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Problem Solving

Problems I Faced
Problems I Faced How I Resolved Them

One problem I had faced was I put everything I needed on a single

something went wrong with my USB computer and also an SD card to
stick and wasn’t holding any new ensure I still had everything

After finding out about the USB Re-recorded lines In recording booth
problem I noticed my recordings of with different storage device
narration and off screen talking

Actor not being able to make it for Only been used for previous
the re-recordings recordings so used backup actor to
record lines

While Filming it began to rain which I Although we could have waited it

did not account for out or moved the shooting day I
decide to resume filming as I
thought the rain would give the
scene a dramatic feel

In some audio clips the wind was I placed a filter called a high pass
very strong on the audio to cut out the wind

High pass made audio quiet Simple fix of raising the volumes
different to the rest

Some audio was too far gone with Recorded those lines in recording
the wind booth and dubbed them in

Planned to film in Toilet but it was Moved Locations to somewhere that

very busy in the area and the toilets seemed somewhat remote but also
were constantly being used like it could be in a city

During filming of the shootout scene Added some visual effect to have
when villain dies it gets sunny but the appearance of it raining
then back to rainy

Using a shotgun prop that looks Concealed it when not using and
realistic in a populated area filming with very little people around

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