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Enrolment No: POT22006813

Course Title: Principle of Teaching

Assignment for Lesson 2.4


1.Define concept of motivation?
DEFINITION Motivation and its Features Motivation is the process of
encouraging employees to help the organisation achieve its objectives. The
features of motivation are as follows. Motivation is the urge, drive, desires,
aspirations, or needs of human being, which are internal. Motivation
produces goal directed behaviour. For example, a promotion may be given to
an employee with the objective of improving his performance. Positive
motivation provides positive rewards like increase in pay, promotion,
recognition etc. Negative motivation uses negative means like punishment,
stopping increments, threatening etc.
Motivation will have a different effect on each individual.
This is because motivation is based on human behaviour.
Importance of Motivation improves performance level of employees.
It helps change indifferent attitudes to achieve the organisation's objectives.
Employee turnover is reduced which helps saves cost of recruitment.
Motivation also helps managers to introduce changes smoothly.
This is because motivated employees will not resist to change in

2.State some of the techniques adopted for motivation?

Motivation techniques are internal or external influences that contribute to
productivity, satisfaction at work and meaningful contribution to projects.
When employees need to feel excited to work harder or believe in their value
to the company, managers can use motivational tools to help encourage and
inspire their terms
1. Ask for employee input
2. Offer personal enrichment programs
3. Validate good work
4. Set intermittent goals
5. Celebrate milestones and achievements
6. Radiate positivity

3.Explain briefly the following?
A. Learning means : Learning is a relatively lasting change in
behaviour that is the result of experience. It is the acquisition of
information, knowledge When you think of learning, it's easy to focus on
formal education that takes place during childhood and early adulthood. But
learning is an ongoing process that takes place throughout life and isn't
confined to the classroom.

B. learning by interaction: Learning in social interactions with others

People often turn to others for learning. Social interaction plays an
important role in learning, and has proven to be quite effective in peer
learning, reciprocal teaching, and behaviour modelling.

C. Readiness of learn Learning readiness refers to how well equipped a

pupil is to learn, including circumstantial and environmental factors. A
student with a low readiness to learn may be encumbered by difficult
personal circumstances in his or her life, or a lower emotional or physical

D. Psychological factors - psychosocial factors are characteristics or

facets that influence an individual psychologically and/or socially. Such
factors can describe individuals in relation to their social environment and
how these affect physical and mental health
Submitted by
Vivek Raj Yadav

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