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st (Paper code: Bay8coME DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2019 B.A./B.COM FIRST YEAR SUBJECT - GENERAL ENGLISH 00 Hours MaM.70 1. Read the folowing passage and ansuer the questions that follows- 15 Tie Wi peacocks lve together in are flocs inthe forests of central Africa. They seratch about in the ground during the day for seeds to-at and at nightfall they fly up tothe tress where they perch and sleep. Every peacock has several wives, known as peahens The female birds build their nests on the ground and lay from four to six whitish, sometimes spotted eggs. During the mating season the male laters a harsh raucous ery I) How and where do the wild peacokes lve? Ii) What do they do during the day and at ight? li) Where do the peahens lay eggs and how many ata time? Iv) Describe the eggs laid by peahens. \V} Write the meaning ofthe following words (a) Flocks {b) Harsh (a) Pereh 0.2 Supply suitable articles - 5 |) Aman is_ basketball player, li) Ihaver‘t seen her in_ two years. li) This is _ best Rajasthan restaurant inthe County. Iv) My motheris__ English teacher. V} I moved last year to_Delh “ PTO. as as as a7, Choose the suitable preposiions- 5 ') Nico___meet you |i) Look___the flowers. Ui) Sia’s birthday is__June, 1s) What is this called Sanskrit? ¥) Rohan is___ vacation, Fillin the blanks using the appropriate phrasal verbs- 5 |) He___her from his oie rine up/rng nto} |i) Young boys love to___a beautiful i. (wait up/wait uzon) lil) The chld__for help. (call on/all out) 1M) He __with his frien, (Fell nfl out) ¥) He could not ___ this delay in reaching the offce. (account for/ account to} Supply suitable determiners: 5 |] Mymotherdoesn'tdrink__ coffee. |i) abvays keep__money in my wallet lil) She gave a cookie to__ child. Iv) Could you bring me books left inthe garden? ¥) There are!nt___students inthe class. Fillin the blanks the correct form of verb- 5 |}. They___onthe projectat the moment. (work) i) |__— football after work. play) lil) Abhishek often___ shopping on the weekend. (go) IM) twas very tired, s01___to bed eary. (go) ¥) Taru wasn't hungry, S0 she__ anything (eat) Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice. 5 |) Heopens the door |i) They wear blue shoes. li) Who wrote this story? w as, as, auto. aun Iv} The child is eating mangoes V) May god bess you with happiness. Rewrite the following sentences into indirect speech 5 i) He said, "1am reading a stry. I) Ram said, "Let us go to’2 movie.” Ii) He says, "Where does she lve? iv) The old man said, "Alas! my pain ie lest." V) Rohan said, "Aryan, do not waste my time." Fil in the blanks the correct Modal Auxilay. 5 I) We__buya car next month I) She__—rather die them marry him iy you Wve tong! WV) {speak English when | was ten VW) We__doourduty. ‘Write a letter to your sister asking her about her heath and study. 5 Wirt a paragraph in about 200 words on any one ofthe following topics: 10 1) Womentmpowerment Ii) ARainy Day Ii) Students ang Petites xy ay a oom oie # te, war om ah TT scares ns gt, is a eta ma TET 52. raters wert one 2x10=20 () 38 Garr te 8 arash om titer & to eT AT eat adage at de ates alten AAT Tat (i) ape tie eee ogee Gath ge 8 ah aes Be wea 8 Rig oe ig aaa I AT seat of te Ter GS’ Pt ce et a ach eek # rt sa Ret ates meen are A 8. Freier 8 rf Pa re 15 so ‘a. papercode:sa/acownt qr Trewer wat - 2019 ere (fg. /Ataia.) sere ‘frre: area feet 9.00 we, wats + 70 Pde: anh mest & oe ei wet ea a skay eT sift 51, Pret ae area - 4x5=20 (31) are she i Rt ee Rae ea a TA a a PA as cot Bs a es es ee oe ae ST A er ha oot a Poke ae after era se ree eT a en, 2h ah roo eh sae of 8 re ha () aren a fe (i) te (i) eee ee ae (jy) rs re seer eT 54. Rn ea oe re 5x3=15, () RIERA ot RA ose eR (ii) Par et gee PR (3) ware (@) semigs(a) pea (ii) ester et fae (3) den (@) Ae (@) mere i) ri Rl sere gee Rae a THT (ci) st Sarre 1 (#) as sce ara ah (3) AH are Te 1 (©) sue A are (5) en eae aT ol orf (v) erin Fad ames er ee? oe as eh ee Fe he Be re ose ee 81h ere emer # oe er a a wer 2B, 28 8, UR A er 8 ag er ar ERA G sar oP Ge ot eRe Gow a A ot go a oh EAT nth fees er eer Lr fe ore‘ en ae eee to santo eh re ser ot eh 3 8 re ee eek Ba A Ho Po HL sear ct eae errr fh ore Ba 8, we gow ee fe sere Fe eB gem re ears ar ere er Be ere ee re he de gH eh eT ae gr en get hat RA wT A (8) aa ee ree (4) OG (ere te et ere (9) eH (2) eget 28 er 1 oe w) tow ares wa rch Seaton co ome, ver, SRT aA ae A A ae ar 8 ero ree a ee eR A, “ BS. 1 ®) (=) Rb ae wah Ah Ager 8, ere 8h we ger we fe a ros er ae ee ee mere Bs we we wt re, gether ee a eh Rar geo er A BA ae eT eh A et THE 23 ea, gate guar ot fre gear bart Hae rd, ee ag Agu aad wens ‘sea eg A en ow get gers A cw saw 8 Braet el 8, FF Re Sea, HERO, Be Ta a ae sre TA Pra err bar te er er ea &, ee a a ee eae ee BR eee ae SRA es ETE er Fe ae 8 A gH Ue ea we ara fr fe cam eA at a an BL a aT a @ 99 a ge 2a en aT He eet tar a, A er RT 48 war? 8 forgo ot a sear sro cr hf eer, ‘we ert enh ew ah veer a Sue Rr ea, ea ota te Re A ‘afer Ser ise oat, ‘rn rahe gg ae, web ea ee GF, ear ret at Tmt 81 rea el TR wT REE OTT fer conl sag iow Be, = tee res he he Ah as Re 2 ah 8 ote srk yh ae th et as eee Ree ho Ro hea, ase raed, Etat er flr fe st ee ihe we ce ee AE ee ee BT ee, ec er abe ve a re eh et fi te ot getera 8, ae a ao ore aT TA Bua ta, we er er re? see chon wa ere ow a oh go ex or ca ert a eB A a eA Haag META w ade ear ws fees FT {te or er Re et tet Viet 88a oo ede ae tt cee dota ae ston & shea eat Bon a ora, aa Tet fear ee a, eM Ta en aren a, =m aT fen gah ar RR, aE Te eT eT wy BI3, a2 as aa as, (uv) Hatfateague, hala league, Half league onwords Allin the valeyof Death Rode the six hundred Forword, thelight Brigade! Charge forthe guns! he sai. into the valley of death Rode these hundred (i) Abou Ben Adem ‘awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, ‘And sa, within the moonlight in is room, ‘aking ich, ad lie ail in bloom, ‘an angel writing ina book of gol Attempt any four ofthe following questions: 5-20 (i) Writeashortnote.on the play "The Boor" (i) Write the mocalo the play "The Dear Departed Uli) Whatis the significance ofthe title The shop Candlesticks? (iv) Comment en the plot of The little man. (v)_Attempta character sketch of The Bishop. (vi) Whatdo ou mean by one Act play? (vi) Diseussthe major themes of The Dear Departed? Attempts cra appreciation ofthe poem llth wordisa stage" 10 Critically analyze the poem "Where the mind is without fear ‘Summarize the poem'Death the Level » oR Cray appreciate the poem The charge ofthe ight Brigade? Discuss the major aspect of Graft by KN.Daruwala 10, oR Critically appreciate the poem indian weaver. w Time ‘Paper Code: 800121 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2019 B.A. FIRST YEAR Subject : English Literature Paper - 1: Poetry and Drama 3.00 Hours wi :70 (0.1. Expleinanyfourfthe following stanzas wth reference tothe content: 45°20 (i) Andaltthe men and women merely players ‘They have their exits and theirentrances; “And one man in bls tine plays many parts; His acts being seven ages (i) Wher the mind is without far and the head hel high, ‘where the word has not been brokenup unto fragments by narrow domesticwalls (li) Behold he single inthe fel Yon solitary highland lass Reaping and singing by herself Stop here, gently pass! Alone she cuts and bins the gran, (iv) Weavers, weaving at fall of right, ‘Why do you weavea garment sobright? Like the plumes ofa peacock, purple and green, ‘We weave the mariage vels ofa queen (0) Theglories of out blood and state Are shadows, nt substantial things, Thare ena stmour agains fate, Death lays his ieyhand on kings Sceptreand crown ‘Must tumble dove, And lathe dust be equal made ‘withthe poor Crooked scythe and spade. “ Pro, ° APeperCode: 840112 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2019 B.A. FIRST YEAR h Literature ‘Time : 3.00 Hours M.M.70 Note : Attempt all questions. 2.1, Attempt any five of the following questions in not more than 100 words each. (from “A choice of Short Stories) Sx3=15 {i) How does the old man show his nobleness in the story "The Refugee’? (il) What de the child want after he had lost his parents? Ail) What sort ofa person was Rao? Aiv) What dd Gortsby think of the dusk? (V)__Whyisthetemple ofthe Guru's palm knownby that name? (vi) What according to you isthe mora ofthe fable The Nose Jewel? €.2.(A) Are the following statements true or false? (Any five) 5K1=5 Ai) allthe desires of the chit are fulfilled towards the end of the story in The lst Chi (il) Thebest!cando ferthis grandson of mine istobuy litle s0ed forthe land (ll) Me Tower was an archaeologist {iv) The young man was the object of Gortsby's pursut. (v)Ramayya had stolen the diamond nose-stud. “ Pro. (ui) The people ofthe village stopped the tain by ing onthe rallway-track 3. (a) Fill in the blanks in the sentences given below (Any ten} 30x10 () Sheisas pretty. doll “ there isa will thee ea way. (ii) The oldman saved the siver coin because he wanted O.cnnnnt86d witht (wv) walked fast that | was realy tired (1) Where are the teachers have to appear before the principal? (vi) Moghdoot was writen Kelas, (vil) She went to America. her husband! (vill Arjun sae that he would never arties (o) He ‘otransate Shakespeare's works int Hind 6) Nepalis. the north of India. (i) Breads made. four (ail) The riverGomati through Lucknow. 3. (6) Attempt any two ofthe following questions: 2s=10 (i) What were Rao's experience on the day ofthe cyclone? (il) Whatis the theme ofthe story ‘Dusk’ by Saki? (ii) "These were men and women of which any nation might have been proud’, says the narrator about the refugees:Why? w a4, as. ‘Attempt Any one question in not more than 300 words. 2x15 =15 (i) Write about the tragic end of Boxer in ‘Animal Farm! (i) Give an account of the efforts of d ‘edeation of animals in ‘Animal Fae lopment and [tempt any one question in not more than 300 words..5 =15 (i) Narrate The Birth of Khadi'in our own wors. (il) How was Gandhi) ‘essential a religious man’? Deseribe his religious thought. (ii) What does Gandhi mean by World of Experience'? os ay BS, ‘aes me ar ara en’— fg ie Kanishka | was a great ruler Prove it. Grave & ates orate oe ae PIR ‘Write an essay on the cultural development of Shunga Period, ‘sem / OR sects steps Pore eo 3 fg Write an essay on the cultural development in Gupta Period sia rr ee Free Wet an essay on the administration of Chola, swear /OR gents ciegan atta ow da Wirt an essay on the cultural achievements of Calubyas. ae w co (PaperCode:840321 qe Tree whan - 2019 wares (@g.) were of freer = gftrerer Serr ceri or gran (SMe arr & 1260 &. ae) pte : 70 Pea: ah wet & oar Sf) wet net & sie wg Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. ra: 9.00 ae 1, ian ee Rte ao er Give an account ofthe main features of Vedic Religion, seer / OR fig eet eer Fa es Se AIT {Give an account of the main features of Indus Valley lization 3, 2, rents a Pr Write an essay on the Rise of Magadhe. seer / OR rt et & eT ge er Pave fre \rite an essay onthe Administration of Mahajanpadas. 3, 3, thega ereemt ht awa we ew Fare \rite an essay on the achievements of Gautamiputra Sather seer / OR w BqS/PrO, =) 9. pre Foe re a ie 8 (a. Papercode: 800122 Describe the development of scence in Gupta's age. qr wrguma what - 2019 ‘sere / OR ears (f.g.) we af grater eae RT a AL fPowa : sftreret Describe the salient feature of TulsidasIterature fetta ex — rete siege 6 ameter 4. eas Re ou Raver a SR aera + 3.00 wre ete: 70 Deserbe the salient feature of temples of Gupta's age wean / OR Area eh eat Bue ARIEL a EAT B si eT 1 Not oe ee [Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks, Describe the different styes of Rajput Painting. 1 es eet in ft tr ao as Cpa rao Wire @ note on Religious feof Vedle Perio. ‘Write @noteon the contrbution of Arya Samjinsocil and Religious ‘seat / OR Lt ree gy Rear we er re ‘seat / OR Write anote on the teachings of Mahatama Budde. aretha eg oe ORR eg me aT AT IT Describe the effect of Westron culture on Indian culture 5. 2, goer a Fe Write @ note on Purusharth 1 ‘sem / OR ‘fare eae ar re ae GRR a FH Explaing the Viva Sanskar describe its objectives and types. “ o BES/TO. wa: freer Peper code: BaD109 Ba weer wlan - 2019 eres (..) wer ae fewer: fret efter rere wey — frente prea enfte .00 ee pits: 70 2 aA weet a aoe ee HA sea kes eH sie 51, Safar cael A A et es ee cre S72 (ete eng sere sr aR ome BF aT ATR ar at aR A ar aw oR § dea ech aor oR og on ater at sate wate aR Ten 8s GEL sorte a stad AZ, aR oT se aad stir ont, ght aon ETT sat tc oF ont aa 8, GR Cw ier (iy rents ae eh it et oe sep rere ar ham ot AB a a Aa A oP at dhe og Sheath ot ae at af er ae a wet a ah CoP ST Se AR ear hy ee rere eH 2h AR he TH Sg fhe wt ee i a A OE “ Pas. 2h ere ae a he RE TH saa ae oe, od at ha wae at ots, Rees FA (ii) ge th et ee” seth ager a eT ‘hag eat ast a Ae, sa Pes re ay Ae en that ah Fat, hah a oF GR ATI werd aaa a, Pes wie gat wera SII () Sener Tt ‘ra aha 4188 aS, aR foe TI Oe AA a, ert he aged ah ee ah 88, Ref waa eh ‘aa fae Satter Be, Wa AME ae iA ed sg Pree Se, eae AR TE 2. afer ge ster eee hr 10 sea ‘ae HAA rer rer RT et we m3, Fra Fo af rn era fae 10 w HS, 56. erat ‘arava A ew feet ar aver aREe H oom Aeenst at atest ere Sel 10 erat aRcag et a” ere Geter ar ers afta Soft seep em ant’ maar age A “rar arcane fea wh ehereeT eae ARIE 10 erat Api 2 ae ee ares ae AR ets 8 at ee ae hi 08, (0) ave ge are ae es Rade Pr (i care a ents ee me a OTe ag Ae TET (iy ea RT referer ahah flere ere IN o4 () ews oT (ie te eT erry ay «Paper code: 840110 qRea rewaer eta - 2019 ‘ware (f.g.) wert af ‘free: feed arf fata oa - wert yd ore war: 3.00 we pits + 70 Fae: ath wea BF ee eR) eA eT Bes THM ifr 81 3 1 Pret mene 43 feat ww St eon er -17 27 0 w rae a te aA ar ren Hh a eT ATT ste arg or A ar eB rere SR arora AT Oh TT aad 3 & ore dos ar wears a oT Bs oe aT si @ a meee ahi wa Ree gE oe ae Sore he Se Ay akg gave ah, aE Ged aE, A Cee a aad wore Rat ae aT ase, GF sae #1 raat ae sows, HeeH ‘ond gael se ee ae A a aT wy, a EA er GA CE A... 1 Te TAR aT Baw Aas A ow, wea A eT ET wt A Sorat wide ba oo ta Ras west ah oft fe Ret ar aera oad AE eT, a i 2, 2, Pratan wert #8 Ret eh A an cree RIE) DeT=Le o sera 4 heen gory a7 ome en, ue ITH “ Bas. 6 er ef ee oh, eae eT we hear Re shah A sr Be eh amd ah we A os Sea gem 8 aah re we aay (iy ee Shree ea Bs A oh gH an ea, Bea, ae ea HS ET eT, SN TA PL aR AeA am aah tee ee ait GRAN A ah che Re, a eH A aR A El rer er he eh ae em ed TET at we shire Ea (ity Preee ma 3 ee Te to “Pee et aT rears 81 ced Prezde dara eeeh Ae TET eT oe am Rah Bea gee ea a TTB det ‘meere) aad ar act el gate fet aT EE EE en FT eT TATE (ym sRi tam dane, what tT serra, srt coe AGL aG a aw ae woh 8, om ae coma tote on ar gat fae et aT OTT sf ad ee orem ge wee aaa wa Te we sae aya me eh Pet aT GR: St arora a ar or 5 3 Pr 8 Reet et wet ome ete 210220 “a (‘ower aaarey erst” rare abe ot oer ere fife (ay ‘era erate ete oY ees Pte a sects BR (ci) “er era 3 Bee we eT TA A eos ha 1 tbe # 2 fc ow wet aT aR SARC 10 (0) anda! te Been tet are er 8 sweet ter (0) "Pav age apr see ewer TT sar ae fr tt fede da at ae ae se og an wot ‘él 10 om ‘Sera & age at oe are aI wer eg ora Harare ah eae 9 eat rd wart eft a Ree @ Tt oe 5.3. 5a. ‘ain ra ape Pra ae AR What re Secondary canons? Evaluate them. ‘germ /OR ee ern TE A TT RB a te ee IH TE “af a ft re Evaluate the Aagama literature of the Digambar sect and say wither their orginal Aagaras have been preserved or not. Se eat og at ar tor SE Evaluate the main festivals of Jain religion, ‘reer /OR ‘det & fers ote eb et eee ‘Throw light on the causes of rise and fall of Jin Religion Fra 8 feat are we Ref fg \Write notes on any four ofthe following: (i) rare / Lord Mahaveers (i) Serre / Non Absolutism (Anekantvad) (ii) TE / CompassionPoutt (Gandhar) (iv) Tea / Ends and Means (1) 51 / Compassion (Anukampa) (vi) Sever Terapanth oo w m2 «Pape code 840303 aRa creer wlan - 2019 ware (x) wert oe firmer : or fer wert ox — aftrera wd dept + 3.00 we, gts © 70 Paw see see rg ao weal 8 ss aT + Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. ‘te es sage arora cere ot ee AAI Explain the concept of the cycle of time, according to Jain Philosophy. set fOR Frag 8 A art RA te ew I EH Prove that Lord Arshtanemiand Lord Parshvanath wee historical Figures Fret a tere cera ee I Evaluate in detail the philosophies of lfe of any three of the ShwetambarAcharyes. ‘set /oR era re wed 8? Rae @ Reta Ae Who ae called Ninhawas those who believe in heresy)? Evaluate in detail “ Brs/Pro, ‘see /OR rare als 35 os Rares oe a a AC Deribe the importance doctrine 'Praman’ af Nyaya Philosopty. eed au test eee fee Ege AEN Present the views regarding Bondage and emancipation given by Sankarcharya ‘erat /OR ies cea ogre ear & ae AY eT aT A? Describe the substance according tovasheshika philosophy whether substance is possible without attribute? fe 8 8 feet ae we Reh ‘write notes on any four ofthe following (i) eae (9) / Syadvad (ain) (iy Berane (= eee) / Hetvabhasa of Nyaya Philosophy (ii) AFT wE / Importance of Vedas (iv) sare (Rate) / Abhava (Vicheshika) (9) -T/ Maya (vip she (@aPPRG) / Moksha (Upnishada) w 2 (0 PaperCode:840105 qe wear wan - 2019 eras (Ax.) wer TF frwer : tee Ore eet wet oa — setter ae wya: 9.00 ae quis + 70 Pea: ah weal & see Sig ah eat & sie we Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. 1 ear ea Reg fe ie Discus indian Philosophy in detail sweet /oR sake ea ae see ere ate HRT Describe the metaphysics of charvak philosophy. 2h a as org Pat er te te oT wR Throw ight on nature of Nivan and "Ashtange-Mara” according to Bauddh Philosooy. sweet /oR ‘te cei 6 ar er wh Ren I Elaborate the epistemology of Jin Philosophy. 5, 9, en as coarse TC Deseribe the concept of 'Satkaryavada’ according to Sankhya Philosophy, “ PIS/PTO, 5a. Oe So Explain the nature of matter. tft gen eae at SHY Explain the nature of Dharmastkaya Oravya seer /OR A a oe we Throw light on Nine Tatas. Fre a ret ce Rt \Write short notes on any four ofthe following ~ (0) sme / Aashray (a) one / aja (ii) Beet / Leshya (jv) war eG /Nature of Darwya w FLT /Punya-Fope w rryy 2 0. Papercode:8a0308 Wra wreuwA what - 2019 wree (fy.) were a firma : ob fet ‘facta ex — de aca frie ‘waa + 3.00 ae ifs : 70 Fide ae we a ee ee aH meat | sies 1 [Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. Bot, a eu oe ar ach Describe the Samvar and Bandha, ‘sae /OR ee a ter war 82 as 8 What is the aim of tava chintan? Explain in deta 3. 2. onfla ar ee ere Explain the nature of Ava seer /OR ea A TE ‘Throw light on nature of Prana 5.3. or aetrg sha same ah aE Explain the nature of va according the Jin philosophy. ‘ser /OR w BaS/PTO, 7 58. sora crane a fee ee Write an introduction of Lord Parshwanath ‘Sec a ae Describe Jain Festival ‘rat /OR ‘So eo ge gene cer AT Explain the main branches (Sampradaya) of lain Dharam, ‘Se erat hr a) Explain the Holy places of Jin, svar /oR spree Pes Describe the Gunasthan. yy ) 2, 43, + 8.00 eve, te + + Attempt all questions Each question carries Paper Code:BA0105 RI Teer wan - 2019 ‘ere (a.e.) wert af rea : ot ed See eta ffir ox — at eta tere rere eet net & ee arg at wat sie wa ZL al marks. seer area IN Explain Adhramasthikya sera /OR a ae rg a om a eT Write the nature ofa Tattva according to Jain Philosophy. oie eager i of eee Explain Saptbhang! according to Jan Philosophy, ‘seer /OR em Para at STI {Explain the Lechya theory set we mae sr) Throw light on Indriyas. ‘sear /oR wo BES/ PTO. BS, ‘eT / OR te eta are bel After ore &, Rite wt Elaborate Veda Is God transmuted knowledge and there is ‘explanation of Non-viclence in Veda, sip wo oft ree ot ee Clary the nature f Nonviolence in ain-Dherma ‘ween / OR sete ane # arate aftr & are AC) Explain the practical Nonviolence of King Ashoka, ee og oe rah ‘Write short notes on any two- (0) svat em she go Life sketch of Acharya Mahaprogya. (iy nest # fear / Nonviolence of Gandhij (uy Rebar 8 see ‘The Emotional nonviolence of Vinoba Bhawe (i) sake ster / Environmental Ethics ory w ‘qa crea Than - 2019 free: soe een ears (1) sere of wer ox — ane eh arte: orecter ghee WF + 3.00 awe yates + 70 Peder: ah eat BF ame Ae IN Heat B sie HE Note Attempt all questions. Ech question caries equal marks. Wot. fer & ef i wer wt ene wed gy after At seer FF ‘Peat Fie Carty the meaning & types of volence, discuss the concept of Nonviolence, swe / oR stg etn fer ea fer & Rage eTOT Explain indetailthe throughtsof Nonviolence in Bad traction i, 2, es it aft & er HS \what do you mean by Non-volet Ife style? ‘se / OF fon ot eran en fro aia 7 In which nature Nonviolence is described in Gita & Mahabharat? 8, aa af ae Fr 1 Discuss the Nan-volance in Upnishads. 0 BES/PTO. ‘item / OR cen ite eee es Pe ‘write an essay on Non-viclence and business. often ote eee seared a ar i Describe in details about relation between Nonviolence and word peace, sem / OR rh ga 3 fer rec a Ta 87 How to implement awareness regarding laws towards animaland binds crusty. era a et at oe fm faire - \write short notes on any two of the following (cH) afte ufe/ Nonviolent Protest (3) fe & ware / Types of Violence (a) wafee ste fer / Enviournment and Non-velenee (2) 5g FT / Arimal Crusty oe w wa free Note : mA + 3.00 re, 0. Papercode 840306 Wra wreuwA what - 2019 earere (a.e,) wert a er : sien ed ene fren wx - afer oT cree verte + 70 pant meat & soe dire at wat & sie wa a1 ‘Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. cen sora Ree 8 eer Writ in detailed on impact of Non-violence. ‘ser / OR oars aah aera a eae Write in detall characterstites of Non-vilent protest cnr a # eno cere terre Define the practical application of Non-vilence in political areas ‘see / OR cae ef ge esr \Write an essay on Nonviolence and Education, corsa ett ax a er 8? What isthe importance of Nonviolent ite style “ Brs/Pro, a5. 26 wT. a8 a9. ee ata era spa seg A (9) 4 Reena oer & (i) aH weal (ii) asi rr Ben? (@) Tema aa () wea amt) (0) eR gre (oi Be Ea (vi 4a ost ac ar Re eg RE — (a fer (i) 58 et re Gi) BL (oy) oT ae Be (oe rei cas) (on) 8 sam a ER (vi) 3 908 GOR UA (sper) seer a (sree) ong & IE ‘at reer sre eo FC Be srr Ree eee sg 10 sr | “ 5-5 5-5 10 oe sa Paper Code: 240113 ‘RET Trea Ta - 2019 eras (45.) wert oF flor: are emt ed reper fet We er — TE ATER, TYRTE Ye ET pte + 70 Pete a eat ae eg aw eB ker AY fv wa + 3.00 re, 3. 1, Reh sera wf ry ~ aed, oi, a, Beam, ae, sity, aye 2, Pris HA Roel te ah ere gf fre Sade 0 aR (iy (ange (Wy) RR, ( o, (ae. (on 5a-15 5.3, Rear a a dl ia ech cepa oe Pe Sts $& Rogeh, samt, aah, Geet, Ret, gH 4 PRR TS Ret aie atl Sp ae RIT Sues, sah, oe, sim, em, GAR, GE 0 Bs. Paper Code: 8ADI36 qa crquwea wan - 2019 ere (#.g.) wert of fewa : am fren ya arpa erfeer ffir co — arcane reer ed eper ser eer ra + 3.00 wee pte + 70 fae: sae Be re eg ee er BF es et 25 TP ir 1, Pena 8 Re cw aie a ao ge RE 10 (a) @ Satta sg — se Roo Tame eG TET a akg Freards, ge acti acy Roe Feeeh aH Severs at gH RereBl at a eRe, et a eT hi, rsh centgh gt — at GE? a cet itl Rage daft aise oe Rooret Fe arate TMS ke A oe sro Tari far eng ar gi? wR A EET? BRIT sitar «gia Agee ehega Pea-we To TERE Aion Fi as eT ace Rages aR? ‘wei we ghee? rar aged gfe! m1 eR! fear He TH safe ee ra re fe HT eT aan Aer MEET TARTAR HE GEA seat cre 2, Reni #8 fat cw an cane RC 10 o Pas. 3, BT. (2) ae Rete ae om eg st BRH ara Rte ag ee a Bea (3) weh germane, wean ray waa srt phy, PROP et sig ate rer we ft ers a Pere a eT 10 eer ‘angst rs & mere oe aH gst A Evel Rereet sr RT fe ee ee (Fd) 10 (0) Revenge er er ehe TeTT? (iy es 2 8 “ae ar el 8? (Wi) aa ree a et? (oy) ion an we a sh A eT ae? (0) ahh ama ated We one seer Soe at ae BET? (sine oa at sag Be 87 ah 2 Pra (oy a ar er ho oh? (vi) Rent ape aH a TI (oy “so gout” os & see oe eee Fe ge ect wt arate 88 (9) eh 8 fer gers 8 aon ah ae? Prime e Reet menst ar eonir ge ARR 10 @) Rey a octet ha seca i ohh ones ada rat aH w 6. wT. (3) gare ah SReW ey 7 oe Sacieg eg Rival te (1) erst segiting oiffer Sa can er sf, es = a AH ayia re a Te eh A PRAT 10 sea Rr” sree & ee ye a YT we ee ete A RE ere yl tr 10 eR Wy we i) Ree (wy Ww) wegee (i) sre, (vi) 9 (wun ares os ay » 3,8, se ar, ra Sa hs A Discuss meaning, merits and demerits of Democracy. ‘s1/0R artis ae a cae aa he oR eo HARE EHS & ad & aren Ah ‘plain the distinction between political party and pressure group and explain the functions of political party 8, 4 tee & orice & fer se Elan Bentham's Utltarinism, swea./ oR separa a a er a Elan meaning and feature of a welfare state, 3 8, A rem me aT Re PS et a a Hira \What do you understand by the concept of power? Describe the basic sources of power ‘sem /0R rots Pears oe gw Para Pat ‘Write an essay on political development os “w 66 ‘paper code: 800117 qr Ter ota - 2019 ara (#.x.) wert ae firwar : orf eer we er — eoPARY arrer 3 ae Rarer Ha : 3.00 are pts + 70 Fede wah seat & oee Sie eA eat & oie wT FI Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. 1. oP er at afte re) eae rare & ef eT a Hi Define politcal scence. Discuss the meaning of political theory and it’s scope, ‘se /OR aera a 8? eg Pac ar ae Ar What is behaviouraism? Dicuss it's malin characteris. 1 2, Ren sey Rear emcee te Crtclly examine the Austin's theory of Sovereignty, ‘seat /OR, roe ceo Sacra 4 Ar ge a A tT Te ARAL The states are created bythe God, Citaly discuss this statement. “ PUS/PTO, as 5.3, san er erat en FRA A oT Discuss the powers and postion ofthe Prime Minister of Indi. -sreen/oR sores 4 a oe rah a Res AY SB eT aT ae Discuss centre-state relations in India, What are the reasons of tension between them? rome fa a er ao RE Discuss the powers and role of Governor. -sieen/ OR, sae ers eh oar orate te AIG Discuss the etal evaluation of amendment procedure in indian Constittion, sett ah Pe ater le ARI Ctcaly examine the role of cast in Indian politics. syer/OR sen gt arn mg ye Af Discuss the major challenges to national integration In Ind erry “ o (0. Papercode: 800118 are crear what - 2019 eae (fx) were a ferme: orf eet fecfla wa - srrefta confines eeeen pote + 70 Fre ae wet & see ere MHA meat a sks we EI ‘Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. wm: 3.00 we 5, ea ARR 1919 me RTE RR Write the salient characteristics ofthe Government of India Act. 1919. srern/OR a ere set aan of? ae ores wah eh? eT ot ee eo ra What was dyarchy? Why did it prove to be a failure? Explain i's lity and importance, 2, ane sr ies Pes ae tg a aia € 1 soe at aren fife) "Fundamental Rigtsinindia are not absolute but they ae limited" Explain with ilustrations. iear/ 8 sored oer Rte Per Discuss the important characterisics ofthe Indian Constitution “ Prs/Pro, 26 55, 36. m7. 8. esas ert & a Bee (@hE a) 2xa=8 mem (iy KTR estates ergot as oH Paty (2h eh) 2x1 (oi (ag aR) (8 (qe aR) (i & (ae aR) te mc a tegen ogre exi=8 0) wate) (i) wea er (i) Ree er ie ge Bi (sv) ere we do 81 (oy sor aot i 8 (u) amt gaia oe at od ews TT BL (vi) are a Be (oi) ro ag sr Te #1 Se aac ar FR org 6 (ee ga eH TT (0) se ree: TE aE (i) Be BoeOT GT SA (0) 8 ara: a (0) Reet orm aren a (uh RR oF TAL ry w a Paved aRa weer wlan - 2019 ware (a.y,) Herr Roea : siege care ye afer eet or — eeger career ge rare (wre, wth) wa + 3.00 we ites + 70 fade oot oa eg et sk eB aati 5. 1, Pref at an ont Reel (wie da) sxa1s (0 oeetemnt (i) Prater eee (uy eearetenh ge (oy ane ah ) IRE (i) eae aot (vin a (sya ten 2, is eek Ri (wh a) sxasis em i) in Be (ou) eT (0) Re (a (vin et (oi) en 9, Ptr we | (ah a) sx2=10 () sue (a rege (in ee (oo) (oy oe (aed 5.4, Peni wel Ree ACI (wIE et) ma=4 (1 (eam (iy are 0 Bg 2 38. 6. BT. sot ai Prt i) €? sere eee estes arent ar aga 8 aga Ag (0 er eet Page 8 (i) fie a9 a3 we ee (uy 9h ge 8 ae aes ee eh (iu) ie ort a th (o) are mr A 21 (1) NA ae eA (vip aR eat eT 81 (vi) ge ah rere rates amet ar Re A age ART (FRR (i) yaa (i) SF eR (ow) em re () ar oe oe SR (ua) 35 ET oer (vip Bare ge ree (vi) se eR w rey eo A Paper code:BA0II5A, ‘qe Teer Titan - 2019 eras (fy.) sent a fea: siege care een wert oa — siege corre we orgare (mg Pra athe) wr: 3.00 ue ais: 70 ers wet oe Ang! eo eT Bias eT BF TA ie BI 3.1, Refs en 8a ie (aA a) sx3=15 a Ree wR) OR on 5 32, Pref ot ere re (ake win) sx4= 20 (9 womtsoorectigs: (a) Satan at (i) egeregs Aw) Sire (0) mera ye: (a) STE (vip soe 9, Rf ae Pe sR (eg a) sass. yy] oe: a) sa Cy ame: fy Roe (oe (vip ee 5.4. Wf er ar 5 “ Pas 2 a 0 Paper code: an0136 ‘qRea oremma Wie - 2019 waa (1,) wert af fea : sepa career ee ener fea ox - area, aTew ee ater wa: 3.00 ave, ute + 70 Rar: eh et BS ee erg eR ser Be fase BF eT HR 3,1, Roh eh seh ein ee AE = (2) sere Serger Satecey srtsergentrerts| steerer eer eee ss (8) samertatea: 7 biker Rea eer enteregebiaeee i GeTTEPT (1) ce geems® Per caret eT! oat oo arteftat sad of a ta TEA 2, mrfererey & aret—feraon oe sper rte est sereft anferers & varia an date 4 avis Aiferes 3. 3, Preaferftser aor aire ref fefeae () sara tet at ‘ger Pace wert RT crema path 3 freee Sar Tea RAL AreRRRTA 0 2 Ba8 a Ba, et caer aren: weer sient tee a IAAL stare grate 3 tet sei earth fe eect (@) pats gout ga gr eter caret? fi watt, om setter seefeerrane Tee: gh aha ae aaa) weer sr ag RagES aR AFORE cotati ARereETGETER sree vrais at RFT ean Rote ate ‘ere oR fe KC 8 era seis Foe hg ears ARK 4 (1) steeang ae (2) miu faa eh: ena geet (3) ween as geet GET ‘rel eh ait a il fr 10 (@) tera weet Ratton see get Ret ater aan ee eae Tee se en ten eR Gem PE Te sa tof ae ai we aw eas? ww wT. 5.8. (@) Eh serge se meh sat eet EAL gaea arena Ge oF ag wR, a ae AA sara we we as ate ge, ene ea a (1) ot ata: area era after RoBeeerg OTE egret es shart fe TR eh, agai eee ame car ae Peg RR ea, Ey TET aA eT ee ee er eae per Sz 2 cer se eter fered tag ge) wy re ego seroma) Sear 1 UR eT a gw AAT ‘esr! ote ‘seine arta om ewe A Rat 10 sare te args 5 ate fr 10 sear afar Frey akg a ech et fret os Ww 4 5.8. fee ai etary eee oe IRA “Throw light onthe importance of "ANEKANT" in Werld Peace. ar bee we ar “Throw ght onthe nature of Nonviolence ‘seer /oR eee ee \Wirte an essay on Non-velene resistance, fen #8 ral at we oh i Wire short notes on any two ofthe folowing ~ (0) = vow (i) gp artes / Anuvart Movement (ii) ETH / Healthy society (iv) SHE Anwar os o ° (Peper Code: 88018 WR Teer wlan - 2019 eae (f.) ser a format: fart Prat ser wer — sitar Pret : freee wra: 3.00 we, quits : 50 Pde: well meat ee AEN aA meat ow warT EI Note : Attempt all questions, Each question carries equal marks. 51. eg Ren RP oe ae RL Throw laht on various factor of culture security swear /OR ‘fe fe pe it ee Throw ght on main part of Science of Living 2, het Fa Ra ear a eH plain relationship between Science of Living & Social Science, wera /OR ssa set oe # ater fae & see oY TET Explain the importance of Science of Living in Social fe & Industry 5.3, sar eR oe wae SC Throw light onthe nature of Anekant wera /OR o Bys/PT0. n et a Sant sneer sree a? What is the scientific and spirtual bass of Internal trip? cere San Pea et 87 What are the results of Perception of Breathing? ‘wera / OR rie Dato wah def ere Describe the purpose and results of Perception of Body era oa Baa dP ee TRL ustity the scientific bass of Perception of Psychic Centres. ‘wera / OR ects or dei ee eee Describe the scientific basis of Perception of Psyche Colours. on w a (Peper Code: 840120 WR Teer wlan - 2019 ‘ere (a.e.) wert af format: fart Prat ffir wr — fers Perr safer = Rarer site ar wa: 3.00 we quite + 50 Prd: well west ee AEN AA meat oie warT EI Note : Attempt all questions. Each question caries equal marks. 1, et rr et ore eda Describe the twelve units of Science of Living ‘eer / OR Daren ee te Pot Write a note on Preksha Meditation 2, ore at ames ome Prete were Clarify the spiritual basis and results of Asanas. ‘ert / OR arama @ anton a eae ART Clarify the purpose and scientific parzpactive of Mudra 3, 3, anche a er ee ae explain the scientific base of Kayotsarga ‘sere / OR o pyspro. 2%

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