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Critical Evaluation 1



A Paper

Presented to

Dr. Michael Svigel

Dallas Theological Seminary


In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Course


Sanctification and Ecclesiology



Nichole Willard

May 2022
Critical Evaluation 2

Critical Church Evaluation

The Church is a potent unique place set apart throughout the world to worship the

One True God, our Lord, and Savior – Jesus Christ. It is a place where Jesus and the Holy Spirit

are activating the hearts and souls of many believers to follow him, a place of fellowship,

community, growth, worship, breaking bread, and being taught Biblical truth. Illuminate

Community Church, located in Scottsdale, AZ, is the place I call my home church. Throughout

this paper, I will analyze and evaluate their orthodox tradition, leadership structure, the discipline

of the Church, missions/ evangelism ministry, spiritual growth, discipleship, and their stance on

worship. As a growing Church, they are diligent in pursuing Christ, bringing people into the

family of God, the growth of every member, and their growth as a Church.


Orthodoxy is the essential core truth of Christianity, which the Church stands on

as foundational truth.1 Illuminate Community Church is an evangelical, nondenominational,

welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds. It is autonomous and maintains the right to

govern its affairs independent of denominational control. The Church may fellowship from time

to time with other churches or organizations as the Lord directs. Still, the voluntary association is

not intended to impair the autonomy of the Church.

Their mission is that they exist to know Jesus and make Him known throughout

their community and the world. Their vision is to be used by God to create redeeming

communities of Christ-followers, now and for future generations in their city and worldwide.

Their core values consist of generous living, redeemed lives, adoration of God, gathering of

Svigel, M. J. The Essential Marks of the Local Church. In Retrochristianity: Reclaiming the forgotten faith
(Crossway, 2012), 174.
Critical Evaluation 3
community, and engaging in culture through biblical truths and discipleship. They have a

foundational marking of orthodoxy that match up with Svigel’s seven essentials (1) Triune God

as Creator and Redeemer, (2) the fall and resulting depravity, (3) the person and work of Christ,

(4) Salvation by grace through faith, (5) inspiration and authority of Scripture, (6) redeeming

humanity incorporated in Christ, (7) the restoration of humanity and creation. 2

What Illuminate Community Church beliefs are the following: (1) God’s Word is

the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error. God’s loving truth is

infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice. (2) The Triune God is the Holy

Trinity. One God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (3) Man's

Problem – man was created in the image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred not only

physical death but spiritual death that separated man from God, and that all human beings were

born with a sinful nature. (4) God's Solution to man's Problem – Jesus died for our sins as a

representative and substitutionary sacrifice. All who believe in Him are redeemed and justified

by shedding His blood. That salvation is by God alone through Christ alone. Salvation is based

on grace, not on human merit. (5) The Holy Spirit indwells God's people and gives them the

strength and wisdom to trust Christ, follow Him, and empower them for service. (6) Jesus Return

– He will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all humanity and receive His people to Himself. (7)

Our Place in The World – all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the

Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God-

making disciples.

They believe heavily in the Church's orthodoxy, order, and ordinances. I have

personally witnessed them walk their beliefs out thus far as they filter each portion of service and

Svigel, M. J. The Essential Marks of the Local Church. In Retrochristianity: Reclaiming the forgotten faith
(Crossway, 2012), 174.
Critical Evaluation 4
their community gatherings, events, outreach, and worship time, through their orthodox filter.

This Church is a growing community that is expanding its reach rapidly. God's anointing is

powerfully upon them, and I believe that their growth is because of how they walk out the Word

of God (Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20).

Leadership Structure

Webster’s proposal is, specifically, "that order is the ingredient within the gospel's

logic." 3Because “the revealed secret of God not only concerns the unfathomable majesty of God

himself; it also concerns that human society which the Triune God elects, sustains and perfects

'to the praise of his glorious grace (Eph 1:5) …God is the one who manifests who He is in the

economy of His saving work in which He assembles a people for Himself." 4 We see that the

importance of church order flows from the nature of God. 5

The way Illuminate Community Church is structured is. First, they have their

Bylaws in place, creating order and a filter in which they stand by their beliefs. This ranges from

their name, nonprofit purposes, members, elder board, committees of the board, corporate

officers, pastors and staff, ministry team leaders, indemnification, conflict of interest, provisions,

amendments, and dissolutions. Throughout membership, they share a booklet that entails all the

pertinent details about the Church as they grow their membership. Their goal is to establish a

family of trust and live out their mission of having order throughout their structure. It goes

Bylaws, Elder Board, then Pastoral Staff from Lead, Executive, Worship, Discipleship and

Global Outreach, Family Life, Director of Women’s Ministry, Youth, Children’s Ministry,

John, Webster, Word, and Church; Essays in Christian Dogmatics (Edinburgh and New York: T&T Clark, 2001),
Ibn. 195.
Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the Church (Crossway,
2012) 250.
Critical Evaluation 5
Pastor of Care, and Director of Hospitality. The Church is governed by the Elder Board and led

by the Pastoral Staff.

On the Elder Board, they have ten men. The New Testament model of the church

government depicts Elders ruling in plurality, serving equally together under the authority of

Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to determine and implement God's will for His

Church (Act 15:6-29, 20:28-31, Heb 13:17, Js 5:14). Jesus Christ, as head of the Church,

governs His Church by choosing and ordaining leadership. Under Christ's leadership, Illuminate

is managed by The Elder Board following the Bylaws. The Elder Board of Illuminate, in its role,

has the power and authority to make rules, policies, and regulations not inconsistent with the

laws of the State and the Bylaws. These elders will be Covenant Members of the Church and

include the elected people and the Lead Pastor. Each person must possess the qualities described

in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Illuminates Church’s order follows the historical model of the

Presbyterian Church, where the authority rests among the "elders" (presbyteroi).

Presbyterianism, Reformed churches, and many local independent churches are often described

as elder-led churches.6

The discipline of the Church

The early Church's testimony is clear: formally joining a local church is not

optional. “Formally joining” means entering into a “covenant commitment.” By becoming

members of a particular church, we do not simply receive rights and privileges, but we assume

responsibilities and obligations.7 American Cultural Model is shop, hop, and sometimes drop.

The New Testament and Early Church Model is a Covenant Commitment which includes (1)

Holsteen, N. D., Svigel, M. J. The Church and the Christian Life in Retrospect. In The Church, Spiritual Growth,
and the end times (Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014) 68.
Svigel, M.J Sanctification and Ecclesiology, ST105_8c_Church Org Structure Ordination Membership. PPT.
Critical Evaluation 6
Baptism into the Church, (2) Cleaving to a local Church, (3) Accountability in the Church, (4)

Church leaders imply Church members, (6) Seriousness of covenant commitment. 8

Illuminate Community Church understands the importance of growing as a

community and doing life as a family! This is the mission and the vision of the Church body. It's

the good work God has called them to as members of His Church, and they pursue it

intentionally and joyfully in response to the love and grace God has shown them in Christ. It's

first and foremost of Jesus and about bringing God the most glory. Then it's about family!

Joining the family at Illuminate is an invitation to belong. Jesus invites us into the "household of

God" (Eph 2:19), and being a family member is different. Family is not based on performance or

paying dues but on belonging. The Church body is bound by blood-the blood of Christ- that

draws us into the home of the Father, united in the power of the Spirit. The primary New

Testament image for membership is that of a body (1 Cor 12; Rom 12). Jesus joins us to Himself

and makes us members of his body, under his leadership as our royal head.

Illuminate also believes that we are one body with many parts (1 Cor 12:12),

meaning that we all have something unique to bring to the table. Each member is a contributor,

and we are to get our gifts to contribute to share with the family. We also need each other like

the Scripture states, "the eye cannot say to the hand, I do not need for you" (1 Cor 12:21).

Becoming a member means moving towards each other with Jesus at the center. "If one member

suffers, all suffer together, if one member is honored, all rejoice together" (1 Cor 12:26).

Membership is a discipline of the Church to build the body of Christ.

This Covenantal Relationship is seen exhibited between God and the Church first.

This New Covenant is established by God and God alone with his covenant partners, Christ-

Critical Evaluation 7
followers, who have heard the Gospel of the death and resurrection of Christ, have repented of

their sins, embraced Jesus by faith, and been baptized in the name of the Triune God, received

forgiveness for their sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, and have been incorporated into the

Church of Jesus Christ (Act 2:22-47).9 Utilizing this covenant, God binds Himself to his

covenant partners, who observe binding obligations toward him. Two signs of this covenant that

has been given to the Church are baptisms, the sign of entrance into the new covenant

relationship with God and a covenant community, and The Lord's Supper, the sign of ongoing

new covenant relationship with God and the community, the Church. 10 Both of these ordinances

are honored at Illuminate Community Church.

Didache states that the act of Baptism itself is the pivotal point at which a believer

makes the official, public, one-time turn from the path of sin and death to the direction of

righteousness and life. Thus, in the earliest Church during the time of the apostles, the single act

of Baptism simultaneously marked the convert's official exit from the road of darkness and death

and their commencement of a journey on the road of light and life (Rom. 6:13; Eph. 5:8; Col.

1:13; 1 Pet. 2:9).11 Illuminate believes Baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a

person's faith in Jesus Christ. It signifies that their former way of life has been put to death and

depicts the raising up of a new life committed to following Christ.12 They have created the

opportunity for Baptism often and hold an orientation class a week beforehand to make sure

those making this decision know fully what Baptism is. They honor each person while making

this proclamation and allow them to share their reason why with the Church. They believe that

Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the Church (Crossway,
2012) 124.
Svigel, M. Floating with the elephant-toward a fuller doctrine and practice of water baptism (part 2 of 3).
RetroChristianity. (October 8, 2015) Retrieved April 27, 2022
Baptism. Illuminate Community Church. (2022, March 27). Retrieved May 4, 2022, from
Critical Evaluation 8
this is a public proclamation and they will be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit (Mat 28:19). They will be fully immersed in water (Mk 1:10, Ac 8:38-39); this is

repentance from a life of sin (Ac 22:16, 1 Cor 6:11); they are pledging to live a sanctified life (1

Cor 6:11), and now are ready to live in a covenant community (1 Cor 12:12, Gal 3:27). As 1

Clement 15.1 says, let us cleave (kollao) to those who cultivate peace with godliness and not to

those who hypocritically profess to desire it. 13 This is the type of environment that Illuminate is

cultivating and encouraging.

According to the Synoptic Gospels, now the Lord's Supper, or the Eucharist, Jesus

instituted this as part of his Last Supper, or celebration of the Passover with the disciples.14 As

Cyprian described, "For by Baptism, the Holy Spirit is received. Therefore, those who are

baptized and have received the Holy Spirit are allowed to drink from the Lord's cup." 15

Illuminate takes the sacraments as a church body once per month and this is traditionally

explained and honored. This celebration involves symbolic elements – broken bread, a cup of

wine (or juice0, and the distribution of both parts in the Church. These actions vividly portray the

broken body of and the poured-out blood of Christ – his vicarious sacrifice on behalf of sinners

through with they experience forgiveness.16 We take it as a Church body to remember what Jesus

Christ did on the cross for us.

Missions/ Evangelism

The goal is to advance God's saving rule on earth. The mission is God's action. In

commissioning a Church, Christ gave assurance of his presence and power. We go where the

Svigel, M.J Sanctification and Ecclesiology, ST105_8c_Church Org Structure Ordination Membership. PPT.
Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the Church (Crossway,
2012) 365.
Cyprian Letter, 10.1 (ANF 5:291).
Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the Church (Crossway,
2012) 395.
Critical Evaluation 9
Lord is already at work.17 Jesus came to gather and call gatherers, disciples who would gather

with Him, seeking the poor and helpless from city streets and country roads. Jesus said, "He who

is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters" (Mat 12:30, Lk

11:23). The mission is not an optional activity for Christ's disciples. If they are not gatherers,

then they are scatterers. 18 God uses Illuminate to develop Christ-centered relationships with

ministry partners passionate about transforming communities with the Gospel. We're currently

focusing our partnership efforts in three strategic areas of the world:

Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Partnerships:

• Palestine Bible Society

• Jerusalem Evangelical Outreach
• "Child of Bethlehem" and "Connect Café"
• Agape Jerusalem
• Evangelism and Discipleship, Women’s Ministry
• Bethlehem Bible College Promising Ministries


• Convención Evangélica Los Pinos Nuevos

• “Grano de Arena”
• “CENCAP” Training Centers

North Africa

• Frontiers
• I6:8

Then they offer international short-term mission trips to the Illuminate family to get people

involved with missions beyond their walls and families. Places they will be going this year


CUBA – They will be sending a multi-faceted team to help the church planting efforts of Los
Pinos Nuevos in Havana (VBS, Construction, Sports, Leadership Training, Arts).

Clowney, E. P. The Church in the World's Culture. In The Church (Inter-Varsity. 1995) 176-177.
Ibn. 159.
Critical Evaluation 10
ISRAEL/PALESTINE – We’ll travel to Israel and Palestine to meet and encourage our
partners and supported missionaries. We will also tour the Holy Land.

ITALY – Our Young Adults ministry will assist with the refurbishing of Il Refugio
Missionary Training Center and evangelism in Puglia.

MEXICO – Our family-friendly experience will lead us to La Paz, Baja California, where we
will assist local churches in community outreach through VBS.

Spiritual Growth

To complement the Church order, we have evangelism, which is the goal “to

proclaim the good news message. Edification the key, “building up” of believers in the faith and

lastly, exaltation, that is “giving praise and glory to God” (Eph 1:12, 14). 19 Luke describes the

growth of the Church as the growth of the Word (Ac 6:7, 12:24, 19;20). The ministries by which

the Church is built up are the ministries of the Word (Eph 4:11).20 This is where it starts for

Illuminate is having every ministry for Spiritual growth be filtered through the Word of God.

They have churches such as:

FIRST LIGHT – This is the first step when you become a member. In this 60-minute
conversation with our pastors and leaders, they help you understand the heart and vision of
Illuminate and help you find your place in the bigger story of how God is working in you.

ROOTED - Through the ROOTED experience, you will deepen your connection with God, His
Church, and your purpose in the epic story He is writing through human history. ROOTED is a
catalyst for life change where discussion is held in a small group environment, creating a safe
space for biblical exploration and practical discipleship.

COMMUNITY GROUPS – GPS (Gifts, Passion, Strength), Marriage Prep, Small Groups,
Women’s Groups (AM & PM), Wives of Non-Believers, and Mentoring 1x1

Svigel, M. J. The Essential Marks of the Local Church. In Retrochristianity: Reclaiming the forgotten faith
(Crossway, 2012), 174.
Clowney, E. P. The Church in the World's Culture. In The Church (Inter-Varsity. 1995) 102.
Critical Evaluation 11
God designed us to be in a relationship with one another, and community is precisely what Jesus

lived, demonstrated, and taught His followers. 21 Illuminate believes in the spiritual growth of

every member of the Church body. In their five-year life span thus far, they have continually

created environments for the need for spiritual nurturing to take place.


The Illuminate family has grown extraordinarily quickly, and they believe this has

happened by following God’s lead from day one. Their five-year history is marked by what they

call “Only God” moments. These have shaped who we are and how we follow God’s call to

make disciples and to reach the lost. 22 Since they are a new Church, they have developed an

initiative called Bigger. Smaller. Deeper. These are the two questions they want each person to


1. God, what do You want to do IN me? Each of us is asking ourselves about our next step of
faith. It might be joining a small group, serving outside of our comfort zone, or inviting a friend
to Illuminate, to name a few. Spiritual growth is the goal. What is YOUR next step?

2. God, what do you want to do THROUGH me? We asked everyone to ask God what he would
have us sacrifice over and above our regular giving to reach our neighbors, friends, family, and
co-workers for Jesus Christ. According to Jesus, this is the heart of the matter. (Matthew 6:21)

Their goal is to be able to disciple every person in their congregation and develop

outreaches to accomplish this. Again, they want everything to filter through their orthodox

beliefs, placing Christ in the center! Our current building is becoming our permanent home, but

that's just the beginning. We are going beyond property purchase; instead, we want you to own a

vision with us. Through prayer and counsel, we have a vision for the future of Illuminate. We

Community groups. Illuminate Community Church. (2022, April 25). Retrieved May 4, 2022, from
Home. Bigger Smaller Deeper at Illuminate Community Church. (2022, March 28). Retrieved May 4, 2022, from
Critical Evaluation 12
call it Bigger, Smaller, and Deeper. 23 They believe that God has put a great deal of ministry

before them, and they are ready and willing to get started.


• Caring for Children – Current space does not allow for growth, and they want an indoor
and outdoor play space that facilities are learning.
• Caring for Youth – Current space is barely keeping the youth, and they need to build.
• Caring for adults – They need to expand their worship center to accommodate the
growing number of people.


As a Church grows, they recognize that people can feel swallowed up or overlooked. They want
to intentionally create a space for people to feel known and experience God's love in more
intimate ways. They want a place that is built like a HUB of life!

• Mid-size meeting spaces

• Small Groups
• Education Opportunities
• Mentor Relationships


They go deeper when people grow in their faith and become disciples. Spiritual transformation is
the goal! The goal of Illuminate is to feed, nurture, love, and pursue the growth of every
individual that steps foot on their property. They need to expand their teaching capacity and
create new ways to serve their community.

• Discipleship Training
• Community Food Kitchen
• Local Outreach Partnerships
• International Outreach

With these goals, they are looking for 100% participation from the Church body to participate in

this initiative, whether by serving, praying, or giving to the Church body. I see the hand of God

Critical Evaluation 13
anointing their steps of growth, and with their eyes on the Great Commission, Disciples will be



The Church is called to serve God in three ways: to serve Him directly in worship,

serve the saints in nurture, and serve the world in witness.24 We have already covered how

Illuminate nurtures its people through spiritual growth and discipleship, but now we will cover

worship. Neither worship nor religion can be defined apart from God, for worship is the

creature's response to the revealed glory of the Creator.25 A trendy description of worship is that

of William Temple:

Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by his
holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by His beauty; the
opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of the will to his purpose. 26

Such submission of one's heart should be the heartbeat of the church body. This is where we

enter into an anointed place to receive from the Lord. Illuminate creates a special place to do

this. Depending on the topic preached on is what songs will be sung. They change it up from a

choir to new singers, or the traditional people. They pray, seek God's holiness, and welcome the

congregation into sweet communion with the Lord. Their worship is Christ-focused and

empowered by the Holy Spirit. There is reverent adoration which is the goal for the

congregation's hearts.

Clowney, E. P. The Church in the World's Culture. In The Church (Inter-Varsity. 1995) 117.
Ibn. 118
Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the Church (Crossway,
2012) 425.
Critical Evaluation 14
In Closing

Every portion of the Church body plays a critical role in the Kingdom of God. As

Illuminate takes its mission and vision and continues to accelerate its powerful ways of spiritual

growth and discipleship, it will continue to live out the Great Commission. Their eyes and hearts

are fixated on Christ, which is fundamental to their development. Their strengths are their drive,

devotion, adoration for God and people, and their tenacity in building a healthy family of God.

They take in the needs even if it doesn't reach everyone and serve others in their vulnerabilities.

They genuinely feel God's deep calling and anointing and know His hand is upon the Church.

God's covenantal relationship with Illuminate keeps them going strong.

From personal experience, their weaknesses can be found in their communication on the

backend as the Church grows. With so much growth so fast, some fundamental pieces of follow-

up with new members, reaching out to place people in classes when requested, or other little

things can get lost. Also, with politics where they are today and other controversial topics, they

need to make sure to push for small groups not focusing on these topics in table discussions. This

can hit people the wrong way when they are new to the Church body and come to get fed.

I know that with growth comes new challenges. I hope to get plugged in, serve the

Church body with my gifts and be about God's business. I love Illuminate and look forward to

making it my home Church and being part of the growth.

Critical Evaluation 15
Allison, G. R. Types of Church Government. In Sojourners and strangers: The doctrine of the

Church (Crossway, 2012) 365.

Baptism. Illuminate Community Church. (2022, March 27). Retrieved May 4, 2022, from

Clowney, E. P. The Church in the World's Culture. In The Church (Inter-Varsity. 1995) 117.

Community groups. Illuminate Community Church. (2022, April 25). Retrieved May 4, 2022,


Cyprian Letter, 10.1 (ANF 5:291).

Holsteen, N. D., Svigel, M. J. The Church and the Christian Life in Retrospect. In The Church,

Spiritual Growth, and the end times (Bethany House Publishers, a division of

Baker Publishing Group, 2014) 68.

Home. Bigger Smaller Deeper at Illuminate Community Church. (2022, March 28). Retrieved

May 4, 2022, from

John, Webster, Word, and Church; Essays in Christian Dogmatics (Edinburgh and New York:

T&T Clark, 2001), 192.

Svigel, M.J Sanctification and Ecclesiology, ST105_8c_Church Org Structure Ordination

Membership. PPT. (2022).

Svigel, M. J. The Essential Marks of the Local Church. In Retrochristianity: Reclaiming the

forgotten faith (Crossway, 2012), 174.

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