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Well I belive i have a fast metabolism, so I don't have any special diet, I could acttually eat anything and

not worry about my body. I used to train. I'd go to the gym with my friends and have a good time while
working out. Now the only physical effort I do, is walking a lot. I don't really enjoy it to be honest. I gave
up on gym because I decided to focus on school, however I intend to start again in summer.

When I was little I would play any sport I had the possibility to. From casual sports played outside with
my friends, and here I mean football, badminton, volleyball and others, to sports that I trained for, such
as both field and table tenis. So yes, I would say that I am quite good and adaptive at sports.

Out of all the sports I just mentioned, I still play table tenis, I train but also play for fun with my friends
and family. I belive it's a fun sport to play, it requires skills as fast reaction time and good abillity to use
the racket.

I can't say that my country is famous for any sport, but I know for sure that football is one of the most
played one. We are far from the european level of football, however there are lots of teams and
tournaments played for people of all ages. By driving trough the capital city you can observe a lot of
stadiums, from profesional ones to small ones made just for amateurs to have good fun.


The last sporting event i have witnessed was a football match played between Sheriff and another
eastern european football club. The match was played in Chisinau at Zimbru stadium on a hot summer
evening. I was rooting for sheriff because it's the first moldovean team who attended the champions
league. After a tough math, they took the victory. It was one of the most exciting sports event because
beside the fact that the match played was amazing and suspenseful, I had a great company, my girlfriend
and my closest friends who created the best atmosphere you could wish for.


I belive the most useful method to keep fit is to exercise. The most recommended exercises are the ones
that increase your heart rate, such as jogging, hiking and cycling. Jogging is one of the most practicale
exercise to do. It doesn't matter where you live, you can go to the nearest park or running track and do

As far as I am concerned, people make themselves exercise in the pursuit of the perfect body, which I
belive is not the right mindset. First of all exercises have to be good fun and bring happiness. By doing
exercises like this you will end up getting the best results and get in great shape.
One of the most popular exercise in my country is jogging. You would see people jogging every day in
parks and on all kinds of special tracks. Also, it's promoted by government. There are national marathons
organised, that gather lots of participants. Jogging is also promoted by many health influencers in our

Yes, one of the reason is the fact that people tend to eat more junk food than they used to. Having the
oportunity to buy all kinds of meals and snacks from the store can cause bad consequences beside the
good ones. By always eating processed meals from store you put your self to the risk of consumming
unhealthy products. Another reason is the lack of physical exercises and activities. Nowadays people
tend to sit still hours in a row wich causes lots of health problems. It's recommended for every hour
spent sitting to stand up and do some exercises.

Even from small ages, children are not taught how to be healthy or how to mentain a healthy lifestyle. I
think It has to be the responsability of the parrents or the schools. They have to guide them to a healthy
life which is made from healthy meals, fit bodies and so on. I belive that exposing children to all the fast
food industry can cause a lot of bad consequences. Without a good education from schools and parents,
children are not able to decide for themselves what is better and not to fall in the trap of marketing.

My opinion is that government should in fact intervene to ”force” people to be healthy. At this point, it is
no longer a matter of if the government cares about how healthy our lifestyle is. I think that regulations
enforced by the government could bring great advantages to the economy of the state. This would mean
healthier citizens that can work considerately more. They would also spend more for groceries, seeing as
healthy food nowadays costs more than processed food. I think it is a win-win situation for both the
citizens that will have a better quality of life, and for the government that can grow the economy of the

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