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There are things we feel are important and some that we don’t, sadly there is a

thing we forget, our mother earth. We all do everything we want to enjoy our
life, but we forget how we are living, we are living with the support of planet
earth, without her we won’t have food, water or even life. We think about all
the things important to us like shopping, travelling, watching entertainment
but do we ever thing about planting trees, saving water or preserving soil. I
think that we all should try to understand the importance of our mother earth
before it is too late, and we all should include activities that preserve nature in
our day-to-day life. I was like many of the people in this world who didn’t
realise what we our doing to the thing that help us live until the day I opened
my eyes and saw that not only are we destroying ourselves but we are
destroying other living beings who just want a peaceful life so I started to plant
a sapling every week but it is not necessary for you to do it every week too you
can do every year on your birthday as a present for mother earth for letting
you live . I hope that in 2030 planet earth has found sustainable ways to live
and preserve this treasure we are given.

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