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Maintaining time management to do your work can easily manage your daily routine and plans.

Passing projects and activities are ruled to follow the deadline, and they must be completed no later
than expected. Passing the right time presented is a considerable percentage of the panic and scrutiny
of the assigned work. Having these skills helps you avoid stress and get enough sleep.

33% of people use a to-do list to manage their time and tasks; 24% of people use their email inbox as
their time and task management system; but the most advisable is

“Work from Your Calendar, Not a To-Do List.”


Teachers always give s0me task that neeeded to accomplish within the day it given. while students they
showing their different creativity and their efforts they will put it to a task. Some young know to handle
and do their task without to much distractions at their home while some of in the other side they need
to do their obligation first before he prioritize his self, But not at all distractions it's hard to handle time
management there are still other reasons such as being lazy and what's put before what really needs to
be prioritized. But there's a way to fully prioritize what needs to be done as a student and how it can be
done to yourself only. Set Defined gals and follow schedule. Everything we do, we do for a reason, and
the ultimate purpose is to reach a goal. If you lack defined targets or don’t set expectations, you’re
bound to stumble off track. To achieve your goals, it is also paramount to stick to a purposeful schedule.
You should figure out how long it will take to complete any given task and when it is due.

Make Room for Important Tasks, You must finish tasks that need to be done first, and focus on what's
important, not urgent. If you knock out the important tasks first, you will have an ample amount of time
for the secondary tasks. In case a task comes up that needs your urgent attention, you can always move
and postpone the less urgent ones.

Eliminating Distractions from social media platform it can easily turn into a long hour chitchats and

Learn to say NO and setting boundaries to your priorities. If you accept any non-priority tasks that are
directed your way immediately, you won’t be able to focus on your other responsibilities and will only
make you less productive at the end of the day.

conclusion: As a well being student obligations or given task from school is a basic practice to know your
prioritize and how you will it handle It's like when you have a dream you're going to make and don't put
it aside to forget. Know that no matter how organized you are, there are only 24 hours in a day, and
managing your own time wisely will benefit you.

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