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The postprandial metabolome — a source of Nutritional

Biomarkers of Health
Grégory Pimentel1,2, Kathryn J Burton2, François P Pralong2,
Nathalie Vionnet2, Reto Portmann1 and Guy Vergères1

The novel concept of ‘Nutritional Biomarkers of Health’ (NBH) is nutritional research strategy that includes the notion of
introduced in this paper. In analogy to glucose, metabolites in ‘nutritional phenotypic flexibility’, which can experimen-
blood that (i) respond postprandially to the ingestion of foods, tally be studied by measuring the postprandial response
(ii) differentiate healthy individuals from individuals with of the human organism to dietary challenges [4,5]. This
metabolic diseases under fasting and/or postprandial position paper builds on this strategy by proposing the
conditions, and (iii) have plausible mechanisms that associate new concept of NBHs and by illustrating how metabo-
them with metabolic diseases, may qualify as NBHs. The use of lomics can support this research field.
metabolomics to link food composition to the metabolic status
of a subject after ingestion offers a unique approach for the
identification of NBHs and thus, the discovery and The concept of Nutritional Biomarkers of
development of dietary solutions that prevent disease and Health
promote health. In line with the dynamic model of health, postprandial
glucose is considered a stronger risk factor for cardiovas-
Addresses cular diseases than fasting glucose [6] and foods that
Agroscope, Federal Office of Agriculture, Bern, Switzerland induce lower postprandial glycemic responses (low-GI
University Hospital CHUV, Service of Endocrinology, Diabetes and foods) form a key element of nutritional policies that seek
Metabolism, Lausanne, Switzerland
to prevent metabolic diseases [7]. Glucose is therefore a
Corresponding author: Vergères, Guy metabolite that links food properties to the state of health
(guy.vergeres@agroscope.admin.ch) and that can be used to appropriately select and design
personalized diets [8], that prevent or limit the develop-
ment of metabolic diseases, in particular cardiovascular
Current Opinion in Food Science 2017, 16:67–73
diseases [9] and diabetes [10].
This review comes from a themed issue on Foodomics technologies
Edited by Francesco Capozzi, Alessandra Bordoni and Alejandro In analogy to the use of glucose as a biomarker of
Cifuentes metabolic health, we propose that other metabolites in
For a complete overview see the Issue blood or urine could also be exploited as nutrition-related
Available online 1st September 2017 biomarkers that respond to health status; Nutritional
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2017.08.006 Biomarkers of Health (NBHs) thus integrate food and
nutritional/medical sciences. Similarly to glucose, these
2214-7993/ã 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creative-
metabolites would need to respond to the ingestion of
commons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). foods as well as to differentiate healthy individuals from
individuals with a metabolic dysfunction under fasting
and/or postprandial conditions. In addition, plausible
mechanisms should associate them with metabolic dis-
eases in order for them to qualify as NBHs. The selection
of the wording ‘Health’, instead of ‘Health and Disease’
Introduction in the acronym NBHs, purposely highlights the intrinsic
The original WHO definition of health ‘Health is a state of preventive nature of nutrition, this despite the difficulty
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely in defining health without reference to disease states.
the absence of disease or infirmity’ published in 1948 [1] is in
line with the perceived mission of nutritional sciences, Few metabolites that can be defined as NBHs (e.g.,
which focus on maintaining health rather than on the glucose, triglycerides) have been validated. There is, how-
curing of disease. However, this description defines ever, no reason why NBHs should be restricted to these
health from a static point of view, which is no longer molecules given that the Human Metabolome Database
in line with the current knowledge, and consequently a reports more than 40 000 molecules identified in human
more dynamic definition of health was proposed in tissues [11] and that the food metabolome, that is, the part
2011 ‘Health is the ability to adapt and to self-manage, in of the human metabolome directly derived from the
the face of social, physical and emotional challenges’ [2,3]. A digestion and biotransformation of foods and their consti-
dynamic definition of health can translate into a tuents, comprises >25 000 compounds [12]. That the

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68 Foodomics technologies

human metabolome contains such a high proportion of intervention comprising either a probiotic yoghurt or an
molecules originating from food is both surprising and acidified milk [16]. Of interest to this report, this study
logical. It is surprising in the context of the large contribu- also allowed the characterization of the postprandial
tion of medical sciences to our knowledge on human serum metabolome of these subjects after an acute inges-
biology, a science that highlights endogenously produced tion of the two dairy products tested as well as of a high-
molecules. It is, however, logical given the basic biochem- fat meal. The design of the study has been published
ical role of nutrition as the major source of building blocks elsewhere [16].
that ultimately constitute our organism [13].
Metabolomics for the characterization of the
Metabolomics in the characterization of
human metabolic health and disease postprandial metabolome
The first question that can be addressed by postprandial
The development of metabolomic profiling methods has
metabolomics is the fraction of the serum metabolome
led to the availability of resources that open new avenues
that is influenced by the ingestion of food. Figure 1
in the study of human biology [11]. Indeed, profiling of a
suggests that, in the context of the many variables that
multitude of metabolites is evolving as a key technology
differentiate the three meals analyzed [16] (food group,
to define health in human populations. Recently, Dunn
bacterial content, texture, caloric content, macronutrient
et al. [14] analyzed the serum metabolome of
composition), this fraction varies from one third to half of
1200 healthy adults from the UK and characterized
the serum metabolome (36% for acidified milk, 43% for
inter-individual variability by gender, age, BMI, blood
the probiotic yoghurt, 48% for the high-fat meal), which is
pressure, and smoking habits of these subjects. The
a surprisingly high proportion of the metabolome to be
serum metabolome can also be used to identify markers
affected. Among the 759 metabolites that show a
that are associated with disease, in particular metabolic
such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
[15]. By combining the characterization of these two Figure 1
populations, metabolomic profiling will increasingly pro-
vide detailed insights into the metabolic trajectories Yogurt intake
leading from a healthy organism to a state of disease 640 Serum metabolome
and, consequently, allow the introduction of preventive 1785
measures in populations at risk. 121
Although environmental factors are crucial for determin-
ing these metabolic trajectories, metabolic profiling has 48 407
not yet systematically integrated the analysis of environ-
mental impacts, in particular the diet, on human metabo-
lism. Although the important contribution of the food 169
metabolome to the human metabolome is recognized 135
[12], there is a lack of understanding of the dynamics
High-fat meal
and functional properties of the food metabolome. In Milk intake 853
comparison to the clinical relevance of the glycemic 759
response we propose that other NBHs can also link food
intake to human metabolism and health. To fully exploit Current Opinion in Food Science

the NBHs concept it is important to respond to the

following questions pertaining to the field of metabolo- Quantitative evaluation of the postprandial response of the human
mics: Which parts of the human metabolome change serum metabolome in response to the intake of three different meals.
The postprandial serum metabolome of 14 subjects having ingested
postprandially? How does food composition affect the
three different meals in a crossover design was measured over a time
postprandial metabolome? What are the potential func- period of 0–6 h by untargeted metabolomics using LC–MS.
tional properties of the food metabolome? How is the Metabolites with a significant postprandial response (significant time
postprandial food metabolome related to metabolic dis- effect, R3.1.2, nparLD package) are shown and compared to the total
eases? Answering these questions will help to use NBHs number of metabolites identified in a QC sample composed of a mix
of fasting and postprandial sera using the same procedure
to link the properties of foods to human health. (1785 metabolites). The high-fat meal was composed of bread, salami,
eggs and palm oil and contained 3.9 MJ, 57 g carbohydrate (25%
The remaining part of this paper will consider these energy), 47 g proteins (20% energy), 54 g fat (53% energy). The yogurt
questions using data from a recently published human meal contained 2.1 MJ, 22 g carbohydrate (17% energy), 27 g proteins
(22% energy), 28 g fat (50% energy). Milk was acidified with glucono-
intervention study [16] and thus illustrate the concept of
delta lactone for texture purpose, and contained 2.4 MJ, 39 g
NBHs. The data relates to a randomized crossover study carbohydrate (26% energy), 26 g proteins (18% energy), 27 g fat (42%
that was conducted to evaluate the metabolic and inflam- energy). The design of the intervention study has been published
matory responses of healthy men after a two-week dietary elsewhere [16].

Current Opinion in Food Science 2017, 16:67–73 www.sciencedirect.com

Nutritional Biomarkers of Health Pimentel et al. 69

postprandial response after acidified milk intake, 60% are ingestion of one particular food is expected to decrease
also modulated after probiotic yogurt intake compared to as the number of ‘control’ foods is increased. As such, in
71% that are also modulated after the high-fat meal nutritional science, the properties of the test food or diet
intake. Even though the core postprandial metabolome should not be compared to a single food, but should rather
is expected to decrease as the number of tested meals is be defined by their specificity compared to all other foods
increased, Figure 1 still reveals significant similarity in the diet! In opposition to the immunological vision of
between the responses to the three meals; 23% of the nutrition stated above, the ability of metabolomics to
serum metabolome is changed postprandially by all three detect food-specific metabolites in serum highlights the
meals. other side of the ‘postprandial metabolomic coin’, which
is the concept presented by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in
Strikingly, compared to the 1785 metabolites measured in 1826 ‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are’.
the reference serum composed of a mix of fasting and
postprandial sera, the fasting metabolome identified in The capacity of the organism to dynamically respond to a
this study contained 1763 metabolites and, thus, only few dietary challenge can further be evaluated by measuring
additional molecules were identified in the postprandial the resilience of the serum metabolome when exposed to
serum after ingestion of the three meals. This observation a variety of foods, that is, its ability to return to baseline
illustrates one of the criteria that is fundamental to the values after postprandial activation. To illustrate this, the
concept of NBH that is the detection of these markers in left panel of Figure 2 presents the clustering of the
both fasting and postprandial states. The striking similar- 853 metabolites that have a significant postprandial
ities observed conceptualizes one of the main lessons response after milk intake. Notably, there are as many
learned from classical nutritional biochemistry, which is metabolites that increase postprandially (clusters 3, 5 and
that the human organism is remarkably efficient in decon- 6, 53%) as metabolites that decrease postprandially (clus-
structing a wide range of molecules in foods to absorb ters 1, 2 and 4, 47%). In addition, the time window
basic nutrients such as amino acids, fatty acids, and simple necessary to capture the kinetic patterns of the metabo-
sugars, which are finally reconstructed to form the mole- lites differs, a 6 h window being appropriate to capture
cules that constitute the human body. Thus, the post- the majority of changes, including their return to the
prandial state shows a dynamic modulation of metabolites baseline. However, another category of metabolites con-
that are also present in the fasting state. These observa- tinue to increase (cluster 5) or decrease (cluster 6) at 6 h.
tions are also illustrative of the immunological vision of Independently of their origin (i.e., exogenously derived
nutrition that describes the combined ability of the diges- from the meal or endogenously derived from the organ-
tive and immune systems to turn the foreign dietary ism), both kinetic clusters are interesting in their own
environment, composed of a large number of molecules, right. The rapid increase or decrease (clusters 1, 2, 3 and
into, either metabolites that are processed to be recog- 6) might be considered in the context of an expected
nized as self and integrated into the organism [17], or response of a healthy organism to a meal challenge; the
xenobiotics that are detoxified and/or excreted. Of note, ‘metabolic flexibility’ of the organism allows this flux
the postprandial metabolome may reflect the activation of before the return of these molecules to their fasting levels
endogenous metabolic pathways sensitive to food intake in preparation for another meal. Deviation from these
or absorbed macronutrients present in the meals kinetics (clusters 4 and 6) could be an indicator of a longer
[12,18], but may also be influenced by metabolites digestive process, due to nutrients that are poorly
reflecting circadian processes [19]. digested and absorbed or from a metabolic dysfunction
[20]. In addition, due to their longer clearance time,
The next obvious question that can be addressed while metabolites in this cluster could potentially accumulate
characterizing the postprandial metabolome is the extent over time if the same meal is repeatedly taken, thus
to which it can be modified by changing the properties of providing interesting targets of molecules that could be
the ingested meals. Despite the identified homologies, indicators of the health or nutritional status of the
Figure 1 also reflects postprandial differences in the consumers.
response of the organism to different meals. In this regard,
9% of the metabolome showed a postprandial response Of note, a dynamic analysis of the response of the
only after the ingestion of milk, 7% only after the inges- organism to the ingestion of food can also identify
tion of yogurt, and 14% only after the high-fat meal. The variations in the metabolism of the consumers. Krug
postprandial metabolome can thus be used to characterize et al. [21] noted that the inter-individual variability of
the specific impact of particular foods and meals on the metabolites involved in anabolism is highest during the
organism. On the other hand, these numbers also illus- hours following a dietary challenge. Comparing individ-
trate one of the main challenges in nutritional research, uals during the postprandial phase that reflects their
which is the selection of control, reference foods to which ability to assimilate very different meals might thus
dietary effects can be compared. Indeed the number of represent an effective approach to identify different
metabolites that respond postprandially only after the

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70 Foodomics technologies

Figure 2

8 6 4 2 0 Milk intake Yogurt intake High-fat Meal

0min 120min 360min 0min 120min 360min 0min 120min 360min






Current Opinion in Food Science

Evaluation of the postprandial dynamic response of the human serum metabolome in response to the intake of different meals. Kinetic clustering
of the 759 metabolites that show a significant postprandial response after milk intake and their respective behavior after yogurt and high-fat meal
intake (Spearman’s distance measure and complete linkage for clustering, R 3.1.2, amap and dendextend packages). The design of the
intervention study has been published elsewhere [16].

metabotypes and, thus, promote the development of ingestion of each of the three meals at 2 h and 6 h. In light
personalized nutrition. of the same amount of protein ingested by the volunteers
after each of the two dairy meals, Figure 3 illustrates the
Closing the gap with functional analyses of impact of fermentation of the milk matrix on the bio-
the metabolome availability of phenylalanine, serum levels being signifi-
With the increasing sensitivity of mass spectrometry cantly higher after yogurt intake compared to acidified
together with the powerful analytical capacity of multi- milk intake. Notably, postprandial phenylalanine was
variate statistical tools, metabolomics is now able to almost as elevated 2 h after the ingestion of the probiotic
detect and discriminate hundreds of metabolites that yoghurt compared with the high-fat meal, which contains
show postprandial variation in blood and urine. However, almost twice as much protein.
once the identities of such metabolites are confirmed
(identification remaining a major bottleneck in metabo- In the context of the concept of NBHs, the postprandial
lomics [22]), their link with health status has to be behavior of phenylalanine, among others essential amino
established in order to qualify as NBHs. The use of acids, should be related to its decreased levels under
metabolomics data from interventional and observational pathological conditions, in particular in the blood of
studies that compare the metabolic status of healthy elderly patients with malnutrition [23] as well as in
subjects to that of subjects with specific metabolic dis- muscular tissues of patients with neuromuscular diseases
orders may help addressing this question. [24]. Indeed the imbalance between synthesis and deg-
radation of muscle proteins in these populations is
The above strategy can, again be illustrated by the strongly dependent on the efficient delivery and meta-
specific example from the study already presented in bolic use of essential amino acids, including phenylala-
Figures 1 and 2 [16]. Figure 3 shows the postprandial nine [25,26,27]. Also, supplementation of this population
behavior of the essential amino acid, phenylalanine, after with essential amino acids is a valid clinical approach [28–

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Nutritional Biomarkers of Health Pimentel et al. 71

Figure 3

1.0 Milk intake *
Yoghurt intake
High fat meal

Intensity (A.U.)



0 120 360
Time (min)
Current Opinion in Food Science

Postprandial response of phenylalanine in the serum of subjects having ingested the acidified milk, probiotic yoghurt or the high-fat meal.
Adjusted P value < 0.05, paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Benjamini–Hochberg’s correction. The design of the intervention study has been
published elsewhere [16].

30]. Finally, milk proteins, in particular whey protein, fermentation of milk to probiotic yoghurt not only
play a particular role in the clinical management of increases the bioavailability of essential amino acids,
sarcopenia in aging [31–35]. Figure 3 therefore suggests among these phenylalanine, but also increases postpran-
that the potential of milk to support the delivery of dial insulin suggests a potential contribution of these
essential amino acids to the organism in order to support products to the management of muscle health.
muscle health can be further enhanced by technological
fermentation. It also highlights the potential of the meta- Conclusions
bolomic analytical strategy in identifying NBHs. The identification of metabolites that both show specific
postprandial appearance in the organism depending on
Making use of validated clinical biomarkers the qualities of the ingested foods and that are causally
toward the establishment of causality for associated with metabolic disorders, provides an exciting
NBHs approach to exploit the preventive health qualities of diet.
An additional tool in the search for NBHs is the ability to The identification of such markers, defined here as
statistically correlate, and mechanistically associate, the NBHs, can be facilitated by the current development
information obtained from metabolic profiling with, and in metabolomic technologies that will strengthen collab-
to, validated postprandial markers. In light of the existing oration between food and nutrition scientists.
challenges associated with the identification of validated
clinically-relevant biomarkers [36], this task is certainly Conflict of interest
the most critical part of the NBH concept. For illustration, All authors declare no actual or potential conflicts of
postprandial insulin, but not glucose, was statistically interest.
significantly increased after intake of the probiotic yoghurt
compared to the acidified milk (KJ. Burton et al, unpub-
lished). Insulin is a key molecule in muscle biology and This work was funded by Agroscope.
the management of related pathologies, for example, in
elderly, as it promotes muscle anabolism [25,37,38].
References and recommended reading
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properties are increased upon hydrolysis of whey, in have been highlighted as:
particular via the insulin secretagogue activity of branched  of special interest
chain amino acids and phenylalanine [39]. That the  of outstanding interest

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72 Foodomics technologies

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