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What is Proposal?

Research proposal is a document that states important information about research such as
research purpose, research questions, research methods, etc. and how you will conduct the
research. From there, evaluate the feasibility of the research proposal and the capacity of the
researcher. After the research proposal is approved and approved by the
instructor/supervisor/sponsor, the researcher will conduct the research.
Title page
The title page provides specific information about your research proposal. The title page of your
proposal should include: the proposal title of your project, your name, your supervisor’s name,
the institution and department.
In addition to the title, the summary is the first part of your article that the reader knows about.
Your research proposal summary should clearly and concisely describe the purpose, method you
are going to take, etc. in 300 words or less so that the reader knows exactly what your article is
1. Introduction
The introduction is where you hook the reader and demonstrate relevance. Here you should
introduce the context of your research problem and show that your project is interesting, original
and important. Here are some questions to guide your introduction:
• How much is already known?
• For whom is this interesting?
• What are the key research questions?
1.1. Literature review
A literature review is a particular kind of library search. A literature review summarize the main
findings of scholars and researchers who have conducted research in your area of interest. You
can find papers, research reports, journals, and books on your topic by browsing the literature in
libraries, databases, and online, then you can submit those items as part of a literature search a
summary of the work that has been done in the specific region the area you are looking into.
Finding this document does two things: It first provides your readers with a sense of context so
they can understand how your research fits into the overall picture.
Second, it reveals to readers where you obtained your data, enabling them to assess its reliability
and timeliness.
It is also the part that shows the comparison, analysis and synthesis from relevant documents.
The purpose of literature review is to demonstrate:
Know there are other works in his subject area.
Collect and read a number of specific relevant documents.
Can analyze and comment on existing works.
Realize how your research relates to existing ones.
1.2. The necessity of the research
The major goals of research are to provide information for decision-making, collect data to
support ideas, and advance knowledge in a particular field of study.
Research is necessary and valuable:
1. It is a tool for enhancing learning and information.
2. It's a way to clarify problems and raise people's awareness.
3. It contributes to our commercial success.
4. It enables us to expose lies and defend the truth.
5. It provides a way to identify, evaluate, and seize possibilities.
6. It encourages a love of reading and confidence in one's ability to write, analyze, and share
important knowledge.
7. The mind is nourished and stimulated by it.
1.3 Feasibility of the research
Feasibility of the research means that the research is feasible or not, reflected in the choice of
data and research methods. As part of determining the practicality, strengths, and weaknesses of
a study, including all relevant factors in the analysis (research model, budget, timeline, ...) and up
a plan to determine the research project's success. Factors that can be analysed to determine the
feasibility of the project include:
     + Research question: Determine the research question and the research goal.
Research design: Refers to the strategy or plan for conducting research including
methodology, methods of data collection, and analysis.
+ Sample size and population: Description of the population and expected sample size,
sampling method, and sample selection criteria.
+ Data sources: The data sources that will be used in the research include documentation of
previous research, surveys, or interviews.
+ Budget and funding: Detailed analysis of the expected costs to conduct research and
sources of funding.
2. A research proposal: Has two main objectives:
To help the researcher to define the contents and to plan and execute his/her research project;
To inform potential collaborators and supporters about the topic and the expected quality of the
3. Research scope
The project scope establishes clear parameters for the study.
Provide basic information about the depth and breadth of the project. You know exactly what you
want to learn, how you're going to conduct your research, the reports and the delivered product
will be part of the research results and the responsibility of the researchers involved in the
Defining the scope of a project:
- Focuses your research goals
- Clarifies the expectations for your research project
- Helps you determine potential biases in your research methodology by acknowledging the
limits of your research study
- Identifies the limitations of your research
4. Approach and Method
Increase persuasion by highlighting why you have chosen this particular approach, such an
approach is appropriate.
Clearly outline the point of view of the approach using qualitative, quantitative or mixed
How to conduct research on the basis of ideas and perspectives on approaches selected to
conduct research: theoretical framework based, sampling , data collection tools, data analysis
tools and methods,...
5. Research plan
Research plan: It outlines your aims and objectives, required resources, shows the feasibility of
completing within the time frame.
A blueprint keeps you on track throughout your research, considering the key milestones you
want to achieve at each stage of your research. Serves as a brief reference source, helping readers
understand the stages associated with the activities involved.
A research plan usually has: Date, task, output, person in charge,...
6. Timeframe
- Estimated time to complete the study, including milestones and deadlines.
- Potential challenges and risks: An assessment of the potential challenges and risks that may
arise during the research process and how to address them.
7. Budget
A budget proposal is a formal document that includes a budget plan and financial specifics for a
firm, project, or campaign.
It mostly displays information about your business or project, your spending, the causes for your
expenses, and so on.
8. Expected results

Writing about your study's projected findings in your proposal is a smart idea because it may
assist illustrate the relevance of your investigation. You can outline the predicted outcomes of
your study based on the difficulties you've identified and the approach you've presented. Because
you cannot foresee the exact outcome of your investigation, your predicted outcomes do not need
to be correct. However, you may describe the general result that can be expected from your
Your research proposal must include accurate citations for all sources utilized, as well as a
reference list.
Appendices (if any)

McCombes, S. (2023, January 3). How to write a research proposal: Examples & templates. Scribbr.

Pickton, M. (1970, January 1). Writing your research plan. NECTAR.

Sudheesh, K., Duggappa, D. R., & Nethra, S. S. (2016, September). How to write a research proposal?.
Indian journal of anaesthesia.

The University of Sydney. (n.d.). How to write a research proposal for a strong Phd application.
Budget Proposal: What is it & How to Create an Efficient One? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Guidelines for the development of research proposals following a structured, holistic

Approach for a Research Proposal (SHARP). (n.d.). Retrieved from United Nations

How to Write a Research Proposal | Examples & Templates. (n.d.). Retrieved from
scribbr: of research .
(n.d.). Retrieved from slideshare:

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