
Task 1: Explain it!
Direction: Students will watch and analyze the commercial.
Guide Questions:

 What is the product being advertised?

 Is the tv commercial convincing? Why or why not?
 What is your favorite commercial?
Task 2: I choose you!
Direction: Students will analyze the pictures and statements carefully.
Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3


1. What did you noticed with the way the candidates encourage the people to vote for
them? - C
2. Do you find their way of persuading the people convincing? Why or why not? – C
3. What do you think are the consequences of immediately believing anything someone
says? –C/A
4. If someone is convincing you, what should be their quality for you to believe them?
Why? – A
5. How can you show honesty in your words and actions?- B
6. What is the importance of knowing how to determine factual information in a
statement? – C
Task 3: Did you know?
● Faulty logic
-Faulty means imperfect, mistaken or misleading because of flaws.
-Logic is a science that deals with the formal principles of reasoning
-Faulty Logic is an imperfect reasoning that can mislead viewers to believe a
claim and to act. Can be commonly seen in advertisements, magazines, tv
commercials, etc.

6 Types of Faulty Logic:

1. Circular Reasoning- Supporting a claim by reinstating the claim.
2. Overgeneralization- Concluding based on a specific and limited information
3. Self-Contradiction- Stating a position that contradicts earlier statements.
4. False Causality- When two events happened simultaneously and there’s the
assumption that one caused the other. Cause and effect relationship, but the cause
is false.
5. Over-simplification- Assumption that the problem is created by a specific cause
although there are several other factors to consider.
6. Assumptions- The statement is based merely on opinion, stereotype, and can be
proven false.

● Unsupported Facts
-Fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
-Unsupported Facts are claims that have occurred but there is not enough evidence to
support it. It is also used to persuade people through misleading claims.

● Emotional Appeal
-Does not use logic, reasons, or facts. Emotional appeal targets the heart and emotion
of the viewer to win them and convince them to act.

Task 4: Try me
Direction: Students will specify if the pictures used faulty logic, unsupported facts or
emotional appeal and explain why within two sentences.

1. 2.

3. 4.


Score Description
3 The persuasive technique used was correctly identified and it is supported by
two sentences justifying the answer.
2 The persuasive technique used was correctly identified and it is supported by
one sentence justifying the answer.
1 The persuasive technique used was correctly identified, but there’s no
supporting sentences to justify the answer.

Task 5:
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: The students will read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct
1. Maria and her siblings are all beautiful, their mother must be gorgeous. What
persuasive technique was used in the statement?
a. Faulty Logic
b. Unsupported Facts
c. Emotional Appeal
d. Circular Reasoning

2. Juan told his parents that he failed the exam because he and his friends just had a fight
so he’s not doing well. What persuasive technique was used in the statement?
a. Faulty Logic
b. Unsupported Facts
c. Emotional Appeal
d. Circular Reasoning

3. Sarah is the prettiest woman that you will ever see. What persuasive technique was
used in the statement?
a. Faulty Logic
b. Unsupported Facts
c. Emotional Appeal
d. Circular Reasoning

4. What persuasive techniques were used in the following statements?

I. My mother stopped preparing my meal, she doesn’t love me anymore.
II. Math is harder than Science.
a. Emotional Appeal and Faulty Logic
b. Faulty Logic and Unsupported Facts
c. Unsupported Facts and Emotional Appeal
d. Both statements I and II used Faulty Logic.

5. What persuasive techniques were used in the following statements?

I. Dogs are the best pet animal to have.
II. Jenna asked her parents to buy her a phone for her birthday so she can celebrate it
a. Emotional Appeal and Faulty Logic
b. Faulty Logic and Unsupported Facts
c. Unsupported Facts and Emotional Appeal
d. Both statements I and II used Faulty Logic.

Answer Key:
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. a
II. True or False
Direction: Students will write T if the statement is True, F if the statement is False.
1. To win an argument, Mia enumerated the challenges she faced. Mia used faulty logic.
2. To make his essay effective, Lance wrote a lot of his opinions. Lance used
unsupported facts.
3. The advertisement used a hardworking mother for a biscuit product. The
advertisement utilized emotional appeal.
4. Claiming that something is true based on a stereotype is an example of an
unsupported fact.
5. To contradict oneself to win an argument is an example of faulty logic.
Answer Key:
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T


Direction: Students will write an essay about different ways they can think of to
become a channel of factual information.

Essay Rubric:

Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Below Expectations

(5) (3) (1)

Five different ways to Three to four different One to two different

become channel of ways to become channel ways to become
Content factual information are of factual information channel of factual
accurately identified. are accurately identified. information are
accurately identified.
The introduction is The introduction is The introduction is not
inviting and the inviting and the inviting and the
conclusion is strengthens conclusion does not really conclusion is not
Organization the arguments in the strengthen the relevant to the paper.
paper. Ideas are arguments stated in the Most of the ideas are
presented in a logical paper. Some ideas are not presented in a
order. presented in a logical logical order.
Sentences are well Most of the sentences Some of the sentences
constructed with very few are well constructed are well constructed
Grammar mistakes in grammar, with few mistakes in with several mistakes in
punctuation, and spelling. grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. and spelling.

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