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Research Methodology


Hypothesis Formulation & Questionnaire Design

Done by,
Shrikaran Beecharaju: 1920672
Chandan Perla: 1920620
Manish Kumar: 1920676
Riwaz Shrestha: 1920623
Jubil Mathew: 1820615
Research Topic: International Brand Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Objectives of the study:
• To find whether Local Consumers prefer Local Brands over International
Brands due to their Brand Image.
• To understand the tendency of Local Consumers assuming Foreign Brands to
be better over the Native Brands.
• To find out whether the Marketing Strategies of International Brands
influence the foreign consumers to prefer them over the local brands?


1H0: Local Consumers prefer Local Brands over International Brands due to their Brand Image.

1H1: Local Consumers do not prefer Local Brands over International Brands due to their Brand

2H0: International Brands differentiate their marketing strategies for different Foreign Markets.

2H1: International brands do not differentiate their marketing strategies for Foreign Markets.

3H0: Marketing Strategies of International Brands influence the foreign consumers to prefer
them over the local brands?

3H1: Marketing Strategies of International Brands Do not influence the foreign consumers to
prefer them over the local brands?

1. Name:

Place of Residence:


A. 0 - 15 years old
B. 15 - 30 years old
C. 30 - 45 years old
D. 45+


A. Male
B. Female
C. Prefer not to answer


2. Do you often tend to perceive that international brands have better quality than
the local brands?
o Sometimes
o No

3. Does country of origin effect your project purchase decision

o Sometimes
o No
4. Do you use Local products because they are most available?

o Yes
o Sometimes
o No

5. Are you influenced by products that your friends and family talk about?
o Yes
o Sometimes
o No

6. Do you ever research about the international brands that you see in
o Yes
o No
o Sometimes.

7. Would you consider buying products that you have seen in advertisements?
o Yes
o No
o Sometimes

8. Do Celebrities Endorsements Influence you and makes you want to buy the
o Yes
o Sometimes
o No
9. Does association of product with a particular attribute of a company lead to
preference of products?

o Yes
o Sometimes
o No

10. What is the proportion of Indian to Foreign products in your house?

o 20:80
o 50:50
o 60:40
o other

11. Do you think Indian brands follow certain value and belief systems adhering
to India?
o Yes
o Can’t say
o No

12. Do you think Foreign brand’s values and beliefs align to India?
o Yes
o Can’t say
o No
13.From which of the following brands would you prefer to buy clothes, given
the price and quality are same.
o Raymond
o Allen Solly
o H&M

14. What brands or products provide self-esteem to you?

o Locally recognized
o Nationally recognized
o Internationally recognized
o Can’t say

15.Rank the following brands to your preference in the food and beverage
A) Reliance fresh
1 2 3 4 5
B) Walmart
1 2 3 4 5
C) DMart
1 2 3 4 5
D) Best Buy
1 2 3 4 5
E) Local vendor
1 2 3 4 5
16.Rank the following Global and Local brands based on your preference of
Image and Recognition?
A) Zebronics
1 2 3 4 5
B) Sony
1 2 3 4 5
C) BoAt
1 2 3 4 5
D) Bose
1 2 3 4 5
E) Sennheiser
1 2 3 4 5

17. Which brand’s product do you prefer to buy based on their Advertisement

A) Amul
1 2 3 4 5
B) Mother Dairy
1 2 3 4 5
C) Nestlé
1 2 3 4 5
D) Danone
1 2 3 4 5

E) Local Vendors
1 2 3 4 5
18.Rank the brands based on your perspective of Indian consumers interest?
Mahindra & Mahindra
Maruti Suzuki

19.What Brand do you think is better in running their advertisement campaigns?

Mobile phones:

20. Rank the companies based on their consistency of their services across

21.Rank the Cafes based on their Brand popularity

Café Chain:
Café Coffee Day
Costa Coffee
Indian Coffee House
Note: Rank these Brands 1-5 (1 being your highest priority and 5 being your lowest priority)
22.What do you think brands should improve in terms of attracting more local
23. When you make a decision between a Local or Globally reputed brand, what
comes in mind choosing one over the other given Price, Quality and Utility
are same?
24. Imagine moving to a foreign country and your countries local brands are not
available, Does your favorite local brand change?
25. How do you differentiate Indian brands with foreign competitors?

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