Data Gathering (Draft)

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The researchers of this study used an online survey (goggle form) in collecting data.

The questionnaire is

containing question related to the symtoms of CVS. The reserchers made sure that the set of questions are

enough to provide sufficientdata needed in the study. Also, these questionnaire were thoroughly checked

by an expert to make sure their effevtivity and modified to address all the corrections of each questions.

The researcher will then proceed to seek permission from principal, Sr. Susana B. Bundok O.P,, Phd and

to the research adviser, Mr. Mark Ancel M. Bautista to conduct the study. Data gathering was more

efficient for the reserchers because of the technology advancement in collecting data. Computer programs

are available for the researchers to have a faster data gathering amd data analysis in suing online survey

questionnaire. The researchers examimed each question and then created a survey, which were distributed

among choosen high school in San Diego Parochial School. The population of 860 students and the

researchers then used the n= N(1+Ne 2) known as the Slovin's Formulato get the sample needed. The

study required 274 participants. In the survey, the researcher made sure that the personal information and

identity of each respondent remained confidential to maintain the accuracy and non-bias of the whole

survey. The researchers distributed the survey through social media sites to students of each grade level in

answering the survey. Also, it allowed the respondents to ask questions to the researchers or if they have

concerns in answering the survey. After collecting data, the study will proceed on the basic analysis and

examine the data collected by calculating the Measures of Central Tendency and standard deviation.

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