Assignment For Lesson 2.2 Law of Learning: Enrolment No: POT22006813 Course Title: Principle of Teaching

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Enrolment No: POT22006813

Course Title: Principle of Teaching

Assignment for Lesson 2.2

Law of Learning

Q1. What is learning?
Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and
behaviors through various experiences. It involves the integration of new
information with existing knowledge and the ability to apply what has been
learned in different situations.

Q2. Define the statement “Learning starts with the learner

know, but not what the teacher knows or starts”.
This statement emphasizes that learning is a learner-centered process. It
means that learners bring their own knowledge, experiences, and perspectives
to the learning process, and that teachers should build upon these to facilitate
learning. Teachers should not assume that learners have no prior knowledge
or that their own knowledge is superior to that of the learners. Instead,
teachers should strive to understand the learners’ prior knowledge and tailor
their instruction to meet the learners’ needs.

Q3. Sustaining interest for continuous learning, what are the

factors to be considered?
To sustain interest for continuous learning, the following factors should be
• Relevance: Learners are more likely to be interested in learning when they
can see the relevance of what they are learning to their lives or goals.
• Motivation: Learners are more likely to be interested in learning when they
are motivated by internal or external factors such as curiosity, interest,
rewards, or recognition.
• Challenge: Learners are more likely to be interested in learning when the
learning activities are challenging but achievable.
• Feedback: Learners are more likely to be interested in learning when they
receive feedback that helps them monitor their progress and adjust their
learning strategies.
• Collaboration: Learners are more likely to be interested in learning when they
can collaborate with others and share their ideas and perspectives.

Q4. State the factors that affect learning?
The following factors can affect learning:
Prior knowledge and experience: Learners’ prior knowledge and experience can
influence how they interpret and process new information.
• Motivation: Learners’ motivation can affect their engagement and
persistence in learning.
• Learning style: Learners’ preferred learning style can influence how they
process and retain information.
• Environment: The physical and social environment can affect learners’
comfort, focus, and ability to learn.
• Feedback: Feedback can affect learners’ self-regulation and ability to adjust
their learning strategies.
• Teaching style: Teachers’ teaching style can influence learners’ engagement,
motivation, and retention of information.
Submitted by
Vivek Raj Yadav
Enrolment no:POT22006813

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