Hypertonic Saline Attenuates Cord Swelling and Edema in Experimental Cord Injury - Experimental (2009) PDF

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Hypertonic saline attenuates cord swelling and edema in

experimental spinal cord injury: A study utilizing magnetic

resonance imaging*
Yvette S. Nout, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVECC; Georgeta Mihai, PhD; C. Amy Tovar, BA;
Petra Schmalbrock, PhD; Jacqueline C. Bresnahan, PhD; Michael S. Beattie, PhD

Objective: To use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to char- extending rostrally and caudally was demonstrated by MRI. Also,
acterize secondary injury immediately after spinal cord injury at this time point, a hypointense core was identified on T1, PD,
(SCI), and to show the effect of hypertonic saline on MRI indices and T2 weighted images. Over time this hypointense core reduced
of swelling, edema, and hemorrhage within the cord. in size and in some animals was no longer visible by 8 hours after
Design: A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study. SCI, although histopathology demonstrated presence of red blood
Setting: Research laboratory. cells. A prominent ring of T2-weighted image hyperintensity,
Subjects: Twelve adult Long-Evans female rats. characteristic of edema, surrounded the hypointense core. At the
Interventions: Rats underwent a unilateral 12.5 mm SCI at lesion center, this rim of edema occupied the entire unilateral
vertebral level C5. Animals were administered 0.9% NaCl (n ⴝ 6) injured cord and in all animals extended to the contralateral side.
or 5% NaCl (n ⴝ 6) at 1.4 mL/kg intravenously every hour starting Administration of HS resulted in increased serum [Na], attenua-
30 minutes after SCI. Immediately after SCI, rats were placed in a tion of cord swelling, and decreased volume of hypointense core
4.7T Bruker MRI system and images were obtained continuously and edema at the last time points.
for 8 hours using a home-built transmitter/receiver 3 cm Helm- Conclusions: We were able to use MRI to detect rapid and
holtz coil. Rats were killed 8 hours after SCI. acute changes in the evolution of tissue pathophysiology, and
Measurements and Main Results: Quantification of cord swell- show potentially beneficial effects of hypertonic saline in acute
ing and volumes of hypointense and hyperintense signal within cervical SCI. (Crit Care Med 2009; 37:2160 –2166)
the lesion were determined from MRI. At 36 minutes after SCI, KEY WORDS: nervous system trauma; diagnostic imaging; hyper-
significant swelling of the spinal cord at the lesion center and tonic solutions; critical care; sodium

S pinal cord injury (SCI) is a de- and the estimated lifetime costs reach sult is a rapid improvement of arterial
bilitating and a costly condi- U.S. $1.7–3.1 million (1). We recently pressure and cardiac output. In cerebral
tion. In human SCI, injuries to studied a rodent model of cervical SCI edema, HS lowers intracranial pressure
the cervical region of the spi- using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by establishing an osmotic gradient be-
nal cord are the most common (52.4%), to monitor and quantify lesion develop- tween the intracellular and intravascular
ment over a 3-week time course (2, 3). space. In addition, improved cerebral
From this study, we hypothesized that blood flow and increased delivery of oxy-
*See also p. 2306. MRI would also be a valuable tool for gen cause a compensatory vasoconstric-
From the Brain and Spinal Injury Center (YSN, JCB, assessment of early secondary injury tion and a reduction in cerebral blood
MSB), Department of Neurological Surgery, University
of California, San Francisco, CA; Heart and Lung Re- events in the acute phase of SCI and that volume, which further lowers intracra-
search Institute (GM), Departments of Medical Virology, MRI would provide information that nial pressure (6). There have been few
Immunology and Medical Genetics (CAT) and Radiology could be used for therapeutic interven- investigations on the use of HS in SCI,
(PS), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. tion assessment as has been suggested in and although most studies report positive
Supported by funds from the National Institutes of
Health (NS-31193 and 38079), the New York State human SCI (4). The current investigation effects of HS on behavioral and his-
Center of Research Excellence (CO 19772), and The demonstrates the effects of hypertonic sa- topathologic outcomes, this has not led
Ohio State University, College of Medicine. line (HS) on lesion development depicted to widespread use of HS in human or
Work performed at Brain and Spinal Injury Center, by MRI during the acute phase of unilat- experimental SCI (13–16). HS seems a
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Cal-
ifornia, San Francisco, California and Department of
eral cervical SCI. promising addition to a combinatorial
Neuroscience and Department of Radiology, The Ohio HS has been investigated for resusci- treatment strategy in SCI, and further
State University, Columbus, Ohio. tation in traumatic shock and for reduc- research is required to examine its poten-
The authors have not disclosed any potential con- ing intracranial pressure to treat cerebral tial beneficial role in SCI.
flicts of interest.
For information regarding this article, E-mail:
edema after traumatic brain injury (5– We recently showed that MRI is a valu-
michael.beattie@ucsf.edu 12). HS mobilizes free water from the able imaging modality to assess temporal
Copyright © 2009 by the Society of Critical Care intracellular into the extracellular space evolution of SCI and to distinguish dif-
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins by osmotic force and reduction of periph- ferent severities of cervical SCI in rats
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181a05d41 eral vascular resistance. In shock, the re- (2). In that study, quantification of cord

2160 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 7

swelling, hypo- and hyperintense signal, MRI Procedure and Treatment. A Bruker peritoneally) and transcardially perfused with
and lesion length from MRI seemed to be 4.7 Tesla/40 cm horizontal bore MRI System, 0.9% NaCl followed by 4% paraformaldehyde
the most valuable parameters to deter- with a 400 mT/m, 120 mm inner diameter in phosphate-buffered saline. Before perfu-
mine, because these parameters were gradient insert was used with a laboratory- sion, blood was collected from the heart for
built 3-cm diameter Helmholtz coil for trans- determination of serum [Na].
highly correlated with locomotor func-
mitting and receiving the MRI signal. Rats Data Analysis. Axial MRI was used to quan-
tion outcomes and histopathologic char- were placed in prone position (ventral recum- tify the evolution of the pathology in the two
acteristics of the lesion. Indeed, studies bency) on a laboratory-built Plexiglas holder SCI groups. Axial images were reconstructed
using MRI in human SCI also demon- that also incorporated the matching and tun- from the raw data, magnified four times, and
strate that hemorrhage and cord swelling ing electronic circuitry of the radiofrequency cropped to retain just the vertebral column
are significantly correlated with func- coil. The cervical region of the animal was using IDL (Research System, Boulder, CO).
tional outcome (4, 17). The aims of the placed between and parallel to the two loops of Data were analyzed blind to treatment condi-
present study were to use MRI to describe the radiofrequency coil, and fixed in place with tion. Seven consecutive T1- and PD-weighted
the events that occur within the first 8 masking tape. Exterior landmarks (occipital images around the lesion center were overlaid
hours after unilateral cervical SCI and to bone and shoulder blades) were used to ensure and regions of interest were manually traced
determine whether administration of HS that C5 was placed at the center of the coil. using MetaMorph software version 6.3 (Molec-
Animals received serial boluses of either NaCl ular Devices, Downingtown, PA). This combi-
would reduce spinal cord swelling and/or
0.9% (normal saline, control; n ⫽ 6) or NaCl nation of images provided the most detail to
hemorrhage and edema using our previ- 5% (HS; n ⫽ 6) at 1.4 mL/kg (intravenously) clearly determine areas of the whole cord and
ously developed quantification techniques. every hour starting 30 minutes following SCI. areas of hypointense (commonly thought to
The intravenous catheter was positioned so reflect hemorrhage) (19) and hyperintense
MATERIALS AND METHODS that administration was possible from outside (edema) signal within the lesioned cord. Pixel
the MRI system without the need to move the counts were converted into area units (mm2)
Surgical Procedures. Twelve adult, female animal. Anesthesia was maintained in all ani- by scaling with the in-plane pixel size. Volume
Long-Evans hooded rats (Simonsen Laborato- mals with inhaled isoflurane at 1%–2%. Body measurements (mm3) were obtained by add-
ries, Gilroy, CA) aged 84 days (range, 83– 86 temperature was maintained at 33°C–37°C us- ing the individual slice areas and multiplying
days) and weighing 229 ⫾ 4 g were used in ing a warm-water blanket (TP12; Parkland by 1.1-mm slice plus gap thickness.
this study. Rats were housed individually in Scientific, Coral Springs, FL) connected to a Images from axial 3D T2-weighted MRI
plastic cages, maintained on a 12-hour light/ circulator. Respiratory rate was monitored were used to assess and compare the evolution
dark cycle, and had access to food and water ad continuously using the monitoring and gating of hyperintense signal using MetaMorph. The
libitum. All animal experiments were con- system for small animals (Model 1024; S.A. area of the lesioned spinal cord containing hy-
ducted after approval by the Institutional Lab- Instruments, Stony Brook, NY). perintense signal was first manually traced by a
oratory Animal Care and Use Committee of Injury location (C5) was carefully positioned blinded observer. Subsequently, the area of hy-
The Ohio State University and were performed at the isocenter of both the radiofrequency an- perintense pixels was determined by implement-
in compliance with National Institutes of tenna and within the magnet. Tuning and ing a threshold for the pixel intensities based on
Health guidelines and recommendations. matching of the Helmholtz coil was performed visual spread of hyperintensity within this traced
Surgical procedures were carried out asepti- for each animal, before and after insertion into region. Areas were multiplied by the slice thick-
cally under deep anesthesia induced and main- the magnet. Acquisition of a three-plane local- ness, 0.625 mm, to obtain the cord volume con-
tained by inhalation of isoflurane (IsoFlow, Ab- izer for identifying the vertebral column was taining hyperintense pixels.
bott Laboratories, North Chicago, IL; 2%–3%). followed by a higher resolution of 2.2 minutes Histopathology. Immediately after killing
Anesthetic plane was determined by foot pinch. sagittal gradient echo, T1-weighted localizer (re- (8 hours after SCI), the injured region of the
Lacrilube ophthalmic ointment (Allergan Phar- action time/echo time ⫽ 500/4.5 milliseconds; cervical spinal cord was dissected, postfixed in
maceuticals, Irvine, CA) was applied to the eyes flip angle ⫽ 90°) that allowed depiction of ver- 4% paraformaldehyde for ⬍48 hours, cryopro-
before surgery and body temperature was mon- tebral bodies that were used as anatomical land- tected in 30% sucrose in phosphate-buffered
itored using a rectal thermal probe and main- marks. Axial MRI studies covered a 16.4-mm saline for 48 –72 hours, and then frozen at
tained at 37.5°C ⫾ 0.5°C using a heating pad. region of the spinal cord, starting just rostral to ⫺80°C until sectioning. The lesioned region
A long catheter (PE-50-polyethylene tub- the second thoracic spinous process, and extend- (14 mm) was sectioned transversely at 20 ␮m
ing, Clay Adams, Division of Becton Dickin- ing to the third cervical vertebra. on a cryostat and sections were stained with
son, Parsippany, NJ) was placed in the right Consecutive series of axial T1-, T2-, and cresyl echt violet for Nissl substance. Lesion area
jugular vein and kept in place with two su- PD-weighted images were acquired each hour and areas of total, left, and right hemicord were
tures. A dorsal midline incision was made and for 8 hours. T1-weighted (gradient echo: reac- determined at the lesion epicenter using Meta-
a dorsal laminectomy at C5 was performed to tion time/echo time/flip angle ⫽ 500/4.9 Morph. The areas filled with red blood cells were
expose the entire right side and most of the msec/90°, five averages) and proton density- traced in every sixth section throughout the
left side of the spinal cord. A right-sided con- weighted (PD; spin echo: reaction time/echo lesion, and the volume of hemorrhage within
tusion injury was produced using an MASCIS/ time ⫽ 2000/15 milliseconds, two averages) the lesion was calculated. In addition, large mo-
NYU injury device with a modified 2.0-mm images were acquired with 175 ⫻ 175 ␮m tor neurons (diameter: 25–70 ␮m) with a dis-
diameter impounder rod as previously de- in-plane resolution and 1-mm slice thickness cernable nucleus, which were present in the
scribed (3, 18). The rod was centered over the with a 0.1-mm gap among slices. The 3D T2 ventral gray matter, were counted throughout
right side of the spinal cord so that the medial images (Spin Echo, reaction time/echo time/ the lesion using MetaMorph.
curve was aligned with the midline tangent. rapid acquisition with relaxation enhance- Statistics. Quantitative MRI data and his-
The spinal cord, with the dura matter intact, ment factor ⫽ 1629.2/59.7 milliseconds/16, topathology measurements are presented as
was impacted with the 10 g rod from a height two averages) were acquired with 179 ⫻ means ⫾ SEM for all rats in each group. A
of 12.5 mm. After injury, the muscle layers 175 ⫻ 625 ␮m resolution. two-way repeated measures analysis of vari-
were closed with two sutures and animals Sacrifice. At 8 hours after SCI, animals ance was used to analyze all MRI data. A two-
were immediately transferred and positioned were anesthetized with xylazine (TranquiVed, way analysis of variance was used to analyze
in the magnet for imaging under continuous Vedco, St. Joseph, MO; 10 mg/kg intraperito- the histopathologic data. The null hypothesis
inhalant anesthesia with isoflurane (mainte- neally) and ketamine (ketamine HCl, Abbott was rejected at ␣ ⫽ 0.05. A Student’s t test was
nance 1%–2%). Laboratories, N. Chicago, IL; 80 mg/kg intra- used to compare end point serum Na concen-

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 7 2161

trations between the two groups of animals.
Significant differences identified by the analy-
sis of variance were isolated using the Holm-
Sidak procedure for pair-wise multiple com-
parison post hoc test. Statistical computations
were performed with software packages (Sig-
mastat 3.0, SPSS, Chicago, IL).

All animals survived the surgical pro- Figure 1. Representative T1-weighted magnetic resonance images at the level of the lesion epicenter.
cedures and 8-hour continuous MRI pro- Consecutive images taken every 60 minutes show lesion development over time from 36 minutes after
tocol. The time between injury and gen- injury (left) to 8 hours after injury (right) in a control animal (top row) and an animal that received
eration of the first image by MRI was not hypertonic saline (bottom row).
different among groups and was 36 ⫾ 4
minutes for both groups (range: 21–54
minutes). Body temperature during sur-
gery and MRI was not different among
groups. Administration of HS according
to our protocol resulted in a serum [Na]
of 152 ⫾ 1 mmol/L which was signifi-
cantly higher than the serum [Na] in
control animals (138 ⫾ 4 mmol/L) at the
end point of our study (p ⫽ 0.003).
Immediately after injury, asymmetry
of the spinal cord due to ipsilateral swell- Figure 2. Representative T2-weighted magnetic resonance images at the level of the lesion epicenter.
Consecutive images taken every 60 minutes show lesion development over time from 36 minutes after
ing, extending rostrocaudally well beyond
injury (left) to 8 hours after injury (right) in a control animal (top row) and an animal that received
the level of SCI, and an ipsilateral core of hypertonic saline (bottom row).
hypointense signal were detectable by
MRI in all animals of both groups (Fig. 1).
The rostrocaudal extent of the hypoin- in the control group. In these animals,
tense core was visible over a length of the volume of hyperintense signal was
three slices (3.3 mm). T2-weighted MRI significantly higher at 8 hours than dur-
showed a rim of hyperintense signal sur- ing the first 2 hours (Fig. 6; p ⫽ 0.001).
rounding the hypointense core (Fig. 2). In animals that received HS, this volume
Unlike the hypointense core that was lim- was significantly smaller when compared
ited to the ipsilateral side, the hyperin- with the control animals at hours 7 and 8
tense signal extended to the contralateral (p ⫽ 0.008 and p ⫽ 0.003, respectively).
side of the cord. The spread of hyperin- Figure 3. Examples of tracings of the regions of Histopathologic analysis showed se-
tense signal into the contralateral cord interest for determination of volume measure- vere disruption of the normal spinal cord
was particularly visible in the central area ments. An overlay of a T1- and proton density- cytoarchitecture and vasculature at 8
of the cord, around the central canal. The weighted image (left) from which the whole cord hours after acute unilateral SCI (Fig. 7).
rostrocaudal extent of the hyperintense and hypointense core are traced. A T2-weighted Hemorrhage was apparent in a radial pat-
signal was visible over a length of seven image (right) demonstrates thresholding and tern, with red blood cells accumulated
slices (7.7 mm). During the 8-hour tracing of the hyperintense area. along the tracts of penetrating arteries
course of our study, an interesting find- and veins (Fig. 7A). Closer to the lesion
ing, directly visible from MRI, was that in epicenter, large accumulations of red
four animals the hypointense core re- that received HS, cord volume was signif- blood cells were present throughout the
duced in severity (two animals in each icantly smaller than in control animals at ipsilateral cord, with most present in the
group) and in three of these animals (one all time points (p ⫽ 0.017). Quantifica- core of the lesion (Fig. 7B). Volume of
control, two HS) this hypointense core tion of the volume of hypointense signal hemorrhage determined from histopa-
had completely disappeared toward the throughout the cord over time (Fig. 5) thology was not different between the two
end point of our study. showed that in animals that received HS study groups (control: 4.1 ⫾ 0.4 mm3;
Figure 3 shows examples of the trac- this volume was significantly smaller at 8 HS: 4.3 ⫾ 0.3 mm3) and length over
ing method used for quantification of hours than during the first 6 hours (Fig. which hemorrhage was present was not
cord swelling and volumes of hypo- and 5A; p ⫽ 0.002). On examination of the different between the two groups (con-
hyperintense signal. Quantification of slices taken at the lesion epicenter, in trol: 4.4 ⫾ 0.2 mm; HS: 4.3 ⫾ 0.2 mm).
cord volumes over the 8-hour study pe- both groups the volume of hypointense Infiltration of the cord with red blood
riod (Fig. 4) demonstrated that in both signal was smaller at hours 7 and 8 com- cells was seen throughout the ipsilateral
groups, cord volume significantly in- pared with hours 1, 3–5, and 1– 6, respec- cord and in nine of 12 animals red blood
creased over time; cord volume at hour 1 tively (Fig. 5B; p ⬍ 0.001). cells were also present on the contralat-
was significantly lower than at hours 3– 8 Quantification of hyperintense signal eral side of the central canal (Fig. 7C). In
(p ⬍ 0.002). Furthermore, in animals showed an increase in volume over time these animals, red blood cells were

2162 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 7

present dorsal (n ⫽ 6) and/or ventral SCI (13–16). We chose to examine a coadministration of 7.5% HS (5 mL/kg
(n ⫽ 3) to the central canal in the gray treatment strategy that would be clini- bolus) with methylprednisolone may en-
matter or in the white matter along the cally applicable and similar to ones used hance delivery of methylprednisolone.
ventral sulcus (n ⫽ 1). In two animals, in the treatment of patients with cerebral Additionally, this combinatorial treat-
red blood cells were present within the edema. HS solutions are commercially ment had positive effects on survival and
central canal. Motor neuron counts in available in a variety of concentrations locomotor outcome (16). All these re-
the ipsilateral cord were significantly (3%, 5%, 7.5%, and 23.4%) and most ports suggest that HS would improve spi-
lower than in the contralateral cord (Fig. have been used in the treatment of pa- nal cord blood flow much like it improves
7D; p ⬍ 0.001). In both groups, there tients with cerebral edema and/or ele- cerebral perfusion in cerebral edema.
were significantly fewer motor neurons vated intracranial pressure (5–7, 20, 21). Furthermore, Spera et al (1998) showed
ipsilaterally over a length of 2.8 mm We chose to use a 5% HS solution that that leukocyte adhesion after SCI was at-
around the lesion epicenter (p ⬍ 0.001). provided a sodium load that we consid- tenuated by HS and suggested that HS
There was no significant contralateral ered safe to deliver and high enough to may reduce leukocyte swelling similar to
loss of motor neurons in any group and maximize the chance of showing positive the effect it has on endothelial cells (23,
no effect of treatment was seen in the effects of hyperosmolar therapy. 24). There is a mounting evidence that,
number of ipsilateral or contralateral mo- Previous studies have shown positive in addition to the osmotic and perivas-
tor neurons. effects of a single bolus administration of cular aquaporin modulating effects of
7.5% HS (5 mL/kg) on spinal cord blood HS, its other actions such as its anti-
DISCUSSION flow, spinal cord conduction, and so- inflammatory and immunomodulatory
matosensory-evoked potentials after SCI properties contribute to its neuropro-
In this study, we show that eight serial in rats (13, 15, 22). Follow-up experi- tective effects (6, 25).
bolus treatments of 5% HS delivered ev- ments showed faster recovery of bladder Similar to what has been shown to
ery hour for 8 hours starting 30 minutes and hind-limb locomotor function, occur in the brain after injury, HS
after SCI in rats reduced spinal cord higher locomotor outcome scores, and seemed to reduce the severity of spinal
swelling and edema. Few other studies attenuation of histopathologic outcomes cord swelling and edema during the
have examined HS in experimental SCI, in animals treated with 7.5% HS (5 8-hour period after SCI. We did not de-
and they used single bolus treatments of mL/kg bolus) 1 minute after injury (14, termine spinal cord water content or spe-
7.5% HS delivered 1–15 minutes after 22). In 2001 Legos et al also showed that cific gravity postmortem, because our
aim was to determine the effect of HS on
parameters that were measurable in vivo;
however, future studies using HS should
include additional measures of edema.
We suggest that the beneficial effects of
HS identified in the present study—i.e.,
reduction of cord swelling and enhanced
resolution of edema—should improve
spinal cord perfusion and increase de-
livery of oxygen with the ultimate goal
of improving recovery. Future studies
should include long-term functional
outcome data.
The first MRI that we obtained in this
Figure 4. Cord volume determined for seven consecutive slices over time. There was a significant study showed loss of normal cord cytoar-
difference among treatment groups over time (p ⫽ 0.017) and for both groups the volume at the
chitecture, characteristic evidence of
time of the first image was significantly lower than at hours 3– 8 (p ⬍ 0.002). Data are presented
as mean ⫾ SEM. hemorrhage, and accumulation of edema.

Figure 5. Volume of hypointense signal determined for seven consecutive slices (A) and for one slice at the level of lesion epicenter (B) over time. In A,
volume of hypointense signal throughout the cord was significantly smaller at 8 hours than at 1– 6 hours in animals that received hypertonic saline (p ⫽
0.002). In B, volume of hypointense signal at the level of lesion epicenter was smaller in both groups at 7 and 8 hours compared with hours 1, 3–5, and
1– 6, respectively (p ⬍ 0.001). Data are presented as mean ⫾ SEM.

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 7 2163

Hemorrhage and edema were recognized strated in our previous study. In that ume in animals treated with HS was sig-
by hypointense signal in T1-weighted im- study, we showed increase in volume and nificantly smaller than in the untreated
ages and hyperintense signal in T2- increase of edema in the acute stage (24 animals. Our first administration of HS
weighted images, respectively. During hours and 7 days) after cervical SCI, fol- was at 30 minutes after SCI, just before
the time course of this study, we showed lowed by a decrease in both parameters obtaining the first images. Our results
that in untreated SCI, the injured cord during the 3-week study period (2). In suggest that perhaps free water is initially
continued to increase in volume with a this study, we did not show a difference drawn from normal appearing tissue and
simultaneous increase in edema. This is between the two groups in volume of in the later stages also from edematous
consistent with the relationship between hyperintense signal during the first few areas. This may explain the difference in
edema and cord swelling we demon- hours after SCI. However, the cord vol- the volume of hyperintense signal at the
later time points.
The hypointense MR signal visible in
the lesion center in the ipsilateral cord
has typically been considered character-
istic of hemorrhage (19, 26). Similar to
what has been shown by other groups, in
our study the hypointense core was sur-
rounded by extravascular fluid accumula-
tion (26 –28). Interestingly, this hypoin-
tense core was present in all animals at
the first time point, but seemed to resolve
in four animals and was no longer visible
in three of those animals at the end point
of the study. This is consistent with the
Figure 6. Volume of hyperintense signal throughout the lesion (seven slices). In the control group, the fact that at 24 hours after injury, we did
amount of hyperintensity at 8 hours is significantly increased when compared with 1 and 2 hours (p ⫽ not see a hypointense core in all animals
0.001). Furthermore, the volume of hyperintensity was significantly smaller in animals that received in our previous study (2). In fact, only in
hypertonic saline compared with control animals at 7 (p ⫽ 0.008) and 8 (p ⫽ 0.003) hours. Data are
a subset of more severely injured animals
presented as mean ⫾ SEM.

Figure 7. A, Representative section from the lesion showing the radial pattern in which red blood cells infiltrate the spinal cord. B, Representative section
at the level of lesion epicenter. Severe disruption of normal anatomy and accumulation of red blood cells is clearly visible. C, Representative section showing
red blood cell accumulation in the ipsilateral right hemicord and contralateral accumulation of red blood cells in the central gray area dorsal and
ventrolateral to the central canal (arrows). D, Motor neuron counts in the right hemicord are significantly lower than in the left hemicord (p ⬍ 0.001).
Furthermore, within the right hemicord, motor neuron counts were significantly lower in the 2.76-mm length of cord around lesion epicenter than in the
rostral and distal ends of the right hemicord (p ⬍ 0.001). Within the left hemicord there was no significant difference in motor neuron count throughout
the lesion. Data are presented as mean ⫾ SEM.

2164 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 7

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