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1 st
LEVEL EXAM by Teacher Mingo


Dictionaries, mobile phones, handouts or any other materials like these ones ARE NOT
“Not to know is bad, but not to wish to know is worse.” ~ African proverb

I. Reading and comprehension.

Read the story and fill in the banks with the past of the verbs in brockets

In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing happily. An
Ant ……………..(pass) by, bearing along with great toil an ear of a corn he ………..(be) taking
to the nest.

‘why not come and chat with me?’ …………(say) the Grasshopper, ‘instead of toiling in that

‘I am helping to lay up food for the winter?’ said the Ant, ‘we have got plenty of food at

But the Ant ……… (go) on its way and continued toiling. When the winter ……………(come)
the grasshopper had no food and …………….(find) itself dying of hunger while it …………
(see) the Ants distributing every day a corn and grain form the stores they …………. (have)
collected in the summer. The the Grasshopper knew: it is best preparing for days of necessity.

Answer the following questions.

1. Give a suitable title to the story?


2. What does the story talk about?

3. What was the Ant doing while the Grasshopper was hopping about?


4. What does the story teach you?


II. Fill in the blanks using the auxiliary verbs (do, be, have and can) in the past or
present tense.
a. ………………… you going to visit your great grandmother soon? – No, I’m not
b. ………………… help me with the hw? – Yes, of course.
c. …………………. You watch television last night? – No, I didn’t
d. ………………….. I buy a camera in this shop? – Yes, what kind would you like?
e. …………………… Tom and Nigel climb mountains? – No, not always.
f. …………………… you got any Jerseys? - Yes, we…………. Blue and white ones.

III. Fill in the gaps, use many or much and the words: sweets, films, museums, time.
a. We’re late. We don’t have……………………………..
b. I’m allergic to sugar. I don’t eat…………………………………….
c. I like watching movies. I have…………………………………….. in my computer
d. This town isn’t very interesting for tourists. There
IV. Complete the sentences by writing the correct preposition: in, on and at.

Namo is an African girl, she was born ….. Mozambique …. 20 May …. 2009, she lives with her
husband ….. Maputo city. Now she is ……the bus to work, she gets …. work ….. 7:30am and
leaves ….. 3 .30pm. Namo likes reading and she has a lot of books …. Home … the shelves. She
never eats dinner alone. She has dinner with her husband, always …. The table.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into comparative or superlative degree.

a. Mozambique is one of ___________ countries in Africa. (poor)

pg. 2
b. Tea is __________ than coffee. (good)
c. Gorillas are ___________ than Monkeys. (intelligent)
d. English and Spanish are _____________ languages that I know. (interesting)

VI. Write sentences in the following tenses:

a. Present simple………………………………………………………………………………
b. Past simple………………………………………………………………………………….
c. Past continuous……………………………………………………………………………..
d. Future simple……………………………………………………………………………….
e. Present Perfect……………………………………………………………………………...
f. Present continuous…………………………………………………………………………

VII. Complete the questions using the following wh questions (how-how often-when-
what-where) and give possible answers.
a. ……………………..were you born? ……………………...……………………………..
b. …………………….. colour do you prefer blue or pink? …………………………….….
c. ………………………do you get to school? …………………………………………….
d. …………………………do you have for breakfast? ……………………………..………..
e. ………………………….. do you go to the gmy?................................................................

VIII. Write a composition describing yourself.


pg. 3

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