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‘STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY PUNIAR Ministry of vironment and Forests, Government of india | ()0.Pnib Polio Cont nous, "ave Hw, Ma Ro tae ron - ‘Telefixi- 0175-2215636 ‘No. SEIAA/ REGISTERED Datedehy> /- 76 a To Sh, Gurbinder Singh, Registrar ‘Thapar University, Bhadson Read, Patiala, Subject Appleton for obttning Environmental Clearance under EIA notion dated 14.09.2006 for expanaon of "Thapar Univeral iv he renee estat of hapa Univers, Basen Rd, Fata This has reference o your epllendon a subsequent preenaon given belive the State Level Eypert Appraisal Cornmittee (SEAG} seeking priot environmental slernce or obo ced poet eed ue he BEA Nlifeaion, 2006, The popes ‘hus: bent Appraised as per procedure prévoribed under the provisions of BTA Notification, 2006 on the basis of the matidatory docnittents enclosed with the application viz., Form: ‘A, concopal plan ETA sty report and the adtionalclaiiatonsfursshed in response vo the obseratons of he SEAC. 1 is imer-aia noted that the proposal involves expansion of construction of project namely “Thapar University” at Bhadson Road, Patiala, Punjab, The total land area of ‘he project before expansion was 1008194.06 sqm and alter expansion will be 1008194.06 ‘avn. The land has been transfered, vide Memo No, 902-TE()-66/1191 dated 20.06.1967 in the name of project proponent. The total built up area before expansion was 309416,91 sqm and after expansion will be 33308053 sqm. The total cost of the project is Rs. 111.67 erores The tot residents! population of the University will be 9314 persons and the floating population willbe 6410 person, The total water requirement for the praject before expansion was 875 KLD and sfc expansion will be 1.7 MLD.whleh will be met through the tubewells. The toial \westewater generation from the project will be 1.27 MILD, wikich will be treated in a ST? to ‘ne installed within the project premises. ‘The project proponent hes proposed to use 193 KLiday of treated wastewater for ‘lashing purmose, anc remaining 937 KLiday will be used for irrigation of green area in summer season. In winter season, 333 KL/dny of treated wastewater will be used for ushing Irurpese. and 422 KLiday will be used for inigation of green area, In rainy season, 38% Gay of treed wnstewater willbe used for fishing purpose and 117 KL. will be use) ™ ‘ivieation of preon area, Excess treated wastewater will be sed! for 21) acres af Land nde: Kamal Technology. Treated waste water will also be used ior th "projet poponct has ety provided 12 ester arvetng pis before cvsusion fr wong ofan wae fo ecg he ui, Adionl 8 ss. of nner ‘recharging pits wil! beestablished! ix the proposed expansion. ‘The solid ovaste generation fiom thie existing site iS 26 MT/Day-and the tol sold sts gene afer easton of he prope peoeet. during operation phases bean etait 48 Day. The povsan of cht ye plo maa nw ook ‘a beaded for eleton of said waste The aid wastes segregated to Wodepadable and vorbodepradable wastes per MSW Rte, 2000, The reyeeble inorganic want sold 0 Jocal resto. Separnie are is canned for handing of slid wase. Blodegiedable waste Shall be reeyeled by using mechanical eomposter Any excess waste oF non-use is sen 0 stuborized dumping ste for which NOC fiom MC has already been ubtsined which is ‘seprogncd into biowiogradable and non-biodegradable waste as per the MSW Rules, 2000, Allexcavated soil willbe consumed within the campus for filling purposes and no sl willbe ‘spose off outside-The eowaste is handed and manage as pe tne East (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011. The used oil fiom the B.G, sets is sold out to he registered reyclers ‘ per the provisins of the Hazandous Waste (tanagemen, Handling & Trensboundgy Movemeen, Rules, 2008, ‘Thetgial aad obey Belin expantion was 4140.KWand'& DO act 3 a 400. KVA, 1 of SOOKWA, 1 of 80KVA, 1 of 320 KVA, 1 of 120 KWA and lof 115 KYA capacity for backup power supply. AMer expansion, the tia load of cletrlty wil be-8800 KW which will be taken ftom the PSPCL. The project proponent has eso proposed to ins ‘sidtional 9 DG sets (7 of 750 KVA, I of SEDKVA, I of IBOKVA),LED lights has been Proposed for the lighting, ‘The following aspects have been proposed tn design snd “ecifcation to reduce the energy oid ofthe proposed building= i. Use of highly efficent aitoctaved aerated conerete Block walla having low Us Values fi, Use of S0mm thick XPS board for overdeek ineulation to reduce bes ingess to the structure i, Naru venilat egsnmon spaces, jv. Use oF solar water ting system, %: Double glued units ith high performance plas for leaming blocks, : vi, Use officio suitay faze for vaio saving Wi, Highly efficient and CRC fee reigeranttoreiflersand AC unit, Sh Gurbinder Singh, Regisnge of Thapar University, Patat, will be ‘esponsble for implementation of EMP (Ravitonment Management pla) / CSR (Compocte Socil Responsibly) Rs, 236 las willbe incurred fr implementation of EMP ws capt cost and R811 Lacs willbe incurred es recutring eos. 1% of total project cost ite Rs. 1.356 will be used for Cs SR Which, besides other Urns, includes support to build I infrastructure in computer lab ct ITI Patiala and BN Khalsa sphool, paisa, Support to provide lab cilities for modem education & training for students fy ejyil derver couse, adoption of Govt: Schock & village ablowali for construction and: fice i of wallets and drinking. water f Plantation end clesiliness drive in and around university “campus, % blood donation camps, health checkup comps, okt age Tome suppor services, eonetruction of bus sellers, water ‘wontinent plait in bshvol ot Abfowal, CCT'V-camarn io Patiala police, compat at furstare ‘10 women polytechiie, ollet in environment-pat and eines seholaship met scheme, ‘The ese sas considered by the'SFEAC Anite 134 meeting held on23,10.2015 ‘ier, thé ToRs Were'isued fo the projeer proponent vide ettr no, S468 dated 18.11.2015, ‘The vase-was lastly considered by the SEAC in its 137" meeting held on 04.12.2015, wherein, ‘he Commitee observed that the project proponunt hee provided adequate end satisfactory Clarifications of the observations raised by it therefore, the Commit e avarded ‘Silver Grading’ to the project proposal and decided to forward the ease t0 the SELAA with the recommendation (0 grant environmental clearance @ the project proponent uncer ELA hnotitication dated 14.09.2006 subject to certain conditions in adtion 10 the proposed Thereafter, the case wns considered by dhe SELAA ln its 101" mesting held on 13.61.2016.The SEIAA also observed that the case stands recommended by SEAC an the Conrimites awarded ‘Silver: Grading? to the project proposil, ‘The SEIAA looked into the etits ofthe onset was stile withthe sme, Therefore; ie Authority deci fo ecept + {he recoritiondaitons of SAC end grant envtonnighal eeataice to the project proponent for ‘expansion. of “Thapar University inh atch of 249.15 eres having fot built-up arca 3,3,080.53 sqm wt Bhadson Road, Patiala, Pune, subject to the eonditions as proposed by ‘he SBAC, in addition tothe proposed measures. Accordingly, SEIAA, Punjeb hereby accords necessary environmental clearance for the above prdjeet under the provisions of FIA Notification dated 14.09.2006 and its subsequent amendinents, subject fo stiet compliance of terms and conditions as follows: PART A= Specific Conditions: HI Pre-Construction Phase “Consent to establish” shall be obtained from Punjab Pollution Contiol Board under ‘it (Prevention & Control of Pollation) Act, 1981 and Water (Prevention & Coniro! of Poltution) Act, 1974 and a copy-of the same shall be submitted to the Ministry of Environment & Forests / State Level Environment Impact Assessincht Authority before the start of any construction work at ste Gl All sequired stitary and Bypienie sensires should be in place before sarting constuction detivities andl to be mnintiined tbroughoutthe eonstriction phase, (il A first aid room will be provide tthe project both duting constmetion and operation phase ofthe projent fi} The approval of Competent authority shall be obtained for struct safely of the ‘lings due to carthgunkes, adequaby of fire fighting equipments ete. as per National, Building Code including protection measures ftom lightning {0 Provision

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