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Grammatical Signal

Meet the group!

und Cabajes
Scher Razm
Ayalee Borja
Denise Mae L. Sator
s on , stu den ts w ill b e a ble to
After the les
recog nize sig n al w ord s a n d p hra ses

s a nd p hras es in the ir w ritin g, an d

incorporate signal word
hips in th eir w riti ng m ore care fully.
con sider structural relati on s
but first
What is a
gramm atical signal?


are writing devices that serve to maintain text

coherence. They signal relationship between
sentence by means of back reference through the
using of pronominal forms, determiners, repetition
of key words, ellipsis, parallelism, synonyms and
superordination (Saraka, 1988:111)

p h o r te x t id e n tif ie s a
A problem-solution paragra
s p lau s ible s o lu tio n s . Us in g
problem/s and recommend
f g ra m m ati ca l s ign a ls o r
the different kinds o
ea sil y e xp re ss c larity w h a t m a kes
ex pressions, one can
on e b ec o m e s a so lu tio n
it a problem, and how

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