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Protect Kids From Cyberbullying And Suicide

Many kids get bullied, mostly online about a half of those kids commit suicide. Should schools do
more to protect kids from cyberbullying? Schools should punish the kids who bully to teach them a
lesson. And report the person who uses the internet to bully. Making them know what they do is
wrong and punish them for their actions, knowing that bullying is not an okay thing to do.Amanda
Todd uploaded a video on YouTube to tell her story she was dealing with. People blackmailed and
harassed her for years after convincing her to remove her top online. Amanda’s death video went viral
with 23 million views.

This making why more people kill themselves online. This should show the person behind the
computer show what they have done, making a person commit suicide because of your actions. In the
article Cyberbullying in Canada by Shawn logan. Stated “AS lawmakers wrangle with how to target
abusers, most experts have zeroed in on the importance of simply communicating better with young
people, installing empathy, and arming them with the knowledge to avoid falling victim to online
predators. This shows how people lack knowledge.”

People say that mean messages directed at teens, which are often anonymously posted. Have the
potential to harm from embarrassing messages to encourage suicide. “High School students ages 12-
17, said they’d anonymously posted something mean about themselves online to encourage in digital
self-harm” People who posted something mean about themselves want attention and want others to
give empathy to them and see how much people care about them.” The legislation, technology. Law
and advocacy can improve online life, The law acknowledges harassment by the web and the actions
of the bully to the original upstream offender.” The internet has created a culture where anybody can
go from obscurity to fame overnight.

This notoriety does not require consent. Often it's uncontrollable, ruinous and impossible to stop.”
Cyber Bullies should be punished for their behavior to give discipline, and show what they do is not
okay. Giving out more rules and laws would do little to deter cyberbullies, which means no discipline.
Bullies should be punished for the harm they cause other people teens getting picked on. One reason
why teens get depressed and commit suicide. Just because someone is different or it's fun to bully
doesn't mean they need to be picked on. In conclusion, schools should punish cyberbullying. A school
is responsible for a safe learning environment, and a no bullying zone. The bullying online making is
more hurtful and distracting from school and getting in the way from learning. The bullies need to be
taught a lesson and to show that their words can be hurtful and take actions to others.
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