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No To Jeepney Phaseout!

Argument: The Jeepney modernization program was organized by the Land

Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board LTFRB in 2015. The program revolves
around a government initiative to improve Jeepney vehicles to make them safer.

Evidence: The Duterte administration’s “Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program”

wants the public transport system to go green with efficiency in mind by phasing out

So What Is Jeepney? sometimes called jeeps are minibus-like public utility vehicles,

serving as the most popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They are
known for their crowded seating and wall art decorations, which have become a
widespread symbol of Philippine culture and art. The jeepney is the cheapest way to
commute in the Philippines. Because of its open rear door design, picking up and
dropping off is easy for both passengers and drivers, they can stop anywhere unlike

In my own opinion, Jeepney is not just minibus or utility transport. jeepneys are part of
our culture that we need to take care of we don’t need that modernized jeepneys it’s
convenient, but the pair is too expensive, and many people can’t afford to ride a
jeepney but the old jeepney Costing just 12 pesos a ride compared to 30 pesos
modernized jeepney. The old rusty jeepney provides an affordable alternative to
Filipino commuters

Arguments for retaining jeepneys:

1. Accessibility: Jeepneys are an affordable mode of public transportation for many
people, especially those living in rural areas or with lower incomes. Phasing them out
could make public transportation less accessible to these communities.
2. Cultural significance: Jeepneys are an iconic symbol of Filipino culture and identity,
and many people feel a strong attachment to them. Retaining jeepneys can help preserve
this cultural heritage.
3. Livelihoods: Many people rely on the jeepney industry for their livelihoods, from
drivers to mechanics to parts suppliers. Phasing them out could have a negative impact on
these individuals and their communities.


In conclusion, the decision to phase out or retain jeepneys should take into account a
range of factors, including environmental impact, safety, accessibility, cultural
significance, and economic considerations. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on
the specific context of the country and its public transportation system. A balanced
approach that takes into account both the benefits and drawbacks of jeepneys could be the
best course of action.


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