Assignment - Class V English - April - 23

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A1. Read the following passsage and answer the questions .

How Popcorn POPS

Popcorn certainly is a yummy snack, but it is also a fascinating food.
People have been fascinated by popcorn for centuries. When Europeans first landed in
America, they found that the Native Americans used popcorn for a variety of things. They
made various ornaments, garlands and even headdresses from popcorn.
Native Americans believed that a spirit lived inside each kernel of popcorn. When heated,
the spirit grew angry and eventually burst out of its home and into the air as a disgruntled
puff of steam. Now, we have a less charming but more scientific explanation for why
popcorn pops.
There are three elements that make popcorns pop:
• Moisture (water content) inside the kernel
• Starch inside the kernel
• The hard shell, called a hull, surrounding the kernel
When a popcorn kernel heats up, the moisture inside it turns into steam and starts to expand.
But the hull (yellow part of the corn) is rigid and hard, so it cannot expand. Since steam
needs more space than there is inside the kernel, it builds up pressure inside it. The pressure
keeps rising until the kernel cannot keep the steam inside and explodes or pops.
There are always some kernels that do not pop in every batch of popcorn. They are called
‘old maids’ in the popcorn industry. They do not pop because moisture content inside them
is low. Some do not pop because they have small cracks on them. The steam formed inside
the kernel leaks out of the cracks. As a result, no pressure is built inside and the kernel goes
The most interesting is the white fluffy foam-like flake that we get after a kernel pops. The
starch granules inside the kernel do not explode but expand into thin, jelly-like bubbles.
When they cool down, the bubbles fuse together and solidify, forming the fluffy foam that
we love to eat.
English Page No.1
Q1. What belief did the Native Americans have about the popcorn?
a. a spirit lived inside each kernel
b. there was starch inside the kernel
c. there moisture inside the kernel

Q2. How is the kernel of corn?

a. soft and white
b. rigid and hard
c. fluffy and crunchy

Q3. Which of these sentences is not true of the Native Americans?

a. they used popcorn to make a variety of things.
b. the Europeans taught them that it is a yummy snack.
c. they even made headdresses from them.

Q4. Why are kernel that do not pop called ‘old maids’ in the popcorn industry?
a. they do not have enough moisture content them.
b. they have cracks on them.
c. both a and b.

Q5. Which of the following words is closed in meaning to disgruntled?

a. charming
b. angry
c. fascinating

English Page No.2

A2. Read the following poem and answer the questions.

My Song
This song of mine will wind its music around you,
My child, like the fond arms of love.
This song of mine will touch your forehead
Like a kiss of blessing.
When you are alone it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear,
When you are in the crowd it will fence you about with aloofness.
My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
It will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.
It will be like the faithful star overhead
When dark night is on your road.
My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes,
And will carry your sight into the heart of things.
And when my voice is silent in death,
My song will speak in your living heart.

--Rabindranath Tagore

Q1. What will the song do when the child is alone ?

a) sit by your side and whisper in your ear.
b) like a pair of wings it will make you fly.
c) like the faithful star lead you.

Q2. What is the song compared in the second line of the poem?
a) the fond arms of love.
b) a pair of wings to your dreams.
c) a kiss of blessing.

Q3. For what will the song give the child a pair of wings ?
a) to be like the bird.
b) to protect the child.
c) to achieve his/her dreams.

English Page No.3

Q4. When the night is dark over your road means……..
a) when there are difficulties and troubles.
b) When the place is very dark.
c) When you are not sure which road to take.

Q5. A simile compares two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.

a) Write two things the song is compared to in the poem.



b) As beautiful as a rainbow is a simile.Write two oter similes of our own.




B1. Write A for assertive, I for imperative, E for exclmatory and In for interrogative.

a)You must watch the news everyday. _______

b) It’s so cold ! _______

c) Can I borrow some books from you? _______

d) Leave your shoes outside. _______

e) What a beautiful day! ________

f) The camel is known as the ship of the desert. _______

B2. Place a full stop , question mark or exclamation mark at the end of these sentences.

1. Richard has gone to the market _____

English Page No.4

2. When are you leaving for London _____

3. How crowded the market is _______

4. Revise for your test,now _________

5. Are you going to school today ________

6. Shut the door _________

B3. Add suitable subjects or predicates to the following.

1. All the monkeys in the zoo___________________________________________.

2. ____________________________ is filled with books of all shapes and sizes.
3. _____________________________ sang very well at the concert.
4. The lovely red rose in my uncle’s garden_______________________________.
5. The blind begger __________________________________________________.

B4. Circle the Subject and Underline the Predicate.

1. My family went for a picnic yesterday.

2. The snowman began to melt as the sun came out.

3. Emma travels to the USA every year.

4. I really enjoyed the first day of school.

5. Into its hole the rat escaped.

6. The thin tired weak old lady in the black dress crossed the road.

7. The nurse gave Jerry an injection

8. Up,up and away went the kite.

English Page No.5

B5. Rewrite the following sentences using different punctuation marks.

1. please dont shout in the class


2. mrs sims cat is black and white.


3. What is the capital of germany sara


4. 4. Its your birthday today isnt it


5. David has been to france austria italy and spain



I. Circle the correctly spelt word in each pair.

1. a. grammar b. grammer 6. a. pleasant b. pleasant

2. a. separate b. separate 7. a. buisness b. business

3. a. desease b. disease 8. a. environment b. enviroment

4. a. twelfth b. twelveth 9. a. begger b. beggar

5. a. forty b. fourty 10. a. dissapear b. disappear

English Page No.6

Section D – Writing

Study the pictures carefully and write a story using the hints given below. Give a
suitable title and the moral.

( A boy --- found ---injured pigeon--- took home---nursed --- cage--- saw birds flying ---set








English Page No.7














English Page No.8

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