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Jaffe's Method, lnitial Rate
Oiagnoslic rcagenl lor quanlrlairve m v/ro delerminailon
Use serum, plasma (h€parin, EOTA) or urine.
of Creatinine in human serum, plasma and urne byJatre It is recommended to follow NCCLS proceduros (or similar
standardized condilions).
CLINICALSIGNIFICANCE in serum / pla6ma: 7 days at4-25'C
Crsstinine is a wasle produclformed in muscle from the al least 3 months at-20'C
high energy storage compound, creailne phosphate. The 2 days al2G-25"C
amount of creatinine prcduced s fairly constant (unlike 6 days al4-8'C
Urea)and is pdmarily afunclion ofmuscle mass lt is not 6 months at-20'c
grea y affe( l.d bydral ag". se' o'"'er.'se Crcdun,le rs For lhe delermination in uine use24 hours specim€ is imponant
remoEd frcm plasma by glomerular nlieraiion and then to e)€clly moasureth€ ofcollecied uine. Dilute udne samples
excroaied in unne withoui any apprcciable resorption by in 1+19 raiio with dislilled water and multiply results by 20.
Discard cootaminaled specim€ns.
Crcatinioe is used to assess r6nal flnclion however
serum creatinine levels do noi siart io rise until rena ASSAY PARAITI ETERS
function has decreased by al least 50%.

METHODOLOGY Wavelenolh Inm ) 505

I\4odined Jatfe s rcaclion. Sam ple Volum e (p l) 50/10 0
Rsaoent Volu m e (ul 500/1000
PRINCIPLE Las Tim e (Soc.) 20
Creatinine reacts wilh alkaline picBte to prcduce an Kinelic InteNal (Sec ) 60
olange-yellow colour ( the Jaffe's rcaction ) Specincity of
the assay has been improred by the introduclion of an
ininal rale melhod. How€\€r, Cephalosporin aniibiolics Rea ction Tem peralu re ('C ) 37
arc still majorinlederants. Re action Direciion
The abso.bance ofthe orange-yellow colour formed is NormalLow (m s/d l) 0.6
dir€ctly proportional io creatinine concent€lion and is NormalHioh lm o/dl 1.4
measurcd photomeldcally al 500 520nm. Linearity Low (m s/d l) 0
LinerritvHioh (m o/d I 25
Abs rban ce Lim it ([4ax )
o 0.3
REAGENT 1: Picric Acid Reagent
Alank w ilh
Picdc &id I 25.8 mmdA Standard C o nce nlration (m g/dl 2
REAGET{T 2: Sodium Hydroxido Reagent
Sodium Hvdro(ide I 95 mmol/L Programme param6terslor specific clin ical analysers
are available on requ6st.
Creatinine Standard
Creatinine Standard I 2 mo/dl {0.166 ASSAYPR@EDURE

REAGENT PREDARATION workinq R eaoenr 1000 ! 10 00 ul

Roagent (R1 & R2) arc ready lo use. Mix equal'rolumo
of Reag€nl (Ri 8 R2) lo prepa€ working reagen(.
I00 ul
Unop€ned Reag6nG 1,2 and standard arc stable till the lrix well and read initial absobance (A, ) 20 seconds ansr
epiry dale srared on the label. m {.9 and final Jbso'ban( e / A ) 80 seco.ds aler mixing
tfie Standard vial plugged afr6r us€, in or-
cotrt PAR|soN
der to avoid deterioration. Acompa son belween L|QUly\X CREA]'IN|NE (y)and a commercially
Tle Working Reagenl is stabl€ fo.21 days al 2-8'C. The availabie lest (x)using 40 samples ga!€ follow ng results:
absorbance of the reag€nt blank should be Epprormately <
0.3 at505 nm when read ageinst distilled water y= 0.998 x + 2.564 lmol/r

d Uanutactured by : TRANSASIA BIO-MEDICALS LTD., Nalagarh Road, Village Malpur, Baddi, Dist. Solan, (HP) - 173205.
ln Technical Collaboration with : eRBA diagnostics Mannhcim GmbH .[au3ir, 69-73, D - 68219, rrannhetm / Gsmany
Calculate th€ results as follows: Precision:
Wilhin run
Nurnberofsamp es (i) 20 20
Mean (mg/dl) 1_7 4_84
A A of Tsst
._ Concentralion of 006 008
"ffilllil' ^ srandard (ms/dl) c.v.% 3.53 1.65
^ ^"*"r* Belween run
Numberofsamples (n) 2A 20
Mean (mg/dl) 1 4 71
This assay is linoar upto 25 mg/dl. Forhigher\alues it is rscom-
mendedto dilut€lhe sampleswilh nomalsaline and repeat tho S, D, 0.023 0.14
assay. Multiply lhe resolts by dilution factor. c.v. v, 23 2.97


1. The reagent and sample volumes may be allered For i, vitlo diagnostic use. To be handled by entilled and
propotionally to accommodale \,€rious analyzer requke- professionaly educated pelson.
menls. The eagent R2 contains initating 1.0% sodium hydroxide_

2. The temperature oflhe kinelic assay musi be maintained WASTE DISFOSAL

coslant as the rate of colour de\elopment is strongly All tested samples should be lreated as potentially inf€ctious
temperEture sensitile. and wilh an slentual rest of r€egents should be disposed in
intemal regulations for dangemus waste'
3. cross haemotysis causes fatsety erelaied resutts ",::::::::-lithlh6
incompliancewith localand national regutationsrelatingtothe
4, Bilirubin, aceton€, ascorblc acid, pyluvlc acid, safe handling ofdangerous matedals.
barbltuates, and prolein int rler6 wlth Jaff.'s Paper packing and others should be handed o\€r for recycling
reaclion. For nlorc compreh.Bive ,eviow of lactofs or discaded as sorted waste (paper, glass, plastic).
- a$.€tiry +€ts to therut leliehs of
Young€tal. REFEREI{CES

1. Bowers, 1..D. ( 1980 )Clin Chem. 26; 551.

For quality control ERBA NORM and ERBA PATH are rBcom- 2. Bartel, H. ( 1972 ) Clin. Chem.Acta 37,193.
mended. 3. Slol, C. ( 1S65 )Scand. J. Clin Lab. lnlest 17. 381
4. Young D.S. ( 1975 ) Clin. Chem. 21; 266D.
Male 0.7- 1.4 mg/dl PACK PRESENTATION
Female 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dl Reagent-l &agonl-2
Urine 0.06-0.2 mg/dl Code Sodium hydrorldo Standard
It b recomnEndod ihat each lalroratory verlfy this range or
derives rcfurcnce lntervalfor the population it serves, 120246 4x60lnl 2 x60ml 2 x 60ml I r$nl

Following subslances do not intedere: The tollowing symbols are us€d in the labelling of
bilirubin up to 15 mg/dl, homoglobin up to 10 9/t, triglyceddes ERBAMannheim kils:
up to 1000 mg/dl.
@ cauoeuero C€ ii,y#;HlT,T,ii,E"

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Revision No. : 7- CRE
Date of tssue : 09/ 11/2016
8 [T]l',:;5*"."*, ffi c-.urt,.r,*onio,u*

tso 9001, tso 13485 t*".*.,*.r.

l cno Ie,oa,au,"@ conr"nr

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