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The line chart reports the total percentage of vegetarian adolescents

living in the UK from 1960 to 2020. Looking from an overall perspective,

it is readily apparent that following a vegetarian diet became less
popular from 1980 to 2000s and thereafter the rate rose moderately to
The chart shows the most significant rise, beginning at just over 0% in
1960, and peaking at 15% by 1980. After the peak, the rate of juveniles
following a vegetarian diet has gradually fallen until 1990 at an aprox of
7.5% . From there the rate fluctuated for over 10 years, ending in the
2000s with a slight dip. Vegetarian diets became more popular among
adolescents from the 2000s rising by precisely 6% in 2010. Thereafter
the rate leveled up and continued reporting 15% of the total
The percentage of UK adolescents following a vegetarian diet has seen
rises and downfalls, a peak in 1980 at 15% and a dip in 2000s at less
than 5 percent. Along the years the rate leveled and continues to be at
the same percentage for almost a decade.

Nowadays convenience food tends to be more profitable than

traditional food and the industries providing already prepared meals are
also more efficient than traditional methods of food preparation.
Some will say that convenience food has also more benefits for health
reasons. However, from my point of view, the traditional food, prepared
at home with healthy, natural products has the best taste and it’s the
most welcomed for anyone’s body.

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