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vd Ty TPeM10 = Primavara 2021 - 2022 Diffuse affectation Strictures and fistulas Multiple ulcers, © Segmental attectation © “Cobblestone” pattern ‘Scanned with CamScanner 95. Phospholipids, as a component of bile, exert which of the following functions in Gl tract: @ Contribute to cholesterol solubilisation © Activate motor function of Gl tract © Bacteriostatic effect © Decrease bacterial adhesion to mucosa of the biliary ducts ©. Induce bile formation in the absence of bile acids 5 Sea RW keyaat =i ‘Scanned with CamScanner 53. Identify the pequilarities of coinfection between HBV and HDV: © Can be treated with hepatoprotective @ |t develops when a healthy individual is exposed simultaneously to HBV and HDV infections © It can appears when a person has already hepatitis B © Appears only at inmunocompromised individuals © It becomes chronic infection in more than 80% cases Bs 01218) 007.0 URMATOAREA > Scanned with CamScanner 38. Indicate the method that is not required for the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia: © Exclusion of NSAID administration © Noninvasive testing of H.pylori infection © Exclusion of alarm symptoms. © Symptom evaluation according to Rome IV criteria @ Upper digestive endoscopy ‘Scanned with CamScanner 41. Select which of the following have NOT recomended in treating NAFLD? @ Ribavirin © Statin © Metformin © Vitamin E © Pioglitazone bd se 0) UN TNO) Na). Scanned with CamScanner 9, Select the histologic abnormalities in the liver in Wilson's disease: aia ©. lymphoid follicles or aggregates @ Focal hepatocellular necrosis OQ. Presence of intrahepatic granulomas © Periductal “onion skin” fibrosis @ Glycogenated nuclei in hepatocytes Sods 01-18) 0 N LSU) Wey NS 121 Wo 9 Scanned with CamScanner 4. What is the location of the sphincter of Oddi @ Localization depends on the duct of Santorini © At the junction between the biliary duct and the neck of galbladder © Atthe junction between the right and left intrahepatic ducts © Atthe distal end of the common bile duct © At the junction between the cystic duct with common jbile duct ‘Scanned with CamScanner NN IK \ i MN NN MN iN ‘Scanned with CamScanner Oe 61. Indicate the most effective treatment in chronic diarrhea: 2 Antiinflammatory drugs Oo ) Antidiarrheal agents Antibiotics ° fe) Pathogenetic 9 Etiological SE SRE “Srng, Scanned with CamScanner 2. Select the typical features that inform a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis: i ©. Increased iron and ferritin levels 8 Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Anti-smooth-muscle antibody (SMA), anti-LKM1 >1:80 in adults and >1:20 in children @ \-globulins or IgG level >1.5x @ Predominant AST and ALT abnormality ©. Increased ceruloplasmin level Scanned with CamScanner A WWW na NI ‘Scanned with CamSeanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 71. Select the importance of HDV RNA quantitatative test: © May be assess risk of progression to terminal liver disease © Is performed in all patients who had ever liver diseases B {tis strictly useful in indication of antiviral therapy © Itis not necessary in patients receiving antiviral treatment © Is correlated with the stage liver disease ‘Scanned with CamScanner 91. Mention the most right statement about ischemic gastritis: @ Results of atherosclerotic thrombi arising from celiac and mesenteric arteries © Results of atherosclerotic thrombi arising from the inferior mesenteric arteries © Itis an acute hemorrhagic gastritis © Itis an acute erythematous gastritis ©. It occurs in young people Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 42. Select the pathophysiological mechanism of iron overload in hemochromatosis: © Increased iron intake with food © Low renal excretion of Iron © Insufficiency of intracellular iron transport mechanisms © Increased release of Iron upon destruction of red dlood cells @ !ncreased iron absorption in the intestine ‘Scanned with CamScanner 68. Select the test used to monitor the effectiveness of phlebectomies performed in patients with primary hemochromatosis: © Plasma transferrin saturation © Urine iron excretion (per 24 hours) @ Plasma ferritin concentration © Transaminase (ALT, AST) level O Serum Iron level ‘Scanned with CamScanner 1. Mark the therapy goals in GERD: @ Promote healing - if mucosa is injured @ Diminish the frequency of recurrence and duration of esophageal reflux @ Prevent complications © Decreasing esophageal sphincter tone 0 Eradication of helicobacter pylori infection Scanned with CamScanner 92. Choose the INCORRECT affirmation about Crohn's disease: ls characteristic fistula formation ls characteristic "cobblestone" sign ° ° O Can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract © \s a transmural inflammation e Is a superficial inflammation ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 9. Select the histologic abnormalities in the liver in Wilson's disease: © lymphoid follicles or aggregates @ Focal hepatocellular necrosis QO Presence of intrahepatic granulomas © Periductal “onion skin” fibrosis @ Glycogenated nuclei in hepatocytes ‘Scanned with CamScanner 39. Mention the histopathological changes that occur in lymphocytic gastritis: © Infiltration of the foveoles by T-lymphocytes © Necrosis of lamina muscularis © Infiltration of the epithelium by neutrophils @ Infiltration of the surface of epithelium by T- lymphocytes @ Associated chronic infiltrates in the lamina propria < PRECEDENTA URMATOAREA > Scanned with CamScanner 51. Select drugs from the group of selective myotropic antispasmodics: @ Mebeverine hydrochloride © Lactulose Q Macrolgol @ Pinoveriuma bromide @ Otilonia bromide PRECEDENTA URMATOAREA > Scanned with CamScanner 59. Select the amount of beverage that corresponds to a Standard portion or unit of alcohol (8-10 g pure alcohol): ©. Two glasses or 350 ml of wine 10% @ Aglass (100 ml) of wine 10% @ A330 mi of beer © A750 ml of beer a 20-30 ml hard drink ~ 40% é e ieee 45. Mark the characteristics of alcoholic liver disease: © Autoantibodies to the hepatocyte membrane © Presence of itching for a long time @ Ethylism in history @ Repeated episodes of "acute hepatitis" @ Manifestations of hypo-avitaminosis < PRECEDENTA | URMATOAREA > ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 93. Choose the phase of absorption which includes parietal digestion: ©. Transmembrane ©. Intestinal @ Lumenal ©. Transport © Mucosal e mn Scanned with CamScanner

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