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ALISON By M.B. Forester-Smythe Published by M.B. Forester-Smythe at Smashwords Copyright 2010 M.B.


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Alison Ridgefield glanced at her watch, briskly making her way up the flagstone path to the front door. To her surprise it was slightly open and she could hear an angry voice inside. While her gut was screaming at her to run she knew the right thing to do was stay. This was, after all, an interview. The mellow chimes of the doorbell brought an end to the loud voices. A second later the door swung open to reveal a very tall, very good looking, very pissed off man. He glared at her in welcome. What? Undeterred she smiled. Im Alison Ridgefield and Im looking for Mr. Cole Montgomery.

Cole stared at the petite woman in front of him. Good lord she was short! The top of her head barely made it to the middle of his chest! Shed mentioned her name and he belatedly remembered who she was. Right, he ground out. The housekeeping assistant job. She nodded, her brown eyes sparkling as she tucked back a strand of dark hair. Yes. That damn woman started screeching through the phone in his hand and he glowered at it. Would you be able to come back some other time? Nows not a good time. She pulled out her Blackberry and nodded. What day works best for you? What day? Hell if he knew! He shoved a hand through his short dark hair. Tomorrow morning, same time but at the office, he finally said. Address? He gave it to her and she smiled. Ill see you tomorrow. Have a good day, Mr. Montgomery. He stood there for a second then remembered the phone. God hed be lucky if he ever dated another woman after today!

Hoping he was in a much better mood today, Alison gave her name to a man in the lobby who phoned Coles office. Hell see you now, he said politely and directed her to his floor. She knocked on his door and at his bidding entered an office the size of her studio. The man behind the desk kept those midnight eyes on her while the other four turned to watch her. She smiled and shook his hand. He waved for the two in front of his desk to offer her a chair and she smiled her thanks. He didnt say anything when she sat down so she tucked her legs beneath the chair, folded her hands and waited.

She had great legs, he noticed and fought the urge to stare. They werent exactly slim; they were toned, the muscles defined with each step she took in her high heels. He followed her legs to the floral print skirt to the v-neck white shirt to the silver chain around her neck to those brown eyes that were smiling at him. Ms. Ridgefield, thank you for coming. Youre welcome and its just Alison or Ali. Very well, Alison, and its Cole. These are my colleagues. He named off each man starting with the two on her left, Mark Gilbert and Travis Hamilton, to the two on her right, Josh Miller and Sam Harper. Nice to meet you all, she said politely. He glanced over her resume but didnt know what the hell he was reading. Alison, Ill be honest. You look too young to do this job and Im looking for someone who can hold their own. I dont have time to be overly sensitive about someones feelings. She regarded him in silence for a moment then said, I know that I dont look old enough to handle this job but I assure you I can do it. Its not just determination; its experience. Sometimes the best experience isnt gained from a job but from life. That may be so but I wont waste my time trying to figure you out so I dont offend your or make you feel uncomfortable. Its not just my job thats stressful; its my personal life. You need to take orders without questioning me. You need to understand that if I snap at you it may have nothing to do with you at all. The people in my life can be just as demanding and theyre in my home or office and I ask you to assist them, youll need to do it without complaining.

And I can do that, she insisted. Im not some hormonally sensitive high school teenager. You being demanding and maybe a little insensitive to my feelings is expected. Im not going to run away crying about you having hurt my feelings. I can do whatever you need me to do to make your life and home more manageable. Cole leaned back in his chair, thoughtfully tapping his pen against his desk. He reread her resume; combined with what shed just said he knew she was capable of doing the job. He just felt a bit guilty about jading her at such a young age. How old are you, Alison? She blinked, slightly taken aback by his question. Twenty-six. It was his turn to blink but with surprise. Twenty-six? Yes. Understanding lit her eyes and she chuckled softly. How old did you think I am? Not twenty-six! he said gruffly. Two of his colleagues shifted and smirked. Ignoring them she said, I assure you Im old enough to do this job and old enough to do it well. He nodded, glaring at his colleagues. He released a deep breath and leaned forward. You start tomorrow at seven. I dont care if youre an hour early but do not be late. The warning was clear and she nodded her understanding. He wrapped his fingers around hers in a firm handshake and eyed those legs as she walked out.

Alison rang the doorbell a few minutes to seven and inhaled sharply when Cole opened the door. He gave her a surly Good morning and a quick tour of the house. It was a simple layout living and dining rooms, kitchen, spare bedroom, bathroom and laundry room downstairs; three bedrooms, bathroom and office upstairs. You have the run of the house, he was saying on their to the kitchen. You start at six every morning and are on call in the evenings, weekends and holidays. I leave for work at a quarter to eight. Your time will be divided between here and my office. How you schedule out your day is up to you but I expect you to stay on top of whatever I ask you to do on any given day. She stood opposite him at the counter as he rattled off more instructions, stopping only to ask, Are you going to write this down? I dont want to repeat myself. You wont have to. He grunted and carried on. Before he shouldered his laptop bag they exchanged phone numbers and said on his way out, Todays list is by the front door. Ill be home around seven. If Im running late Ill call by six-thirty. If theres a change of plans Ill call by three. The door closed and the house was quiet. She picked up the list and mapped out her day. He didnt call all day so she prepared him a simple dinner of herbal couscous, cranberry pork chops, and sunflower salad. She plated it when she heard the garage door open and smiled when he walked into the kitchen.

Cole couldnt remember the last time his house smelled this good. She was dishing out a salad when he walked in and he loosened his tie when she smiled. How was work? she asked politely as he took a seat. Hell. Sorry to hear that. Beer? Water? Juice? Soda? Rum and coke. She didnt even blink as she brought him his request and when he downed it she raised an eyebrow, the bottle of rum in her hand. He gave a curt nod and she poured another. Will you need anything else? A hot shower and a sleeping pill, he muttered. She chuckled. I cant do anything about either but Ill get clothes out for your shower. He heard her climb the stairs and a few minutes later she said, Theres clothes on the hamper in your bathroom and Ive put your laptop bag in your office. She came around the counter and started cleaning the dishes in the sink. There were a few messages for you; theyre on your desk. Also, Im not sure if you knew but the lock for the patio doors is broken. I called a locksmith company and theyll be here tomorrow between nine and eleven to fix it. They said theyll mail you a bill. She rinsed the last dish and wiped her hands. He finished his dinner and declined when she offered seconds. She made quick work of the leftovers and he asked, Did you eat? She smiled. Ill eat when I get home. Thank you for dinner. It was great. Youre welcome. Anything else? He shook his head. Ill see you tomorrow. When shed gone he suddenly realized how quiet it was.

When she got to his house, she discovered an envelope with her name on the welcome mat. The note inside informed her this was her key to the house. She let herself in and heard him upstairs. She made a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, sliced fruit and coffee. When he came downstairs, he was adjusting his tie. Good morning, she greeted. Morning. He eyed the food on the counter. Looks good.

She smiled and finished tidying up. She retrieved his laptop bag from his office, grabbed the coat from the desk chair and set them on the foyer table. She picked up the list for the day on her way into the kitchen. When hed finished eating, she cleaned everything up then held out his coat. After he left she opened the windows and did some laundry. The locksmith arrived after nine and fixed the lock. Then her work began. He had her running all over town picking up paperwork and various items for his office. She picked up lunch and when she arrived it was twelve-thirty. With a smile she handed him his lunch of soup and a roast beef sandwich, then laid out everything else hed asked for. He finished his lunch with a slight smile. Howd you know I like roast beef? She tilted her head. I didnt but Ive yet to meet a man who doesnt. Thank you for lunch and for picking up all this stuff. It was on the list, she said as the door opened behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, saw his colleagues and rose to make room. They quieted as they found various places to sit and she turned her attention back to Cole. Do you need anything else? Not at the moment. Do you have much to finish today? She scrolled through her phone and handed it to him so he could see. Theres a few more items to take care of but I can do that on the way back to your house. He handed it back. Thanks again for lunch. She took that as her cue to leave and with a smile to everyone there, she left.

Cole shut the garage door and inhaled deeply. A smile tweaked the corners of his mouth. It smelled good whatever she cooking. She greeted him with a smile, gave him a beer to go with the steak and baked potato shed made, then disappeared to put his things away. When she came back, he was halfway done. The last steak I had definitely wasnt at home, he said. Youre a good cook. She smiled. Thanks. Since youre not allergic to anything it makes cooking for you easier. He polished off his plate and she washed the remaining dishes. After letting him know where his things were, she bid him goodnight and left. He grabbed another beer and went to his office. His laptop bag was propped up beside the desk and messages waited in a neat pile. He picked them up; her handwriting was neat, slightly slanted to the left and not too big. His last assistant had written so small hed had to constantly bug her over what shed written. He eased into the leather chair and noticed a pile of bills with a sticky note on the top one. Im not sure how you want me to pay these for you. Please let me know and Ill take care of them tomorrow. A black envelope with his name in silver rested on the keyboard. It was an invitation for his brothers wedding in two months. He filled out the RSVP card and left it for her to mail. He opened his laptop and groaned as it started up. He hated working at home, hated bringing work home period. He glared at the blue screen, downed the rest of his beer and got to work. It was almost one in the morning when he finally called it quits.

She was like a machine, except she was very much alive. She breathed, laughed, smiled. She was warmth and comfort. Shed been his employee for a month and their routine now was effortless. Coffee and breakfast was always done when he emerged from his shower. His laptop bag and coat were on the foyer table. The days she came to the office, she brought lunch along with paperwork. Dinner was ready the evenings he went home. The evenings he had a change of plans, she waited until he would get home before leaving. After a month of working for him, she started staying late at his home or his office. She was proving her worth, helping run numerous errands no matter how mundane, always making sure things on the list were taken care of. Her warm personality and ever present smile made him feel guilty when he would snap at her because he was frustrated with something or someone else. And more than once he found himself falling asleep to visions of her sparkling eyes, throaty laugh, and warming smile.

She could hear her phone ringing and rolled over to squint at the clock. One-forty-eight. Shaking the haze from her brain she picked up. Hello? Alison? Cole? Yes. He chuckled. Did I wake you? Its ten to two so the answer would be yes. Did you need something? He chuckled again. Yes, actually I do. Could you pick me up? I dont think I can drive. Where are you? Charlottes Tavern. Thats right. Friday hed called to let her know he was going to dinner with his colleagues and not to wait for him, to have a good weekend and hed see her Monday. Whos with you? she asked and pulled on a pair of jeans. Cole? Right now no one but Oh, there they are! Hey, guys! Alisons on the phone! A round of laughter and whistles filtered through the phone. She frowned and tugged on a t-shirt. Ill be there in a bit.

Ten minutes later she strolled into Charlottes and nodded at Cliff, the bartender. Have you seen Cole Montgomery? she asked him. Cliff pointed with his chin. The mans big but I think hes had enough. Can you manage? She nodded and thanked him. In a corner of the bar gathered around the table was Cole and his colleagues. Cole? His head lolled back and from the glazed look in his eyes she knew he was pretty smashed. Hi, Alishun! he slurred. Are you my ride home? Yes, I am but lets get your friends home first. One by one she got them into Coles Range Rover and was damned tired by the time she went back for Cole. Thanks for keeping an eye on him, Cliff. He snorted. Youre welcome, love. I like him and all but hes had too much. Let him sleep it off. She smiled tiredly. Will do. Say hi to Charlotte for me. She made it outside then paused to lean against the building to catch her breath. Gimme a minute He slumped against her, knocking the wind out of her. He blinked bleary-eyed at her and she scrunched her nose at the smell of alcohol. With a deep breath she pushed away from the building and stumbled with him to the car. Using his navigator she got the guys home, apologizing profusely as she handed them off to whoever answered the door. At last she was headed to Coles. She managed to get him upstairs into his room and pushed his big frame onto the bed. She took a few deep breaths then tugged off his shoes, sock, belt and tie. He mumbled, turned over and she sighed. Come on, she muttered and maneuvered him to pull the comforter up. He was out cold when she finally stumbled out of his room and into the living room. Her phone read a little after three. With a stretch and a yawn she pulled the lap blanket over her and fell asleep.

Cole swore at the pounding in his head when he rolled to his feet. He grabbed for support and fell backwards. Damn it! he grumbled and winced at the sound of his own voice. He sat for a few minutes before attempting to stand again. Success! He splashed water on his face and managed to change into jeans and an undershirt. Downstairs he stopped when he saw long dark hair hanging over the edge of the couch. The blanket rose and fell with each deep breath and it took him a while to realize it was Alison under that blanket! She turned and he froze midstride at the sight of her pink lips, sleep flushed cheeks and dark lashes fanned out. Damn she was beautiful! He muttered and gently nudged her shoulder. Alison. She rubbed her face into the cushion and went back to sleep. Alison. She rolled over, stretched long and good on a huge yawn then froze when she saw him crouched beside her. Oh my god! She sat up straight frantically smoothing her shirt and hair. Cole! He winced at the sound of her voice and she quickly apologized. Im sorry. She rose quickly and folded the blanket. Do you feel better? Except for a slight ringing in my ears, Im fine thank you. From where he sat on his heels he found himself almost eye to eye with her and fought back a smile. Whyre you still here? She looked confused by his question at first then, Well, you called me early this morning to pick you up at Charlottes. I did but your friends were with you and by the time they got dropped off and we got here it was three oclock. I was too tired to go home, plus my cars still at Charlottes, so I crashed. She shrugged sheepishly. Im sorry, I didnt mean to stay this long but I wanted to make sure you were ok. He rose to his full height and looked down at her. Thank you. She gave a small smile. Youre welcome. Would you be able to drop off at Charlottes? Sure but maybe breakfast first? Her smile brightened. Of course! A simple breakfast of biscuits, vegetable omelets and coffee seemed to appear under her fingers and when they sat to eat he said, This is the first time youve eaten with me. Is it? Mornings here are usually a bit crazy though. Mornings were always crazy even before she started working for him but maybe, just maybe, they could make time to eat breakfast together from now on.

The rest of the weekend went smoothly for Alison. After picking up her car, she bought groceries and made stew to last for a few days. Friends came by Sunday afternoon and they spent the rest of the day shopping and just being girls. As she settled into bed that night, a movie playing on her laptop, she thought about Cole, about those dark eyes and that charming smile that appeared every now and then. When she arrived at Coles she was surprised to see him coming downstairs trying to button his cuffs. She left her things in the foyer and met him at the bottom of the stairs with a smile. Good morning! Here. She brushed his fingers aside, hesitating when she felt the warmth of his skin before buttoning both cuffs. Youre ready early, she said and walked into the kitchen to find the coffee already brewing. At a slight loss she asked, Did you need to leave early? No, I thought wed have breakfast together. Hed said it calm as day and she could only stare at him. Together? she repeated. His lips thinned as if shed implied it was a bad idea. Yes, together. Youre always doing stuff while I eat. Sit and eat with me. Oh, well, ok. And just cereal today. He brought out bowls and spoons and waited as she pulled out cereal boxes and milk. She hesitated when he poured his own cereal and at his questioning glance she confessed, My friends say the way I like my cereals a little disgusting.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Unless youre eating your cereal with soda or beer instead of milk, how can it be disgusting? Well Her voice trailed off, unsure of how to explain it so she poured a little of each cereal into her bowl, added the milk and ate.

Coles eyebrows rose as she ate. It wasnt disgusting; it was interesting. After a few spoonfuls he asked if he could try it and she pushed her bowl in his direction. It wasnt bad. He took another bite and then another. Hey! she exclaimed and made a grab for her bowl. Uh-uh. He swept the bowl closer and shoved his at her. This is pretty good. I might have to eat cereal like this from now on. She pouted. You could just make your own, she muttered but added more to her new bowl and ate contentedly. He grinned into his coffee mug, watching as she finished off the milk in the bowl and cleaned up. He turned to watch her walk up the stairs, was waiting in the foyer for her when she came down. She held out his coat and he shrugged into it, feeling the gentle pressure from her hands as they smoothed over his shoulders and arms. Taking his bag he said, There isnt a list today. Id like you to spend the day at my office. I have some files and paperwork that needs to be taken care of. You can use my car if I need you to leave the office. She nodded and before she could pick up her coat he held it out for her. He ran his hands over her shoulders and arms, and if he hadnt been paying so much attention he wouldve missed the slight hitch of her breath when he reached the cuffs and gently slid his fingers along the back of her hands. He held out her purse and their fingers brushed as she took it from him. The ride to the office was mostly quiet, not uncomfortable, awkward quiet but more companionable, easy quiet. It made Cole wonder if all car rides were like that with her. She said good morning to his colleagues who gave him slow knowing grins when she wasnt looking. He gave them hard glares that produced smirks. He watched her hang her things on the wall pegs then did the same. I need some files pulled for a few projects, he began, then I need some paperwork sorted through. Ok. He snuck a sidelong glance at her as she came around to stand beside him as he sat. The guys will be in around ten to go over some files. Youre more than welcome to sit and listen when theyre here. He turned on his laptop then looked up. She was smiling, her brown eyes lit with warmth and sincerity. Thank you. Where do I start? Sure shed been in his office before but never this long. She worked quietly as he went through his emails, took phone calls, signed paperwork. When his colleagues arrived, the files hed requested sat in a neat stack on the corner of his desk. She took a seat at the back of his office, an open book in her lap. The ringing of his phone interrupted their meeting but he found it missing from his hip. A soft Cole Montgomerys office, may I help you? told him where it was and he listened in. Im sorry but hes in meeting at the moment. Can I take a message or help you? Uh-huh. Yes. She scribbled onto a small notepad she pulled from her purse. Yes. Ill give him the message. Thank you. She hung up, tucked his phone and the pad away and resumed reading. His colleagues turned around, amused looks on their faces. Leaning forward Travis said softly, If you ever get sick of her send her my way. I wouldnt mind looking at her all day! Shut it, Hamilton, he growled and earned a low chuckle. The rest of the meeting was shot to hell. Each time his phone rang hed stop to listen. Each time the call ended hed be staring at her swinging leg as she resumed reading. He was hyper aware of her presence and, even from this distance, her light scent that reminded him of a rainy spring day. At a little after twelve she stood. Excuse me, Cole, but I was wondering if youd like lunch now? I can run and get everyone something. The others, he noticed, were quick to say that lunch sounded great. With an inward scowl he agreed and was rewarded with a charming smile. He suggested they adjourn the meeting and eat out at a diner down the street. She looped her purse over her shoulder and glanced questioningly at his coat, to which he shook his head. She gave him his messages and phone on their way down the street. He kept her elbow in his hand as they walked. Oh, one more thing, she said. Your tux is ready to be picked up. Did you want me to pick it up for you or would you rather do it yourself? We can go after work. They slid into a corner booth and when she smiled at him before ordering he felt it down to his toes.

Alison liked his close proximity, enjoyed the warmth of his arm against hers. In the casual environment of the diner, he laughed and joked with his colleagues, something shed never really had the pleasure of enjoying before. She liked their familiar banter and when they welcomed her into their conversation she felt included. Back at the office they agreed to resume their meeting tomorrow and she found herself, once again, in the quiet confines of Coles office. Twice he left to deliver some paperwork and in those moments the office felt strangely empty. When he came back she hid her smile by focusing on her filing. He stood beside her several times to search for something in the files and when their arms or hands or fingers would brush she would tense at the tingling running up and down her arms. At five-thirty he said, Lets head out, and when she closed the file drawers he was holding out her coat. Like this morning, his palms smoothed over her shoulders, arms and hands. This time she felt heat flush her cheeks and she ducked her head to hide it from him. He didnt seem to notice as he picked up his bag and coat and led the way to his car. They stopped to get his tux and he smiled as he drove a short distance and parked in front of a restaurant. She looked around confused even as he came around to open her door. Whatre we doing here? Dinner, he said with a slow smile and cupped her elbow. Youve cooked dinner every weeknight for the past month. Just sit and enjoy dinner with me.

He ordered a bottle of wine with their dinner and she studied him as they waited. He had a quiet strength to him, a control that was demonstrated in his voice and actions despite his intimidating size. When do you leave for your brothers wedding? He looked up at her with those dark eyes, a faint smile on his lips. We leave next Thursday. We? Yes, we. The RSVP was for two, you and me, unless youd rather not. She shook her head. No, no I dont mind going. Thank you for inviting me to come. The smile widened. Thank you for coming. The hotel rooms are booked and our flights at six-thirty. Could you be at my house by four-thirty? She nodded. Good. Pack for cold weather. She nodded again, a mental checklist forming as she sipped her water. Alison? Her gazed snapped to him. Yes? Thank you for all the work you do, mostly for spending the day at the office. She smiled. Youre welcome. Id like you to work at the office this week and next. Since were leaving Thursday I need to work through some projects and files before then. Ill be busy when we get to Toledo and dont need the distraction of work. If thats where you need me, Im happy to help. He chuckled. Youre always willing to help. Its my job, Cole, she said gently, and I like what I do. Their food arrived and they ate and talked. He told her about his four brothers, his parents, his work, his friends. They laughed at the antics he and his brothers would pull as kids. Youll like them, he said. Mom and dadll be thrilled to meet you. The comment seemed weird but she didnt ask. Instead he told her about his nieces and nephews from two of his brothers. It was clear he loved them, adored them and couldnt wait to see them again. She talked about her parents, her two brothers, both older, who made her life a living hell. He laughed at how they chased the boys away, beat up one boy who broke her heart, and laughed harder when she told him of when theyd told her to never marry anyone cause hed be sorry. Her parents, while slightly more compassionate about her love life, insisted on bugging her to get married, kept asking when shed have kids. I just roll my eyes and tell them to bug one of my brothers for kids since they dont want me to get married, she chuckled. The ride back to his house was filled with easy conversation, the occasional brushes of his skin against hers or vice versa, and lots of laughter. As he held her car door open for her he said softly, Thank you for a great day, Alison. Thanks for making me laugh. She smiled. And thanks for your smiles. They always make my day. She blushed. Youre welcome, Cole. Thanks for dinner. Ill see you tomorrow. He stood in his driveway as she drove off and when she got home she fell asleep to dreams of his lulling laughter and killer smile.

The days between Monday and the following Thursday flew by. She spent everyday at his office, had lunch with him at his desk or away from the office. Sometimes his colleagues were there, sometimes they werent. It didnt seem to matter to her; she enjoyed their time together. Thursday morning she arrived a few minutes early and he was waiting in the garage. She pulled her car in beside his and he loaded her carryon into his car. They were on their way and she could tell he was excited. They checked in, boarded and once the plane took off she snuggled against the window. Her eyes were drifting shut when she felt something warm drape over her. Opening her eyes halfway she saw the smile on his lips as he tucked his sweatshirt around her. Thank you, Cole, she murmured. Youre welcome, beautiful, she thought she heard him say just as softly but she couldnt be sure.

Cole watched her sleep, unashamedly feasting his gaze on her clear skin, pink lips and dark hair. Unable to stop himself he brushed a kiss to her slightly parted lips. The brief contact seared him to his soul; a sense of home and belonging ignited in him. He linked his fingers with hers and smiled. Yeah. What he knew now was something hed suspected just a week ago. She was his one and he knew thered never be another.

She woke up to a flight attendant asking her to buckle up and smiled at the slumbering man beside her. His head rested lightly against her shoulder, his breathing deep and even. Turning she said, Cole, were about to land, and nudged him with her shoulder. He stirred and sat up to stretch. Unfortunately for a man of his height he wasnt able to stretch without hitting the overhead and a loud BANG! made him scowl. He glanced at her and smiled sheepishly. Warmth spread through her body at his smile and she felt her cheeks flush red. Sorry if I snored, he apologized. I wouldnt know. I just woke up. Ah, he murmured. Well, you look great.

She smiled. Thanks. You always look good. He raised an eyebrow. Always? Fishing for compliments? she laughed. Not at all, he said with an easy shrug. Things will be hectic today and tomorrow. Were having dinner with my family tonight, breakfast in the morning then a rehearsal and dinner in the evening. The weddings at eleven on Saturday and will pretty much go all day. Sunday well relax and Monday morning well fly home. I was thinking we could have lunch after we check in, he yawned. What do you think? We could explore a little today. That sounds nice, she agreed, anxiously looking forward to time alone with him. After collecting their luggage and rental car, they drove to their hotel and checked in. About their adjoining rooms he said, I figured youd want your privacy. My familyll probably be in and out and I dont want them constantly disrupting you. His thoughtfulness touched her, amazed her even. As they drove around looking for someplace to eat they talked and laughed. Itd been so long since shed had such great camaraderie with someone. When he smiled or laughed it warmed her heart and soul. When he touched her she felt cherished. Even as they sat down at a caf to eat a late lunch she wondered if he felt something deeper than a working relationship.

Cole knocked on the door that separated their rooms. Come in! he heard and pushed it open in time to see her slide a shirt over her head and smooth it over her hips. She glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. He swallowed hard. Ready? They were meeting his family for dinner at a restaurant in a neighboring city in an hour and he had spent the afternoon on the phone telling them about her and asking them to back off. Dont scare her, hed warned his parents. Oh, honey, why would we do that? his mom had asked innocently but he could hear the amusement in her voice. Now as they entered the restaurant, he tensed at the sound of his boisterous family and silently prayed theyd behave somewhat tonight. At the table he introduced her to everyone, avoiding the question in his brothers faces. His parents, Richard and Diane, welcomed her with warm embraces and kisses, making her blush with their compliments. His oldest brother and his wife, Ray and Faith, smiled and Ray drawled, Now, honey, aint you the prettiest thing weve seen with Cole yet. She blushed profusely and he glared at Ray, who grinned unapologetically. The other brothers were younger than Cole. Paul and his wife Gloria smiled and winked at Cole. Gabe and his wife Hannah embraced her warmly and Hannah said, Dont let these big lugs scare you, Alison. Theyre all harmless. The youngest, Gary, sitting with his fiance Elizabeth, chuckled. Yeah, we are. We just like to annoy Cole about being single. Elizabeth elbowed him. Be nice, Gary, she playfully chided. Who knows. Maybe hell marry her! Cole groaned as he sat next to Alison. Shes my assistant, not my girlfriend. Ray laughed. Dont matter if shes your assistant, you gotta start somewhere! Tell me, Alison, what do you think of him?

Alison wasnt prepared to meet his family. They were warm and friendly and loving, yes, but their straightforwardness shocked and amused her. And Rays question That threw her. The problem was she couldnt not answer it; the entire table had fallen silent awaiting her answer. She glanced around at the faces of his family, ending with a hard swallow when she settled on Coles face. What did she think of him? Keeping her gaze on his she said, Its not what I think, Ray, its what I know. Hes got a great laugh, a killer smile, is amazingly polite, courteous and sincere, can be serious about business and easy going everywhere else. Hes got great friends who compliment his personality and keep him in line. I may have just met you guys, but I know hes got an amazing family that wants whats best for him even if you guys are pretty blunt and he doesnt like it so much. She didnt know what to expect when shed stopped talking but the slack-jawed, wide-eyed stares was not it. She glanced from them to Cole who wore the same expression and she wondered if shed answered wrong. Did I say something wrong? That jarred Ray to life who came around to sweep her into his arms and he kissed her cheek. Honey, are you sure youre not more than his assistant? he laughed. Gary chuckled. What he means is youre observant. I dont think any of his ex-girlfriends were that insightful. She blushed. Its hard not to notice when I work for him, she mumbled, tugging at the hem of her shirt nervously. Ray snatched up her hand, bringing her wary gaze up to meet his. Dont be shy, sweetheart, he grinned. Youre just what Cole needs in his boring life.! He gave her one last hug and laughed his way back to his seat. The others, she noticed, were just as amused with her answer. She twisted her fingers together and dared a glance at Cole. He was looking at her intently with those gorgeous midnight eyes of his but she couldnt read anything in them. She gave a small smile and he smiled slowly. She breathed with relief; at least he wasnt upset.

With the promise of meeting for breakfast, they started back to their hotel. Alison, he noticed, was unusually quiet during their ride back and it wasnt until they were safely in his room that he asked, Something wrong? She shrugged and opened the connecting door. Im sorry if my answer upset you.

He stared at her. Upset me? You didnt say anything afterwards and I couldnt tell if Id upset you, she explained. He chuckled and closed the space between them. Im not upset, Alison, I promise. Your answer shocked me, thats all. I didnt realize you were so detailed. She looked at her feet. Besides, Im pretty sure your answer won over my entire family. He leaned against the door jamb and crossed his arms. You didnt upset me, Alison. She looked at him, uncertainty still in her eyes. Really? He brushed her hair from her shoulder. Absolutely. His fingers trailed down her arm to entwine with hers. I wasnt sure how theyd behave around you. I didnt want them scaring the crap out of you. Weve got an entire weekend with them and they can be intense. She smiled and said lightly, I think Ill live. Im just glad youre not upset. Ah, honey, how could I be when you were only saying the truth?

Breakfast, she found out, proved to be just as insane as dinner. They talked over each other, talked across the table, laughed loud, joked and teased mercilessly. Alison discovered that Ray and Faith, Gabe and Hannah had left their kids at home. Hannah explained, They wouldve torn down the hotel by now and asked to rebuild it! Her amusing statement gave testimony that the rambunctious attitude of the Montgomery men had been passed down into their children. The women were organizing a few hours without the guys today and they wanted her to join them. Come on, Faith urged. Hang out with us. Cole can hang out with his brothers and do whatever guys do. The invitation was too much to turn down. She really liked these women, really wanted to spend time with them so she accepted. Have fun, Cole smiled. You guys be nice to her. Hannah laughed. After what she said last night, why would we be anything but? Before they piled into the huge SUV rental, Cole caught her arm and kissed her cheek. Ill see you later, he promised and sauntered after his brothers, leaving her red faced and with butterflies in her stomach. They ended up shopping at a huge indoor mall, purchasing a few items before having lunch followed by a manicure. As they sat in the salon Diane asked, How long have you been working for Cole? Two months. And in two months you observed all that? Alison shrugged but nodded, the question leaving her a little uncomfortable. Diane looked thoughtful. Most of Coles ex-girlfriends were not interested in him as a person. Elizabeth nodded in agreement. Im sure you know hes not exactly dirt poor, Alison. Well, yes but its just money. Faith chuckled. Honey, to some women thats all its about. Im amazed youve stuck around two months. His last assistant quit because he could be soso Whats the word, girls? Diane laughed. Intense. Irritating, Hannah supplied. Not that any of those things are bad, Faith added, but hes a Montgomery and all Montgomery men are intense by nature. Alison laughed. Hes still all those things at times but not as much now than when I first started. She paid and tipped the woman as they rose to leave. He really is a great guy. Hannah nudged her. Sounds like you have a crush on him! Alison blushed and it sent the women into peals of laughter. I cant help it! she said defensively. Diane hugged her. Ah, sweetie, dont get uptight. Youre perfect for him. He just has to realize it. I dont want a relationship with him if he feels forced. Faith chuckled. You cant force Cole to do anything. Give him time. Hell come around. She kissed Alisons cheek. Trust me, honey, hell come around.

Cole was distracted and it showed. After numerous attempts by his brothers and dad to engage him, Ray demanded, What the hells wrong with you? He frowned. Nothing, why? Now Ray frowned. Then pay attention! Weve been trying to ask you about her and you havent answered a damn question! He rolled his eyes. What do you want to know? Richard asked the most obvious question. How old is she? Twenty-six. Thats not too young, Gary said thoughtfully. Makes her eight years your junior.

What do you know about her? Ray asked. Spill, man. He shrugged. Not much. Her parents are still together, has two brothers, lots of friends His voice trailed off and he frowned. Besides that I dont know much. Paul snorted. Are you going to know more? Damned if she aint as single and pretty as they come, Cole! Why arent you all over her? She works for me, he retorted heatedly. Ray shrugged. Shouldnt matter. You like her as more than an employee, Cole, and dont try to deny it. I saw it over dinner and breakfast. He wasnt about to admit anything to his brothers, not when she wasnt even aware of how she made him feel.

Alison sat through the rehearsal laughing and quietly talking with Diane. The older woman reminded her so much of her own mom and a longing ache filled her heart. Even when the rehearsal ended Diane informed Cole that Alison would ride with her. We need some time alone, she said vaguely and pulled her away before he could protest. In the safety of the car Diane asked her why she hadnt mentioned her parents in depth to Cole. She shrugged. To be honest, Mrs. Montgomery- Its Diane, honey. Only the kids at Sunday School who call me Mrs. Montgomery. She smiled faintly. Its been four years, Diane, and it hasnt been easy for me. Hes never asked more than preliminary questions about my family. He hasnt asked to meet them or my brothers. In a way, Im glad. Why? Cole cares for me as an employee. If he remotely cared for me as more than that then we wouldve addressed this already. I dont want to explain it to him. Diane arched an eyebrow and parked the car. Because you dont want to experience it again? Alison nodded slowly, blinking back tears. Four years is a long time to grieve, Diane. The pains not so bad anymore but theres an ache that surfaces every year that reminds me Im alone. Diane pulled her into a comforting hug. Ah, baby, that ache never goes away. I know my son enough to say, confidently, that he likes you. You make him laugh and smile, something no other woman has done except for me and his sisters-in-law. Whens their anniversary? December 24. Christmas. It was hard to lose a loved one, but on Christmas? Diane was sure it made it harder. Whens your birthday, honey? Maybe you can wait until then to tell him? Alisons heart about stopped as she whispered her answer. December 24.

Dinner went off without a hitch but Cole was dying to get back to the hotel. He wanted to put his feet up and relax, and he wanted to be alone with Alison. She was radiant tonight, breathtakingly beautiful in her black slacks and long sleeved purple sweater. A twinge of jealousy ate at him when Elizabeths brothers danced with her. Her easy smile and laughter enchanted them and her intelligent conversation drew them in. When he claimed her for a slow dance, all he saw and felt was her. She tilted her head back to look at him, her soft lips curving into that heart-stopping smile he loved. They talked quietly, laughed a lot, and it wasnt until sometime later he realized they were the only ones dancing. He pointed it out and she chuckled then bobbed a curtsy to their audience, earning a round of laughter and cheers. He sighed as he opened his door. She walked through into her room and he quickly undressed into pajama bottoms and an undershirt, flopping onto the bed as she walked in wearing shorts and a tank top. Arent you cold? he asked. She chuckled and sat beside him. Its called a heater, Cole. Turn yours on. He rolled onto his side to look at her. The girls really like you. Glad to hear, she smiled. I like them too. Good cause youll probably see them for the holidays unless you have plans, he said lazily. Id like you to come if you dont. Her smile wavered but she shrugged it off and nodded. Id like to. I have something Christmas Eve but Im free after that. What time are we leaving tomorrow morning? Well, he yawned, I have to be at the church by ten-thirty. Pauls picking me up at ten so Ill leave you the car and directions. Ill drive back from the reception. He turned on the TV. Are you tired? Not really. Wanna watch some TV with me? She smiled. Sure. They laid so they were facing the TV, channel surfing, dining on leftovers in comfortable silence. The deepening of each breath she took, the slow rise and fall of her back made him smile. He turned out the lights and TV, pulled her to him and settled a blanket over them. Tonight, sleep was peaceful. Tonight, everything felt right.

Alison woke up to a heavy arm across her stomach and warmth at her back. Rolling over she chuckled. Cole? Its time to get up. You have to get ready. He muttered darkly and it made her laugh. Come on, Cole, she prodded. Its eight oclock. Pauls gonna be here soon and youre nowhere near ready.

His eyes opened and her breath caught at the smoky look in his midnight gaze. Oh, fine, he groused and pushed the blanket down, blinking at her attire. Arent you cold? She rolled her eyes and climbed out of bed. We went through this last night. Come on, up! Ill get your clothes. He was in the bathroom when she laid out his things and she disappeared into her own room to get ready. Shed finished blow drying her hair when she heard his knock. Come in! He was dressed in his slacks, shirt, tie and vest when he came in. He ground to a halt and stared. What? She looked down and was mortified. She was wearing only her demi-bra and lace panties! Oh my god! Im sorry! I- Breaking off she snatched up a shirt and her shorts, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Ok, sorry, Cole. He swallowed and forced his gaze to hers. Its-its ok, he mumbled. I need help with my cufflinks. She helped him with that then smoothed his tux jacket over his shoulders. He laced up his shoes then checked himself in the mirror. You look great, she smiled and pinned his boutonnire to his lapel. There. She left him to whatever else he needed to do and when Paul arrived she was almost ready. They came into her room and Paul whistled, making her blush and making her happy with her selection for the wedding. It was a simple knee length, long sleeve deep red dress with a boat neckline that exposed her shoulders. Shed swept some of her curls away from her face and had applied a light touch of mascara and blush. If I werent already married, Paul teased and she laughed as she stepped into her sky high black heels. Cole? Damn, man! Say something!

Cole found his voice and it didnt sound like his. You look beautiful, Alison, he managed. She blushed. Thank you, Cole. She pulled out a black coat and when she slid it on it covered the entire dress. Damn, Alison, Paul muttered. Youre gonna be every mans fantasy today. She chuckled. Lets hope not cause Garyll be in trouble and Elizabeth will hate me. She buttoned up. You guys are gonna be late. Oh, right! Come on, Cole! Paul kissed her cheek and hurried out. See you there! Coles feet stayed rooted to the floor until she gently touched his arm and looked up at him. Cole? He snapped to. Im going, he mumbled. She pulled him to a stop and stretched up to kiss his cheek. Ill see you at the church. To his utter dismay, Paul took the liberty of informing all the groomsmen of Alisons outfit and more than a few announced their eagerness to see her. Cole glared at him but Paul simply shrugged and said softly, Maybe youll get your ass moving then. The entire wedding was twenty minutes but every single one of those minutes was spent thinking about Alison. More than once he caught her smiling gaze from where she sat beside his parents. More than once he wondered if she knew how he felt, understood how he felt, or felt the same way.

Alison laughed as she sat beside Faith at the reception. The party had been full swing for a few hours. The food had been served, the toasts given and the cake cut. The dances had been shared and now loud music thumped from the speakers as the younger crowd danced. Honey, I cant believe how many of these men have danced with you! Faith beamed. Cole better snatch you up quick before one of these guys do! She shook her head at Faith. Youre too much! But she did wonder where he was. She glanced around the room, tuning out the conversations and music until she spotted him. He was magnificent in his pristine tuxedo, enjoying a laugh with Ray and someone they knew. Suddenly she was pulled to her feet by an amused Faith. Where are we going? Faith grinned over her shoulder. Come on, honey, youre gonna dance with him at least once tonight! Ray drew his wife to his side. Whatre you doing, babe? Making sure Alison gets in at least one dance with her date, she said and shoved Alison into Cole with a devilish grin. Have fun! Alison grabbed Coles arms to steady herself. Well, you cant say shes not forward, she mused and looked up at Cole. Shall we? Alison had to admit that being in Coles arms felt wonderful. Everything about him felt wonderful. She didnt know how many dances they shared. She only knew that she really liked being with him, being surrounded by him. At one point she snuggled into his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist and sighed. This was perfection.

Given that they hadnt gotten to their hotel until almost two in the morning, sleeping in until eleven was permissible. When the connecting door creaked open, it was Alison with a tray of food for them. He stretched and sat up, smiling as she sat beside him, the tray between them. There were numerous boxes of cereal, a few small cartons of milk, paper cups of coffee and fresh fruit. He laughed, asking if shed raided the kitchen. I went to the store, she admitted and jingled the car keys. Breakfast was almost over when I went downstairs. They ate in silence until someone knocked on the door. She opened it to his brothers, minus Gary. Come in. Were just eating breakfast. Ray eyed the bowl of cereal in Coles hand. That looks gross, dude.

Cole laughed, remembering what Alison had said over their first breakfast together. Its not, trust me. Its really good. Alison nodded in agreement. You should try it although Ill have to admit he likes it like that because its how I eat mine. Paul wrinkled his nose. Then you two can have it. Gabe nodded. I think were good, trust me. Anyway, mom and dad wanted to know if you want to have dinner tonight before we all fly off tomorrow. He snatched an apple from the tray. Since its almost lunch, you guys should be hungry by five or so. Cole glanced at Alison who nodded. Sure, sounds good. Good. He bit into the sweet fruit. Alison, I think youre the only female Ive ever met whos managed to make every single male Montgomery fall in love with you in one night. Matter of fact, everyones downstairs waiting to say goodbye to you. She looked startled. Are you serious? He laughed. Hell yeah I am! Get dressed, honey! You too, Cole. You have to say goodbye to the family anyway! Sharing Alison wasnt what he wanted for today but he begrudgingly got dressed. Keeping her close he led her downstairs and, sure enough, into the waiting arms of his family. She was pulled away in a matter of seconds, engulfed in the admiring hugs and looks from every single boy or man present. After a long while she looked at him, a pleading look in her eyes. Smiling broadly he strode forward to claim her and heard her sigh of relief. After theyd gone and in the safety of his room she said, Your family is intense! He laughed. Cant say I didnt warn you, he drawled. Weve got a while before dinner. Want to do anything? She sprawled onto his bed. Recover!

Alison stared out the small window onto the runway below, a faint smile on her face. Dinner last night had been great. Cole had adjusted quickly to his familys constant teasing of him and her. Once hed bristled beside her at something Ray had said but shed quickly and quietly told him it was ok. Im not gonna fall apart, Cole. Theyd spent the evening in his room packing and getting ready for their early morning flight home. Hed ordered room service and she pulled their suitcases by the front door. With only a few things left to pack, it would go into her carryon. Their late night munchies satisfied, they sat and watched TV, and like two nights ago, shed fallen asleep with Coles arm around her. As she sat beside him listening to his gentle breathing as he slept, she wondered about him. She glanced at him. Falling for him hadnt been in her plan and it worried her. He was a good looking man, could very well have his pick of any woman he wanted. She frowned and looked down into her lap. She adored his family, longed for that close knit relationship with kin like he had. Most of all she longed to know if he could ever reciprocate her feelings.

Theyd been back for a month and the excitement for Thanksgiving was crackling in the office air. To spare himself the anxiety of dealing with missing staff members, Cole gave everyone the week of Thanksgiving off. Its a paid week off, he announced to cheers and whoops from the staff. I suggest everyone get lost no later than one. Anyone here after one and Ill take back my offer. He didnt have to tell them twice. The office had cleared in record time and he was on his way home to Alison. She was coming with him to his parents house up north and he was beyond excited to spend the holidays with her. Are you sure you dont want to visit your parents? hed asked a few days before. Im sure. Theyre pretty far and this is closer, shed assured him. They were leaving tonight and he was anxious to go. He burst into the house to hear her on the phone laughing with someone. She graced him with a smile that filled the room with brilliance. Hold on he just walked in. Yes, ok. Ill let him know. She held the phone to him. Its your mom and she said dont forget the rum. He laughed and took the phone. I havent forgotten. I picked it up on my way home. Yes, were leaving in a few hours. No, were having dinner first. Alright. Well see you tonight. Love you too. The foods almost done and we can eat, Alison announced. Then I better change. Did you bring your suitcase? he asked from upstairs. Yes, its by the front door. He came down dressed more comfortably and handed her a small red box. Open it. She set it on the counter and lifted the lid. Cole! she breathed and lifted out a silver heart pendant necklace he knew shed been wanting. Thank you! He had time to grab the counters edge when she launched into him and he chuckled as he returned her embrace. Youre welcome, he murmured into her hair then clasped the chain behind her neck. Its beautiful. She fingered it tenderly and hugged him again. The foods done, she said, that smile still on her lips and in her eyes. Lets eat so we can get going. As they ate he couldnt help but smile to himself. The necklace was the first of many gifts he planned to give her. He chuckled inwardly; this was his first attempt at wooing a woman and he hoped he did it right because in the end what he wanted to hear her say was Yes.

Alisons time for the week was split, unevenly, between Diane and Cole.

Diane became a mother figure to her. Theyd spend the early hours of the morning sipping coffee and chatting quietly. Alison sought her for advice, for comfort, for her company and Diane gave it unconditionally. In the quietness of Thanksgiving morning, Alison stood beside Diane preparing the apple pies for the dinner. Did your mom bake? Diane asked as she pinched the crusts together. Yeah, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen together. She smiled as she remembered climbing onto a kitchen stool to watch her mom whip up a batch of brownies, stir the vegetables for a risotto dish, or wipe down the counter after the cooking was done. I learned to cook from her. Cole said youre a good cook. Youll have to show me how to make your lemon-lime salmon. Alison laughed. I thought you were gonna say the mushroom steaks he loves! Diane grinned. That too! The pies in the oven, they finished with the other side dishes. The turkey was long done but was left warming in the oven. They joined Cole and Richard in the living room and when Alison sat beside Cole he draped an arm over her shoulders. Everyone should be here in a few hours, Richard announced. I think Im gonna nap. Diane poked his ribs. You just woke up! He grinned. Yeah but those crazy grandkids are coming over. Im gonna need my rest! Care to join me? When the pair disappeared upstairs Cole suggested, Lets walk. They walked the neighborhood, stopping to say hi or to admire the colors of autumn. A brisk wind kicked up as they neared a bridge spanning a creek and they stopped in the middle. Alison studied the graying sky overhead. Is it supposed to rain? Not for a few days. Well be gone before it comes down. Hmm, she murmured and shifted her gaze to the moving water below. Where do you guys celebrate Christmas? At Rays. You still want to come? She nodded absently, shivering when the wind picked up. Id forgotten how cold it can be up here, she murmured. Coles dark eyes swung to her face. Youve been here before? She smiled sadly. Yeah, but its been a while. Our family had friends up here that wed visit every Christmas. What happened? She steadied her voice. They died. He squeezed her hand. Im sorry. Its ok. It was a while ago. They stood in silence until Diane called his phone letting them know everyone had arrived. Without a word they walked back to the house, back to the warmth, life, love and laughter her soul desperately needed and wanted.

Cole wearily sank into his bed across the hall from Alisons. It was a good weary, the kind that made him chuckle and made him thankful. His nieces and nephews had taken an instant liking to Alison. They played with her, chatted with her, and his niece, Lily, played dress up with her. Hed watched from the table as they applied makeup on each others faces then took pictures to capture the moment. After a good scrubbing, they sang childrens songs to each other, one or the other dissolving into a fit of giggles as they changed the lyrics or couldnt remember the lyrics. His youngest nephew, Allen, had snuggled up to her with a book. Almost a dozen books later, hed fallen asleep on the couch with her. Hannah had snapped pictures of the sleeping pair, saying to Cole, If you two ever decide to get married and have kids, thats what theyd look like. The very idea of Alison bearing his children made him pause. He was happy his family had accepted Alison with open arms, and while he wanted nothing more than to share his plans with them he knew better. The sweet kisses on the cheeks, the hugs, the brushing of skin against skin was his attempt at letting her know he was interested in her. Apparently, subliminal wasnt going to work. He crawled into bed and smiled. It was time to step it up a notch.

A week after Thanksgiving, they had breakfast in the morning and hed left her a list. The list complete, shed gone to his office with his lunch then back to his house to make dinner. Hed come home and theyd dined together and he told her to take his car home. Unsure shed asked, Why? Ill be working from home tomorrow. I need you to run some errands first thing on your way here, hed explained. So shed done that. Her Friday morning errands included some grocery shopping, a run to the cleaners, a stop at his office to pick up a box from Josh, then finally to his house. Once there she found him making hash browns, French toast and bacon. They ate a late breakfast then hed disappeared into his office. The day was normal after that. The following Monday he was gone when she arrived. The note on the fridge read, Alison, The best part of my morning is having breakfast with you and Im sorry Im missing that today. There was a pressing issue at work so my teams meeting early. Depending on our progress, I may or not be home for dinner. However, I would like to have lunch with you in my office. Please bring enough for just you and me. Cole She arrived at twelve-thirty and he was sitting in his chair staring at his laptop. Lunch? His face lit up into the a heart stopping smile and he closed his laptop. Absolutely!

After lunch, shed gone back to his place and received a call around three letting her know they would be there late tonight. She was disappointed but voiced her understanding. At seven, she sent him a text letting him know she was home and he wrote back, Good. Sleep good tonight, Alison. I hope to have breakfast with you tomorrow. Tuesday was more or less their normal routine, as was Wednesday. But Thursday morning Sam picked him up shortly before seven and hed left instructions for her to use his car for any errands. The errands werent many and once back at his house she did the laundry. At the bottom of the hamper she found a paper bag with her name on it. Inside was a card and a picture. The card read, Alison, Hannah took this picture of you and Allen. Hes absolutely smitten by you, has been asking when hell see you again. I laugh because hes not the only one smitten by you. The advantage is I get to see you everyday. Cole. Her cheeks burned. Smitten? He was off Friday and took her downtown to do Christmas shopping. Theres way too many people in my family to shop for so Im not gonna wait last minute, hed explained. They shopped until her feet hurt and then he took her to dinner at her favorite Indian place. Afterwards he asked, Want to come with me tomorrow to get a Christmas tree? He didnt seem like the type to put a tree in his house and he admitted he wasnt. She smiled. Sure but well need more than a tree. Decorations, lights, tree skirt He laughed. Good thing Im not doing it by myself then! They went shopping for tree accessories first. Since he had nothing, they bought everything he liked. White lights, blue and white glass balls, snowflakes, a star. They picked out a tree that was just over eight feet tall and after hed tied it to the roof of his Range Rover she pointed out, I cant decorate a tree that tall. He squeezed her hand. I know but Ill help or get you a chair to stand on. The tree went up Saturday and they decorated Sunday. True to his word, he helped although she found the use of a chair easier than handing him decorations to hang. Every now and then her spine would tingle when his hands would grasp her waist and his breath would warm her shoulder. Once she involuntarily shivered and he asked, Are you cold? No, she managed and forced a half-smile. But thank you. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings he was gone before she arrived but she managed to find something hed left for her each day. Monday was a card nestled in the trees branches. Alison, thank you for decorating with me. In truth, I cant imagine decorating with anyone else. I hope well do this every Christmas. Cole. Tuesday was a note stuck to his bathroom mirror. Alison, youre an amazing woman. You continue to amaze me with your thoughtfulness, your insightfulness into my needs and wants. I hope you continue to amaze for a long time. Cole. Wednesday was a small box tucked into the silverware drawer. No note but she didnt need one. She lifted the lid to find a stunning pair of ruby earrings in a silver setting. She wore them when he came home and he smiled when he saw them. Now today, two weeks after Thanksgiving, Alison glanced at Cole who was deep in discussion with his colleagues over a contract. She was slightly, no more like absurdly, unsure of what to do about Coles various displays of affection for her. Her uncertainty made her frown. He obviously liked her enough to leave those notes and small gifts. She got the message loud and clear. She just wanted to hear it.

She was distressed about something. He could sense it. It was December 23 and they were on their way to a Christmas party with his staff. She sat beside him, looking out the window, not saying much of anything. Everything she said was said absently and hed had to repeat several questions before shed answer him. Whatever it was she didnt want to share and it annoyed him. She smiled politely, made small conversation with everyone at the restaurant but she was clearly worried about something. He finally pulled her aside and bluntly asked, Do you want me to take you home? She blinked at him. What? Youve been distracted all day and you wont tell me whats wrong. She stiffened. Am I obligated to share everything with you? His eyes narrowed. Does my concern for you annoy you? At the moment, yes! she heatedly replied. I told you Im fine. Which is a load of crap and you know it! I dont need you to tell me whats wrong with me, Cole! I said Im fine so leave it alone. Fine, he growled and left her there. He dropped her off at home without a single word. Hed given her December 24 off and at this rate he probably wouldnt see her for Christmas either. And damn it all to hell that tonight was the one night he couldnt get to sleep either! He tossed and turned in his bed, wondering if she was ok, hoping she was alright. More than once he got out of bed to pace the width of his room and he found himself dialing her number only to hang up before it would ring. At six he decided hed had enough and got dressed. It was Christmas Eve and he was going to find out what was wrong if it took all day. When he got to her apartment complex he could see her walking to her car. It was a little after seven. His brow furrowed as he wondered where she was off to. Against

his better judgment, he followed her. She led him first to the bank where she used the ATM, then to a floral shop on the other side of town. Twenty minutes later she emerged with a bag full of bouquets. Where she led him next took him by surprise.

Alison drove the familiar lane to the furthest side of the cemetery. Grabbing the bag of flowers she trudged halfway up the hill, her wary gaze on the sky overhead. Please dont rain just yet, she silently pleaded. She stopped in front of the familiar black stone, kneeling on the damp grass. She placed the bouquets in the holders, brushing aside stray leaves and grass cuttings. Placing the bag behind her she sat, knees to her chest. That damn ache that hurt every single year sprung up with a vengeance and she cried silently. After some time she whispered, I miss you so much. I wish you were here. God, I hate celebrating my birthday here but I dont know what else to do. Everyones so busy with Christmas. I know I would be to if you guys were here. She wiped at her cheeks then plucked absently at the lawn. I met this man. Youd like him, dad, you really would. She laughed a little. Hes actually my boss, Cole Montgomery. Hes a great guy. I love everything about him his laugh, his smile, his seriousness. Youd probably laugh, Tony and Will, if you saw him. Hes really tall, maybe a little taller than either of you. Its comical. We decorated his Christmas tree and even standing on a chair I was just barely taller than him. Her watery smile dissolved in moments. I havent told him about you. I dont know how to. His mom knows. She reminds me of you, mom. She keeps telling me to tell him but I- She shook her head. Im scared of what hell say. I look at him and I get warm all over. Its not just a crush and its more than a like. I wish you were here, mom, itd help if you were. Anyway, he doesnt know about you guys, not yet at least. Id love to tell him. I want him to know that what Ive told him about you is how I remember you. If I tell him, theres a chance hell walk away and then working with him will just be awkward. But if I tell him, theres still that chance hell listen and understand. I just- She sighed heavily. I just wish I knew if telling him was the right thing to do. Why dont you ask him and find out?

Cole had climbed that hill in silence, had listened to everything shed said. And now he was looking down into her surprised, slightly panicked face, waiting for her to answer him. I-I- she stammered and clambered to her feet. He closed the distance between them. Why didnt you tell me, Alison? he asked softly. Why didnt you tell me what was wrong? Tears filled her eyes and he watched her struggle to remain calm. Im sorry, Cole, she whispered, her head falling forward. I didnt tell you because I dont know how to tell you. You can tell me know. She choked on a broken laugh and looked at the huge stone. Cole Montgomery, this is my family. My parents, Nathaniel and Rachel, and my brothers, Anthony and William. What happened? Wed gone up north to visit family friends, my fianc and to celebrate my Christmas Eve birthday. She smiled faintly. I wasnt feeling well; Id had the flu for a week and was still recovering. I didnt want them to stay in while I slept off my cold. So they left for dinner and I went to sleep. I didnt wake up until Christmas Day; I was more tired than Id thought. No one was home, no one answered their phones so I called the police. The cop who came out told me thered been an accident. A big rig skidded on black ice and slammed into a line of cars in the opposite lane. Fourteen people including my family, fianc and his parents died. She swallowed hard. Instead of celebrating my birthday, I buried them. Instead of getting married, I attended his funeral. I come here every year on Christmas Eve to leave flowers, to talk to them, to try to forget about my birthday. His heart almost stopped as shed told her story. He couldnt completely understand what she felt but he knew he could try. He may not have been there from the beginning but he could be there now. How long do you stay? She looked at him like he were crazy. You-you want to stay? But you have stuff to do today! Tomorrows Christmas and its at Rays and- He kissed her. God knew he wanted to stay here with her but he didnt want her reasons why he should leave. She struggled for a moment, her eyes widening with surprise but he didnt let go. Instead he held her firmly in place, closed his eyes and explored her lips with his tongue. At last she relaxed against him with a sigh. He didnt want an invitation, didnt want her permission. He delved between her lips, taking possession of what he knew in his heart and soul were his. The kiss reaffirmed that feather light kiss on the plane: she was home to him.

Alison felt him pull away and an involuntary whimper escaped her throat. Her eyes flew open at the feel of his fingers against her cheeks. Cole? Honey, I want to stay here with you. Everything else can wait. This- He nodded at the headstone. -is important to you and if its important to you then its important to me. Its not just a crush, and its more than a like. He kissed her slowly. I love you, Alison Ridgefield. You make me smile, make me laugh, make me feel loved. I love you, care for you, cherish you, want to spend forever with only you. Cole, I- She stopped, searching his midnight gaze intently. I love you too. The release of those words freed something in her heart and she felt warm, like she always did, when she was with him. Cole took a seat on the bag and settled her onto his lap. Tell me about your family. Later Ill take you to dinner to celebrate your birthday.

But- I dont want you to forget them but I dont want you forget yourself either, Alison. Today is your birthday and I want to celebrate it with you. Now, he smiled, tell me about your family.

Epilogue: Cole frowned when he rolled over and found their bed empty. Now where the helld she go? he muttered and glared at the clock. God she needs to learn to sleep in! She was downstairs waiting for the kettle to whistle and smiled sheepishly at him. Im sorry, I couldnt sleep, she said and rubbed her protruding belly. Coles frown disappeared at the sight of her body that housed their unborn baby. He knelt and put his ear over her shirt, listening. He still couldnt believe their son or daughter would be here soon! Theyd married at the end of January following Alisons twenty-seventh birthday. The six weeks leading up to their wedding had been frantic and crazy but hed do it again because it was for her. Theyd celebrated their wedding in their house with friends and family, the kids running all over the place, music playing well into the night. Theyd honeymooned in Colorado simply because they didnt know anyone there and theyd never been there before either. On their wedding night Alison had shyly admitted she was still a virgin. Surprised as he was, he was thrilled that her first time was with him. Shed explored him with gentle caresses, learning the curves and angles of his body, finding out what made him gasp and groan with want and need. They never left their hotel room and he couldnt have thought of a better to spend it then under the learning hands of his new wife. Two years later, here she stood in their kitchen, heavy with their child and still as breathtakingly beautiful as the day hed met her. He pressed a kiss to her belly, whispering his love to their baby as he slowly rose to kiss her smiling lips. He moved the whistling kettle off the stove and turned her to the stairs. Alison sighed as his hands roamed possessively over her body to cup her face. He guided her up the stairs, to their bed, stripping her of her nightshirt to love on her. Her own fingers made quick work of his clothes as she loved him back. This was home and belonging would always be in each others arms.

### About the Author: M.B. Forester-Smythes hope is to publish stories that formed in her head, were given life in her heart, and penned to relieve the need to make it more real. Each story isnt simply a fantasy; each story is about a character that has plagued her enough to be written about.

Books by M.B. Forester-Smythe: Gracelynn Edith Brenin Madison

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