2019 11 28 Regional Wash Cluster Meeting Minutes Hiran-Hirshabelle PDF

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Name of Meeting: WASH Cluster monthly meeting Date: 28/ 11/2019

Venue: Save the Children Office. Time: 9:30 – 11:30

Focal point agency: Save the Children Duration: 2 hours

List of participant SCI, AADSOM, WARDI, SECO, Islamic Relief, Qatar Charity, MERCY USA, DAN, MIDNIMO, HABA, GREATHOPE,SYPD, RRP
organizations: MoEWR Hirshabelle
Minute prepared by: Mohamed Isak Jalafey

Agenda items:
1. Opening remarks / Introduction (5 MIN)
2. Review of the previous meeting minutes and follow up on action points. ( 10 min)
3. Update on drought situations (IDPs, AWD / cholera,) (30 min)
4. Maintaining river levels monitoring and strengthening of early warning system to minimize the effects of floods.
5. Partners updates (who is doing what, where and when-4W matrix) (25 min)
6. Any other challenge or constraint affecting all agencies? (15min)
7. AOB
Agenda Items Discussions (gaps) Action points Responsible Agreed
person/agency timeframe
Opening remarks / Participants were asked Mohamed Isak Next meeting
Introduction (5 MIN) The WASH monthly meeting was opened followed by Introductory sessions to observed time Save the 25th
followed by round table. children. December

Review and Previous meeting was read and endorsed as true copy of the minute All WASH
endorsement of the partners
last cluster meeting Follow up on action points
minutes and follow up The chair read the action points of the previous minute and it was agreed that
on the action points all the action points have been well achieved as agreed up on by all partners.
(10 min)

Update on Update on To advocate for further National WASH

Flood impact needs Shabelle River In Hiiran and surrounding areas, level rose above its banks, fund to address the cluster
and gaps overview spilling floodwater into Beledweyne, Buloburte and Jalalaqsi district and existing WASH needs Coordinator and
(IDPs, AWD / cholera reverine villages leading to overflow which has left most the town and and Gaps support officer
and any drought surrounding reverine villages under water. Flood impact for loss of life
and WASH
situations) (30 min) indicated more than 23 people have drowned in Beledweyn alone while
cluster Focal
Over 55,00 HHs equivalent to 330,,000 people, including ( 45500 HHs
equivalent to 273,000 people in Beledweyn, 3000 HHs equivalent to 18,000 point.
people in Buloburte in the town including accessible villages, and 6500 HHs
equivalent to 39,000 people in Jalalaqsi town and reveine villages half of
them children have been displaced from Beledweyn, Buloburte and Jalalaqsi

As of 18 th November,2019; as river water level in Beledweyn started

recedes and flooded water in Beletweyne town receded as 30% the
displaced families started to return to their homes.

the combination of raisn obtained in Ethopia highlands and current river

levels in the Hiiran is expected to remain at high flood risk/full bank levels
with possible of overflowing due to existence of weak river breakages

Cholera and AWD Cases

No AWD/cholera cases reported in this reporting period in all Flood affected

districts and surrounding reverine villages luckily the reduction of AWD It was recommended all
partners to strengthen
cases are attributed to ongoing chlorination of water sources and WASH
AWD/ response
cluster partner’s ongoing WASH software intervention activities,
activities and improve
coordination with line
Drought situations ministries and regional
WASH cluster focal point
Since rains obtained in most of Hiiran districts but there is also shortage of
rains maily in parts of Mataban especially west of Mataban and Maxaas
district. The rest of Hiiran region received agood rains,
Maintaining river All WASH cluster All WASH On daily basis
levels monitoring and Hiiran River level has been identified increasing due to rains obtained in partiners get ready cluster during the
strengthening of early Ethopian hightlands as currently the river level reached at 6.98 metter in preparedness plan Partineers. existing flood
warning system to Beledweyn, 3.64m in Buloburte the increase in Beledweyn l is attributed to based on the risk and
minimize the effects raiins obtained which might contribute the increase of current river level Awareness campaign likelihood of
of floods. Leaing another flooding if the increase of river level contanious reaches above including early warning AWD/ Cholera
bankfull sytem to minimize effect outbreak
of flood, Cholera/
Outbreak prevention

Partners updates Save the children N On monthly

(who is doing what, Hiran Region basis depends
where and when-4W on the need..
matrix) (25 min) SHF integaration project SHF in Buloburte , and BRICs project


Completted activities ( BRCsII ) and Danida

• Takraale borehole ancillary works including (Concrete Elevated

tank,with capacity of 45meter cubic and perimeter wall and
Generator-Caretaker Rooms were completed paving the way for
installation of hybrid system, gererator and submersible pump.

• Provision of Portable water trough Emergency water trucking through

targeting 17700 HHs equivalent to 106,200 people in evacuation
sites in Beledweyn District were completed as follows 11700 HHs
for DFID funded project ( BRICis) ended 28 November while 6000
HHs for Danida project also ended on 9 November
• Hygiene Promotion activities and Compaings Targetting in evacuation
sites including four villages in the Beledweyn town with the
envolvoment of 139 Community hygiene volenteers .are taking part
in hygiene promotion activities and compains

• Construction of 121 emergency latrine were completed in Evacuation

sites reducing open defecations.

• 1450 Hhs equivalent 18080 People were distributed nonfood items

target location (Hiran Bile, Ilkcade, Gurayaced,Dusmo ,Bacaadbuke ,
Haracadey, Lugbari and Nuurada)

• Construction of Permanent Elevated Water Tank, Generator Room &

Parameter Wall of Borehole at Takaraale Village in Mataban District
were completed in November and remaining parts of work like
installion of hybrid, submersible pump and supporting generator will
be be completed in December.

Planned/ Ongoing Activities/

• Hygiene Promotion activities and Compaings Targetting in evacuation

sites including four villages in the Beledweyn town with the
envolvoment of 139 Community hygiene volenteers .are taking part
in hygiene promotion activities and compains

• Construction of 119 emergency latrine were nearly to be completed

on first week of December in evacuation sites reducing open

• SHF project Hiiran and Kismayo

Completed Activities
• Conduct of hygiene promotions campaigns in health, nutrition and
schools and the catchment populations
• 1,500 hygiene kits targeting Helath and nutrition centres in
Beledweyn and Mataban were completed in November 2019.

Planned/ Ongoing Activities

• Construction of 74 emergency latrine were to be completed on

Second week of December in project target.

Buloburte District SHF project:

Completed Activities

• Capacity building Trainings on WASH related DRR for Institutions

including Gov. NGOs/Cluster, Community target for 35 Participants.
• Hygiene promotion and Campaings were conducted in Buloburte for
the project target locations and continuos until end of project.
• Rehabilitant of 10 latrines for poor families in Bulaburte District
• Construction of 15 latrines for vulnerability households in Bulaburte
• Borehole rehabilitation with Solar system in Bulaburte

• Rehabilitated of 1 protected Shallow Well Water System Bulaburte

Planned/ Ongoing Activities

• Hygiene Promotion activities and Compaings Targetting for 6 villages

in Buloburte district
• Training of water mangment committee
Relief International


Completted activities STAR FUND

• Provision of Portable water trough Emergency water trucking through

targeting 3500 ( 1200HH Ceel jaale and 250HH Hiran bile and 349HH
Ilkacade And 300HH Doon gaduud And 190HH burqaniinyo and 680
mareer gaagab And 531 Guricade start 8 November
• Hygiene Kit Distubution 2800 Targetting in evacuation sites including
Seven villages in the Beledweyn town with the envolvoment of
Community hygiene volenteers .are taking part in hygiene promotion
activities and compains

Planned/ Ongoing Activities

• Water trucking

• Hygien Kit

• Emergency laterens

• Rehebalitation latterens

• Water points rebabilitaion

AADSOM WASH planned activities in Jallaqsi District

• Water Trucking through water vouchers targeting 6000
people getting 7.5/p/d for one month.
• Distribution of 1000 H. Kits targeting flood affected families in
• Hygiene promotion activities targeting flood affected
families in Jallaqsi
• Distribution 1000 hygiene kits to following villages
Garabdhen, Qarsoni, Wagadda, Ciryar, Burcadde, Doonjiq and
• Hygiene promotion awareness targeting 3100 HHs
Garabdhen, Qarsoni, Wagadda, Ciryar, Burcadde, Doonjiq and
Provides 100 trank truck with capacity 10,000 litesr targeting 3000
HHs in Evacuation sites, they intended 2 montsh.

• Provision of asfe drinking wter targeting 791 Households in
Ceeljaale this water will be continius untll the flood affected
families retun to their houses.
• Constructed 131 emergency latrines in Ceeljaale (A-B)
Mercy USA
• Hygiene kit distribution was done targeting 2000 HHs in
CeeljaaleB and Bundaweyn.
• Hygiene promotion activities targeting in Evacutaion sites
Qadar Charity
• Provides safe drinking water through Emergency water trucking
targeting 4402 Households equivalent to 26,412 people getting
7.5/l/p/d in evcautionsites until 10 December
Planned activities in December
• Emergency water trucking targeting 600 Hhs representing to
3600 people getting 7.5/p/pd. In Ceeljaale evacuation sites.
• Hygiene promotion and Campaings in Evacuation sites.
• Vector control intervention for Spraying in the town to
reduce impact mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water.
• Provision of safe drinking water thrught emergeny water
trucking targeting evcaucation sites stated 17 november
Isalmaic Relief
Planned activity on December 2019
• Provision of safe drinking water thrught emergeny water
trucking targeting 2500 HHs evcaucation for period of 30

Any other challenge No Challenges reported in this reporting period .

or constraint affecting
all agencies? (15min)


WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene)

CLUSTER Attendance list for WASH cluster partners Somalia

1. Abdullahi Warsame UNICHA 0615564255 warsame@un.org

2. Mohamed Isak Jalafey SCI 0615595972 Isak.Jalafey@savethechildren.org

3. Abdifatah Mohammed Hassan SCI 0616585888 abdifatah.hassan@savethechildren.org

4. Hassan Galbeed Mercy USA 0616366666 Hassan Galbed" <hgalbed@mercyusa.org

5. Jaamac Isaq Madaxey Midnimo 0615571611 Midnimo.hiran@gmail.com

6. Mohamed Isak Dirie Wardi 615582940 wardi.hiran@hotmail.com

7. Abdi Rahaman Hassan Mohamed AADSOM 0615565299


8. Abdirashid Aadan Abdulle SYPD 0615590953 sypdblw@gmail.com

9. Mohamed Abtiyow Qadar Charity qchsom.projects@gmail.com

10 Mohamud Shire DAN 06156557735

11 Omar Mohamed Magan Rekief Interanational 0615692769
12 Ali Deeq CECO 0615907223 civilengineer114@live.com

• 4ws matrix
• List of participants

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