Banzon, Nina Rose Short Story

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Beth Gobbe

By: Banzon, Nina Rose T.

A Short Story

It was January 23rd when Beth Gobble decided to run away from reality. Beth is a writer for JFL
Publishing. With too much stress and pressure, Beth decided to take a break from her work and
make things according to her plans. Beth loves to read. She was once a heavy drinker, but
because she promised herself not to drown in alcohol, she decided to buy a wine that is not too
strong but good for relaxing moments.
Beth rented an entire villa in San Francisco; it was a small island and only people who were
invited or had access could enter; fortunately, Beth had connections who pledged to give her
access; the island was named after a great bachelor named Alceste, an Italian businessman who
ruled the world of wineries and some other businesses; he was one of the top businessmen in
both Italy and New York.
Beth Gobble looked at the new book she published before she decided to forget about her work
for like an entire month. Although Beth was given a long business break, she still decided not to
use it; rather, she just took off and left a note that she'd be back soon.
Beth enjoyed her moment in Villa Estrella, the villa she rented. She drank the wine she ordered
and enjoyed the sunny, fresh air that brushed against her tan skin. She moved into a hammock
and continued to read her book, annotating some phrases, sentences, and other things.
After getting bored with reading such a long novel, she decided to walk on the shore and reflect
on her sunny surroundings. She had always loved a quiet San Francisco get-away, a calm beach,
and peaceful surroundings—just what she needed. It was a place that encouraged her to
remember that she still has a life beyond her work. She was busy reflecting on her life and what
had been missing.
Then she noticed something—or, more accurately, someone—in the distance. It was the figure of
Luke Vader. Luke is one of the bachelors she once wrote about. Luke Vader, also known as V
Entertainment's CEO, was one of the mysterious businessmen whose crimes went unpunished
because he could easily get them over.
Beth gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was shaking and anxious, knowing that this
could be a dangerous place for her to meet Luke. Her work makes her an easy target for
controversy and can destroy people’s images. Her task in her work is to unravel the secrets of
known people. Luke was one of the people she spied and put on the headline, which made his
business sink, but because Luke is a well-known person, his business flourished again. Beth’s
reason for running away from work was the threats she always received. One time, as Beth
arrived at her home in the Roadside Apartment, she was surprised to see people running after her
and trying to kidnap her. Beth also received emails, which concern her the most. She received a
death threat because of the story she published, which damages a lot of businessmen.
The sun shone, and Luke saw Beth. He stared at her, but Beth started to run away like she had
seen a ghost. Luke clenched his fist and ran after her.
Beth knew that Luke was coming after her. "Please don’t hurt me, I’m sorry," she shouted as she
kept running, but Luke didn’t reply. Then she arrived at her cabin, in her villa, where Beth feels
she’s safe.
Hours later
Beth stepped outside, and as Luke came closer, she could see the tired glint in his eye.
"I am here because I want to talk," Luke said, in an understanding tone. He pointed his finger
towards Beth. Beth couldn’t move as she was frightened of what would happen to her. "You just
destroyed me, and you run away from me?" "Do you know how many emails and texts I need to
send you just to ask you to talk to me privately?"
"You send me threats!" Luke was perplexed, she said.
"I don’t do threats, Ms. Gobble; other businessmen would do them because of your insensitive
publication; you could attract a lot of threats," Luke Vader said.
Beth was more confused; how could a cold-blooded Luke Vader care for her?
"I know I’m not a good man, Ms. Gobble, but I’m not that cold-blooded," he said.
Beth got more anxious as she saw a young woman behind Luke; she was full of anger. Luke was
more surprised when she saw her cousin, Noemi holding a knife.
"What are you doing here?" Luke asked Noemi
"Your dad asked me to get her; she needs to pay for the damage she did to our family!" Noemi
said her anger raged more as Luke defended Beth.
"Noemi, Beth is not the enemy; Dad is the enemy!" Luke told her
Beth was perplexed, and all she did was remain silent, but her gut instincts tell her to flee, and
she wonders how a person who only wrote stories and published them to ruin people has become
the source of a family feud.
Beth and Luke exchanged terrified glances, as if one of them might die or be hurt in the next
move. Beth regarded Luke's concerned gesture, and although she is still scared of Luke, she still
believes that he can protect her, but Beth’s mind was playing tricks on her. What if it's all part of
the plan, what if Luke followed her and his cousin is playing with him and acting like this?What
if this is my last moment? What about my kittens? My dogs? They were going to leave!
"Beth, run away with me," Luke whistled. Beth was shocked; she was about to open her mouth
"BETH GOBBE!" Beth awoke from her long nap when she noticed her boss and other
employees staring at her sleeping like a log inside her V entertainment industry cubicle.
"S-Sir!" Beth replied, stuttering, and fixing herself.
"I didn’t know you had a nap time on such a busy day, Ms. Gobbe," her boss Luke Vader said.
"I’m truly sorry, sir," she said.
Beth began to feel anxious as people started to murmur, and the glance from Luke Vader really
scared her to the core.
Luke just sighed and went back to his office, but before he closed the door on his office, he told
Beth to make a coffee and send the papers that needed to be signed to his office. Beth sighed as
her boss left, feeling terrible because her boss saw her sleeping and thought she looked like a
downgrade version of Cinderella.

Beth was already embarrassed about what had happened earlier; her coworker was constantly
talking about her and how she was acting unprofessionally during work hours. Even though Beth
was a new employee, she vowed to herself not to be distracted or hurt by the criticism of others.
Beth was wondering how her dream felt so real and how she felt like it had happened before.
Beth was puzzled and forgot that she was brewing the coffee her boss wanted. She did it again,
knowing her boss was familiar with his own coffee.
Beth was like a walking robot, still trying to figure out what pieces of her puzzle were missing
because she couldn't understand her current feelings. How come she woke up one day in a white
gown in Apex Medical Hospital and her life was way beyond what she felt before? Her thoughts
began to wander once more: what if it were true—is my boss the reason I'm in the hospital?
Beth exhaled once more as she passed past the folks who were still talking over her.
"Have a life, guys! Don't concentrate on me, but on the work!" she yelled at them, her colleagues
envious of how effortlessly she snatched the role of the CEO's secretary and right hand.
She entered her boss's office and placed the coffee and documents her boss had ordered on his
Luke was studying Beth's slightest action, and he wondered why he decided to hire her when
there were dozens other people who are significantly qualified for the position. Was it due of his
emotions the first time he met Beth? or was it simply because he got the unmistakable sensation
of having met her elsewhere?
Luke shoved his thoughts aside and went about his business, as they have a lot of former clients
who are trying to smear their company's reputation. Beth, on the other hand, continues her work,
repairing papers, reviewing them, and updating meeting schedules. Everything has something to
do with her responsibilities.
Although Beth had many concerns regarding her past before waking up in the hospital, she was
grateful for having a job and continued her life.
"Will my life be the same even if I don't recognize myself?" Or will it take an unexpected turn? "
She pondered 


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