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Name : Muhammad Naufal Kurniawan

NIM : 2201421074

+ In what spellings or letters do English central vowels exist?

- But / bʌt/ /ʌ/

The word but, the letter u refers to the English central vowels /ʌ/
- Protection /prəˈtɛkʃən/ /ə/
The word Protection, the letter e refers to the English central vowels /ə/
- Furry /ˈfɜːri/ /ɜ:/
The word Furry, the letter u refers to the English central vowels /ɜ:/

+ Look at video 3 and 4. They give you some examples of the English words, please find other words.

Sound /ə/

1. Local /ˈləʊkl ̩/
2. Second /ˈsɛkənd/
3. general /ˈd͡ʒɛnɹəl/
4. perhaps /pəˈhæps/
5. order /ˈɔːdə/
6. home /(h)əʊm/
7. development /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/
8. personal /ˈpɜː.sən.əl/
9. former /ˈfɔɹmɚ/
10. paper /ˈpeɪpə/
11. decision /dɪˈsɪʒən/
12. figure /ˈfɪɡjɚ/

Sound /ɜ:/

1. certainly /ˈsɝtn̩ li/

2. personal /ˈpɜː.sən.əl/
3. university /juːnɪˈvɜːsətiː/
4. herself /hɜːˈsɛlf/
5. /əsɛlf/
6. girl /ˈɡɜːl/
7. per /pɜː(ɹ)/
8. term /tɜːm/
9. chairman /ˈtʃɛːmən/
10. concern /kənˈsɝn/
11. purpose /ˈpɝpəs/
12. surface /ˈsɝːfɪs/
13. firm /fɜɹm/
14. /fɝm/
15. version /ˈvɝʒən/
16. survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/
17. return /ɹɪˈtɜːn/
18. network /nɛtwɜːk/
19. carefully /ˈkɛːfəli/

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