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Enrolment No: POT22006813

Course Title: Principle of Teaching

Assignment for Lesson 2.1


1.Define psychology?
Ans: Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviors.
are actively involved in studying and understanding mental processes, brain
functions, and behavior. The field of psychology is considered a "Hub
Science" with strong connections to the medical sciences, social sciences,
and education (Boyack, Klavans, & Borner, 2005).
At Ohio State, the Department of Psychology is organized into eight areas,
working to investigate critical aspects of the brain and human behavior.

➢ Behavioral Neuroscience

➢ Clinical Psychology

➢ Decision Science

➢ Developmental Psychology

➢ Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

2.what is the statement given by crow and crow about

education psychology?
Ans: According to Crow and Crow (1973), “Educational psychology describes
and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth through old
age.” Here Crow and Crow say that educational psychology tends to explain
the process of learning of an individual during his/her entire life span.

3.List out the factors in an educational process.

Ans: There are ten factors in the educational process.
• An academic process represents a standardized system of
organizational and instructional steps aimed at meeting the specific
requirements of a given level of education in accordance with the
higher education standards.

• The contributing factors are -
1. A good literacy knowledge
2. The application of Talents
3. An equitable access to education
4. Effective academic content
5. Productive exchange of fruitful experience between the prospective
teachers and mentors
6. Promptly cancelling the monitoring system
7. New quality assessments properly promoting better learning
8. Appropriate education individualization for each student
9. Generating high learning productivity
10. Learning from the most effective practices

4.what are the points education psychology emphasizes for a

trainer need to know while teaching?
Ans: Educational psychology is dedicated to the study and improvement of
human learning, across the lifespan, in whatever setting it occurs.
Such settings include not only schools, but also workplaces, organized
sports, government agencies, and retirement communities – anywhere
humans are engaged in instruction and learning of some type.
Educational psychology is important because of its focus on
understanding and improving the crucial human capacity to learn.
In this mission of enhancing learning, educational psychologists seek to
assist students and teachers a like.
Submitted by
Vivek Raj Yadav
Enrolment no:POT22006813

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