Nouakchott's Nightmare - Short Story

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A Short Mauritanian Story

Nouakchott’s Nightmare!
To my beautiful who encouraged me to share my works with the world.

And to all victims of rape and harassment in Mauritania.

This book is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of
the author’s imagination.

Any resemblance to actual events or people dead or alive is an entire coincidence.

Do not modify the original work in any way. If you do, nothing will happen to you.

Please, don’t!
‘’But the worst creatures ever are those within; they are us!’’.
Yenje Med.
Chapter 01


They pulled the black boy’s body first out of the old abandoned green car. As the
policeman was putting the body on the ground, the young woman knew right away
that this was her son, though she didn’t want to accept such a hard fact.
Afterwards, they pulled out the white boy, whom she recognized as her son’s best
friend. Looking at her son from far away, who had been missed for 4 days, she felt
powerless. She wished he’d been breathing.

Everybody could see the blood on the white boy’s butt. There might have
been some on the black boy’s too. Neither of the boys was wearing pants, which
was bizarre for children at the age of six and seven. They both looked pale and
smelt terrible.

Although it was a sunny hot day, the place was packed with stunned and
horrified people, teens for the most part who were playing football in Teyarett

The woman, after being silent for some time, wept her boy’s name
‘’Adamaaa!!!’’ as she tore her clothes apart. The other women tried to calm her
down and put her nakedness out of sight while she was screaming and crying like a
baby, or like crazy. She was screaming ‘’Adamaaa’’ constantly and saying some
random words in Woluf as looking at her lifeless boy before her. She was melting
down little by little; her legs could not carry her anymore.

Doctors found sperm on the anus of the black boy. The 2 young boys were
reported to have been locked up in the car for 4 days. Both were raped and beaten
brutally. The white boy died the first day due to rough hits on the forehead with a
rock or a bar of iron, and the black boy died because of starvation and thirst. It was
a nightmare they had lived in that car before they finally took their last breath.

Before the boys were found, the neighbors said that they had smelt a nasty
smell coming from the car over the last 4 days, but they thought there might have
been a dead animal, a cat or dog. The smell, however, was getting worse every day.
The boys were found by a Senegalese boy who worked at a nearby Tangana.
The boy, after having eaten an omelet and drunk a lot of coffee, wanted to take a
piss. It was urgent!

He went to the old abandoned car and pissed near it. After he had finished,
he stood to let both the smell and curiosity make him take a look inside the car. His
face changed gradually, his eyes got wider, put his hands on his mouth, got
petrified, and ran away.

It didn’t take much time for the police to come, and before he noticed, the
place was full of people.

Then, he watched the police when they pulled the black boy’s body first out
of the old abandoned green car.
Chapter 02

(Ahmed Salem)

Sitting on his desk, examining the files and acting as if he were reading them, he in
fact was thinking of his wife and son. Although they departed this life 12 years ago
in an accident, he had not forgotten them yet. Maybe, he still believed he was the
reason in view of the fact that he was the one driving the car. Maybe, he had not
forgiven himself for this, and he never would!

‘’So? Ahmed Salem! Ahmed Salem, you’re with me?!’’, his annoying mate
Seidou asked.

‘’Yeah! Sorry..... You were saying?’’, Ahmed Salem said.

‘’Is everything okay?’’, Seidou asked with a slight laugh.

Ahmed Salem wore his red jacket, took his gun, and went walking, so Seidou
followed him too. Ahmed Salem always looked formal. He would leave the
moustache but shave his beard every day so he would not look 45. He was taller
than Seidou. If truth be told, Ahmed Salem was taller than everybody he knew.

‘’Read the report!’’, Ahmed Salem said to Seidou while walking.

‘’Ah ok..... Teyarett Policemen found 2 dead boys in a car after they had been
raped. One of them had his forehead smashed. They spent in the car 3 to 4 days
there maybe...’’, Seidou felt bad for them ‘’poor children! Also, the neighbors told
us that......’’

Ahmed Salem was not able to hear anything now but his thoughts. He was
trying to link between the incident of the boys in Teyarett, and four unsolved
similar crimes before of other children in Ain Talh, Dar Naim, and Toujonin; all
were murdered, but the boy in Toujonin. He was still alive.

Ahmed Salem thought, perhaps, all these incidents were done by the same
person. And he stopped walking suddenly and said…

‘’Seidou! Seidou! Find us the phone number and address of the family of the
boy who was raped in Toujonin as soon as possible. Okay? As soon as possible’’,
saying this while running to his car.
‘’What? But why?’’, Seidou looking at Ahmed Salem driving away ‘’Wait!
Why??’’ saying loudly.

It was almost midnight, and he was driving fast. Today had been terrible for
Ahmed Salem. He couldn’t stop thinking about his dead family. He needed to get
busy, and since the office was not enough, Ahmed Salem thought a woman’s scent
would do.

He drove very fast towards Big Market after he had called Vadila, a well-
known female pimp who was infamous for getting customers for pleasure. She was
said to have been Moroccan or Sahrawian. Nobody truly knew or cared; they cared
only about the girls she had.

Vadila had women and girls from all walks of life, Senegalese, Moroccan,
Bidhanees, and even from the Gulf countries. Nobody could stop her business
because she brought women to significant figures in the government, such as
ministers, generals, or members of the parliament. To make a long story short,
everybody in Nouakchott knew about the Vadila, even you, dear reader!

Ahmed Salem entered the house and found a black man by the door. The
black man asked about Vadila’s phone number and then let him enter. When he
entered, he saw a Moroccan lady in the kitchen, who was uncovering her hair and
wearing a Melhafa; beneath it, she was wearing nothing.

Vadila was in the hall pulling her Melhafa down too, and near her sat a
muscular guy with a creepy mark on his face.

In a nearby closed room, there was heard negotiation over the price between
a teenager and one of the prostitutes. Vadila asked Ahmed Salem to give her a
cigarette, and she gave it to the guy near her. He offered her to smoke and she said
‘’Thanks. I don’t smoke. It’s Harram and kills people’’.

The Moroccan lady got out of the kitchen and asked Ahmed Salem to follow
her to the room. While they were heading to the room, a youthful girl got out of it
and Ahmed Salem looked at her; the lady noticed. Then, the teenager with an odd
haircut got out too wearing his trousers.

After they had closed the room, the lady asked Ahmed Salem if he wanted
the other girl because she was younger. Ahmed Salem gave a hint of a smile on his
face and said nothing.
The lady felt challenged by this amateur young prostitute. She faced the wall
and untied her Melhafa and fast it went down, but Ahmed Salem saw it go down so
slowly, from her slim back, down to her plump pink butt, fat thighs, and smooth
white legs with no single hair on her entire body. She became naked as the day her
mother brought her to life.

Ahmed Salem learned that day not to judge a book by its cover.

She asked him to get near her from behind as she pushed herself on him so
tight and grabbed his hands to touch her body with them. Meanwhile, he gave her
hot kisses on the neck, making her moan and bite her lips. She would push her
body on him more as he felt his pants getting tighter. She failed to remember taking
the money; anyways, he was prepared to pay anything.

Driving back home, he could still smell her perfume on his chest and hands.
He remembered her beauty mark on the neck. He felt the scratch she gave him on
his back, her bite on his neck and ear, and her mouth kissing approximately every
single inch of his body, just like what he did for her.

Sometimes Vadila was not paid by money only. Most teens in Tevragh Zeina
stole their mothers’ Melhafas or jewelry and brought them to Vadila for a free ride.
Some stole their parents’ perfumes, Dara’as, watches, clothes, phones, computers,
and of course money.

God gave us minds to think with, but men use their penises.
Chapter 03


Although the phone was ringing so loudly, Ahmed Salem wouldn’t wake up.
Sleeping with his mouth open and a pillow between his thighs, not even an
earthquake would wake him up! Seidou had to pass by his house and knock on the
door ear-splittingly. Ahmed Salem woke up and opened the door while he was
wearing his pyjama.

Seidou entered saying ‘’I have been calling you for hours’’ Ahmed Salem did
not care. Seidou repeated ‘’I have been calling you for hours. Then... then, I had to
come here and knock on the door for ... I don’t know... maybe 30 minutes’’.

Ahmed Salem looked at him with a serious face.

‘’ok! Ok! 2 minutes’’, Seidou corrected ‘’but you were sleeping like a dead
person’’. After some silence, ‘’what were you doing last night anyway?’’

Ahmed Salem changed the topic, ‘’why are you here?’’

‘’Yeah! Right! Ahem... I found the address of the boy in Toujonin. I was
wondering when you want to go there… because tomorrow is...’’

‘’Now. We go now!’’, Ahmed Salem interrupted and closed the door of the
room on him to change his clothes.

Seidou thinking loudly and talking to himself ‘’noooo, Ahmed Salem! You’re
welcome. No need to thank me’’, said sarcastically.

Ahmed Salem asked from the closed room, ‘’did you say anything?’’

‘’No! Nothing’’ Seidou shouted.

The Toujonin boy was a brown child at the age of 8. He used to work in
Carrefour Madrid washing cars and sometimes begging pedestrians for money.
Ahmed Salem did not want to make the child feel anxious while asking him. The
child’s parents passed away a long time ago, and he was living with his aunt and
her jobless husband and their children.

The child was telling the story with a smooth calm voice while being eyed
attentively by Ahmed Salem as Seidou was taking notes.

That night, after the child had been begging since the morning, he felt it was
time to go home now. The boy was wearing a Barcelona kit but barefoot, and the
night was freezing. He was sleepy and exhausted and hadn’t eaten anything since
the morning but a bottle of Bisam.

The boy felt he was being followed, yet he could see nobody, but heard
footsteps; that made him nervous. The footsteps were getting closer and closer.
Then, someone put their hand on the child’s shoulder. When he looked, it was a tall
man with a red long beard. He didn’t feel nervous anymore. The guy looked kind
and seemed like people he used to see with his dead father.

The tall man asked the kid to go with him and he would give him a ride in
his car. First, he refused; then, the man offered him some food he was carrying.
When he went with him behind the car, the boy felt a harsh hit on the back of his
head. While he was passed out, his shorts were taken off and felt the guy entering
him. His eyes were heavy and couldn’t move a muscle. And that was the last thing
he remembered before the shop owner woke him up the next morning and asked
him aggressively to leave. But the boy couldn’t, so they took him to the hospital.

Seidou brought pictures of people who were convicted in similar cases and
asked the boy to tell which was which. The boy pointed out a man called
Lemrabett, who was once charged with harassment and child-abuse crime; he
didn’t go to jail because the family eventually forgave him. Ahmed Salem was
proud of Seidou, but he didn’t want to show that. Now, they were sure that this
Lemrabett was the one.

The man might’ve raped other children, but their family hid it; they were
humiliated and traumatized. Few parents weren’t bothered much if their children
had been harassed or even raped, unless it happened to their daughters.
Nevertheless, it was critical for victims of rape to put it behind them and move on.
They had to live the rest of their life in fury, fear, and revulsion, for they
remembered it every day and forever. For them, it was a nightmare. It could be
worse only if they’d been raped by a relative or somebody they knew. Calamity!
Chapter 04


Ahmed Salem looked very tired and he needed to sleep, even his eyes were red.
Seidou was sleeping already. He woke up and started to yawn then said ‘’Come on!
Ahmed Salem, we need to go home now. We’ve been watching this guy’s house all

‘’You can go home if you want, Seidou!’’ Ahmed Salem said.

The two of them had been watching Lemrabett’s house for the last 2 weeks,
and he hadn’t done anything suspicious yet. In contrast, he was very ordinary. His
neighbors loved him so much, always smiley, long religious beard, and taught
children the Quran for free. As an occupation, Lemrabett had his own car where he
took passengers from Nouakchott to Boutilimitt.

In the end, Ahmed Salem felt maybe he was mistaken. This guy couldn’t
hurt a fly, so he decided to give up. Maybe, the Toujonin boy made a mistake.
Accordingly, Ahmed Salem drove to have dinner together with Seidou in a nearby

As they were leaving, Lemrabett was looking at them through his window.
He knew they had been watching him in the last 2 weeks. He was terrified and
regretted what he had done to all those boys.

Lemrabett looked for his Dara’a that night. He cried as he saw blood on it; he
washed it and the blood faded away so easily. He wished his sins would fade this
effortlessly. The worst part was that he didn’t know which of the boys this blood
belonged to. And for a moment, he hated himself. Lemrabett, because of fear of jail
and God, repented and wanted to come back to God again.

Later that night, Lemrabett went to pray El Isha’a prayer in Weld Mohod
Mosque. He wanted to have peace with God and to be reborn again. Although the
mosque was full of people, Lemrabett felt as if he were alone. His hands were
shaking and could still see blood on his Dara’a, his hands, neck, and feet. The
electricity was off; the place got dark, and people’s eyes were eating him. He
couldn’t breathe.
Maybe, they knew what he had done to the two boys in the old abandoned
green car. Maybe, they were going to tell on him. Maybe, they had seen the blood
already. Maybe, the police were on their way to catch him. He could hear the police
coming. He could hear the boys moaning and crying somewhere in the mosque.
And now, he could see the boys, all of them. It was a mistake. He was not intending
to do such a malicious thing to such innocent boys. Everything happened fast!

He ran outside without finishing his prayer. He was sweating.

So sad! Even God didn’t accept him anymore, he felt.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Salem and Seidou were getting to know each other
better in the restaurant. Seidou was telling him amusing stories about his 2 wives
and mother living in the same house. Ahmed Salem enjoyed listening to him, and
for some moments he smiled even. He didn’t laugh, however.

Now, it was Ahmed Salem’s turn to talk. He was forced to talk, so he talked
about his job, school, how he was a great student, his parents, and his talent for
cooking barbeque. Ahmed Salem was not forced anymore to talk but he wanted to,
or needed to. He talked about his dead family and how he was the reason. His eyes
were full of tears. Seidou didn’t know what to say.

Then, after some silence, Seidou asked ‘’Do you miss her?’’

Ahmed Salem was not sad anymore. ‘’Of course, I miss her. I miss her every
day. She was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. No! She was an angel. I
loved her so much. I wish I could see her one last time, kiss her, talk to her, smell
her, hug her, or... or... or just look at her in the eyes. You know, Seidou, I still
remember the day we met, her yellow Melhafa and black vale. I enjoyed staring at
her smile; she didn’t know of course. I loved her silence. I always wondered what
she was thinking of. Our eyes would meet for a second to feel that time has frozen. I
love to remember her sleepy eyes all the time. I will always love her’’. Ahmed
Salem was talking with a smile and didn’t notice the tear he’d dropped.

A girl selling Balbastik in the restaurant interrupted, and Ahmed Salem got
back to normal. He was going to say more and more. He was not talking to Seidou;
he just needed to get this out of his chest. Seidou would promise that Ahmed Salem
could see his wife alive in the restaurant that day.
Chapter 05


A young boy was playing near a tree in Arafat. It was a dark cold night where there
were heard nothing but barking dogs far away or the wind going through the tree’s
branches. Lemrabett had been staring at the boy for some time now. The street was
empty of people, and the boy was all alone. Great!

Lemrabett said to himself to leave and forget these satanic thoughts. Not
tonight! Subsequently, he changed his mind and went to the kid.

‘’Salamo Alykom!’’, he said ‘’what are you doing here?’’

‘’nothing!’’, the boy said. He stopped playing as if he was doing something

wrong; Lemrabett’s aggressive tone made him feel that.

‘’Where do you live?’’, Lemrabett asked with an innocent smile now.

‘’Mmmmm there... near the road!’’ pointed the boy.

‘’come on! Give me your hand. I will take you to your family!’’ Lemrabett
offered the boy some money to buy candy or games if he played with him inside his
car. He was in high spirits for that. When they got in, Lemrabett asked the boy to
take off his pants and sit on his lap. He refused to do that, so Lemrabett started to
force him.

Suddenly, the boy opened the car and ran away. Lemrabett got scared, ran
after him very fast, and pounced on him like a wild animal. Lemrabett looked at the
boy with a scary angry face and said ‘’WHY??’’ twice, aggressively but quietly. The
boy started to scream for help. Lemrabett put his hands on the boy’s mouth, and the
boy bit him. He got furious and slapped the boy hard quite a few.

The boy started to scream again. Lemrabett took a rock and begged the boy
to stop or he would hit him. The boy kept screaming, so Lemrabett hit the boy till
he passed out. With the expression of grief, he yelled so loudly and dragged the boy
inside the car.
Ahmed Salem was with Vadila that night. When the lady gave him his pants,
some papers fell down. She helped him and there was a picture of Lemrabett.

‘’Do you know him?’’, the Moroccan woman asked.

Ahmed Salem didn’t want to answer. Then, he asked ‘’Why asking?’’

‘’He came once here! I still remember his red beard, although he used to
wear a turban, so his face isn’t shown’’, she said.

Ahmed Salem didn’t care till she said ‘’a very weird disgusting man!’’.

When Ahmed Salem asked, she told him that the man used to come to Vadila
not asking for women, but young boys. He had a fetish for boys, she explained.

Ahmed Salem hated how stupid he was. He went to his office directly to be
surprised by Seidou telling him about a missing boy in Arafat. He fought with
Seidou and told him he was the reason. He had beaten him several before people
separated them. If he hadn’t forced him to leave that night for stupid dinner to tell
him about his messy wives, this wouldn’t have happened. Seidou was hurt both
physically and emotionally. Their new friendship had come to an end very early.

Ahmed Salem drove very fast and carelessly to Lemrabett’s home.

Lemrabett was planning to take the boy out of his house and bury him alive
somewhere far. He put the boy in the trunk.

‘’Please, don’t hurt me. Please!! Let me go’’, the boy was begging while
crying. Lemrabett tied a rope over his mouth, so he was not able to speak. After
that, he closed the trunk on him, sat in his car and started to drive.

And now, Ahmed Salem pulled over right before him. Lemrabett could tell
from Ahmed Salem’s furious face that he had discovered everything now.
Chapter 06

(Once Upon A Time…)

(1960) 44 years and 30 minutes before now…

Lemrabett was only 8 years old, yet he was forced to live in the village to learn the
Quran. Nonetheless, that wasn’t the main reason. Lemrabett’s mother just got
married to a younger man who did not want to acknowledge Lemrabett as a son.
Therefore, he convinced the mother to send her only son far away, and of course,
the stupid mother accepted. As they say ‘’love is blind’’.

Lemrabett was in an ancient taxi full of passengers. Near him sat an old man
wearing a blue Dara’a. During the trip, the man wanted only Quran to be played on
the radio, but when they reached the village, he yearned to Dimmi Mint Abbe.

Lemrabett tried to take a look at the city, or the new life that was waiting for
him. The village was filthy. He saw dirty naked children playing around, an old
mosque of mud, and a big tree in the middle of the street that grabbed his attention
the most.

Lemrabett spent miserable life there. He woke up every day at dawn. It was
freezing in the desert. There was very little food to eat and a lot of students. Besides
all this, all learners were bullying him every day. He had no friends.

Once, they all beat him very hard, and an older student asked Lemrabett to
drink his pee or they would kill him. The student pulled his pants down and was
peeing on Lemrabett’s face. He ordered him to open his mouth so the pee would

Weeks after, that boy was found dead in the forest with his penis cut off.
There was a rumor between the students that Lemrabett did it, and ever since
nobody touched him again.

Lemrabett didn’t want the students’ love, but he didn’t mind their fear.

As years went on, Lemrabett took the place of his teacher and started to
teach students Quran. It brought a lot of money and everything was going well, till
the day he discovered he had a fetish for children, male children! He raped one of
the boys in the village who almost died. The child was too young. Lemrabett liked
how fat he was. The father of the child was going to kill Lemrabett, so he ran to
Nouakchott and lived there ever since.

Sometimes, Lemrabett would think of an alternative world where all people

were different, like all eating with their left hands, all walk backwards, all gays, or
all special. So, if there were a normal person, an ordinary one, would not he be the
weird one? Wouldn’t they fight him to be like them? To be normally different!
Chapter 07


‘’Please, move your car? I am in a hurry’’, so kindly Lemrabett asked.

Ahmed Salem got out of his car as walking towards Lemrabett and saying
‘’Lemrabett Selah Din, 52 years old, a driver, was born in Nouadhibou, lives in
Teyarett’’, now Ahmed Salem was near the car ‘’Am I right?’’.

Lemrabett was not planning for this at all. He was stressed ‘’Yes, sir! How
can I help you?’’.

Ahmed Salem was asking him where he was going, and Lemrabett said he
had to visit a cousin in Boutolimit. Lemrabett was scared that the boy would make
any noise, and Ahmed Salem was going to notice. Lemrabett checked if his knife
was still in his pocket.

‘’You were once guilty of rape’’, Ahmed Salem said while checking the car.

Lemrabett answered with stress in his voice ‘’Yes, police officer, but ….’’.

‘’How could you know I work for the police? I didn’t tell you, did I?’’

They were both looking at each other, and both knew what was happening.

‘’I didn’t rape anybody. The child asked me to help him pee. I was helping
him pee… simply. He was like my son’’. Lemrabett was confident this time. He was
still putting his hand near the knife.

‘’Can you open the trunk, please?’’ Ahmed Salem asked.

Lemrabett was frightened; he stepped out of the car to open the trunk. Then,
Ahmed Salem’s phone rang.

Lemrabett took that chance to hit him so hard with the knife numerous times
till he fell down and his eye started to bleed. Lemrabett ran back to his car and
drove so fast as Ahmed Salem was looking at him going away.

All his face was covered with blood.

The boy in Lemrabett’s trunk was crying and hitting his head everywhere.
The car was moving fast. They were being followed by Ahmed Salem before he lost
him in Basra’s forest. The boy was breathing heavily. He was not able to speak or
move. The trunk was completely dark, and suddenly the car stopped.

Lemrabett opened the trunk and took the boy out. He was carrying a torch
and a knife with him. He heard Ahmed Salem’s car coming. He ordered the boy not
to make any sound and hid behind a tree.

It started to rain now. When Ahmed Salem got out of his car, he started to
check around. He was pointing with his gun.

Then, the boy yelled ‘’Help!’’.

Ahmed Salem could hear the boy although it was raining and ran towards
him. Lemrabett slapped the boy till he passed out, carried him, and ran to an old
cabin. As soon as he entered the cabin, he closed the door and threw the boy. The
boy woke up and started to cry.

‘’They are not going to catch me. Not this time!’’, Lemrabett was whispering
‘’no! No! I don’t want to go to jail. I don’t want to go to jail’’.

The boy got scared because of how crazy and scary Lemrabett acted. At that
moment, Lemrabett looked at him with wide eyes and said ‘’this is all because of
you. Why did you scream?’’. He was choking the boy. ‘’it is because of YOU!’’. The
boy was not able to breathe; He was dying.

Ahmed Salem broke the door with his foot and asked Lemrabett to
capitulate. Lemrabett was holding the child as he was putting a knife on his neck.
Both the child and Lemrabett were crying.

Ahmed Salem asked Lemrabett to let the child go and everything would be
okay. He even threw the gun away, and Lemrabett ran towards the gun and
released the child.

Lemrabett pointed the gun at Ahmed Salem and the boy. Ahmed Salem was
trying to calm him down and win some time till the police came. Then, they could
hear the police cars. The thunder scared Lemrabett a lot. He was like a child. He
regretted everything. This reminded him of when he was in the mosque.

He put the gun on his head and said while crying ‘’No! NO! NO! I deserve
all of this. I deserve it all. I am very sad for you. I didn’t mean it. I wish it were a
dream, and… and… and I would wake up again with my mother. I wish I were not
like this. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Why? I am sorry. I am very sorry’’, he was

Ahmed Salem knew he was going to shoot himself, so he yelled ‘’STOP!’’.

And he shot himself at the same time there was thunder. His mind exploded
before Ahmed Salem in slow-motion. It was both terrifying and repulsive, but also
frustrating. Ahmed Salem didn’t believe what he’d just seen. He got shocked and
froze in his place.

Afterwards, he got near and looked at him in the eyes. Beneath his head,
there was plenty of blood; his eyes were completely red, saliva out of his mouth,
and some of his bones and brain on the ground. His head was empty.

For some reason, Ahmed Salem felt sad for Lemrabett, and for a moment he
forgave him for what he’d done. Lemrabett seemed as if he were looking at Ahmed

Seidou came with the police and Nouakchott’s nightmare, which lasted for
years, had finally come to an end.

Ahmed Salem did not want to celebrate any of this or take any credit. He
went through the crowds and through the cars’ lights going to his car. He sat in his
car alone and wore his glasses. Maybe he was crying. The sun was just coming up
on his right. He looked at the bright blue sky and thought of Lemrabett. Maybe,
they were both similar somewhat. They both hurt people they didn’t want to hurt,
innocent people, and they were both evils.

The End
Feel free to contact me on my Facebook or Instagram for any feedback or comment on how
bad my writing is: Yenje Med.

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