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Design of Sto] Bridges | (LectureNotes) __4* Year Civ (Structural Section) = CES 44] ___ PALL. 2022 Example (1): For the designed bridge of span 28.0 ms, design the cross girder and the main girder as welded built-up I-sections using Steel 44, knowing that: 1) For eross girder ‘My = 435.645 mt Qu =146.7721, ‘Mrz, Raigue~52.734 mt. (0. = 2.433) 2) For main girder (Deck Bridge) My = 2320 m.t, Qu = 333.94, Mur, rate 221.775 m.t. (4 = 2.00) DESIGN OF CROSS GIRDER 1) Choice of web plate: Assume hy=B/(7-99) =1200/8= 150.em. __ [use vertical stiffener only at each stringer] h, 150 Assume ¢, =<» = 150 __y 95 41.15 stim’ fy = 799-5130 1209130 hhw = 1.50 m Choose ty = 12 mm \ Vertical stiffener 20m a ation of flange plates: T= C = My/(0.98 hy) = 435.645* 1000.98" 150) = 297t ‘The compression flange is laterally braced by R.C. slab, so: Assume $*F,= 0.80 Fy +. Area of flange = (dy +Aygo/6) = (T or C)/ (0.80 F3) Ape (T/O.8Fy) — Ayes/6 =(297/0.842.8) — (150*1.2/6 = 102.6 ont? = (bp x ta) ~ Assume flange plate width = b= (0.2-0.25) hy = 40 em, cute Agbp= 102.6 / 40= 2.55 om >t 26 mm = Orassume flange plate width = b= 20 ta i026 £102 = 20 te* > ty 2.26 cm== 24 mm. c-br= 102.6 /2.4 = 43 em 2 Choose flange plate 400 x 26 aie b, = 400m 2h, /6 = 2.6 em 21.1 t, =132 om Prof Ahmed Hassan youser Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 25 Properties of section: Tq =2*[40(2.69°/12 +(40* 2.6)*(75 + 1.37] + 12° 50/12= 1.548818 om? Sy= 1.5488*10°/ (75 +2.6)= 19958 om? This check is not required if RC. slab is connected directly to top flange of cross girder. b. Web Bend-Buckling Resistance For webs without longitudinal stiffeners, bend-buckling coefficient is equal: 9 9 Soop ye 86 (ath,y (0.5) So, the nominal bend-buckling resistance shall be taken as: 1p, HOE aston? 2 ok (%) (2) Ves 412 cc. Web Load Shedding Factor, Rec: For webs without longitudinal stiffeners: (h)=h, _150_ t, 12 125 [F, =155 —>Rpo=1.0 d. Check of bending stresses: =2183 Vem < 6, F,= b, F, = 0.80" 2.80 = 2.241/ cm? e. Check of Fatigue: M we ratigue 52.734*100 “Yop Q. DyAcp)= a * Mt = 24334 STO =0.643 Hom™ <(1.25/1,35)=0.926 tiem? Prof Ahmed Hassan yousef Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 26 f. Check of shear stresses: k, = shear-buekling coefficient, [é] hy 150195 > ag |& 48 )2 8-80, 12 En 28 i AB TR, Fy YF 125V28 fh CV, =C*9,*(0.58F,,h 1.) » Vertical stiffener 1, =0.64* 0.85 * (0.58*2.8*150*1.2)=159.25 ¢ > V,=Q, =146.772 t g. Check of deflection (duc to live load only) as before: Gace $B. = Span! 600 h. Design the fillet weld between flanges and web plate: 146.77: aan eee Oe E26) 0952 tliem %q=2%a* Lom"0.462 fa 0.752 t/em = a* Lom" 4624.4 Get throat of weld (a) =0.18 cm Choose minimum throat of weld ain= 4 mm Comparison between the weight of rolled and built-up section of the cross girder: Weight of rolled section [B.F.LB 1000+2 plates 260x18] =314+226"1.8*7850* 10" = 387 kg/m Weight of built-up section [Web plate 1500x12+ 2 Flange plates 400x26] = (150*1.2+2*40*2.6)*7850"10" = 304 kg/m % saving of material = (387-304)*100/ 304 = 27% Prof Ahmed Hassan youser Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 27 Design of Sto] Bridges | (Lecture Notes) _4* Year Civ (Structural Section) = CES 44] __ PALL. 2022 DESIGN OF MAIN GIRDER 11 Choice of web plate: Assume hy=L/(10-12) =2800'10 = 280 em. [Usevertical stiffener each (4.667/3)=1.555m and horizontal stiffener at (hw/5)] frws6)- 036m |, Horizontal stiffener Ansurns feo Orgy 220 250 220 z 7 ; hw = 2.80 ml Chense'ty— 14 min ee 1.555 m 21 Estimation of flange plates: My = 2320 m.t T= C =M,y/(0.98 hg) = 2320#100/(0.98*280) = 845.5 t For Deck Bridge, the compression flange is laterally braced by R.C. slab, so: Assume GF y= 0.80 Fy «. Area of flange = (Ay +Awet/6) = (T or Cy (0.80 Fy) AP (C.F) — Ayes/6 =(845.5/0.8"2.8) — (280*1.4)/6 = 312 cm Assume flange plate width = b= 20 ta 2312 = 20 ta * tty = = 3.95 em—t- 40 mm ssbp= 312 /4.0 = 80. em s+ Choose flange plate 800 x 40 80. Feqr iO < 12, by = 800m 2h, 16 = 46.7 om Flange Proportions: 1, =4.0 cm21.1 1, =154 om Properties of section: I, =2*[80*(4.0)°/12+(80* 4.0)*(140+2.07] + 1.4%(280)°/12= 15.467*10 cm? 15.467410P (140 +4.0)= 107408.9 cm? Prof Ahmed Hassan youser Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 28 dive eps 2 a. Local Buckling Resistance and L.T-B. resistance of Compression Flange No checks as the compression flange is continuously braced by R.C. slab. b, Web Bend-Buckling Resistance For webs with longitudinal stiffeners, bend-buckling coefficient (&) is equal: 0.2inw 04204, 3.17 5.17 9 9 Tiny Wah, ih, * Gn, F O5h, Th) > k= i & So, the nominal bend-buckling resistance shall be taken as: 1890 k _ 1890 *129.25 ay (280) Fal 14) Ferw = 1 vem? > Fy ok, ‘Web bend-buckling resistance is not critical as it is greater than yield stress. Web Load Shedding Factor. Rj For webs with longitudinal stiffeners: hy 28 oi dg [4 POS q 1A 200543 % 43, Os 292 >Rrg= 1.0 d. Check of bending stresses: My _ 2320*100 5, 1074089 to I6vem* < $, B, =0.80*2.80=2.241/em? ‘Also, bending stress on tension shall be checked considering flange Lateral bending stress (/;) on lower tension flange ©. Check of Fatigue: Maze 4 21.775 *100 Ss 107408.9 Ye 0. D2Non) 2 0.413 t/em® ~(1.25/1.35)=0.926 tem™ f. Check of shear stresses: ks= shear-buckling coefficient Prof Ahmed Hassan yousef Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 29 280 390 > 48 14 eae AYE, 2009 2.8 — 4 V,=CV,=C*9,*(0.58F,ht,) 0.66% 0.85 * (0.58*2.8*28) *1.4) =357.45 ¢ > V,=Q, =3339 1 & iv ctthancide ' i vest cant bs1340 900! a¢o. 80 1 Sponof Bride L=280m Using the well known formulas: 6, as 5 Wp *L! | Rtb* GL —48*) omer = 394 Be, TET, 29* 28.0% *10% 4 42.50 413.4 *G*28" - 413.4)" 108 4 2100*15.467* 10° 24*2100*15.467*10° nif 5 =1.1+1.2=23em 6, = 2800/600 = 4.667em h. Design the fillet weld between flanges and web plate: 2. 333.9 Te 15.4677 10° %y =2*a* Lom "0.402 fi (80* 4.0) * (280/2 +4.0/2) = 0.995 t/om 0.995 = a Lem*0.462"4.4 Get throat of weld (a) =0.25em Choose minimum throat of Weld ain= 6 mm Prof Ahmed Hassan yousef Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 30 Dienst Beni cms FALL Example 2): Redesign the above example considering the bridge of span 28.0 ms as a pony bridge and use the same factored straining actions. Check the same cross section that used in Deck Bridge: Web plate 280X14 and Flange plate 800 x 40 a, Local Buckling Resistance of Compression Flange 4, 800 Apacs = a b = SARE TENE 03 om ht * fete) ofa ug i } tsar) mo mi 3.40 L,= 45 n/V28 = 566 em. 2800/6 ty 4 Le 172 y/¥2-8 =2164 om = 566 om ke So, the nominal bend-buckling resistance shall be taken as: ee ill Vaio, OK. @) d. Web Load Shedding Factor, Rro: For webs with longitudinal stiffeners: F280 999 243 |E = 43 $1295 292 srpo= 1.0 4 14 F 28 e. Check of bending stresses: fat thi < OF Flange Lateral Bending Stress {fj om?) ‘Assume the bridge is in Cairo, and so the wind velocity is equal V = 33 m/sec. The basic wind pressure (q) can be calculated as follows: sp Ce = 0,05" 1.25337 1.2"1.0= 82 kg/m” 4 =0.05p W int upper serge = 4 * (Iyy + 269/2=0.082* 2.88/2 =0.12 tim ‘Assume the upper flange is continuously supported at each U-Frame; the lateral bending moment on upper flange is equal: 4.6677 =0.12* =0.26 mt M art on Top Fone M 26 f= ie = = 0,006 t/cm? <0.60F, (B16 (4*80°)/6 7 So: 1 2320 100 159.906 = 2.162 t/om* © Oy F,. = 0.80 * (0.9524 * 2.80) = 2.1331 / cm? Fut 3h = T074089 3 . ‘The difference is almost 1.2% which can be accepted. Else, an increase in flange width can be carried out to decrease the acting bending stresses. Finally, check of fatigue stresses, shear stresses, deflection as well as the design of weld between web and flanges can be carried out as in Deck Bridge example. Prof Ahmed Hassan yousef Roadway Bridge: Main Girder-1 32

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