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Worksheet 1: Around Pompeii @ Look and write the words. Then find them in the word search. 5 6 - 8 alife[c|d|ijole|h|a|rfc ult{pls[mio|klejo|s| pli c/ffbit]/blulq|b|rig/r|t ololhly|n rjfo[s|nivim lflafcls|girljwivle|jlw/f| olklo k/ijltlel/olalz|ziq ulalltlelolplqlt|n|s|jlo nj[bfult{t|s|k]/cld|tleld tle/m/p/tlelalalclaleli_ alfi[n|{x{[n|/r{/x|[nfaltir|m i;ifulelwiviqlo|rlulole niv{s|i|mialo|fl{tlelalv nip[ble|p nic z|/tlwiuli. dit{hle[a/tirje|[t|x/tld © Make anew word search. ‘Vocabulary: Around Pomp Worksheet 2: What were you doing? @ _ Read the story and match the sentences with the pictures. Yesterday, at 6:30 pm, someone broke into the Big City Bank and stole £10,000 from the safe. The police are questioning six people. This is what they told the police. 1 Iwas talking to my friends in a café. 4 Lwas swimming. 2. Iwas watching a film at the cinema. 5 Iwas sleeping. 3 We were having dinner ata restaurant. 6 Iwas talking on the phone. Claire Lauren Karl and Eva oe Answer the questions. Then talk to your partner. Who stole the money? 4. Who was with other people? 2 Who can prove what they were doing? 3 Who can't prove what they were doing? 4 Who stole the money from the bank? (Grammar 1: Past continuous revision Worksheet 3: A day with my family @ Look and complete the story in the past continuous. Use the words from the box. Yesterday was a crazy day! While I was doing my Maths homework __, my friends were sending me text messages. While I was trying to multiply 36 by 89 in my head, my eldest sister ? to her favourite song. How could I work in my noisy house? While my brother 3 computer games and shouting, my mother ‘ in her bedroom. While my twin sisters ® in the garden, my father ® the grass. I thought, ‘That's it. 've had enough! I put my books in my bag, walked to the park, and finished my homework there. eo Read and circle the correct words. While my cat was washing / drinking) milk, my brother was buying / playing basketball. While my sister was dancing / writing to her favourite music, my cousin was watching / making a sandwich. While my father was washing / looking the car, my mother was reading / cooking a book. While my dog was playing / drinking with a ball, I was eating / dancing a pizza. While my grandfather was sleeping / shopping under a tree, my grandmother was laughing / listening to the radio. ‘Grammar 2: Two simultaneous actions with while N w wn Worksheet 4: Famous volcanoes 1) Work in small groups. Choose a volcano. Mount St Helens Paricutin o Write the name of the volcano and find out about it. My volcano My partner's volcano What country is it in? When did it erupt? How long did the eruption last? How many people died? Find out more facts about your volcano. 6 Ask your partner about their volcano. Write the answers. (Geography: Famous volcanoes A) Presres test tistenng Name @ 9G listen and number. oe oy Listen and complete the conversation. Eva: I called you yesterday, William. Why didn’t you answer the phone? William: 1_was doing _ something. Eva: What 2 William: I was reading about the volcanic explosion in Pompeii. It’s so interesting. Eva: Really? What N w at the time of the disaster? William: They were busy with their work and their families. Nobody knew about the volcano. Eva: Nobody knew about it? That's incredible. William: So yesterday, Eva? Why did you call me? n 5 Eva:1 about our History test next week. William: Oh, yes. Sorry. Did you want me to help you? 6 Eva: That's OK. I decided to study Geography instead. I on the project about Mexico all day. m: Perhaps you can help me, then! Progress test 2: Reading and writing +) Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct. word next to numbers 2-6. servants -cart- theatre vase smoke columns My uncle Bill likes inventing things. Last year he invented a time machine. It's very easy to use. We went all the way back to Ancient Greece. We travelled the city on a horse and! _cart_. We saw? washing the feet of their rich Greek owners. We saw ? coming out of a volcano. We went to the ‘ in the evenings and watched famous plays. We saw people building the tall ® of the Acropolis. They hold up the roof. I bought a beautiful s . When we came back, I gave it to Mum to put flowers in. She thinks I bought it at the market in our town! Read, choose and write the correct words. Thave lots of pets and they are very intelligent. Last weekend they did some incredible things. On Saturday morning, while I! was _ watching TV, my cat was singing a song. On Saturday afternoon, ? Iwas playing my new computer game, my dog was making a sandwich. On Saturday evening, while I was > some chocolate, my rabbit was reading the newspaper. On Sunday morning, while we¢ all working in the garden, my fish was learning Russian. Oh, I didn’t tell you about Sunday afternoon. While my brother ® studying for his Geography test, my bird was talking about the capital cities of the world. And one more thing. On Sunday evening, while my sisters © dancing to music, my snake was reading a book. My friends don't believe me, but the next time my pets do incredible things, I'm going to ask my frog to take photographs. 1am were was- 4 was were ore 2 while where — why 5 is was were 3 ate eat eating 6 were was is Worksheet 1: Life in the jungle @ Write the word for something in the picture that ... 1 has five letters. sloth 6 ends in the letters ch. 2 starts with the letter j. 7 has four syllables. 3 is a bird's mouth. 8 does what its name says. % isa small area of water. 9 starts with the letters to. 5 grows round a tree. © Read and write ¢ (true) or F(false). Correct the false sentences. & 4 Sloths move very quickly. Sloths move very slow 2 Toucans can't fly. 3 Anteaters do not like eating ants. 4 Jaguars are part of the cat family. 5 Anacondas are very small snakes. 6 Creepers are part of a tree and have the same roots. (2) Worksheet 2: Numbers 1) Write the missing numbers. + 100 200 300 400 500 2 100 1,000 10000 100,000 3 5,000,000 500,000 50,000 500 4% 300,000 275,000 250,000 225,000 5 27,000 21,000 9,000 3,000 6 125,000 250,000 500,000 2,000,000 © Write the missing numbers from Activity 1 in words. 41 _four hundred Worksheet 3: Crazy house rules oO Read, then complete the sentences with the words from the box. Splodge and Murdle live in a crazy house and they have lots of crazy house rules. This is what they had to do yesterday. cut sleep do grass bed scissors shoes clean eat wear | homework ketchup sandwich floor dog feet bath 1 Yesterday, Splodge _had to wear his shoes in the bath 2 Yesterday, Murdle 3 Yesterday, Splodge & Yesterday, Murdle 5 Yesterday, Splodge 6 Yesterday, Murdle oO Write your own everyday crazy house rules! In our house you have to wear your trousers on your head. if 2 3 4 5 6 Grammar 2: Have to / Had to revision (2) Progress test 1: Listening Name Oo %, listen and tick (7) or cross (x). ql c 2 © © & listen and circle. The green anaconda can grow to 237 (227) kilograms. 3 million / 30 million people live in the Amazon region. Anteaters eat 35,000 / 350,000 ants every day. 4 There are more than 20 million / 1 million different animal species in the Amazon rainforest. Sloths can turn their heads 360 / 36 degrees. N w wu 6 People were living in the Amazon rainforest 10,000 / 100,000 years ago. Progress test 2: Reading and writing +) Name Look and write the words. 4) cbarhn 2) gujara 3) lopo 4) teanreat 5) catnou 6) prerece Read the conversation and choose the best answer. You do not need to use all the letters. A Only when they're clean. B Yes, Ihave to do that after every meal. C Everything! I don't have time to do what I want. P . D Yes. Every day. Mum says it’s always untidy. Org E Yes, I do. I go with Dad to the supermarket on Wednesdays and Saturdays. oR F-Of course; Fo! have to-do tots of things- a G Yes, we do. We put them in a box next to the front door. 1 Robert: Do you have to help at 4 Robert: What about the dishes? Do home, David? you have to wash them? David: G_ Davi 2 Robert: What do you have to do? 5 Robert: Do you have to go David: shopping? 3 Robert: Do you have to clean your Dan room? 6 Robert: And do you have to take David: your shoes off in the house? Worksheet 1: Making music @_ Complete the words. Then match them with people and things in the picture. 1 electric guitar c 6 st_g_ LJ 2 b_ck_ng s_ng_rs 7 f_ns oO 3 drm kt 8 d_nc_rs L 4&bssg tr 9 sp_tl_ght CT] 5 b_dyg__rds eo Read and complete Ella’s email with words from Activity 1. @59 r Hi Yasmin, We saw Missy RaRa last night. It was fantastic! There were so many musicians and + dancers on the? . When it started, it was completely dark and then just one * came on and there she was! Missy Ra Ra's a great singer and her * singers were really good, too. Everybody knows that Missy plays the piano, but did you know that she also plays the bass ° ? She plays it really well. There were so many people at the concert. Missy has lots of § and we were all shouting! But the ” didn’t let us go near her. Let's meet soon and listen to Missy's new songs! Love, Ella Vocabulary: At a rock concert Worksheet 2: What are they going to do? eo Read and match the sentences with what the people say. 4. Mark likes music from the 1960s. He plays the guitar. c 2 Sue and Sam's favourite thing is the cinema. They watch a lot of films. 3 Simon enjoys reading. He likes novels about monsters and vampires. 4 When he has some free time, Joe watches the TV. He loves laughing. 5 Maria loves reading. She likes historical novels. 6 Wendy and Walter play the violin. They love jazz and classical music. 2 I'm going to read my book. 4 ( I'm going to read a story about It’s called Frankenstein. Ancient Rome. b ( We're going to see the new Spiderman film. m going to learn to play some old Beatles song o Write sentences about the people in Activity 1. e ( We're going to listen to Beethoven and Bach. ¢_ { T'm going to watch the new comedy this evening, My friend says it’s really funny. 4 Mark 's going to learn to play some old songs by the Beatles 2 Sue and Sam 3 Simon 4 Joe 5 Maria 6 Wendy and Walter Worksheet 3: A busy day oO Read and answer the questions about Lucy’s busy day. Lucy has a very busy life! She gets up at six. Half an hour after that, she has breakfast. Forty minutes after her breakfast, she catches the bus to school. She gets to school one hour and fifty minutes after she gets up. She has her lunch four hours and twenty minutes after she gets to school. She works hard at school all day. She gets home at ten past four and does her homework. She has her dinner forty minutes after she gets home. An hour and fifteen minutes after that she starts talking to her friends online 1 What time does Lucy have breakfast? She has breakfast at half past six What time does she catch the bus to school? N What time does she get to school? What time does she have her lunch? What time does she have dinner? aunw What time does she start talking to her friends online? Qo Complete the sentences about your busy day. 1 Iget up at s 6 Thave English at 2 Thave breakfast at ; 7 Icome home at 3 Igo to school at : 8 Ido my homework at 4 Thave lunch at : 9 Thave dinner at 5 Thave Maths at . 10 Igo to bed at Grammar ast and to the hour Worksheet 4: Rap and rhythm @ Match each line of the rap with one of the three rhythms (a, b orc). The Summer Rap 4 Living, laughing, smiling, yeah LI 2 Inthe summer sun [_] 3 No homework, no exams 4% We're all having fun [_] e 1d TNL en eo Write a rap about winter. Use the rhyming words from the box. y The Winter Rap Music: Rap and rhythm Progress test oO q Listen and draw lines. Michael Grace Fred oO 2 Listen and write the letters to answer the questions. oT ef 4. What’s Lucy going to be? h (Db 2 Where is Lucy going to work? . 'y going fs i] 3 What's Mark going to be? 4 What's Mark's brother going to be? 5 What's Mark's dad going todo? 6 Where are Mark and Lucy going to go for lunch? Progress test 2: Reading and writing ) Look and circle the correct word. bodyguard / dancer fan / backing singer spotlight / electric guitar fan / bodyguard Read the story and write the times (1-6) in words. Every day, I like to know when I'm going to do things. Iam very organised. Today I got up at* ten past five and went for along run. Then I had my breakfast at a - Tworked all morning and then I had my lunch at ? . At‘ Idrank my afternoon cup of tea and ate one biscuit. Only one! I stopped working at * and at . Thad a salad and watched my favourite TV programme. My day was exactly as I planned it! review. The Science lesson, ae / Units 1, 2 and 3 Name: Class: @© Find and write ten words. Mark /5 ign y temp te k /\ x1) cisncewords |Pompeli words tuqnfamnaauhimn emservantwwoj liquid smoke gustes ttubejky oqrbagjpowder bubbleswdwhtr pzidiquidrbpvy gowbaxbstatue rexreaprongwb lojrwpvotcano tzatheatrer bj yinstructions © Write the numbers in words. | Mark 5 70,000 seventy thousand & 8.101000 2,292 100,000 15,405, 5 522,785 © write the words. | Mork /5 ecerpe creeper 6 aaurig neeaattr ttoihglsp 3 eeicctlr aiurtg goets © Read and complete. Mark ” ~ sy Alex, Phoebe and Patrick went (go) to the Science lab yesterday. They (put) on their gloves and aprons. Alex (take) the test tube and he (start) to mix three powders. Then he (mix) in two spoons of black powder, but he (not read) the instructions. Patrick and Phoebe (see) bubbles and green smoke coming from the test tube. Then BANG! They (hear) an explosion. review) The Science lesson, / Units 1, 2 and 3 Name: Class: © Choose the correct word. Mark 15 Why did you @6Y went to bed? Did you had / have breakfast this morning? Why was / were the teachers angry? Did / Was Alex put his gloves on? Where was / did you put the books? How long was / were the river? © Complete the sentences. Mark 15 When Phoebe heard. (hear) the explosion, she was walking. (walk) to the temple. When the earthquake happened, I (sleep). When the teacher saw the smoke, she (talk) to Patrick. When I came home from school, my mother (cook). Iwas finishing my homework when my favourite TV programme (start). My father (work) in the garden when it began to rain. @ Read and match. Mark 15 While Mum was making a chocolate cake, While Sophie was doing her homework, While my brothers were playing While our teacher was writing on the While David was working While we were watching board, Tom was reading a comic. her cat was sleeping under her chair, my sister was making cupcakes. on the computer, his friend wos drawing a picture. basketball, I was watching them. TV, my brother wos studying for his history test. Review The Science lesson, Units 1, 2 and 3 Name: Class: © Read and draw the times. Mark B 4 Itstentoseven. 2 It's five pasttwo. 2 It's quartertonine. 4 It's twenty-five to six. © You went camping last Saturday. Write what you had to do. make putup sleep getup collect 4 Thad to walk — up @ mountain. 2 We the tents. 3 We wood for the fire. 4 We dinner. 5 1 in the tent. 6 We early on Saturday. @ Write about your plans for next Saturday. Mark 15 nee Saturday is my birthday and“ |’m going to get up at nine o'clock. (meet) my friends and we © (play) ecsReEEl at the club. Then, we ‘ (have) some sandwiches and salad for lunch. After that, we “ (go swimming). In the evening, we © (see) a film. The film starts at half past eight, so we are going to have dinner before. Total test mark 150 Worksheet 1: Eating out 1) wraite- 2) ssotpchick 3) preepp 4) finek 5) naknip 6) rotk 7) scitiubs 8) nopos 9) tals Correct the sentences. 1 We eat our food with one chopstick. We eat our food with two chopsticks. 2 We use a napkin to eat soup. 3 We use a waiter to pick up meat and vegetables. oe Write the words under the correct pictures. o ol eS ZA waiter oer e \ F & We use a fork to cut our food. 5 We put salt and pepper in our water. 6 We cook biscuits and eat them hot. Vocabulary: In a restaurant Worksheet 2: First, second or third? oO Look, read and write the girls’ names. Then write sentences. Martina Martina finishes second. Tanya finishes two places in front of The girl running just behind Holly is Holly. called Anna. No one finishes behind Claire. Claire finishes behind Sarah. Holly finishes two places in front of Sarah. 1 4 2 _Martina comes second in the race. 3 3 6 oO Answer the questions. 25" of December 4. What date is Christmas Day? 2. What date is Valentine's Day? 3. What date is American Independence Day? 4 What date is Halloween? 5 What date is your birthday? 6 What date is your best friend's birthday? Grammar 1: Ordinal numbers Worksheet 3: If ... © _ Look, read and write a, bor c. If it’s your brother's birthday, you give him a present. c If you don't eat enough, you get hungry. If you lose the game, you feel sad. If you win the game, you feel happy. 1 2 3 % If you eat too much, you get sick. 5 6 If it’s your birthday, your brother gives you a present. oe Write five sentences about what happens if it’s your birthday. If it’s your birthday, you can eat lots of cake. ‘Grammar 2: Zero conditional Worksheet 4: Make a healthy meal © _ Match the ingredients with the pictures. 1 cooked chicken 3 butter 5 olive oil 7 cucumber 2 wholemeal bread 4 lettuce 6 tomato 8 avocado © Write the ingredients from Activity 1 in the correct food groups. Protein Vegetables Dairy Fruit Grain © Complete the recipe with the words under the pictures. ay h b) gy, c d e »» Y ot ay . . 2 ne S. ef — chop pour cut slice spread 1 Cut the chicken into pieces on a chopping board. 2 your favourite fruit and vegetables and put them in your salad with some lettuce. 3 olive oil on your salad. 4 your wholemeal bread. 5 butter on the bread. Name @ & listen and number. eo ‘oe Listen and write yes or no. 4. Emma's birthday is on the 21* of January. Do 2 Joshua's birthday is on the 30" of March. 3. Mary's birthday is on the 12" of June. 4 John’s birthday is on the 19" of September. 5 Helen's birthday is on the 11" of November. 6 Ben's birthday is on the 3" of December. Progress test 2: Reading and writing ) oe Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 2-6. pepper waiter chepsticks: spoon salt knife Last Saturday I went to a Chinese restaurant with my mum and dad. It was my 12" birthday. The food was great but there was a problem. T couldn't eat it. I couldn’t use the ! chopsticks _. I asked the 2 fora? and fork, He wasn't very happy. Then everything went wrong. I put sugar on my rice and too much black ‘ on my chicken. It was really hot! Then I put 5 in my tea because it was white like the sugar! I think my parents were angry but, because it was my birthday, they smiled and said, ‘Let’s go home, Alex.’ At home, Mum gave me ice cream. I ate it slowly with a small 6 . Dad says that for my birthday next year we'll stay at home. eo Make sentences. 4 Ifyou go to bed late, [| @ you pass your exams. 2 If the sun shines, [_] b your stomach hurts and you feel ill. 3 Ifyou lie in the sun all day, © you get black circles under your eyes. 4 If you work hard, your eyes hurt. 5 If you eat too much chocolate, you go red. 6 Ifyou look at a computer all day, f people go out to the park. Worksheet 1: The cowboy days oe Look and complete the words. oO Do the crossword. Across 2 People sat in this and horses pulled it along. y w This is a seat that people sit on when they ride a horse. olel2[> [=] 6 This is wooden. You can put U E powder or liquid in it. 8 This is a small gun that you hold in one hand. 2 This person was like a police officer in towns in the Wild West. Down 1 These are metal. Police officers put them around people's wrists. & This is another word for a prison. 5 This is something you use to tie things together. 7 This is a person who takes things from shops and banks. Vocabulary: Wild West Worksheet 2: What is it .. ? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. metal -teather wood wood leather -used-for- made of used for made of used for draw look cook carry -protect re} BR w a These are made of leather. They are _used__for _protecting your feet. This is made of - It's used for food like spaghetti. This is glass. It’s used for at your face. This is putting things on. It's made of This is made of It's things. This is - It's used for and writing. 1 This is long and thin and made of glass. It's used for doing experiments. N your hands warm in cold weather. nw and are used for eating food. au for keeping liquid or powder in. test tube These are made of wool. They are used for keeping This is made of glass. It's used for holding flowers. These are made of wood. They are long and thin This is made of metal. It's used for cutting food. This is made of wood. It's big and round. It's used Grammar 1: Made of ... / Used for Worksheet 3: Possession oe Look, read and correct the sentences. 11 The sheriffs horse is beautiful. The sheriff’s horse is beautiful 2 Julies’ scarf was a birthday present. q 3 The robber's pistols are new. 4 The cowboys’ saddle is made of leather. 5 My brothers bass guitar is old. Ge =e : ies G Ke 1 The girl's dog is very funny. 3 The baby's hat is black. The girls’ dogs are very funni 2 The child’s game is exciting. 4 The man’s phone is clever. 5 The woman's book is in French. Grammar 2: Possessive apostrophes Worksheet 4: The Olympic Games @©_ Read the article and answer the questions. n the original But did you know | at the 1904 games in I Olympic that athletes St Louis in the United Games, who finished States, when gold, silver in Ancient first at those and bronze medals were Greece, winners games only won | awarded for first, second received an olive silver medals? and third place. wreath. The tradition Athletes who finished of giving medals to second won bronze and athletes began at the first | those who finished third modern Olympic Games| won nothing at all! in Athens in 1896. Everything changed 4. What did winning athletes in the Olympics of Ancient Greece receive as a prize? 2 What medal did winning athletes receive at the 1896 Olympic Games? 3 What medal did athletes in third place receive at the 1896 Olympic Games? 4 At which Olympic Games were gold, silver and bronze first awarded? © Read and match the facts with the athletes. 1 at the 2008 games in Beijing, this | At the age of 72, ths athlete isthe oldest person to win a gold medal. The medal was won at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. 4 This athlete won gold in the 100m, 200m, long jump and the 4x400m relay at the Los Angeles Olympics b) ff ¢ d , re - % 3 ‘a | Marjorie Gestring Oscar Swahn Carl Lewis Michael Phelps History: The Olympic Games swimmer won eight gold medals. 3 This diver is the youngest athlete to win an Olympic gold medal, at the age of 13. The medal was won in 1936 in Berlin. (5) roars text tistening oO {y Listen and tick (/) or cross (x). 4 O ° 4 Robert's lamp is made of (metal / plastic. 2 Robert's bookcase is made of wood from China / Kenya. 3 Robert's armchair is made of leather / cotton. & Robert's mirror is used for seeing your favourite animal / pet. 5 Robert's guitar is made of wood / glass. 6 Robert's cup is used for putting pencils / pens in. Progress test 2: Reading and writing ) Name Look and write the words. 4) fhandseuf- 2) fifhers a 2 handcuffs 3) rlerab 4) dadles 3 © 5) lija 6) sborber Paul, we have to leave in ten minutes and I can't find anything! Can you see the ' babies’ hats? What about ? guitar? I can’t see it anywhere. It’s snowing today. Where are the scarves? Oh, and where are books? He must have his books. And we have to give back that DVD to my friends. Where’s my 5 DVD? And where are your * flowers? 1 baby’s babies —_babie’s 4 Jack's Jacks’ Jack 2 Fred Fred's reds’ 5 friend's friends’ —_ friends 3 children’s children _ childrens’ 6 mothers’ mother mother's Worksheet 1: Away from home © _ Look and write the words. Then find them in the word search. carpet r t a dip t ple PI] PIP k Ply|bip t j h of;m|b n Qa t ° c k c 1 o Make a new word search. ze g 5 8 Worksheet 2: Problems, problems oe Read and match the problems with the advice. ray Pennys Problematic 1 Deer Penny, I share a bedroom with my brother, We are Problem Page oO 2 very different. Sharing a room with him makes me crazy. There is another rom in the house that | would like to move to, but my parents say it’s for visitors What should | do? 3 Dear Penny, o I don’t think my teacher likes me. She always gives me bad marks She thinks that I'm lazy, but I’m not! work very hard and | alw: do my best. What should | do? Dear Penny, My little brother won't let me do my homework. Every time I sit down at my desk, he comes into my roam and says, ‘Come and play with ‘me.’ Hell him that I'm busy but he doesn’t listen. What should | do? ‘ 0 Dear Penny, I've gota problem. | don't think my friend likes me any more, We used to have lunch together every day, but iow she's started playing football at lunchtime and doesn't want to eat with me. | like football but Fm not very good at it. I'm so angry. What should | do? a b I think you should tell | | think you should tell your parents abaut the | your teacher how you problem. Tell them that | feel, Explain that you you reallyneed tobe | are not very happy. Quiet in your bedroom. | Tell your teacher how ‘Ask your parents to talk | hard you work and to your brother. Say | how disappointed you that you need to study | are with your marks. alone. You shouldn't get | You shouldn't worry angry with your brother | too much. Your teacher He doesn't understand. | should help you Good luck! Love, Penny Love, Penny Dear Penny, My favourite school subject is Dramna. | want to be an actor. 'd love to go to drama school. But my parents don't like the idea. They want me to study medicine and be a doctor, What should | do? Grammar 1: Should / Shouldn’ c d I think you should | think you should talk to your teacher. | tell your parents how Tell him that you are | you feel. They should unhappy. Perhapshe | understand. You can give you some need to have some extra football practice. | space now that you You should also talk | are getting older. Ask to your friend. Tell your parents why you her that you miss her | can't move to the Good luck! other room and listen Love, Penny carefully to what they say. Love, Penny | oe Read and write some advice with should and shouldn’t. Worksheet 3: Asking Read and complete the conversation with the words from the box. mind -if could not all of tell you course Customer: Good morning, Do you mind' _if _I try on this T-shirt? Shop assistant: 2 at all, Customer: ? you show me the changing room, please? Shop assistant: * course. Customer: Ah, this is very small. Do you ® if I use a bigger changing room? Shop assistant: Not at © Customer: Could? give me a smaller T-shirt? I think this one is too big for me. Shop assistant: I'll get one for you. Customer: One moment, before you go. Could you 8 me the price of the T-shirt, please? Shop assistant: Of ° . That's £19.99, sir. Look and write what the people are saying. Could you give me six apples, please? Yes, of course. Could Y/you ... Do you mi Worksheet 4: A new town @ Work in groups of four. Read and discuss the ideas. There shouldn't be any cars in the town. People should travel by bus. There should be a computer with the Internet in every home. There shouldn't be a library. | There shouldn't be any houses with gardens. People should all live in blocks of flats surrounded by a big park. There shouldn't be one big school. There should be lots of small schools. © Write four more ideas about a new town. Use should or shouldn’t. eo Present your ideas to the class. (6) Proorens ert stoning oOo ‘ay What did the people in Sam’s family buy on holiday? Listen and write a letter in each box. ie MD earrings flag Grandma Grandpa oO ‘gy Read, then listen to Nick’s school rules. Write ¢ (true) or (false). 1 Liam should go to History Club. _f_ Liam should do his homework. Liam should play football every day. wn n Liam shouldn't eat salad sandwiches. wu Liam should go to the park on Wednesdays. Liam should talk to the teachers. a Progress test 2: Reading and writing ) Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. You do not need to use all the words. ings acomb aflag acarpet soap sunglasses plates acup and saucer earrings a basket cushions 4. We wear these on our fingers. 2 We use this to make our hair look nice. rings 3 Every country in the world has one of these. 4 We put one of these on the floor in the sitting room. 5 We use this to wash ourselves. 6 We wear these so that we don’t hurt our eyes in the sun. Read the conversation and choose the best answer. You do not need to use all the letters. A-Could-youtell me where-the children’ i neole we pleases B Could you tell me the price? © Of course. D Yes, could I see that one there? E Notatall. F Do you mind if I try this on? G Could I close the door? H Do you mind if I read a few pages? 1. Shop assistant: Good morning. Can T help you with anything? Ed: _A 2 Shop assistant: Yes, they're here. Would you like to look at one? Ed: 3 Shop assistant: This one? Yes. Here you are, Ed: . want to see if it’s OK for my daughter. 4 Shop assistant: Do I mind? Read as much as you like. Ed: I think it's a bit young for her. Could you show me the books about music? wu Shop assistant: Yes. We have lots of books about rock and pop. Ed; Right, thanks. This one looks perfect. Shop assistant: + It's £12.99. Ed: Thanks. I'll take it. a Review, 2) Units 4, 5 and 6 Name: Class: @© Read and write the words. Mork 7 You put food on this before you eat it. plate This person works in a restaurant. You put this on a horse when you want to ride it. This is usually on the floor in the living room. You wear this jewellery in your ears. In the Wild West, people travelled to places in this. The sheriff used these to arrest robbers. You eat Chinese food with these. @© Find the words and write them in the correct place. Mark 17 pppree pepper krof ffhsrie nohsuic laij knpian nspoo tpolis Pass me the salt and pepper _, please. The robbers should be in j Put another knife and f ‘on the Tlike that red and blue c table, please. Can I buy it, Mum? Please give mean . T've got Many people carried a p in juice on my T-shirt. the Wild West. The s has got some handcuffs. You should use a soup s to eat soup. (2)) Units 4, 5 andé Name: Class: © write the days and dates. Mark 16 4 The first Monday is the 1 Saturday 8 Saturday ani nPOctoher © 2 (Sindy 9 Sunday 2. The first Saturday is the 3° Monday 10 Monday 4 Testy TY Tuesday 3. The second Friday is the 12 Wednesd Seeds emnestay 4 The 11th of October is a 6 Thursday 13 Thursday 7 Friday 14 Friday 5 The 13th of October is a © Read and match. Mark. 15 If you don't like the soup. [Ff] a ittastes horrible. co 4 2 Ifyou put too much salt in food, you must practise a lot. If I dial 112 in Spain, __ c Iget the emergency services. 4 If you want to play the piano well, you get orange. 5 Ifit’s very cold outside, |_| © youhave to wear a scarf. 6 Ifyou mix red and yellow, L_| £ don'teat it. © Choose the correct word. Mark 15 ‘ TheGheriff’$/ sheriffs’ boots are made of leather. 2. My fathers’ / father’s car is new. 3. The children’s / childrens’ books are on the table. 4 Harry Potter is my sisters / sister's favourite book. 5 The flowers in my neighbours / neighbours’ garden are really beautiful. 6 The robbers’ / robbers horses were outside the bank. Cy 2) Units 4, 5 and 6 | Name: Class: © write the sentences using words from the box. Mark o e plastic metal wood leather glass keep open hold sit carry travel cook 4 These are my keys. They're made of metal . They're used for opening doors. 2 This chair is les on. 3 This bag is Its things. 4 This nutcracker is wIt’s nuts. 5 These boots are - They're your feet warm. 6 This wagon and It’s to places. 7 This pan is Its food. 8 These bottles are They're water. @ Make questions. Mark B 1 2/if/sit/Do/ mind/you/I/here Do you mind if | sit here? 2 this /if / mind / try / Do /on, / please /? J jacket / you /T 4% way / the / bus / Could / you / please / ? /tell/ station, / me / the / to please / ? / Could / there, / football / boots / over /1/ see / those Review 2) Units 4, 5 and 6 Name: Class: © Read and complete the sentences. Mark 17 Ican't sleep at night. I'm going to the beach now. You shouldn't drink coffee after It's too hot. You dinner. (drink) It’s very cold! You and a scarf. (wear) later. (go) I'm going to London on holiday. warm clothes You an umbrella. (take) It rains a lot in winter. feel sick. I fell off my bike. You You so much 50 fast. (go) chocolate. (eat) Do you want to go horse riding? My parents are angry with me. Yes, Ido, but we You exams. (study) © Put the dialogue in the correct order. Mark 15 Gina Tom Tom and Gina Shop assistant Tom Shop assistant Shop assistant Gina Shop assistant Gina Tom more for your a riding hat. (wear) Oh, no! We shouldn't buy her a present for the house. We should buy something for her. What's it made of? It’s our mum's birthday next Saturday and we'd like to buy her a present. Do you mind if we have a look? Silver. Yes, they're very pretty. Yes, they are but could I see that rug, please? Wool. Look, it’s very beautiful. Your mum could put it in the living room. Yes, of course. Here itis. Oh, those earrings are lovely. What are they made of? Not at all, please come in. Great! Could you put them in a nice box, please? Yes, you're right. The earrings, then. Total test mark 150 Worksheet 1: In the theatre oO Look and match the sentences with the people in the picture. Write letters. This gir is playing the lute. a This boy's wig is falling off his head. 1 2 3 This girl is pulling up her tights. 4 These people are watching the play. 5 6 iz This girl is wearing a mask. This boy is holding a candle. This boy is wearing an animal costume. © _ Do the puzzle and find the name of one of Shakespeare’s plays. 1 An actor wears this on his or her face. 2 An actor wears these on his or her legs. = —7—— 3 This is used to give light. LF 4 An actor wears this on his or her head. G Itis not real hair. {| | |_| This is a musical instrument. > u 6 An actor wears this on his a or her body. “ These people watch the plays. - Cy This person performs in a play. Vocabulary: Shakespeare's Globe Worksheet 2: I'll do it. o Read the sentences and write offer or promise. 1 T'lldo my homework before I watch TV. promise 2 Tl help you carry those bags. They look heavy. 3 T'll make breakfast. You're tired and need to sleep. 4 Tl close the door for you. 5 T'll keep your secret, don’t worry. 6 T'll stop eating chocolate every day. I'll eat fruit instead, eo Look and read. Which replies are offers? Complete the dialogues. Pll make you a sandwich. a Tl make you a sandwich. a Tll take my sweater off b T'lleat a banana. b T'llopen the window. z 4 T love that book. a T'll buy it for you. a T'llcycle home. b T'llread it. b T'll take you on my bike. Grammar for offers and promises Worksheet 3: Just a moment ago @ Complete the questions. Then look and write the answers. 1 Who's just eaten _ (eat) some chocolate? Robert has just eaten some chocolate. 2 Who's just (paint) their room? 3 Who's just (drink) a bottle of juice? 4 Who's just (drop) her bag on her foot? 5 Who's just (get) a text message? Oo It is six o’clock in your house. It’s time for dinner. Write about what the people in your family have just done. Draw a picture. It’s dinner time and v are all Worksheet 4: Haiku @ Read about Haiku. A Haiku is a special type of poem from Japan. It has three lines. The first and third lines always have five syllables and the second line always has seven. Haiku are often quiet poems which make people think about the meaning of something. © Read the Haiku. What does it make you think and feel? A Haiku for English students Learning English, oh Verbs and nouns and adjectives | Why's the past simple? f 4 © Write a Haiku about one of the topics from the box. music family friends school Literature: Poetry @ © Sey Listen and number. a ) b 2 > bf ty Ke {y Listen and complete the conversation. 4 Ethan: I'm thirsty, Mum. 6 Mum: And Ethan? Mum: OK, Ethan. 'll et_youa Ethan: Yes, Mum? drink. Mum: Before you play a computer 2 Ethan: I'm hungry, too. game... Mum: Right. youa Ethan: Yes, Mum. I know. sandwich. my homework! 3 Ethan: I'm bored. Mum: you a game to ploy. 4 Mum: Ethan? Ethan: Yes, Mum. Mum: I'm tired. Ethan: Oh, my drink, then. 5 Mum: 1 think Ineed to sit down. Ethan: OK. my sandwich. Progress test 2: Reading and writing) Read the email. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 2-6. lute actor wig tights audience costume 99 Dear Aunt Jane, How are you? I'm OK. Mum says, ‘HY’ | go to the Young People's National Theatre on Saturday mornings now. It's great! When | grow up, | want to be an ' actor | We are doing a play by Shakespeare. It's called Hamlet. | like the play but | have to wear ? ‘on my legs. | look like a girl! | also have to wear a® because my hair is too short. But my* is very old and beautiful. It's green and gold and | look like someone from the 16” century. | have to play an instrument in the play. It's called a . It's a type of guitar. I'm not very good at it, but I'm learning! Our first show is next Wednesday. Will you come to see it, Aunt Jane? We want to have a big ® in the theatre. Email soon. Love David What have the family just done? Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. -eat. pass buy start decide get 1 I've just eaten _ lots of chocolate. Do you think I eat too much? 2 My brothers studying at Edinburgh University. They think it’s great. 3 My little sister her first French exam in high school. She got 93%. 4 My mother a new job in London. She's going to start next week. 5 My father anew car. He says it was cheap but Mum says it wasn’t! 6 My mum and dad to go on holiday. They're going to take us to Australia next summer! Worksheet 1: Jobs e Read the descriptions and match them with the jobs. artist businesswoman businessman -computer-programmer- engineer aa 1 Alan Turing was English. 2 Anita Roddick was English. 3 Steve Jobs was from San He helped invent computer She died in 2007 at the age Francisco in the USA. He died science and artificial of 64. She started the natural in 2011 at the age of 56. He intelligence. His idea of the cosmetics company, The was one of the most important “Turing Machine! was the Body Shop. It became very people in the computer beginning of our modern successful. There are Body industry. His company age of computers Shop shops all over the world designed the iPhone, the iPad combuteroroumanimer and the iPod. He made millions Computer programmer ———_— of dollars 4 Michelangelo Merisi da 5 Isambard Kingdom Caravaggio was Italian, He Brunel was English. He was bom in the 16” century lived in the 19% century. and died in the 17® century. He designed and built His paintings are famous for bridges and the first railway their use of light and dark in the UK. © Make sentences. Then write ¢ (true) or F (False ‘1 an/ works / businesswoman / office & farmer /a/a/ works /school/ in Ja/in A businesswoman works fi ; - —inan office. ________|t 5 cars /a/repairs / mechanic 2 with / engineer / machines / an / works a 6 builds / cleaner / a / bridges 3 teeth / after / people's / dentist / looks / a (8) Worksheet 2: Promises @ book and match. If you study hard, If you think Maths is difficult, If you're sad at school. If you learn French, If you eat all your vegetables at lunch. [_] AuRWn oa If you forget your books, T'll take you to Paris to practise. T'll buy you a new bike for your birthday. T'll bring them to you at school. T'lhelp you. T'll make you laugh at home. T'll give you a biscuit after school. y ~*oaonta © What is the fairy godmother saying? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. < repair fly lose feel -break make get clean find want ) If you break your computer, I'll_repair it. % 2 5) Ifyou your If you hungry. favourite socks, I'll S Tl a cheese Winks them. sandwich for you. fyi your Ifyou___ to go on holiday, I'll | you to a tropical island. T-shirt dirty, I'll it. (Grammar 1: if clauses) Worksheet 3: What if ... ? Read and complete the story with the words from the box. do what stop pass worry -witt Dylan likes worrying. He worries about everything. At the moment, for example, he is worrying about his Maths homework. ‘What * will I do if I can’t do this homework?’ Dylan asks his mum. ‘Then Dad will help you.’ says Dylan’s mum. ‘You'll be OK.’ Dylan is also worrying about his new guitar. ___if I drop it?" Dylan says. ‘Then we'll fix it,’ says Dylan's dad. ‘You'll be OK.’ ‘What will we ? if it rains tomorrow?" says Dylan to his friend, Bryan. ‘Then we'll play football on the computer,” says Bryan. Most people in Dylan’s life understand that Dylan can’t stop worrying. But not Donny. Donny is Dylan’s brother. Donny doesn’t worry about anything. ‘What if you* ___ worrying about Maths and guitars?’ Donny says to Dylan. ‘Stop worrying?’ says Dylan. ‘If I stop worrying about Maths and guitars, 'll$ about something else. I've got a History exam tomorrow. What if I don't °_____it, Donny? What then?’ Donny shakes his head and walks away. Dylan doesn't mind. Donny doesn’t understand that Dylan likes worrying. Worrying makes Dylan happy. Answer the questions with your own ideas. 1. What will you do if your computer breaks? If my computer breaks, I'll 2 What will you do if it rains on your holiday this summer? 3. What will you do if you lose your mobile phone? 4 What will you do if you get 5% in your next English exam? 5 What will you do if your teacher gives you a lot of homework today? 6 What will you do if someone gives you food that you don't like? Name ‘oe Listen and draw lines. Tanya Nick 4th te 4 ui Anna David Daniel UE a) Listen and write yes or no. 1 Ifyou're thirsty, Jim will make you a cup of tea. 2 If you're hungry, Jim will make you an egg sandwich. 3 If you want to go swimming in the afternoon, Jim will open the pool. 4 If you want to listen to music, Jim will play you lots of songs. 5 If you want pasta, Jim will make it for you. 6 If you want a quiet room, Jim will give you one. Progress test 2: Reading and writing ) Read, then complete the words. The first letter is given to you. My father ine ¢ 1 .He designs roads and bridges. Iwent to see myd— yesterday. He told me that my teeth are OK. . They've got cows, chickens and pigs. My brother knows everything about cars. He wants to beam — : 4 2 3. My grandparents are f i 5 I got my first laptop last year. Now Iwant to beac p—— 6 Dali and Van Gogh are my favourite a oe I love their paintings! Read the conversation and choose the best answer. You do not need to use all the letters. A Then we'll go for a walk. B We'll watch a different one. Oh, Robert! Stop it! We'll go swimming in the rain. D We can watch a DVD. E Let's do our homework on Monday. F-We'll-stay-at home-and play some- —games. G Then it'll be a sunny day. H We'll think of something else. 1 Robert: I want to go swimming. But what will we do if it rains? Anna: N Robert: But what if there aren't any in the cupboard? Anna: Robert: But what if we don't think of anything? Anna: w 4 Robert: But what if the film is terrible? Anna: Robert: But what if we can’t find a different one? wo Anna: 6 Robert: But what if it rains? Anna: (9) Worksheet 1: On board ship oO Look at the picture. How many different things can you name? Vocabulary: On board Worksheet 2: Been there, done that oO Read and tick (/) the things you have already done. 1 T’ve already been to the USA. N I've already cooked a special meal for my family. w I've already been to a pop concert. n I've already created my own website. w I've already been to more than three countries on holiday. a Ive already learnt how to do the ironing. x Ive already seen a film in a different language. o Ive already been on a rollercoaster. oO Write six sentences about things you would like to do but haven’t done yet. | haven't visited the pyramids in Egypt yet. © _ Work in groups of four. Talk about what you have/haven’t done. Grammar 1: Present perfect with already and yet Worksheet 3: I’ve done it all, my darling. oe Read the interview and circle the correct words. Angelica Lolly: Right. Let’s make this quick. I'm meeting Chad Witt for cocktails at midday. So what do you want to know about my life? New York Times journalist: Angelica, “(have)/ has you finished your new film yet? Angelica Lolly: Yes, I've ? already / yet finished it. Don’t you read Empire magazine? Times journalist: Um ... OK. Have you 3 chose / chosen your next film? Angelica Lolly: No, I haven't done that ¢ already / yet. I'm going on holiday with Chad first. Le Monde journalist: Last year you said you wanted to go on holiday to France. Have you 5 done / been to France yet? Angelica Lolly: Of course I've already been to France! I've just bought another flat in Paris. El Pais journalist: Miss Lolly. You said you wanted to make films in other countries. Have you ® made / seen a film in Spain yet? Angelica: No, I haven't. But I've’ yet / already made many films in Italy. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll make a film with my great friends Javier and Penelope in Madrid, Right. I haven't got any more time for this. Goodbye, my darlings! © complete the sentences about Angelica Lolly. Use already and yet. 1 She _has already finished 4 She her new film. a flat in Paris. 2 She her 5 She next film ; many films in Italy. 3 She 6 She a film to France. in Spain Worksheet 4: Ocean life quiz eo Find the answers to the questions. L ~~ e@ quiz 1 What's the biggest animal in the ocean? _bluewhale 2 What's the biggest fish in the ocean? walrus S eorlapionteronanima? = 4 Name one of the fastest fish in the ocean. : 5 2 en How big is the biggest sea turtle coms 6 Which type of octopus lives the longest? 7 What makes 95% of a jellyfish? ) 8 How many different kinds of dolphin are there? dolphin ——E— © Are starfish fish? coral 10 Where do walruses live? sea turtle starfish whale shark blue whale oO Now write your own ocean life quiz. Geography: Oceans and seas Name < oe 297 Listen and circle. 1 Jacob ’s already been to 2 Nick 3 Ella 4 Holly 5 Tom 6 You New Zealand. tennis competitions! yet. a book! yet. for two years. Progress test 2: Reading and writing +) Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. You do not need to use all the words. portholes sailors a lifeboat a-barometer amast rats sails the captain a cabin The captain of a ship uses this to understand the weather. a barometer na If something happens to our ship, we can go home in one of these. 3 These people work on ships. 4 This is where people sleep on a ship. 5 These are the round windows on a ship. 6 These are small animals which live on ships. Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box. Have-you-dene- Have you written Not yet. haven't Yes, Ihave. I've already done Sam: We've got so much to do, Daisy! Daisy: I know! We're so busy, Sam. Sam: '_Have you done _ your History project yet? Daisy: No, 1? .Ican't decide what to write about. Sam: What about the Maths homework? Daisy: Yes, * that. 1 thought it was easy. Sam: Me too. What about Spanish verbs? Have you learnt them? Daisy: I forgot. Sa Daisy: Thanks! Have you studied for the Geography test yet? I’ve already done those. I'll help you. Sam: * I’ve learnt the names of all the capitals. Daisy: Oh, no! I haven't read the Science book yet. Sam: * a story for English yet? Daisy: No. § How will we do everything, Sam? Review 3) Units 7, 8 and 9 [Nome Class: @ Find and write ten words. [Mork 5 {po r t hote Theatre Jobs Atsea weaptaion porthole iartistg gnactori mdluteen alfarmee secabine {5 eaqaner © Read and write the words. Mark 15 In Shakespeare's time, actors didn’t wear trousers, they wore tights This person repairs cars. These people work on a ship. If the ship starts to sink, you get into this. These are the people who watch a play in a theatre. This person looks after your teeth. © Match the sentences. Mork... /5 Ineed a blue pen. b| a Tl make some sandwiches I'm going to make a cake for and a pizza. Dad's birthday. > Tl get one for you. I've got ri sen nIRGE two in my pencil case. © Tllask my mother. She's got This box is very heavy. avery petty Gn 5 It’s very cold in here. T'Uhelp you, Mum. Ineed a necklace for the school play. Tl carry it for you. f TlLget you a sweater. Review 3) ) Units 7, 8 and 9 Name: Class: | © complete the sentences using just and words from the box. Mark 15 | clean catch hurt fail receive finish My sister is crying. She has just hurt her leg. Ron is very happy. He some very good news. Why is Jenny crying? She atest. Look at that man! He a big fish! We're going to the club. We our homework. Don't go into the kitchen! I the floor. © Complete the sentences using words from the box. Mark 15 carry look it up repair make tell T've got a robot at home. If I'm hungry, it“ will make me lunch. If I'm tired, it my bed. If my car doesn’t work, it it. If 'm bored, it me a story. If I don’t know a word in English, it for me. If my schoolbag is too heavy, it it for me, My robot is great! © Make sentences and questions. Mark 7 A cake / Let's / make / chocolate / Sarah / for /a Let’s make a chocolate cake for Sarah. ?/ doesn't / what / she / But / like / if / it A. make / Then / we'll / strawberry / ice cream A go/ mountains / camping / Let’s / in / the it’s / But / ?/ what / if / cold A it’s / we'll/ If / cold / the / beach / in / the / go / mountains, / to rains / if / But / what / it /? A /rain/it/won't/!/ Oh, Review 3) Units 7, 8 and 9 | Name: Class: @ Complete with the words in the correct form. Use yet or already. | Mark 18 My family and I like travelling. We “ have already visited. (visit) many countries. We (be) to Paris and Madrid. We (seen) the Eiffel Tower and we (visit) the Prado Museum but we . (not visit) Argentina . We (see) St Peter’s Square in Rome, but (not be) to Venice © Read and complete the dialogue. Mark 0 Mum Have you cleaned your room yet ? Jimmy Yes, just it. Mum = And you your homework yet? Jimmy No, I'm sorry. 1 it yet. Mum Lisa written the email to her teacher 2 Jimmy Yes, she has sent it. Mum — Good! you fed the dog yet? Jimmy No, I . Tl. do when I've done my homework. Mum OK. Don't forget! Jimmy Have you the dinner yet? I'm hungry. Mum Yes, I have made it. Jimmy Have you asking questions yet, Mum? Mum No, not yet! Total test mark 150 Review, 4) End-of=-level test Name: Class: © Match the questions with the answers. Mark 18 What did you do at h] a Yes, we did. ” school yesterday? Yes, Ido. I wash up after lunch. Did you have a good time a " at ihe theatre? 3 — I'm going to play football with my friends. Do you have to help at home? Tigck upratitenctiacle : Se What were you doing at five o'clock? Twas watching my favourite TV What time did you get up programme. on Saturday? It’s on the 25th of December. When is your birthday? ‘Hie staat homie, ilver? Is that necklace made of silver? We did an experiment with our What are you going to do Science teacher. next weekend? No, it isn’t. It’s made of gold. But what if it rains? © Read and complete. Mark mo Phoebe" had (have) a dream last night. She (see) Alex and Patrick on an old sailing ship. The scilors (not look) very friendly, so the boys (hide) in a lifeboat but the sailors (find) them. They (take) the boys to the captain’s cabin when suddenly lots of green light (appear) on the mast and the sails. The sailors (be) afraid. They (push) the boys into the cabin and suddenly they (shout) ‘Help!" and (disappear). © Choose the correct words. Mark 7 Phoebe "was helping) helped the boys to get out of the cabin when they suddenly saw / were seeing the yellow light. They “ ran / were running towards the light when the captain “! was appearing / appeared. ‘Stop there!” he \ shouted / was shouting. The three children “ didn’t pay / weren't paying him any attention, they ”” were jumping / jumped into the yellow light and were disappearing / disappeared. Review 4) End-of-level test | Name: Class: © Write the numbers in words. Mark 15 1 20,043 twenty thousand and forty-three 4 1300,567 2 237,408 5 4,290 3 500,000 6 8,900,658 © Read and write the times. Mark 7 Bjorn Vernon is a famous singer. Every morning, his alarm clock goes off at twenty-five past nine _. He gets up, gets dressed and has breakfast at 2 . Then he answers his emails and goes to the gym. He usually has lunch at . After Lunch he watches TV until ' . After that, he makes some phone calls. At he sits down at his piano and composes new songs for his next album. He works until -At he makes dinner. At he watches the news and then his favourite programme on TV. ) © Read and write the words in the correct form. | Mark 5 ‘4 While my mother was making a cake, my sister was talking (talk) on the phone. 2 We (do) our homework when the lights (go) out. 3 When the telephone (ring), my father (have) a shower. & While we (swim) in the sea, our friends (play) volleyball on the beach. 5. The robbers (escape) when the sheriff (see) them. 6 The people (run) to the ships while smoke (come) out of the volcano. Review, 4) End-of-level test Name: Class: @ Read and choose the best answer. Mark 14 Write a letter (A-E). You don’t need to use all the letters. Julia I'm going camping next Saturday. Melissa C A What time are you going Julia No, Maria is going to take her tent. to get up? Melissa Do you have to take Julia [have to take water bottles and food. cisweatey Melissa - Are you going to take Julia At seven o'clock. your tent? Melissa What do you have to take? Two Nentoangtoms hana” | Butwhetifitraist our swimming costumes. © Write the dates in words. Mark 15 My birthday is on the 4th (fourth ) of December. It's a Thursday. My father is going to the USA on the 1st ( ) of March. It’s a Saturday. Classes start on the Sth ( ) of September. It’s a Friday. My brother is arriving on the 2nd ( ) of July. It’s a Wednesday. We're going on holiday on the 3rd ( ) of August. It’s a Sunday. New Year's Eve is on the 31st ( ) of December. It's a Wednesday too. © complete the sentences. Use made of or used for. Mark 15 Test tubes are made of glass. Avase flowers in. The sheriff's pistol metal. Tents in when you go camping. Knives and forks food. Most statues stone. %) End-of-level test Name: Class: © complete with the words from the box and put Mark /5 w the apostrophe in the correct place. boy tortoise + pilot (2x) teacher My sister’s jeans are green. The shoes are too big. The football boots are new. The shirts are white. The uniform is black. The glasses are old. There's a word missing from these sentences. Rewrite each Mark 15 sentence with a word from the box in the correct place. mind sheuld tell shouldn't could T'll It’s cold in the street. You wear a coat and a scarf, It’s cold in the street. You should wear a coat and a scarf. I borrow your mobile phone for five minutes, please? Do you if I go with you to the cinema? A There isn’t any milk in the fridge. B go to the supermarket and buy some. Could you me how to get to the theatre, please? Lions are dangerous. You go near the cage. Review, 4) End-of-level test Name: Class: ©@ complete the sentences. Use just or yet and the words in the correct form. Mark 15 My little sister is very sad. My brother has just broken her favourite toy. (break) you your room 2 (tidy) No, Mum. Sorry! 3 Do you mind if I take one of these sandwiches? I lunch (not have) My bus (leave), so I could be home late. 5 Marisa ? (arrive) Oh, look, here she is now! 6 Ican't go out.1 my homework . (not finish) © Underline the mistakes. Write the correct word. Mark 15 Ihave been to Paris yet. haven’t Have you seen the new film at the Roxy already? Thave yet read that book. It’s very good. 4% can't give Sylvia a bracelet for her birthday. Henry has just buy her one. Did you finished your dinner yet? 6 Martin isn't at home. He have just left for school. © Read and match. If the weather is nice, 2. If you put ice near heat, If you don’t put petrol in a car, & Ifyou don't tidy your room, If fire doesn’t get air, If you ride your bike too quickly, Mark 15. it stops. it doesn’t burn. TUL go to the park with my friends. you'll fall off and get hurt. Mum will be angry. it melts. (@)) End-of-level test Name: Class: e Look at the pictures. Write the words. o goggles © Find and write 18 words. u vf p alta n d ec lL b{ S04P, za 530 ps a00a4 30 nv x eo oO ae ooo ote DH OBO 0 a 40 sea 3s0 07 = +S oR Cw OK oe 3 - so 7 Mark /10 ° hea oe ey Mork 19 Total test mark /100

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