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Work in pair and talk each other with the following idea

a. Greeting

b. Introduction
II. Use the word in the box to complete the question!

My what good welcome

How old

1. ''Hello, .… is Nadin.”

2. A : “.… is your name?”

B : My name is Rafi.'“

3. A : “Good moning, Ma’am.”

B : “ .… morning “

4. A: “Thank you, Sir”

B : “ You are … “

5. A : “ ... are you sweetie?”

B : “I am ten years old.”

III. Read the text below and appoint the sentence that shows greeting or self
A: Good Morning

B: Morning sir, how are you?

A: I am fine

B: What’s the problem sir?

A: Can I have the hotel telephone number?

B: Sure, It is 86021456

A: Hello sir, My name is Mike

B: Mike? I am Linda

A: I am the bellboy that will escort you to your romm

B: That’s great, thank you

A: You’re welcome sir

Write down below

1. ….…………………………………..

2. ….…………………………………..

3. ….………………………………….

4. ….……………………………………

5. ….…………………………………..
I. Practice the following conversation with your friend!
1. Guest Check-in (1 )
Receptionist : “Good afternoon Sir, may I help you?”
Guest : “Good afternoon. I am Steve Gerald. I have a
reservation for five days.”
Receptionist : “Welcome to Cozy Hotel, Mr. Gerald. Would you
fill this registration form?”
Guest : “Of course.”
Receptionist : “Thank you, Mr. Gerald. Here is your key, the
keycard, and a bellboy will escort you to the room, have a nice
stay with us.”

2. Guest Check-out
Receptionist : “Good afternoon, Ma’am. How may I help you?”
Guest : “Good afternoon. My stay is over, and I’m
checking out now.”
Receptionist : “Well, may I have your room number, Ma’am?”
Guest : “It’s 206.”
Receptionist : “Just a moment is your bill,
Guest :“Alright. Thanks. Here is the key.”
Receptionist : “Thank you, Ma’am. How was your stay here?
Did you enjoy it?”
Guest : “Actually yes, this hotel is great enough, and
the facilities are quite complete. I like the coffee shop and
the swimming pool a lot. However, it was rather noisy last
Receptionist : “We are sorry for the inconvenience, Ma’am.
We guarantee it won’t happen again.”
Guest : “It’s ok.”
Receptionist : “Thank you very much for your stay, Ma’am. We
hope you can visit us again and have a wonderful trip!”
Guest : “You’re welcome.”
II. Complete the following conversation using the correct answer!

Receptionist : “Good afternoon, Sir. (1)......................?”

Guest : “Good afternoon. I’d like a room for two
Receptionist : “(2).........................?”
Guest : “My name is Robert Steward.”
Receptionist : “Alright Sir,(3)...............................?”
Guest : “I’m sorry; I can’t see the form clearly
because I’ve got troubles with my eyes.”
Receptionist : “Well, no worries, Sir.(4) .................. ?”
Guest : “Yes, please. Thank you very much.”
Receptionist : “My pleasure, Sir.
Receptionist : “Well, (5) ............................ . A
bellboy will escort you to the room.”
Guest : “Ok, thank you.”
Receptionist : “You’re welcome, Sir. Have a nice stay!”

III. Answer the following questions from the text below

Receptionist belongs to front office department. The

receptionist can be defined as a person who registers guests,
allocates room for guests, handles all messages for guests,
updates the room rack including the in-house guests, and makes a
list of the guests who want to leave the hotel (Sutisna, 2008).
Moreover, the jobs of a hotel receptionist include welcoming
guests as they arrive, assigning rooms to guests, giving guests
their keys, taking and passing on messages, checking guests in
and out of the hotel, handling foreign exchange, preparing guests’
bills and taking payments, and assisting guests with any special
requests (Negi, Jagmohan M.J., 2013). In other words, the duties
of a receptionist encompass welcoming the guests, registering
guests, handling the room bookings, and helping guests of any
special requests.

1. What are the responsibilities of a receptionist?

2. What are the activities carried out by a receptionist when a
guest arrives in the hotel?
some expressions usually used in receiving phone calls are listed below
− “What can I do for you?”
− “May I help you?”
− “Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!”
− “ I am sorry... “.
− “ Could you repeat that please ?”
− “ Thank you.“
− “ Certainly Sir “ / Certainly Ma’am.”
− “ Please hold on “
− “ I will connect you with …”
− “ You’re welcome.”
− “ Thank you for calling us “
− “Thank you for letting us know about it “
− “ I am sorry the line is busy; would you like to wait or call back later on?”

I. Make a conversation about telephone operator with your friend

using the idea below!

The noisy complain

II. Complete the following conversation using the appropriate words
from the box!
Could Name Moment Cal

Connect Tried Help Would

Telephone Operator : “Good afternoon, Mulia Hotel, how may I

(1)______ you?”
Mr. John : “Good afternoon. I’ve (2)_____ to call my
brother, but I couldn’t. He stays in your hotel. (3)_____ you
please (4)____ me to him?”
Telephone Operator : “Certainly, Sir. (5)_____ you give me your
(6)_____ and his name?”
Mr. John : “I am John, and my brother is Tom Gates.”
Telephone Operator : “Alright, Sir. Wait a (7)_______, please.”
Telephone Operator : “Good afternoon Mr. Gates. There is a
(8)______ for you. It’s from Mr. John.”
Mr. Gates : “Ok, thank you.”

III. Answer the following question from the text below!

Telephone operator is one of the parts of the front office
department. The existence of a telephone operator is very
necessary. It links the communication either within hotel
staffs or beyond the hotel staffs. The main responsibilities of
a telephone operator are to receive and deliver the incoming
and outgoing calls from or to a certain department that should
be connected to the right extension (Sutisna, 2008).
Some notes that should be highlighted by a telephone
operator while he/she is on the phone (Sutisna, 2008) are as
follows. Preparing a notepad and pen, Picking up the phone on
maximum three times ringing, Greeting the caller and
identifying himself/herself, Respecting the caller, Using brief
and concise utterances, Speaking in a courteous manner and
avoid debate.

1. What are the duties of a telephone operator?

2. What should be noted by a telephone operator when he/ she is on
the phone?
Banqueting activities:
a. Conferences
b. Cocktail party
c. Wedding parties
d. Formal and informal luncheon
e. Dinner parties
f. Arisan and other private functions

I. Practice the following conversation with your friend!

Arranging Wedding Party

Banquet staff : “Hello, good afternoon. This is Lia speaking
may I help you?”
Jony : “Hello, good afternoon. May I ask for some
information dealing with banquet service for the wedding party?”
Banquet staff : “Certainly, Sir. May I know how many guests
will attend the party?”
Jony : “I guess there will be approximately 1000
people who come to our party.”
Banquet staff : “Great, thank you for your information, Sir.
Then, do you expect to have a certain theme for your party?”
Jony : “Hmmm… not really, but my fiance wish the
venue to be dominated with pink color. It will be nice if you
use pink flowers for the decoration.”
Banquet staff : “Ok, well noted Sir. We will decorate it as you
wish. Is there any other request?”
Jony : “So far, nope.”
Banquet staff : “Then, dealing with the menu, have you decided
the menu for the party?”
Jony : “I haven’t talked about that yet. Should I
answer it now?”
Banquet staff : “Of course no, Sir. Or maybe may we have your
email address so that we can send you the detail of the menu,
prices and other services that you may need for wedding party?”
Jony : “That sounds better. I need time to discuss
with my
fiance about the detail of it. This is my email address”
Banquet staff : “Thank you, Sir. We will send the detail
information right away. Thank you for calling us, and we are
hoping for our future patronage.”
Jony : “You’re welcome. Bye”

Present Perfect Tense In the Indonesian language, we commonly

recognize it as “sudah”. It expresses something that happens
before now. (Have/ Has + V3). Examples: I have watched the movies,
She hasn’t finished her homework, Have you ever seen snow?, Has
He ever visited this place?, We have had breakfast already.

II. Decide which sentences are grammatically correct or incorrect by

relating to “Present Perfect Tense”!
1. My mother has the newest smartphone.
2. Rudi have created a very sophisticated computer programs.
3. The cleaning service staff has done his job.
4. The company has accepted two new workers.
5. The bricklayer has painted my house.
III.Please do the exercise based on reading passage below!

Arisan n the Hotel

Mrs. Teti is a busy housewife. Every day she prepares what
is needed by her husband and her kids. She starts her activity
at 04:00 in the morning and goes to bed usually at 22:00 after
her husband comes home. She does all her jobs with a warm smile,
and all is done nicely. She is such an inspiring housewife and
very lovely mom.
Not only works dealing with the house core, but she is also
active in any organization especially motherhood community that
is commonly known in Indonesia as arisan. It is a typical
monthly or weekly activity that is attended by women who have
already been married. It becomes an informal social event in
which all participants must pay a certain amount of money, and
the total money will be given to one person who is decided
based on the lottery. One of the participants must host the
event that is commonly in their houses.
In this occasion, Mrs. Teti gets the turn to host arisan.
She has a plan to host it differently. Luckily, several days
ago she got a brochure from 40 English for Hotel Management
SUKA Hotel which offers a package of arisan. She read it
carefully and finally decided to use SUKA Hotel for hosting
Mrs. Teti called the SUKA Hotel and ordered the banquet
service for the arisan event. She chose the menu, the room, the
decoration, and also fun souvenir for her friends. The hotel
also gave Master of Ceremony for free to make the event more
fun. Mrs. Teti then does not have to be busy in preparing her
house to host the arisan because everything will be done in the
On the day of arisan, Mrs. Teti’s friends were very
surprised and happy because they got a very satisfying service
from the hotel. They have ideas to always do arisan in hotels.

1. What is the occupation of Mrs. Teti?

2. How often is arisan held?
3. Where is the location of arisan hosted by Mrs. Teti?
4. What is the free service given by the hotel for the arisan
5. Do Mrs. Teti’s friends feel excited with the arisan in the
Reading numbers :
100 one hundred
580 five hundred and eighty
1,000 one thousand
10,500 ten thousand five hundred
1,000,000 one million
2,575,000 two million five hundred and
seventy-five thousand
1,000,000,000 one billion

I. Practice the following conversation with your friend!

Mr. Tanto : “Hallo, good morning.”
Hotel staff : “Hallo good morning Sir. How can I help you?”
Mr. Tanto : “I am staying at the hotel across the street, I
heard that this hotel has a nice swimming pool and golf course. So
I am planning to move out to this hotel tomorrow. Could you please
inform me of the room rate of this hotel for the next five days?”
Hotel staff : “With pleasure, Sir. What kind of room that you
prefer to stay?”
Mr. Tanto : “I prefer to stay in the family room because I
will stay with my wife and my son.”
Hotel staff : “Please wait for a moment, Sir ... For the next
five days, there are four family room options that we have, the
first one is the regular family room with the rate of Rp 1.500.000
per night. The second one is the family room with mountain view
with the rate of Rp 1.680.000 per night. The third one is the
family room with a garden view with the rate Rp 1.700.000 per night,
and the last one is the family room with the direct access to the
swimming pool with the rate Rp 1.830.000 per night.”
Mr. Tanto : “Okey then, the family room with the direct access
to the swimming pool sounds nice for me. I’ll take it then. How
much the total of it?”
Hotel staff : “Okey Sir, the total room rate family room with
the direct access to the swimming pool for five nights is Rp
Mr. Tanto : “So I have to do the pre payment?”
Hotel staff : “Yes, that would be better Sir. We usually require
30% of it for the pre payment.”
Mr. Tanto : “No problem, this is my credit card.”
Hotel staff : “Thank you, Sir. Please wait for a minute. I’ll
process it.”
Hotel staff : “Here you are, Sir. You’re all set.”
Mr. Tanto : “Okey thanks, see you.”
Hotel staff : “See you. Have a good day.”

II. Please write these numbers in English!

1. Rp 1.720.004 =…………
2. Rp 525.030 =…………
3. Rp 38.120 =…………
4. Rp 5.250.740 =…………
5. Rp 11.930.022 =…………

III. Fill in the blank based on information from text below!

Andi and Dimas are a best friend. They have the same hobby
which is backpacking. They love traveling with the minimum
budget. Last year they were planning to go to Bali to celebrate
New Year’s Eve. Dimas asked Andi to browsed for the nice and
affordable accommodation in Bali. They preferred to stay in
Kuta which is very well known for its lovely beaches. Andi used
online booking platform to book browsed and booked the
accommodations. He sorted the hotels from the cheapest one.
Andi got a list of good hotels that were perfect for their trip.
The cheapest one was the dormitory room with the rate of Rp
80.000 per night for two people. The other type was a double
room with the rate Rp 150.000 per night for two people. Having
got the names of the hotel, Andi discussed with Dimas, and they
agreed to book the double room one since they want to have a
private room to keep their belongings safely. Afterwards, Andi
also gives the list of transportation that they might use to
reach Bali. Finally, they come into an agreement to use plane
since they got it in quite a low price that is Rp 400.000 for a
one-way ticket. They also booked the motorbike rental which
costs RP 50.000 per day. Everything run as planned. They
enjoyed their trip a lot and got a memorable new year’s eve
celebration. In total, they spent Rp 450.000 for three days
excluding the flight tickets. They were addicted to doing the
same budget traveling or commonly known as backpacking again in
the next holiday season.

1. The double room rate for three days is ….

2. The one-way tickets for Andi and Dimas cost …
3. The motorbike rental for three days is …
4. If Andi and Dimas took the dormitory room, how much it will
cost them? …
5. If the hotel gives a discount of 25%, how much it will cost
Andi and Dimas for one night staying in a double room? …

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