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IE 422 Industrial System Simulation

In-class activity 9

Part A: Use of Seize, Delay and Release

Consider a call center of a bank which operates 12 hours per day. Calls arrival rates
during any day is estimated to follow expo (3) min. Note that 25% are Type One
Calls, 40% are Type Two Calls, 35% are Type Three Calls.
Assume there are 20 trunk lines for the call center. If all of them are busy, then the
calling customer will not be able to join the call (he might call again sometime later).
An operator (Khalid) is responsible for answering all the calls and this takes
Triangular (2, 3, 4). 70% of the calling customers might ask to talk to a specialized
employee. For those who further want to talk to the employee the operator forwards
them to the employee according to the call type, the employees are: Ahmad,
Mohammad and Ali and they can answer the calls as the following table shows:

Employee Call type that he can

Ahmad Call type 1 and 2

Mohammad Call type 2 and 3

Ali Call type 3

Operators follow cyclical selection rule for answering the call. Calls type 1 needs
Normal (5, 1) time, calls of type 2 takes Normal (1, 0.5) time, and calls type 3 takes
Normal (2, 3).

Run for 5 replications, 10 days and 12 hours per day

Part B: Use of Resource Schedules

Suppose that the number of available trunk line in the first 5 hours is 15 and 20 in the
7 remaining hours. (Hint: Create Schedule Resource for trunk line)

Part C: ( Use of Variables)

Using the Call center problem in Part A, suppose that the call center operate from 9
am to 9 pm, 12 hours and at 9 pm it does not receive any call and the operators
finishes or serves any call inside the system before closing the call center (No WIP).
Use variables to model the simulation problem so that it terminates when the
simulation time is more than 12 hours and there is no call inside the call center. Run
for 10 replications, 20 hours

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