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As you sow, so shall you reap

Think of your life as an agricultural field. If you want good crops
from this soil then you must plant seeds of superior quality in it
because the quality and the quantity of the yield is dependent on
the types of seeds you sow.

This simply means, your deeds whether good or bad, will repay
you in kind. The universal truth remains that you will be rewarded
according to your deeds. Thus, if you do good, then good will
come back to you and if you do bad, then don’t expect anything
but bad to come back to you. This is what the Law of Karma also
says, “what goes around, comes around”.

Surprisingly, this has been backed by science as well. As you all

know, Newton’s 3rd Law of Gravitation says, “For every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction”. To put it in simple terms,
every time we do something, we create a corresponding energy
that comes back to us in some form or the other.

That is why it is important that you must be vigilant and

considerate with your actions because they have repercussions. In
this sense, I am the creator of my destiny – I create happiness or
misery around me. I have a choice and that choice is mine and
mine alone – whether to create heaven or hell for myself.

I invite you to consider that Karma is not limited to the acts that
we do. The words that we utter as well as the thoughts that we
generate fall within the ambit of Karma.

To drive the point home, I would like to give a few examples here.
If you sow the seeds of a tomato plant, you will get tomatoes only;
you cannot expect potatoes or for that matter any other vegetable
growing from it. So, if you sow the seeds of kindness,
compassion, honesty in your life then you will be reciprocated
with acts that are driven by the same gesture. However, the
reverse will happen should you decide to sow the seeds of greed,
jealousy, hatred, violence; leaving yourself and your coming
generations open to mockery, ridicule and infinite misery.

Another way to look at it is; while you are driving, the steering
wheel is in your control; whether or not you will meet with an
accident at the next turning depends solely on how well you are
able to maneuver at that point. Therefore, once again it’s your
actions that will decide your fate.

For 2016, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

(NHTSA) data shows that in the United States, roughly 28 people
die every day in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-
impaired driver. Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively
impact your vision. After drinking, you may notice that your
vision is blurred or that you’re unable to control your eye
movement. Thus, if you are driving under the influence of alcohol
or drugs then the chances of you returning home safe are reduced
considerably and this is a negative consequence that you have
brought upon yourself as well as on people around you through
your reckless actions.

I would like to end by saying that your words and actions are like
arrows, once released you cannot call them back. Hence, before
releasing, make sure you back them up with the right and positive
intentions so that they don’t leave a scar wherever they go and if
they are ever redirected at you, you know that you can welcome
them happily.

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