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is it considered important in your country to learn foreign languages?

I belive yes. Studying new topics and advancing in new fields is definetly
something welcomed. In my country possessing knowledge about any foreign language
could help you find jobs easier. Also, proving that learning foreign languages is
important in my country, pupils are taught in school english, french, german at a
good level even from an young age.

what in your opinion is the best way to learn a language?

From my point of view the optimal way to learn a language is by having lessons with
a teacher while living in the country where that language is predominantly spoken.
You could practice all day long all kinds of situations, you could get in
discussions with locals and so on. I belive the combination of academic lessons and
practice with locals, will get you the best result.

Why are some people seemingly better at learning languages than others?
I belive a reason for that is genetics and how people developed while being
children. I strongly belive that if a child is often playing some mind games, or
reads new things, the chance of him growing up with a good memory and good skills
and picking up things easely is quite bigger. Even if some people are more
advantaged than others, I belive that the most fluent and well prepared are the
ones who put in the most effort.

how do people in your country feel about english being the world language?
My opinion is that citizens of my country feel ok, they're trying to adapt to
english being the world language. I notice more and more English loan words in
Romanian which doesn't cheer me up. I am sure that knowing and being fluent in
english is a must, but still it doesn't have to mix with the local's language.

Do you think the culture of english speaking countries as well as english language
dominate the world?
Pherhaps yes. In every country you would visit you can get by speaking english with
locals. English is the world language so most of the citizens of each country have
at least a minimal knowledge of it. And because of thhis, the culture, traditions,
holidays of english speaking countries are widely spread throughout the world.

Why do you think people feel it is important to continue speaking their local
I belive all local languages should mentain their position as being predominantly
spoken in those areas. Local languages bring emotions, traditions but most
important history. I'm certain that it was a period for every country when they had
to fight for their language, rights and so on. How could we stop it now? A language
represents a group of people and I belive that's why people still feel it is
important to continue speaking their local language.

what do you use the internet for?

I use internet for a lot of things and I would say it's very useful. It helps me
with studying, working, and I can use it for relaxing as well. If it is to compare,
internet is one extremly big source of information of any kind. You only need to
know how to use it propperly.

does everyone have access to internet in your country?

I am not certain about everyone having access to internet but I am sure that the
big majority have it. It doesn't depend where you live, village or city you can
easely access internet just by buying a subscription.

do you think older people are scared of new technologies?

I belive not. Of course they would adapt harder than younger generations ,however,
I know that most older people are using new techologies too. For a fact, in my
country due to the migation of younger generations new technologies are used for
providing a conection between them and their parrents. Even if they are not good at
it, at least they know how to call, write and communicate with their close ones via
new technologies.

Do you think younger children should have mobile phones

I think it depends a lot of the age of the child. I would not agree to giving full
freedom to children using phones. Firstly they have to be educated in this way.
Here I mean how much time is ok to be spent on the phone, what can be accessed, how
to be secured of all kinds of malwares and so on. Because of the fact that you
can't have a clear conversation with a small kid, the best thing would be to wait a
little bit and not expose him to phones internet from a too small age.

the language I would mostly like to learn is German. German is predominantly spoken
in germany, austria, swizzerland and also as a minority language in the close area.
I belive that the most challenging part would be learning the pronounciation and
the words. German is not a latin family language, as romanian is, so it would be
harder for me to pick it up. Still, German has a lot of loan words from english so
pherhaps I will succed. I would like to learn German because it's mandatory to have
a good level at it, when aplying to german universities. Germany would be the ideal
country for me to live in, so it motivates me a lot to start learning it's

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