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0 = If you want to create a new Thread/Plotline, do it with the Adventure Crafter. After the
Thread/Plotline is created, assign a level : Dangerous (Need 5 progress), Formidable (Need
10 progress), Extreme (Need 20 progress), Epic (Need 40 progress).

1 = Write scene expectations OR create scene with the Adventure Crafter.

2 = Test expectations (according to Chaos Level)

3 = If Interrupt or Alteration, apply

4 = Play out scene, be mindful of possible Interrupts when asking questions to the Oracle. If
the scene reaches a Flashpoint or its conclusion, play a Dramatic Scene. If the Conclusion
scene is successful, conclude the Thread. If unsuccesful, conclude the Thread and start a
new one if needed.

5 = Bookkeeping : Update Chaos Factor, NPC list and Thread list, mark Progress.

The Fulfill your Vow move is not used !


1= When Hexcrawling, make a Journey move. Advance on a Hit. After a Hit, can Make Camp
or Resupply.

2= If the Journey is a Miss, do not advance, create an Interrupt Scene and raise Chaos
Factor by 1.

3= When you arrive at your destination, make a Reach your Destination against :

* The journey lasted about as long as expected and there is not reason to believe something
happened at my destination = Test versus 9
* The journey took longer than expected and/or I have some reasons to believe something
might have happened at my destination. = Test versus 7
* The journey took a lot longer than expected and /or I have strong reasons to believe
something might have happened at my destination = Test versus 5

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