Soal B. Inggris-WPS Office

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Soal B.


I. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar !

1. Yesterday was Friday. Tomorow is......

a. Saturday

b. Thursday

c. Sunday

2. Today is Friday. Yesterday is....

a. Saturday

b. Wednesday

c. Thursday

3. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...

Next day is...

a. Wednesday

b. Thursday

c. Friday


It is a.....

a. School

b. Market

c. Bank

It is...

a. School

b. Library

c. Mall


I go to ..... by bycicle.

a. School

b. Restaurant

c. Mall


It is....

a. Pillow

b. Lamp
c. Soap


It is....

a. Gas stove

b. Lamp

c. Sofa


Lina sleep in the....

a. Kitchen

b. Dining table

c. Bedroom

10. Kitchen in Indonesian is....

a. Dapur

b. Kamar Tidur

c. Bantal


This is a....

a. Knife

b. Glass

c. Pillow

Who he is?

a. Son

b. Grandfather

c. Sister


Nenek in English is...

a. Grandmother

b. Sister

c. Father


Mr. Joko is my.......

a. Father

b. Sister

c. Grandmother

15. I have a brother. He's name is Rudi, Bayu and Andi.

I have .... brother.

a. Three
b. Two

c. One


This is a....

a. Fried Chicken

b. Milk

c. Tea


I hungry, i will eat....

a. Rice

b. Pizza

c. Egg


One day my family and Andi went to the zoo. There, Andi saw a snake locked up in a big box. The color
of the snake is green, brown and mottled.

According to the story above, what animal did Andi see?

a. Cat

b. Mouse

c. Snack
19.Rani has a pet. The animal is very cute. The animal has white fur. His favorite food is fish. When
hungry, it will make a "meauw..meauw" sound.

What animal is it?

a. Cat

b. Horse

c. Chicken

20.The animal that eats grass is.....

a. Cow

b. Bear

c. Crocodile

II. Artikan kosa kata dibawah ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia !

1. Fried Chicken artinya......

2. Coffe artinya.....

3. Egg artinya....

4. Teacher artinya....

5. Police artinya.....

6. Doctor artinya....

7. Library artinya....

8. School artinya....

9. Market artinya....

10. Tiger artinya....

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