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“Hardship Makes or breaks a Man”

For the Topic :

Suffering is part of the human condition. No one escapes this life untouched
by pain and heartache. Hardships, when they happen, often arise out of the
blue and can plague us for what seems like forever. But a world that’s
connected by bitter people is not a world that’s connected at all. When we
stew in our own sense of injustice, we can’t see outside ourselves. We can’t
feel empathy for others. We can’t truly care about others. And we can’t
induce change. Inspiration is rooted in hardship, and from it flourishes
happiness. Some of the most powerful influencers of good have gone through
the roughest, lowest ordeals.

Against the Topic :

Hardship is a very difficult situation to be in. Many of us were raised by
parents of a very different generation. They believed that success was reached
by choosing a path and committing to it, hardships remind us that this is far
from true. Psychological research has identified that parental self-sacrifice is
a negative core belief, which is associated with negative outcomes and often
accompany feelings of shame and a lack of control. The impact and
consequences of self-sacrifice styles of decisions making on factors such as
wellbeing and long-term hardship should play a role on poverty related
decision-making models. The occurrence of psychological distress, stress,
health concerns originated from.
- Saksham Saxena

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