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UNIT 7 A pg 106

May. 15, 2023

the total measured amount that can be contained.
The gas tank has a capacity of thirteen gallons.
similar words: limit, maximum, room, size, space, volume

to refuse in a civil or polite way (to do or to give something).
The mayor declined to be interviewed.
The candidate declined to predict the outcome of the election.
The police arrested a suspect in the incident but declined to give details.
The reporters asked the actress about the incident, but she declined comment.
synonyms: refuse
similar words: deny

a giving away or a getting rid of something.
The lawyer oversaw the disposal of their grandmother's estate.
The manufacturer violated regulations on waste disposal.
The city needs more trucks for the disposal of garbage.
synonyms: disposition
similar words: discarding, dispensation, distribution, dumping, elimination,
rejection, removal, remove, settlement, transfer

to dispose of, remove, or destroy.
Many cleaning products claim to eliminate germs.
The corrupt and ruthless leader found ways to eliminate his enemies.
synonyms: do away with, remove
similar words: abolish, annihilate, blot out, cancel, delete, destroy, discard,
dispel, dispose of, edit, efface, eradicate, erase, excise, expunge, exterminate,
extinguish, extirpate, kill, liquidate, obliterate, purge

the same as or equal to another in force, value, measure, or meaning.
Her punishment didn't seem equivalent to mine.
Do you think the education you would receive at the state school would be
equivalent to what you would receive at this private school?
An inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.
"House" in English is usually equivalent to Spanish "casa."
synonyms: commensurate, equal, even, identical, like, matching, synonymous,
antonyms: different, incomparable, inequivalent, unequal, unlike
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UNIT 7 A pg 106
May. 15, 2023

similar words: comparable, coordinate, corresponding, interchangeable,

mutual, same

1. to assure the fulfillment of (an obligation, promise, or the like), or to serve as
security for.
The constitution guarantees freedom of speech.
The marriage alliance guaranteed peace between the warring regions.
synonyms: pledge, warrant
similar words: assure, ensure, obligate, secure, vouch
2. to make (something) a certainty; ensure.
Bringing an umbrella seems to guarantee that it won't rain!
The mob used threats to guarantee the man's cooperation.
Will paying the ransom money guarantee the boy's safe return?
Good grades alone do not guarantee acceptance into a top-rated college.
synonyms: ensure

to express objection to or dissent against, especially in a deliberate or formal way.
Thousands of citizens protested the Vietnam war during the 1960s.
synonyms: argue, controvert, debate
antonyms: assent
similar words: contradict, contravene, object, remonstrate

a hill, cliff, or other steep location.
synonyms: cliff, elevation, hill
similar words: precipice

a person or thing that takes the place of another.
If you're sick, you'll have to find a substitute to work your shift.
You can use honey as a substitute for sugar.
synonyms: alternate, stand-in, sub, surrogate
similar words: change, replacement

to put to a particular use; use.
The technology is being developed but it could be another year before we're
able to utilize it.
The surgeon is utilizing a procedure that few others have so far attempted.
The poet utilizes metaphor to make the images in the poem more vivid.
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UNIT 7 A pg 106
May. 15, 2023

His mother wishes he would utilize his brain in connection with his school work
rather than video games.
synonyms: apply, employ, use
similar words: avail oneself of, bestow, bring into play, capitalize on, exercise,
exploit, occupy, practice

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