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"Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning in Company"


Strategic planning is an important process for businesses in ensuring their growth and success. It
helps organizations to set goals, make decisions, and allocate resources to achieve those goals.
However, the effectiveness of strategic planning can be influenced by a variety of factors. This
research aims to analyze the factors that affect the effectiveness of strategic planning Company.


Company is a medium-sized company that operates in the retail industry. The company has been
in business for over 10 years and has experienced steady growth in revenue and customer base.
However, the company has also faced some challenges, particularly in achieving its strategic goals.
The management team believes that the company's strategic planning process may need to be
improved in order to achieve better results.

Literature Review Several studies have been conducted on the factors that influence the
effectiveness of strategic planning. One of the most important factors is the involvement of
employees in the planning process. Research has shown that involving employees in the planning
process leads to greater commitment to the plan and better execution of the plan. Another
important factor is the availability of resources to support the plan. Without the necessary
resources, it is difficult to implement the plan effectively. Other factors that have been found to
influence the effectiveness of strategic planning include the leadership style of the top
management, the competitive environment, and the level of innovation within the organization.

Research Methodology This research will be conducted using a mixed-methods approach,

combining both quantitative and qualitative data. The sample population will consist of
employees and managers from Company. A survey will be conducted to collect quantitative data
on the effectiveness of the current strategic planning process and the level of employee
involvement in the process. In addition, interviews will be conducted with selected employees and
managers to gather qualitative data on the other factors that may influence the effectiveness of
strategic planning in the company.

Data Analysis The quantitative data collected through the survey will be analyzed using descriptive
statistics to determine the level of effectiveness of the current strategic planning process and the
level of employee involvement in the process. The qualitative data collected through the
interviews will be analyzed using content analysis to identify the other factors that may influence
the effectiveness of strategic planning in the company. The findings from both the quantitative
and qualitative data will be triangulated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors
that affect the effectiveness of strategic planning in the company.

Conclusion The results of this research will provide valuable insights into the factors that influence
the effectiveness of strategic planning in Company. The findings will be useful for the management
team to improve the company's strategic planning process and to achieve better results in the
future. The research will also contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the factors that
influence the effectiveness of strategic planning in organizations.
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