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JULY, 2016

I, Tiamiyu Oladimeji Wasiu of the department of Industrial Design, School of Environmental

Technology, The Federal university of Technology, Akure with matric number IDD/11/5765

hereby declare that this project was done under the supervision of Mr. T.I. IBIWOYE in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of bachelor of technology (B.TECH) degree in

industrial design.

Student Name: _________________________

TIAMIYU OLADIMEJI W. Signature and Date


This is to certify that this project was done by Tiamiyu Oladimeji Wasiu of the Department of

Industrial Design, School of Environmental Technology, The Federal University of Technology

Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.


(student) (project supervisor)



Signature & Date Signature & Date


(External Supervisor) (Head of Department)

…………………….……… ………………………………

Signature & Date Signature & Date


To my wonderful family and friends alike


My appreciation goes to the Almighty God Jehovah for his faithfulness over my life, for his

mercies and loving kindness over me, my education and my career so far.

My appreciation also goes to my parents Mr. OLALAKAN and Mrs. FELICIA TIAMIYU

together with every one of my siblings for their priceless prayers and support thus far. I will not

fail to acknowledge my ever-supportive friends Nwachukwu kelvin, Adu Akinwande, Nwabor

Kelvin, Oketoye Oluwasuen, Alle Adeola, Aladejobi Seyi, Awogbemila Tope and all members

of Okuta Elerinla congregation of Jehovah’s witnesses.

Finally, my appreciation goes to Mr. T.I. IBIWOYE (my project supervisor) and all other staff of

the Industrial Design Department from the Head of department Prof. KASHIM to all teaching

staffs, technicians, and the non-teaching staffs.


 LEDs have been popular as indicator lights in consumer electronics and professional audio gear

since the 1970s. In the 2000sefficacy and output have risen to the point where LEDs are now

being used in lighting applications such as car headlights and brake lights, for lamps, in

flashlights and bike lights, as well as in decorative applications such as holiday lighting. LED

technology is useful for lighting designers because of its low power consumption, low heat

generation, instantaneous on/off control, and in the case of single color LEDs, continuity of color

throughout the life of the diode and relatively low cost of manufacture.

This report clearly gives a description of how I make use of wood in the construction of a

multipurpose solar LED lamp which is used not only for reading but also as a means of

relaxation. The lamp was designed after FUTA logo. It consist of a solar panel that charges the

battery when power is out, a mini fan that cools the environment of the user, a radio that keep it

user up till date the things happening around him or her. It also consist of an amplifier for

playing music from a mobile phone. These were achieved by me, sketching my design, carving it

out, coupling it, fixing the LED bulbs, radio and fan, and then spraying the completed wooden

lamp with color before finally designing a package for it.

Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES AND PLATES......................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................................10
1.0 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................10
1.1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM.........................................................................................................12
1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVE...................................................................................................................12
1.3 JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY...........................................................................................................13
1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY.........................................................................................................................13

CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................................14
2.0 LETERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................14
2.0 Product design processes..........................................................................................................14
2.1 . Idea Generation:......................................................................................................................15
2.2 Screening Ideas:........................................................................................................................16
2.3. Feasibility Study..............................................................................................................................16
2.4. Preliminary Design:.........................................................................................................................18
2.5. Pilot Runs and Testing:...................................................................................................................19
2.6. New Product Launch:......................................................................................................................20
2.7 Product design expression...............................................................................................................21
2.7.1 Product design consideration............................................................................................22
2.8 HISTORY OF LAMP.....................................................................................................................23
2.8.1 Oil Lamps...........................................................................................................................23
2.8.2 Lighting Fuels.....................................................................................................................23
2.8.3 Gas Lights...........................................................................................................................24
2.8.4 Electric Arc Lamps..............................................................................................................24
First Electric Incandescent Lamps......................................................................................................24
2.8.5 Lightbulbs...........................................................................................................................25

2.9 LED (Light-emitting diode).........................................................................................................25
2.9.1 Advantages........................................................................................................................26
2.9.2 Disadvantages....................................................................................................................28
2.9.3 Process of wood carving....................................................................................................29

CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................31
3.0 METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................................31
3.1 CHOOSING A TITLE.................................................................................................................31
3.2 GENERATING CONCEPT AND DESIGN....................................................................................32
3.3 PROJECT PLANNING...............................................................................................................32
3.4 IDENTIFYING EXPECTED CHALLENGES....................................................................................35
3.5 DESIGN AND PROJECT EXECUTION........................................................................................35
3.6 Packaging...............................................................................................................................40
3.7 OBSERVATIONS......................................................................................................................41
3.8 RESULTS.................................................................................................................................42
3.9 Explanation of production procedures:.................................................................................42

CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................45
CONCLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................45
4.0 CONCLUTIONS...........................................................................................................................45
4.1 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................45
CHALENGES FACED................................................................................................................................46



Fig 1: an ancient clay lamp

Fig 2: the design process

Fig 3: feasibility studies

Fig 4: LED Tourch

Fig 1.3-1.4: LED lamp

Fig 1.6 Sculpture by Medina Ayllón, Spain

Fig. 1.7 carving of a duck by a Florida artist

Fig 1.8 .Pine is commonly used in furniture


Plate 1.1-1.2: Sketching and designing of project

Plate 1.3-3.5: Project construction, assembling and finishing process

Plate 3.6-4.0: Product packaging



Fig 1.0 an ancient clay lamp. Source: google

A lamp is a device for producing illumination, consisting originally of a vessel containing

a wick soaked in combustible material, and subsequently such other light-producing instruments

as gas and electric lamps.

The lamp was invented at least as early as 70,000 BCE. Originally it consisted of a hollowed-

out rock filled with moss or some other absorbent material that was soaked with animal fat and

ignited. In the Mediterranean area and the Middle East, the earliest lamp had a shell shape.

Originally, actual shells were used, with sections cut out to provide space for the lighting area;

later these were replaced by pottery, alabaster, or metal lamps shaped to resemble their natural

prototypes. Another basic type of primitive lamp, found in ancient Egypt and China, was

the saucer lamp. Made of pottery or bronze, it was sometimes provided with a spike in the centre

of the declivity to support the wick, which was used to control the rate of burning. Another

version had a wick channel, which allowed the burning surface of the wick to hang over the

edge. The latter type became common in Africa and spread into East Asia as well.

The lamp was invented to satisfy the need for artificial illumination to serve, primarily, as a

complement of the natural lighting systems of the sun at day and moon at night. With the

advancement of man in every aspect of life especially in the world of science and technology,

there has equally been the concurrent growth and improvement on the existing designs of lamps

and other lighting system.

As much as plenty of resources has been channeled into the Nigerian power sector to generate

and maintain some form of constant and stable supply of electricity, we are yet to attain the

desired result and are therefore in great need of a substitute generating system to provide us

illumination especially at the gloom of the night. Power generating systems like the generator,

inverter, solar power system and the like has overtime been made readily available in the

Nigerian market, this make-shift solutions are not within the reach of most due to the financial

constraints and limitations unfortunately placed on us by our not-so-thriving economy. This is

especially true in a secular educational environment like ours.

This need, in the light of advancing technology and modern demands, has ignited the resolve to

produce a multi-functional solar lamp which, primarily, serves the purpose of illumination via its

28 LED (light emitting diode) lamps for efficient power-saving light, a music player for

entertainment, and a portable fan to further enhance relaxation. The multifunctional lamp takes

its shape after the logo of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA). That was how

the concept of the “AMUSOL” was created.

The name AMUSOL stems from the acronym for “A Multifunctional Solar Lamp”. This write-

up takes one through the process of this project work from conceptualization to the finish.


Although there are various forms and designs of lamps in the Nigerian market, not so many of

them are multifunctional ant those which are lack any form of identification with the Nigerian

people. They simply focus on providing illumination.


The aim of this project is to produce a multifunctional lamp.

The objectives are as follows:

1. To provide a very good source of interior lighting

2. To make a product that adds value to the interior decoration of a room

3. To create a product the identifies with the Nigerian people

4. To promote the Federal university of technology Akure.


The importance of light to man cannot be overemphasized, as much as natural light in this part of

the world is covers the bulk of our need, the need for artificial source of illumination is vital for

use at ark hours of the night especially. The epileptic condition of our power system further

heightens this need. More so, the additional features of the solar lamp which includes among

other things a radio, and a portable fan highlights the need for this product. Also is the need to

flood our market with products with indigenous conceptualization and identifies with and reflect

the Nigerian people.


The scope of study covers the production process of a multifunctional solar lamp of well finished

wood using LEDs and incorporating a radio, portable fan among other features. This product will

help with illumination and enhance relaxation and entertainment.



Product design is the process of creating new product to be sold by a business to its customers. it

is essentially the efficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a process

that leads to new products. Product design is sometimes confused with (and certainly overlaps

with) industrial design, and has recently become a broad term inclusive of service, software, and

physical product design. Industrial design is concerned with bringing artistic form and usability,

usually associated with craft design and ergonomics, together in order to mass-produce

goods. Other aspects of product design include engineering design, particularly when matters of

functionality or utility (e.g. problem-solving) are at issue, though such boundaries are not always


The product designer’s role is to combine art, science, and technology to create new products

that people can use. Their evolving role has been facilitated by digital tools that now allow

designers to communicate, visualize, analyze and actually produce tangible ideas in a way that

would have taken greater manpower in the past.

2.0 Product design processes.

There are various product design processes and many focus on different aspects. The process

shown below, for example, helps designers formulate their product from ideas. This process is

usually completed by a group of people, i.e. industrial designers, field experts (e.g. prospective

users), engineers, etc. depending upon the products involved. The process focuses on figuring

out what is required, brainstorming possible ideas, creating mock prototypes, and then generating

the product. However, that is not the end of the process. At this point, product designers would

still need to execute the idea, making it into an actual product and then evaluate its success by

seeing if any improvements are necessary.

The product design process has experienced huge leaps in evolution over the last few years with

the rise and adoption of 3D printing. New consumer-friendly 3D printers can produce

dimensional objects and print upwards with a plastic like substance opposed to traditional

printers that spread ink across a page.

2.1 . Idea Generation:

The design process begins with understanding the customers and their needs. Ideas for new

products can come from a variety of sources both within and outside the firm. Internal sources

include employees, research and development, market research sales force and reverse


The external sources include customers, legislation, environment, technology and strategic

position of the organization. Competitors are also the source of ideas for new products or

services. Perceptual maps, bench marking and reverse engineering can help companies learn

from their competitors.

Perceptual maps helps to compare customer perceptions of a company’s products with

competitor’s products. It is a visual method of comparing customer perceptions of different

product or services:

1. Bench marking refers to finding the best in class product or process, measuring the

performance of your product or process against it and making recommendations for

improvement based on the results.

2. Reverse engineering refers to carefully dismantling and inspecting competitors’ products

to look for design features that can be incorporated to improve one’s own products.

Each of these sources gives a different emphasis on the requirements and importance of idea


2.2 Screening Ideas:

The purpose of screening ideas is to eliminate those ideas that do not appear to have high

potential and so avoid the costs incurred at subsequent stages. Using group of people, proposals

would be supported by graphics, models and an outline specification and judged against a set of

criteria such as necessity to the firms survival, role in filling out an existing product/service,

degree of overlap with existing products and services, utilizing existing processes and

capabilities, impact on overall sales and profits of the company.

To have a better evaluation of ideas, each of the dimensions of the ideas is scored on a 0-10 scale

and each dimension is attached weights as per these dimensions. The resulting aggregate score

helps in deciding which idea to progress and which idea should be dropped.

2.3. Feasibility Study:

Initial screening of the ideas is designed to stop the ideas, which are unsuitable for further

considerations. Feasibility study consists of a market analysis, an economic analysis, and

technical and strategic analysis.

Fig 1.1 the design process. Source: google

Marketing takes the ideas that are generated and the customer needs that are identified from the

first stage of the design process and develops alternative product concepts. The market analysis

through customer analysis and market survey assesses whether there is an enough demand for the

proposed product to invest in developing further.

If the sufficient demand exists, then there is an economic analysis that aims at establishing the

production and development costs and compares them with estimated sales volume. The profit

potential of the product can be studied using quantitative techniques such as cost benefit

analysis, decision theory, net present value (NPV) or internal rate of return (IRR).

The risk analysis is also carried out. Finally, technical and strategic analysis is concerned with

technical viability of the product with respect to technology, process of manufacture, availability

of materials etc. Performance specifications are written for product concepts that pass the

feasibility study and are approved for development. The details of feasibility are given in fig. 2.6.

Fig 1.2 Feasibility study. Source: google

2.4. Preliminary Design:

Design engineers take general performance specifications and translate them in to technical

specifications. The process of preliminary design involves building a prototype, testing the

prototype, revising the design, retesting and so on until a viable design is determined. Design

incorporates both form and function.

Form design refers to the physical appearance of a product, its shape, size, color, styling etc.

Aesthetics aspects such as image, market appeal, special identification, finish etc. will also form

a part of the form design.

Production design is concerned with how the product will be made. Design, which are difficult to

make result in poor quality products. During the design stage itself the manufacturing aspects

should be considered. The production design or design for production include simplification,

standardization and modularity.

Design simplification attempts to reduce the number of parts, subassemblies and options into a

product. Standardization refers to use of commonly available and interchangeable parts and

subassemblies. Modular design consist of combining standardized building blocks or modules in

a variety of ways to create a unique finished product. Modular design is common in electronics

and automobile industry.

2.5. Pilot Runs and Testing:

In the preliminary design stage, prototypes are built and tested after several iterations, pilot run

of the manufacturing process is conducted. Adjustments are made as needed before finalizing the

design. Apart from continuously testing the product for performance, market testing is also

carried out to check the acceptability of the product in the defined market and customer group.

This helps to know in advance, whether customer will accept and buy this product on launching

in the market. Thus, test marketing is a powerful tool.

Final Design and Process Plans:

The final design consists of detailed drawings and specifications for the new product. The

accompanying process plans are workable instructions for manufacture including necessary

equipment’s and tooling, component sources job descriptions, work instructions and Programmes

for computer-assisted machines.

2.6. New Product Launch:

Launching a new product or service involves ramp up production. The process has been refined

and debugged, but it has yet to operate at a sustained level of production. In ramp up, production

starts at a relatively low level of volume as the organization develops confidence in its abilities to

execute production consistently and marketing’s abilities to sell the product, the volume

increases. Launching the new product or service involves co-coordinating the supply chain and

rolling out marketing plans. Marketing and production will work in a co-coordinated way during

this phase.

Demand-pull innovation and Invention push innovation

Most product designs fall under one of two categories: demand-pull innovation or invention-push


Demand-pull happens when there is an opportunity in the market to be explored by the design of

a product.[7] This product design attempts to solve a design problem. The design solution may be

the development of a new product or developing a product that's already on the market, such as

developing an existing invention for another purpose.[7]

Invention-push innovation happens when there is an advancement in intelligence. This can occur

through research or it can occur when the product designer comes up with a new product design


2.7 Product design expression

Design expression comes from the combined effect of all elements in a product. Colour tone,

shape and size should direct a person's thoughts towards buying the product. [8]Therefore, it is in

the product designer's best interest to consider the audiences who are most likely to be the

product's end consumers. Keeping in mind how consumers will perceive the product during the

design process will direct towards the product’s success in the market. [9] However, even within a

specific audience, it is challenging to cater to each possible personality within that group.

The solution to that is to create a product that, in its designed appearance and function, expresses

a personality or tells a story.[8] Products that carry such attributes are more likely to give off a

stronger expression that will attract more consumers. On that note it is important to keep in mind

that design expression does not only concern the appearance of a product, but also its function.

 For example, as humans our appearance as well as our actions are subject to people's judgment

when they are making a first impression of us. People usually do not appreciate a rude person

even if they are good looking. Similarly, a product can have an attractive appearance but if its

function does not follow through it will most likely drop in regards to consumer interest. In this

sense, designers are like communicators, they use the language of different elements in the

product to express something.

2.7.1 Product design consideration

Product design is not an easy task. The stakeholders involved all demand something different

from the product designer and from the design process.

I. The manufacturer is concerned with production cost; in the end, the manufacturer wants an

economically produced product.

II. The purchaser looks at price, appearance, and prestige value.

III. The end user is concerned with usability and functionality of the final product.

IV. The maintenance and repair department focuses on how well the final product can be

maintained: is the product easily reassembled, disassembled, diagnosed, and serviced?

Stakeholders' needs vary from one another and it is the product designer's job to incorporate

those needs into their design.

Trends in product design

Product designers need to consider all of the details: the ways people use and abuse objects,

faulty products, errors made in the design process, and the desirable ways in which people wish

they could use objects. Many new designs will fail and many won't even make it to

market. Some designs eventually become obsolete. The design process itself can be quite

frustrating usually taking 5 or 6 tries to get the product design right. A product that fails in the

marketplace the first time may be re-introduced to the market 2 more times. If it continues to fail,

the product is then considered to be dead because the market believes it to be a failure. Most new

products fail, even if it's a great idea. All types of product design are clearly linked to the

economic health of manufacturing sectors. Innovation provides much of the competitive impetus

for the development of new products, with new technology often requiring a new design

interpretation. It only takes one manufacturer to create a new product paradigm to force the rest

of the industry to catch up - fueling further innovation. Products designed to benefit people of all

ages and abilities without penalty to any group accommodate our swelling aging population by

extending independence and supporting the changing physical and sensory needs we all

encounter as we grow older.


The word lamp is derived from the Greek word lampas, meaning torch.

2.8.1 Oil Lamps

In the 18th century, the central burner was invented, a major improvement in lamp design. The

fuel source was now tightly enclosed in metal, and a adjustable metal tube was used to control

the intensity of the fuel burning and intensity of the light. Around the same time, small glass

chimneys were added to lamps to both protect the flame and control the flow of air to the flame.

Ami Argand, a Swiss chemist is credited with first developing the principal of using an oil lamp

with a hollow circular wick surrounded by a glass chimney in 1783.

2.8.2 Lighting Fuels

Early lighting fuels consisted of olive oil, beeswax, fish oil, whale oil, sesame oil, nut oil, and

similar substances.

These were the most commonly used fuels until the late 18th century. However, the ancient

Chinese collected natural gas in skins that was used for illumination.

In 1859, drilling for petroleum oil began and the kerosene (a petroleum derivative) lamp grew

popular, first introduced in 1853 in Germany. Coal and natural gas lamps were also becoming

wide-spread. Coal gas was first used as a lighting fuel as early as 1784.

2.8.3 Gas Lights

In 1792, the first commercial use of gas lighting began when William Murdoch used coal gas for

lighting his house in Redruth, Cornwall.

German inventor Freidrich Winzer (Winsor) was the first person to patent coal gas lighting in

1804 and a "thermolampe" using gas distilled from wood was patented in 1799. David

Melville received the first U.S. gas light patent in 1810.

Early in the 19th century, most cities in the United States and Europe had streets that were

gaslight. Gas lighting for streets gave way to low pressure sodium and high pressure mercury

lighting in the 1930s and the development of the electric lighting at the turn of the 19th

century replaced gas lighting in homes.

2.8.4 Electric Arc Lamps

Sir Humphrey Davy of England invented the first electric carbon arc lamp in 1801.

I. A carbon arc lamp works by hooking two carbon rods to a source of electricity. With the

other ends of the rods spaced at the right distance, electrical current will flow through an

"arc" of vaporizing carbon creating an intense white light.

First Electric Incandescent Lamps

Sir Joseph Swann of England and Thomas Edison both invented the first electric incandescent

lamps during the 1870s.

I. Incandescent lightbulbs work in this way: electricity flows through the filament that is

inside the bulb; the filament has resistance to the electricity; the resistance makes the

filament heat to a high temperature; the heated filament then radiates light. All

incandescent lamps work by using a physical filament.

Thomas A. Edison's lamp became the first commercially successful incandescent lamp (circa

1879). Edison received U.S. Patent 223,898 for his incandescent lamp in 1880. Incandescent

lamps are still in regularly use in our homes, today.

2.8.5 Lightbulbs

Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Alva Edison did not "invent" the first lightbulb, but rather he

improved upon a 50-year-old idea. For example: two inventors that patented an incandescent

lightbulb before Thomas Edison did were Henry Woodward and Matthew Evan.

According to the National Research Council of Canada:

"Henry Woodward of Toronto, who along with Matthew Evans patented a light bulb in 1875.

Unfortunately, the two entrepreneurs could not raise the financing to commercialize their

invention. The enterprising American Thomas Edison, who had been working on the same idea,

bought the rights to their patent. Capital was not a problem for Edison: he had the backing of a

syndicate of industrial interests with $50,000 to invest - a sizable sum at the time. Using lower

current, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, Edison

successfully demonstrated the light bulb in 1879 and, as they say, the rest is history."

2.9 LED (Light-emitting diode)

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p–n junction diode,

which emits light when activated.[4] When a suitable voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are

able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons.

This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy

of the photon) is determined by the energy band gap of the semiconductor.

Recent developments in LEDs permit them to be used in environmental and task lighting. LEDs

have many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower energy consumption,

longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switching. Light-emitting

diodes are now used in applications as diverse as aviation lighting, automotive headlamps,

advertising, general lighting, traffic signals, camera flashes and lighted wallpaper. As of 2015,

LEDs powerful enough for room lighting remain somewhat more expensive, and require more

precise current and heat management than compact fluorescent lamp sources of comparable


LEDs have allowed new text, video displays, and sensors to be developed, while their high

switching rates are also used in advanced communications technology

2.9.1 Advantages

I. Efficiency: LEDs emit more lumens per watt than incandescent light bulbs. The

efficiency of LED lighting fixtures is not affected by shape and size unlike fluorescent

light bulbs or tubes.

II. Color: LEDs can emit light of an intended color without using any color filters as

traditional lighting methods need. This is more efficient and can lower initial costs.

III. Size: LEDs can be very small (smaller than 2 mm2) and are easily attached to printed

circuit boards.

IV. Warmup time: LEDs light up very quickly. A typical red indicator LED will achieve full

brightness in under a microsecond. LEDs used in communications devices can have even

faster response times.

V. Cycling: LEDs are ideal for uses subject to frequent on-off cycling, unlike incandescent

and fluorescent lamps that fail faster when cycled often, or high-intensity discharge

lamps (HID lamps) that require a long time before restarting.

VI. Dimming: LEDs can very easily be dimmed either by pulse-width modulation or

lowering the forward current. This pulse-width modulation is why LED lights,

particularly headlights on cars, when viewed on camera or by some people, appear to be

flashing or flickering. This is a type of stroboscopic effect.

VII. Cool light: In contrast to most light sources, LEDs radiate very little heat in the form

of IR that can cause damage to sensitive objects or fabrics. Wasted energy is dispersed as

heat through the base of the LED.

VIII. Lifetime: LEDs can have a relatively long useful life. One report estimates 35,000 to

50,000 hours of useful life, though time to complete failure may be longer. Fluorescent

tubes typically are rated at about 10,000 to 15,000 hours, depending partly on the

conditions of use, and incandescent light bulbs at 1,000 to 2,000 hours.

Several DOE demonstrations have shown that reduced maintenance costs from this

extended lifetime, rather than energy savings, is the primary factor in determining the

payback period for an LED product.

2.9.2 Disadvantages

 Initial price: LEDs are currently slightly more expensive (price per lumen) on an initial

capital cost basis, than other lighting technologies. As of March 2014, at least one

manufacturer claims to have reached $1 per kilolumen. The additional expense partially

stems from the relatively low lumen output and the drive circuitry and power supplies


 Temperature dependence: LED performance largely depends on the ambient temperature

of the operating environment – or "thermal management" properties. Over-driving an

LED in high ambient temperatures may result in overheating the LED package,

eventually leading to device failure. An adequate heat sink is needed to maintain long

life. This is especially important in automotive, medical, and military uses where devices

must operate over a wide range of temperatures, which require low failure rates. Toshiba

has produced LEDs with an operating temperature range of -40 to 100 °C, which suits the

LEDs for both indoor and outdoor use in applications such as lamps, ceiling lighting,

street lights, and floodlights.

 Impact on insects: LEDs are much more attractive to insects than sodium-vapor lights, so

much so that there has been speculative concern about the possibility of disruption to

food webs.

 Use in winter conditions: Since they do not give off much heat in comparison to

traditional electrical lights, LED lights used for traffic control can have snow obscuring

them, leading to accidents.

Fig 1.3 LED tourch Fig 1.4 LED lamp Fig 1.5 LED lamp

Source: wekipidia Source: shutters Source:

Recently lamps are being design with extra function. Some lamps has radio, other lamps has fan

some uses solar as their source of power others uses electricity. All this fixtures are okay, but can

be improved on. Based on this, I decided to produce a multifunctional lamp that will not only

serve as a source of light, but also as a radio, fan, and an amplifier which uses both solar panel

and direct current. This is very important in this part of the world (FUTA Nigeria) where lamps

are used to the full and where there is not much electricity to power them.

The prototype is carved from wood by means of a cutting tool (knife) in one hand or a chisel by

two hands or with one hand on a chisel and one hand on a mallet, resulting in a wooden figure or

figurine, or in the sculptural ornamentation of a wooden object. This process is known as ‘wood


2.9.3 Process of wood carving

The nature of the wood being carved limits the scope of the carver in that wood is not equally

strong in all directions: it is an anisotropic material. The direction in which wood is strongest is

called "grain" (grain may be straight, interlocked, wavy or fiddle back, etc.). It is smart to

arrange the more delicate parts of a design along the grain instead of across it. Often however a

"line of best fit" is instead employed, since a design may have multiple weak points in different

directions, or orientation of these along the grain would necessitate carving detail on end grain,

(which is considerably more difficult).

Probably the two most common woods used for carving are basswood (aka tilia or lime)

and tupelo, both are hardwoods that are relatively easy to work with. Chestnut, butternut,

oak, walnut, mahogany and teak are also very good woods; while for fine work Italian

walnut, sycamore maple, apple, pear, box or plum, are usually chosen. Decoration that is to be

painted and of not too delicate a nature is often carved in pine.

Fig 1.6 Sculpture by Medina Ayllón, Spain Fig. 1.7 carving of a duck by a

Source: google
Florida artist Source: google



Careful analyses of the process and procedures have seen to the realization of this project. In a

nut shell the processes of this project are summarized into the following:

o Choosing a title

o Generating concept and design

o Project planning

o Identification and sourcing of material

o Cost analysis of material

o Identifying alternatives where applicable

o Identifying expected challenges

o Execution of project

o Project presentation


Carefully examining the aim of this project has really aided the title given to it. A consideration

of the state of innovation in the market for lamps in Nigeria coupled with experiences as student,

summed up the emergence title of this project since creating a better situation has always been

the target.


The concept of this project is gotten from the shape of the university logo (THE

FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AKURE). This is the stage at which several

sketches were made to achieve a lamp with that kind of design, I created different designs for the

lamp using different softwares after which I submitted the designs for approval, after a design

was approved; I did some modification on that particular design. This also entails brainstorming

on size of project (i.e. length, breadth, and width). This stage also includes the choice of

materials to be used, cost of these materials and transportation among others.

Plate 1.1 Photoshop design of the

Plate 1.0 computer sketch of the final appearance of the project.
executed project. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O


For a good performance, proper planning is advised. This was why this project went

through thorough analysis of process. This summed up the various processes that saw to the

realization of this project. The process of planning started from the conceptualization to get title

and design, this section though talks about the preliminary plan for smooth execution of this

project. They include the following processes:

Identifying the necessary materials

The following materials were identified and planned for:

Wood: The first material identified was wood. This give rise to the type of wood to make

use of in calving out the shape of the lamp. Solid wood — that is, wood cut into boards from the

trunk of the tree — makes up most of the wood in a piece of furniture. The type of wood you

choose determines the beauty and strength of the finished piece. Many varieties of wood are

available, and each has its own properties.



Pine comes in several varieties, including Ponderosa, Sugar, White, and Yellow, and all of them

make great furniture. In some areas of the country (especially southwest United States), pine

is the wood to use. Pine is very easy to work with and, because most varieties are relatively soft,

it lends itself to carving.

Fig 1.8 .Pine is commonly used in furniture


Pine generally takes stain very well (as long as you seal the wood first), although Ponderosa pine

tends to ooze sap, so be careful when using this stuff. Pine is available from most home centers,

but it's often of a lesser grade than what you can find at a decent lumberyard.

This is the type of wood I used in calving the skeleton of the lamp.

Other materials employed were:

Measuring tape, screw driver, laminating film, jumper wire, spray machine, drilling machine,

card board paper, gum, sand paper, hammer, nails, ply wood, solar panel. At some point where

some materials were unavailable, some other materials were used as substitutes.

Plate 1.3 Rotor. Plate 1.3 Rotor. Plate 1.4 Cutting machine. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 1.5 Drilling machine. Plate 1.6 Battery.

Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Source: Tiamiyu.W.O


As stated earlier in the repor, the major one was calving the shape out from wood which

almost manifested as a chellenge but for the foresight. The challenge of meeting up with the

expected time of submission was another challenge because I have to wait for the chemical used

in mixing the paint to dry before proceeding. The smoothening of the wood is also a challenge.

Making sure the electrical substances I used did not get destroyed by light is also a very big

challenge, as I may not be able to get the exact replica again. All of this and other challenge were

expected and planned for which saw to the aversion of such challenges.


Workspace setup was a regular table as the size of the lamp did not require a large work area.

Wood carving: this was the first part of forming the lamp. A pine wood was carved by an expert

in the field of carving. Since the lamp was designed after FUTA logo, it is sectioned into three

parts which were done separately in other to ensure durability and effective functionality of the


Plate 1.7 Carved wood. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Plate 1.8 Carved wood. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 1.9 Back of the lamp. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Plate 2.0 carving of the lamp. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Smoothening of the carved wood: The wood used was not as thick as what I want to achieve,

therefore, three woods were joined together to achieve the desired thickness. This as a result led

to the lamp having holes and contours in it. To remove this, wooden powder mixed with gum

was used in filling the pot holes and left to dry for about 10hours after which a smoothening

machine was used on the dry surface. The machine consist of a blade having a sand paper

attached to it. The sand paper used were of different types. The rough one which ranges from

36pa downward was used in removing the rough hairs on the wood, and a 90pa sand paper was

later applied to make it look and feel very smooth when touched.

Plate 2.1 Smoothening with smoothening machine

. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

3.5.1 Coupling of the three parts that makeup the lamp

After smoothening the wood, the three parts was attached together and was held firmly to each

other by a plastic like pipe and gum. Holes were board into the wood for easy electrical


Plate 2.3 cutting the edges. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 2.2 fully carved based Plate 2.4 completed lamp skeleton
. Source: Tiamiyu.W.O . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

3.5.2 Fixing of the LED bulbs, fan and radio.

This involves incorporating electric circuits and circuit board to power the lamp, radio and fan.

With a view to making the device rechargeable, a lead-acid battery was installed.

Plate 2.5 wiring the lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Plate 2.6 fixing the radio and fan . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 2.7 Rubber blade . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Plate 2.8 Speaker . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.0 completely wired lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O
Plate 2.9 Radio panel . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

3.5.3 Finishing: these include final smoothening of the body, application of color and


Plate 3.1 oil paint . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O Plate 3.2 Spraying of lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.3 Spraying of lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.4 Sprayed lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.5 completed lamp . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

3.6 Packaging: a product to be commercialized should have an attractive and efficient

packaging so as to convince prospective buyers of the quality of the product. With this in mind,

the following design was done:

Plate 3.6 Area view design of lamp carton . Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.8 Side view design of carton .
Plate 3.7 lamp manual design .
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O

Plate 3.9 Front view of carton . Plate 4.0 Final product consisting of a multifunctional
lamp, solar panel, user guide and connection cords .
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O
Source: Tiamiyu.W.O


1. Coupling of wood: wood in most cases are very rigid, except for some like plywood. For

the kind of project I am carrying out, solid and slightly thick wood will be needed, which

therefore would be very difficult to maneuver or bend to suit the desired shape of FUTA

logo. This has really make calving the shape difficult especially when joining the calved

shape together. Some got broken and others not properly done.

2. Finishing: this is a very vital aspect In product design. Finishing, which includes,

smoothening, polishing and painting seems to be very interesting. To make the paint look

better on the surface of the wood, a material called sandy sealer was used. The paint use

was made to dry faster with the addition of a liquid called TINA. It is observed that the

paint gets darker as it dries up over the period of twenty four hours.


This project was successful due to the methods and procedures followed which is the calving

method. More so, wood is a very cheap material and can easily be gotten. Though wood is

subject to decay when eating by insects, the chemicals used in coating it has made free from

wood consuming insects. This has made it possible for me to produce a lamp that can withstand

high temperature and any weather. The aim of this project can be agreed to have been achieved,

that is to produce a multifunctional solar lamp.


This project which has been carried out to advertise and beatify FUTA community and promote

the image of the university will not only draw the attention of people to the university but also to

the works going on in the department of industrial design.

3.9 Explanation of production procedures:

This report has been able to carefully and systematically explain all the production procedures

employed in carrying out the work.

This report can serve as a source of reference material in subsequent related project or its

application and can be a base for area of further research work.


Oil paint 2 bottles 1500 3000

Calving of the wood 2 lamps 15,000 30,000

Nails and Screw Half pack each 250 500

Screw driver 1 300 300

Sandy sealer 1 bottle 900 900

Polish Half bottle 450 450

Tina 1 bottle 1200 1200

Rotor 2 250 500

Radio 2 1200 2400

LED lamp 2 2300 4600

Solar panel 2 1200 2400

Transparent plaspet 2 by 2 2500

DI printing 11 a3 150 1650

Straw board 3 280 840

Gum 2 1100 2400

Miscellaneous 7000

TOTAL 60640

Table 1



A well-lit area gives a subtle sense of security to its inhabitants. Adequate lighting is an absolute

must for people to carry out their intended activities effectively. Otherwise ancient civilization

would not have bothered to invent artificial lighting. Music, in some quarters has been referred to

as “food for the soul”, this suggests the importance of music to mental and emotional well-being,

especially under a suitable and cool environment. The tendency for knowing virtually everything

that happens around us cannot be over emphasized too. But it is not enough to assume these facts

is enough to lure prospective buyers to purchase the product, hence, a unique and aesthetically

pleasing design had to be implemented to enhance the attractiveness of the product.

After combining the above concepts, it can be said that the AMUSOL lamp has met the aim and

objectives been set to achieve, therefore, it is a product that is ready for commercializing.

Considering the importance and great benefit this project is to the university community at large,

the following recommendation can be made:

1. Execution of project should commence if possible from the second semester of the third

year, as this would have a positive multiplying effect in the time frame and timeline for

project execution.

2. The Institution and Department authorities should ensure proper use and maintenance of

Student’s project.

3. That this kind of project should be encourage in the future in other to improve the level of

understanding of the student of the department that all option in the department work

hand in hand.

4. That the student carrying out the project should be properly monitored and guided

throughout the stage of research and production.

1. Wasting of materials

2. Injuries while cutting

3. Damaging of electrical component by light when testing

4. Damaging of carved wood wen adjusting

5. Unavailability of power supply


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