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Faculty of Foreign languages Test date:…………….

Student’s name:………………………….
Student’s ID: …………………………. Class: ………………

1. She ......... him until he introduced his name.

A. didn’t realized B. hasn’t realized C. doesn’t realize D. hadn’t realized
2. She is busy ........ for her wedding.
A. shop B. shopping C. to shop D. shopped
3. A thief broke into Harry’s house and ....... his TV.
A. stealed B. stolen C. stole D. steal
4. They ....... next to each other at the lecture this morning.
A. sit B. sat C. set D. sitted
5. Last Sunday when they ..... an exciting football match on TV, the
electricity ..... out.
A. were watching/was going B. watched/ went
C. watched/ was going D. were watching/ went
6. When I was at secondary school, the boy next to me ....... in class.
A.was always talking B. talked always
C. was talking always D. always talked
7. My grandmother ........ this picture for a week and she
A. has painted/ doesn't finish B. has painted/ hasn’t finished
C. painted/ didn’t finish D. painted/ hasn’t finished
8. When I ....... her on the street yesterday, she ......a rosy skirt.
A. was seeing/wore B. see/wore C. saw/ was wearing D. saw/ wearing
9. Rap ........ mathematics before he ....... top literature.
A. had taught/ had changed B. was teaching/ changed
C. taught/was changing D. had taught/changed
10.Bread and butter ...... my family daily food ten years ago.
A. is B. was C. were D. be
11. They have gone out for a drink ......... 2 hours.
A. for B. since C. in D. with
12. Do you know what it ...... to be a superstar?
A. likes B. to be liked C. is like D. is liked
13. “I’m going to the cinema this evening” – “ Nice. ..... will you go with?
A. to whom B. Whom C. Which D. That
14. Have you finished ....... the dishes? I need you help me with my homework.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleaned D. cleaning
15. John finds saying “I love you” ......Jenny the hardest thing to do.
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A. about B. to C. of D. with
16....... these 1000 competitors, only once can get the prize.
A. Among B. Between C. During D. Within
17. If you have any problem, don’t hesitate ...... your teacher.
A. to consult B. consulting C. consult D. consulted
18.Most students are happy ....... to school ..... acquire knowledge.
A. to go/ for B. going/for C. to go/ to D. going/ to
19.I am looking forward to ....... from you soon.
A. hearing B. hear C. heard D. be heard
20. You had better ........ this bus. Going by taxi is too expensive.
A. to take B. take C. taking D. took
21. Why should you ........ this box? It’s too heavy for you.
A. to carry B. carrying C. carried D. carry
22. Bob spends a lot of time ....... the essay.
A. to write B. writing C. wrote D. written
23........... Air Asia’s service is the best way to save money.
A. Using B. To use C. Use D. Used
24. People in Japan call ......... .
A. the White Valentine March 14th B. March 14th is the White Valentine
C. March 14th the White Valentine D. The White Valentine is March 14th
25. On White Valentine, Japanese girls give chocolates ........ their boyfriends.
A. for B. at C. to D. x
26.I prefer tea ...... coffee, what about you?
A. to B. more than C. of D. over
27. You don’t remember ........ your umbrella, do you?
A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. brought
28.He did not expect the party.
A. being invited B. be invited C. invited D. to be invited
29.The little girl can't stand ....... made fun of by her classmates.
A. to be B. being C. be D. to being
30.The flight to Paris was ........ because of the storm.
A. delayed B. to delay C. delaying D. delay
31.We ..........TV when it started to rain.
A. were watching B. watched C. are watching D. watch
32.The sun ……. In the East.
A. rises B. raises C. is rising D. is raising
33. Since they moved to their new house, they …… their son every year.
A. visit B. visited C. are visiting D. have visited
34. Timmy ……. the living room while his mother …………. in the kitchen.
A. is tidying/cooks B. tidies/cooks
C. is tidying/is cooking D. tidies/is cooking
35.“You look tired” – “I ……….all day”
pg. 2
A. work B. have worked C. worked D. am working
36.…………….. Grappa?
A. Have you ever drunk B. Did you ever drink
C. Do you ever drank B. Are you ever drinking
37. Nothing ………his opinion.
A. can held against B. can be held against
C. can be holding against D. can be hold against
38.Before they go to bed, their father often reads stories to them, most of which
A. are make up B. are making up C. are being made up D. are made up
39. The man refused …….. to the hospital.
A. taken B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken
40. …………. nonsense and you are out of the group!
A. Keep talking B. Keeping talk C.To keep talk D. Keeping talked
41.. ……..being ill, she still went to work on time.
A. Although B. In spite of C. Even D. Though
42. He fell off his bike, ……. three teeth.
A. broke B. break C. breaking D. having broken
43. I suddenly caught him …….. in the bathroom.
A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke
44. He was accused …….. fake money.
A. to make B. of making C. by making D. making
45. She does not want to get married as she hates …… housework.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. to be doing
46. He was furious …… his girlfriend …….out with his closest friend in the
football team.
A. to see/to go B. see/go C. see/going D. to see/ going
47.I object ………… the sea in this cold weather.
A. about going B. going C. to going D. of going
48. By ……. day and night, he succeeded ……the job in time.
A. working/to finish B. to work/in finishing
B. C. working/finishing D. working/in finishing
49. Every day I spend two hours ……… English.
A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. learned
50. This town is ………… I was born.
A. where B. what C. which D. that
51. Would you mind ……. your name on this list?
A. write B. of writing C. to write D. writing
52.I don’t know how …. my thanks to your kindness.
A. express B. to express C. expressing D. expressing on
53. His job involves ……. events for her school.
A. organize B. on organizing C. in organizing D. organizing
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54. I would like to express my gratitude ……. my family and teachers.
A. with B. to C. for D. about
55.I am looking forward ……….your sister.
A. to see B. of seeing C. to seeing D. seeing
56. I remember …… a dozen of eggs yesterday but I can’t find them now.
A. to buy B. bought C. buying D. buy
57. She enjoys …….. with her friends more than with her mother.
A. to go shopping B. going shopping C. going to shop go to shop
58. He is not ……….to understand what the old man is saying.
A. enough young B. enough old C. young enough D.old enough
59.A number of students in my class …………… the handicapped.
A. volunteers to help B. volunteer helping
C. volunteer to help D. volunteers helping
60. He always tries ……. the best conditions …….. his children.
A. to provide/with B. providing/for C. providing/with provide/for
61.I need your ........ to repair the roof.
A. gratitude B. care C. assistance D. concern
62.There are many places of ....... in Hanoi.
A. attraction B. interest C. fame D. beauty
63. She made a generous .......... to the local charity.
A. money B. inheritance C. pay D. donation
64. He was ...... because of irresponsibility.
A. out of work B. fired C. employed D. disqualified
65. I have no ....... to his coming here.
A. objection B. idea C. protest D. complaint
66.The company has all services for the sick and the .........
A. age B. aging C. aged D. elder
67. You are not allowed to ........ private phone calls in the office.
A. phone B. call C. make D. do
68. ............ money is a simple way to do charity.
A. Donating B. Having donated C. Donation D. Donor
69. Ann ......... lives in London. She moved to Leeds two years ago.
A. still B. no longer C. never D. yet
70. She thought she was the ....... bride in the world.
A. happy B. most happy C. happier D. happiest
71. Have you washed your hands before ………lunch?
A. having B. had C. have D. having had
72. What an excellent student she is! She almost has no ……… the exercise.
A. difficult to finish B. difficulty to finish
C. difficulty in finishing D. difficult finishing
73.How much time do you spend …….. new words per day?
A. learning B. to learn C. learned D. learn
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74. Long has decided ……. a cooking course.
A. to attend B. attend C. attending D. attended
75. The teacher considers letting one of her students stay at home ……. her
biggest mistake.
A. x B. is C. for D. of
76. Two thousand volunteers ……… the Illiteracy Eradication campaign this
A. join in B. take part in C. participate in D. share in
77. Mandy’s eyes’ color is different ……. that of Josh’s?
A. of B. from C. about D. to
78.Do you mind ……. me …. this computer?
A. helping/fixing B. to help/to fix C. helping/fix D. help/fixing
79.He didn’t stay at home. ………., he went out with his friends.
A. On the contrary B. Although C. However D. Despite
80. Sorry. I don’t mean ……. you.
A. to interrupt B. interrupting C. interrupt D. interrupted
81. Going out tonight means ……. the last episode of Smallville.
A. missing B. to miss C. having missed D. miss
82.What …….. happen if there ……… no sun?
A. will/is B. would/is C. would/were D. will/were
83.“Please focus …….. your study and not your hobbies.”, he said.
-He told me ……. /……….. my study rather than my hobbies.
A. x/ concentrate/ on B. to/ to concentrate/x
C. of/ concentrating/ of D. on/ to concentrate/ on
84. ……… you think that I like you?
A. What did make B. What made C. What to make D. What is made
85.Thomas …….. for Jakarta as soon as he ……. of your wedding.
A. had left/ had been informed B. left/ was informed
C. left/ had been informed D. leaves/ has been informed
86.We are bored ……… the same activities in English lessons.
A. to do B. with C. at doing D. to doing
87.My brother has …….
A.very large house B. a house very large
C. house very large D. a very large house
88. We have not had …….. interesting talk to each other for a long time.
A. such B. so C. such an D. so an
89. Knowing several ……. helpful if you work for an international corporation.
A. language are B. language is C. languages is D. languages are
90. When …… a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and
abbreviations it contains.
A. having used B. using C. use D. used
91. It …….. that many people are homeless after the flood.
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A. was reported B. reports C. is reported D. reporting
92. The railway …….. for weeks because of the snow.
A. was closed B. is closed C. has been closed D. closed
93. A new restaurant ….... next week.
A. will open B. opens C. will be opened D. both A and c are correct
94. “Be aware of the dog”, said Tom.
-Tom warned us .........
A. to be aware of the dog B. being aware of the dog
C. we should be aware of the dog D. aware of the dog
95.She insisted ..... him wearing the red cravat.
A. in B. on C. of D. about
96.The teacher tried to explain the new formula ..... his students.
A. with B. for C. to D. among
97. The English contest ...... the Student Union is an annual event in my school.
A. by B. organized by C. held D. to held
98.The participants must find ...... all the answers in order to go in the next
A. of B. in C. by D. out
99.The World Cup takes place ...... four years in different countries.
A. each B. every C. by D. for
100. I worked .....a volunteer guide in the Asian Students’ sports
competitions last year.
A. by B. as C. to D. in

The end!

pg. 6
Date of Birth..................................................
Mark ...................................................................

1 21 41 61 81
2 22 42 62 82
3 23 43 636 83
4 24 44 4 84
5 25 45 65 85
6 26 46 66 86
7 27 47 67 87
8 28 48 68 88
9 29 49 69 89
10 30 50 70 90
11 31 51 71 91
12 32 52 71 92
13 33 53 73 93
14 34 54 74 94
15 35 55 75 95
16 36 56 76 96
17 37 57 77 97
18 38 58 78 98
19 39 59 79 99
20 40 60 80 10

Note: Total 100 /10 .

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