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Top 50 Ancient History

Group D, NTPC, BPSC, Railway, NDA & UPSC

👉 Battle Of 10 Kings → Rigveda Top MCQ
👉 Fahien → Chandragupta ll
👉 Gayatrimantra → 10 Mandala

👉 Book : Rajatarangini → Kalhan

👉 Harappan Civilization → 1921 (Indus River)
On which river bank, the Vedic civilization flourished?
वै दक स यता कस नद के तट पर वक सत ई थी?

A) Godavari 🔰Vedic the

civilization flourished along
river Saraswati.
B) Mahanadi
C) Saraswati The Vedic Period is estimated to be
D) Krishna Ans :C from 1500 BC and 500 BC.

सकं दर और पोरस क सेना ने इस नद के वपरीत कनारे पर डेरा डाला था?
Alexander and the army of Porus camped on the opposite banks of this river?

A) Ravi 🔰 The Battle of the Hydaspes was

fought between Alexander the Great
B) Jhelum
and Porus in May of 326 BC.
C) Sutlej
D) Chenab Ans :B It took place on the banks of the
Hydaspes River in Punjab, as part of
Alexander's Indian campaign.

भारत के कस रा य म दाओजली है डग नामक नवपाषाण ल त है?
In which state of India, Neolithic site named Daojali Hading is located?

A) Assam 🔰Daojali handing is an important

Neolithic site in Assam.
B) Meghalaya
C) Jammu and Kashmir Excavated in 1961-63 by a team led by
D) Karnataka Ans :A M C Goswami and T C Sharma, it is the
first stratified neolithic site discovered
in Northeast India.

क लग का यु कब आ था?
When did the battle of Kalinga take place?

🔰•The Battle of261Kalinga took place in

a) 261 BC BC.
b) 262 BC
c) 263 BC Ans :A •Between Emperor Ashoka and King
Ananta Padmanabhan of
d) 264 BC Kalinga.
•Result-Emperor Ashoka I defeated
King Ananta Padmanabhan of Kalinga.

गौतम बु कस कु ल के थे?
Gautam Buddha belonged to which clan?

A) Kuru 🔰He was called Siddhartha Gautama

in his childhood.
B) Sakya
C) Maurya His father was king Śuddhodana,
D) Gnathrika Ans :B leader of the Shakya clan in what was
the growing state of Kosala, and his
mother was queen Maya.

सधु घाट स यता का कालीबंगन कसके लए स है?
Kalibangan, from the Indus Valley Civilization is famous for which of the

A) Pottery 🔰It is famous for pottery and

black bangles.
B) Sea Port
C) Rock Cut architecture It was an industrial site the sign
D) Cotton Cultivation of ploughed field, fire altars and
Ans :A couple buried is founded.

हाइडे ेस का यु कब आ था?
When did the Battle of Hydaspes take place?

🔰Parties: Alexander against Porus

a) 325 BC
•Result: Greek victory
b) 326 BC Ans :B •Location: Banks of the Jhelum
c) 328 BC (Hydaspes to the Greeks), Punjab
d) 339 BC (Pakistan)
•Year: 326 BCE

ब बसार का सरा नाम या था ?
What was the other name of Bimbisara?

[A] Shrenika 🔰 As per the Jain literature, Bimbisara

(who was the real founder of Haryanka
[B] Ekarat
dynasty) was also known as Shrenika.
[C] Sarvakshatrantaka
[D] Shalimal Ans :A

कस यूनानी लेखक ने चं गु त मौय को 'स ोकोटस' कहा था?
Which Greek writer called Chandragupta Maurya as ‘Sandrocottus’?

A. Justin 🔰had•Justin, the Greek writer of “Epitome”

mentioned Chandragupta Maurya
B. Plani
as Sandrocottus.
C. Megasthanese
D. Satro Ans :A •It was identified by William Jones.

न न ल खत म से कसे 'मानव जा त का पालना' कहा जाता है ?
Among the following which is called the 'Cradle of humankind' ?

(a) Asia continent 🔰 Africa is called the Cradle of

Humankind because human life
(b) Europe continent
originated there.
(c) Australia continent
(d) Africa continent Ans : d The name applies more specifically to
a region in South Africa where fossil
remains of several human ancestors
have been found.

हषवधन के शासनकाल म कौन-सा चीनी या ी भारत आया था?
Which Chinese traveller came in India during the reign of Harshavardhana?

(a) Fahien 🔰 Hiuen Tsang (also known as

Xuanzang) was a Buddhist Monk and
(b) Itsing
traveler who visited India in the 7th
(c) Megasthenese
(d) Hiuen Tsang Ans :D Century during the reign of King
Harshavardhana, or Harsha I.

क हण क पु तक का नाम या है ?
What is the name of Kalhana's book ?

(a) Arthashashtra 🔰composed

Kalhana was a great poet who
a long Sanskrit poem
(b) Indica
containing the history of kings who
(c) Purana
(d) Rajatarangini Ans : d ruled over Kashmir.

Also Arthshastra- Chanakya

Indica - Megasthanese

And Puranas have various writers so

can arrive at answer by elimination

न न ल खत म से सबसे पुराना सा ा य कौन सा है?
Which among the following is the oldest empire?

A. Gupta 🔰•The Mauryan Empire was the first

pan-Indian empire.
B. Maurya
C. Vardhan •It covered most of the Indian region
D. Kushan Ans :B and was founded around 321 B.C.E.

चं गु त तीय के शासनकाल म न न ल खत म से कौन सा वदे शी या ी भारत आया था?
Who among the following foreign traveller came to India during the reign of
Chandragupta II?

Fa-hein, the first Chinese Buddhist
[A] Hiuen-Tsang and monk, came to India
[B] Fa Hein Ans :B during the reign of Gupta emperor
Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya).
[C] Megasthenes
[D] Ibn Batuta And wrote the book “Si-Yu-Ki” that
gives the detail account of the political
and social condition of that time.

सध का यु कब आ था?
When did the war of Sindh take place?

a) 711 AD 🔰The Battleinof712Sindh

took place
b) 712 AD
c) 713 AD
Ans :B • Between : Raja Dahir &
d) 714 AD • Muhammad Qasim

कस वेद म दस राजा या दसराज यु क लड़ाई लड़ी गई थी ?
In which veda, the Battle of the Ten Kings or Dasarajna Yuddha was fought ?

A. Rig Veda 🔰 •Parties: Vedic Kingdoms of the

Bharatas against the Trtsu-Bharata
B. Sam Veda
C. Yajur ved
D. Sama ved Ans : A •Location: Near River Ravi (ancient
Parushni river), Punjab
•Year: 14th century BCE
•Source: Rig Veda

काबन-डे टग णाली का वकास कसने कया ?
Who developed Carbon-Dating system ?

(a) Herodotus 🔰 In 1946, Willard Libby (1908–1980)

developed a method for dating organic
(b) Hegel
materials by measuring their content of
(c) V.A. Smith
(d) Willard Libby. Ans : d carbon-14, a radioactive isotope of

स गाय ीमं को संबो धत कया जाता है ?
The famous Gayatrimantra is addressed to ?

(a) Indra. 🔰 The Gāyatrī Mantra also known as

the Sāvitri Mantra, is a highly revered
(b) Varuna
mantra from the Rig Veda dedicated to
(c) Pashupati.
(d) Savitri Ans : d the Vedic deity Savitri.

The third Mandal of Rigveda contains

the Gayatri Mantra which was
compiled in the praise of sun god

It was composed by sage Vishwamitra.

'महाभा य' के रच यता का नाम है-
The name of composer of 'Mahabhashya' is-

(a) Kautilya 🔰It was written during the Shunga

(b) Patanjali
(c) Kalidasa It is a commentary on selected rules
(d) Bharavi Ans :b of Sanskrit grammar from Paṇini's
treatise, the 'Ashtadhyayi', as well as
Katyayana's 'Varttika', an elaboration of
Paṇini's grammar.

It is dated to the 2nd century BCE.

न न ल खत म से कस वेद का संकलन सबसे पहले कया गया?
Which of the following Vedas compiled first?

(a) Rigveda 🔰Sanskrit

The Rig Veda is a collection of Vedic
hymns counted among the
(b) Samaveda
four Hindu religious texts known as the
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda Ans :A Vedas.

The Rig Veda was likely composed

between roughly 1700–1100 BCE,
making it one of the oldest texts of any
Indo-Iranian language, one of the
world's oldest religious texts.

मौय सा ा य के सं ापक कौन थे?
Who was the founder of Mauryan empire?

A. Chandragupta Maurya 🔰The Mauryan Empire's first leader,

Chandragupta Maurya, started
B. Bindusara
consolidating land as Alexander the
C. Ashoka
D. Rudradaman Ans :A Great's power began to wane.
Alexander's death in 323 B.C.E.

सातवाहन के समय के अ धकांश स के कस धातु के बने थे?
The mostly coins of Satavahana's time were made of which metal ?

(a) Lead 🔰 The coins of Satavahanas were

excavated from Deccan, western India,
(b) Potin
Vidarbha, western and the Eastern
(c) Copper
(d) Gold Ans :A Ghats etc.

They were made up of lead, potin, silver,

and copper in different shapes such as
Round, Square, and Rectangular.

न न ल खत म से कौन सा वेद जा मं और जा टोना से संबं धत है?
Which of the following Vedas deals with magic spells and witchcraft?

(a) Rigveda. 🔰hymns

The Atharvaveda Samhita contains
many of which were charms,
(b) Samaveda
magic spells and incantations meant to
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Atharvaveda Ans :D be pronounced by the person who
seeks some benefit, or more often by a
sorcerer who would say it on his or her

अंकोरवाट मं दर कस दे श म त है?
In which country is the Angkor-vat temple located?

(a) Vietnam 🔰 Angkor Wat, temple complex at

Angkor, near Siĕmréab, Cambodia, that
(c) Indonesia
was built in the 12th century by King
(b) Tibbet
(d) Combodia Ans :D Suryavarman II.

The vast religious complex of Angkor

Wat comprises more than a thousand
buildings, and it is one of the great
cultural wonders of the world.

बमा को ाचीन भारत के लोग कस नाम से जानते थे?
By which name Burma was known to the people of Iancient India?

(a) Suvarnabhoomi 🔰 Although it seems to cover vast

region in Southeast Asia, it is generally
(b) Suvarnadweep
accepted that the name Suvarnabhumi
(c) Yavdweep
(d) Pralayamandalam Ans :A was first used to refer more specifically
to Lower Burma. Another term which
was used by the ancient Indians is
Suvarnadvipa which means the
“Golden Peninsula/Island”.

मोहनजोदड़ो और हड़ पा क खुदाई कसके ारा दे खी गई थी-
Excavation of Mohanjodaro and Harappa was vised by

(a) Lord Macaulay 🔰civilisation

Years after the Indus Valley
declined, two
(b) Sir John Marshall*
archaeologists, Dayaram Sahni and R.D.
(c) Lord Clive
(d) Colonel Todd Ans :B Banerjee, led the excavations at
Harappa and Mohenjo-daro
respectively. They found whole cities
buried there with seals, artifacts, and

भीमबेटका कसके लए स है?
Bhimbetka is famous for?

(a) Cave painting* 🔰 Bhimbetka rock shelters were

included in the list of UNESCO World
(b) Minerals
Heritage Sites in 2003. They are
(c) Buddhist idols
(d) Origin of Son river Ans :A famous worldwide for their cave
paintings that provide evidence of
human civilization during 8,000 B.C.

न न ल खत म से कौन सी-यू-क के लेखक थे?
Which of the following was the author of Si-Yu-Ki?

[A] Fa-Hein 🔰 The Chinese pilgrim Hsuan Tsang

visited India during the time of Harsha.
[B] Hsuan Tsang*
He is also known as the Prince of
[C] I-tsing
[D] None of the above Ans :B Travelers and is the author of Si-Yu-Ki.
He visited India during 629–644 CE.

बु ने अपना अं तम भोजन न न ल खत म से कस महाजनपद क राजधानी म कया था?
Buddha took his last meal in the capital city of which of the following

[A] Mallas* 🔰 Mallas was one of the sixteen

mahajanapada of the sixth century BCE.
[B] Vajji
[C] Cheti Ans :A Its capitals were Kushinara and Pava. It
was at Pava where Buddha took his
[D] Vatsa last meal and was taken ill.

न न ल खत म से कस नद का वणन ऋ वेद म सवा धक मलता है?
Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda?

[A] Sindhu* 🔰 The most mentioned river in

Rigveda is Indus river, followed by
[B] Chenab
Saraswati. Moreover the Yamuna is
[C] Saraswati
[D] Ganga Ans :A mentioned three times and Ganga is
mentioned once in Rig Veda.

लनी ारा ल खत पु तक का नाम है ?
The name of the book authored by Pliny is ?

(a) Histories*
(b) Naturulis Historica
(c) Geographia
(d) Geography Ans : a

समु गु त के दरबारी क व कौन थे ?
Who was the court poet of Samudra Gupta ?

A) Aryabhatta 🔰 Samudragugta (Indian Napoleon):

Harisena was his court poet who wrote
B) Harisena*
Allahabad Prashasti and gave a
C) Asvaghosha
D) Nagarjuna Ans : B detailed account of his conquests.

व के थम तैल च न न ल खत म से कस दे श म पाए गए ह?
World’s first oil paintings have been found in which of the following
[A] India
[B] Pakistan
[C] Afghanistan*
🔰World’s first oil painting were found
in Bamiyan caves in Afghanistan .
[D] Iran Ans :C

से यु सड-मौय यु कब लड़ा गया था?
When did the Seleucid-Mauryan War was fought?

A. 315 and 303 BCE 🔰•Parties: Chandragupta Maurya

against Seleucus I Nicator
B. 355 and 333 BCE
••Result: Mauryan victory
C. 305 and 303 BCE*
D. 325 and 313 BCE Ans :C •Location: Northwestern India (Indus
River Valley)
••Year: Between 305 and 303 BCE

न न ल खत म से कस नद का वणन ऋ वेद म सवा धक मलता है ?
Which among the following river is most described in Rig-Veda ?

[A] Sindhu* 🔰 The word ‘Veda’ means knowledge.

There are four vedas namely: Rigveda,
[B] Chenab
Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda.
[C] Saraswati
[D] Ganga Ans : A Among these, Rigveda is the most
ancient one. These vedas were in
Sanskrit and were in the oral form for
thousands of years. The river
Saraswathi is frequently mentioned in

क न क के शासनकाल म कस बौ संगी त का आयोजन आ था ?
Which Buddhist council was held during the reign of Kanishka ?

[A] 1st 🔰 The Fourth Buddhist Council was

held at Kundalvana, Kashmir in 72 AD
[B] 2nd
under the patronage of Kushan king
[C] 3rd
[D] 4th* Ans : D Kanishka and the president of this
council was Vasumitra, with
Aśvaghosa as his deputy. This council
distinctly divided the Buddhism into 2
sects Mahayana & Hinayana.

सधु घाट के लोग कसके साथ ापार करते थे ?
The Indus Valley people traded with the ?

(a) Chinese 🔰withTheforeign

Harappan people used to trade
lands traveling through
(b) Mesopotamians*
seas. The seaports found in Harappan
(c) Parthians
(d) Romans Ans : b civilization state that they were not
bound to their own territories. They had
traded with Iran and Afghanistan for
Minerals, while Lead and Copper were
exported from India.

न न ल खत म से कस शासक को अ सर 'भारतीय इ तहास का पहला सा ा य नमाता' कहा
जाता है?
.Which among the following rulers is often described as ‘the first empire
builder of Indian History’?

[A] Dhanananda
Mahapadma is called the “first
emperor of India.”
[B] Mahapadmananda* Ans :B Mahapadma expanded his empire to
[C] Bimbisara include a larger part of northern India.
[D] Chandragupta Maurya The Nandas were the first Non-
Kshatriya rulers in India. The Nandas
made the methodical collection of
taxes by regularly appointed officials a
part of their administrative system.
फा ान कसके शासनकाल म भारत आया था ?
Fahien came to India during whose reign ?

(a) Chandragupta-I 🔰Fa-Hien was a Chinese pilgrim who

visited India during the reign of
(b) Ashoka
Chandragupta II on a religious mission.
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Chandragupta-II*. Ans : d He traveled by foot from China to India
and returned by sea route.

सधु घाट स यता के लोग आमतौर पर अपने घर बनाते थे ?
The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of ?

(a) pucca bricks* 🔰 The houses were built from burnt

bricks. The uniform measurements of
(b) stone
these bricks, found in this culture in
(c) wood
(d) all of these Ans : a many cities, are remarkable.

न न ल खत म से रोमन स के कस ान से ा त ए ह?
Among the following from which place the Roman coins have been found?

(a) Delhi 🔰Ancient Roman coins have been

found in the coastal town of
(b) Agra
Arikamedu, Tamil Nadu.
(c) Jaipur
(d) Arikmendu* Ans :D Archaeologists have discovered a 2,
100-year-old Roman coin and five
Roman coins used 1,700 years ago,
along with some artefacts, pointing to
the evidence of trade conducted by the
Romans in the region.

ऋ वै दक दासराजन यु (दस राजा क लड़ाई) म भरत कस तट पर वजेता बनकर उभरे ?
In the Rigvedic Dasrajan Yudha (Battle of Ten Kings) the Bharatas emerged
winner at the bank of __ ?
[A] The Indus River 🔰 According to Rigveda,the famous
battle of ten kings ( or Dasrajan Yudha)
[B] The Saraswati River
was between Sudas, a Bharata king of
[C] The Sutlej River
[D] The Parushni River* Ans : D the Tritsu family and the confederacy
of ten well-known tribes- Puru, Yadu,
Turvasa, Anu, Druhyu, Alina, Paktha ,
Bhalanas,Shiva and Vishanin.

हड़ पा स यता क खोज कस वष ई थी ?
The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year ?

(a) 1901 🔰1921

The civilization was first identified in
at Harappa in the Punjab region
(b) 1921*
and then in 1922 at Mohenjo-daro
(c) 1935
(d) 1946 Ans : b (Mohenjodaro), near the Indus River in
the Sindh (Sind) region. Both sites are
in present-day Pakistan, in Punjab and
Sindh provinces, respectively.

न न ल खत म से कसने भारत म सबसे शु सोने के स के जारी कए?
Among the following who issued the purest gold coins in India?

(a) Kushanas* 🔰 Kushan Dynasty is known for its

purest gold coins. Kushans were Indo-
(b) Indo-bactrians
Greek, ruled in northwest India. The
(c) Sakas
(d) Guptas Ans :A Kushana Dynasty came up with a
revolution in the coinage of the country.
Coins of Kushans got the place among
the rare coins of the world.

न न ल खत म से कौन सी सं कृ त सोहन सं कृ त का सरा नाम है ?
Which of the following cultures is the other name of Sohan culture ?

(a) Paleolithic culture*

(b) Mesolithic culture
(c) Neolithic culture
(d) Chalco-lithic culture Ans : a

भारत म ारं भक पाषाण युग के अ धकांश उपकरण, कससे बने थे ?
The Majority of Early stone Age tools, in India, were made of ?

(a) Quartzite* 🔰hand

The main tool types of this era were
axes and cleavers, along with
(b) Steatite
chopper-chopping tools. These were
(c) Agate
(d) Carnelian Ans : a made on cores as well as flakes. The
raw materials used for making the
stone tools were largely of different
kinds of stones, including quartzite,
chert, and sometimes even quartz and

भारतीय अ भयान के दौरान गजनी के महमूद के साथ आने वाला मु लम व ान था?
The muslim scholar, who accompanied Mahmud of Ghazni, during the
Indian expedition was?

(a) Al Beruni* 🔰Most

In 1017, Mahmud of Ghazni took Rey.
(b) Ibn Batuta Ans :A scholars, including al-Biruni, were
(c) Amir Khusru taken to Ghazni, the capital of the
Ghaznavid dynasty. Biruni was made
(d) Firisthta
court astrologer and accompanied
Mahmud on his invasions into India,
living there for a few years.

न न ल खत म से कसे भारत म 'पूव-ऐ तहा सक पुरात व का जनक' कहा जाता है ?
Among the following who is known as the 'Father of Pre-Historic Archeology'
in India ?
(a) H.D. Sankalia 🔰
Robert Bruce Foote was a British
geologist and archaeologist who
(b) A. Cunninghum
conducted geological surveys of
(c) F. R. Alchin
(d) Robert Bruce* Ans : d prehistoric locations in India for the
Geological Survey of India. For his
contributions to Indian archaeology, he
is called the father of Indian prehistory.

शुंग वंश का सं ापक कौन था ?
Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty?

[A] Pushyamitra* 🔰 Pushyamitra Sunga laid the

foundation of Sunga Dynasty by
[B] Agnimitra
assassinating Brihadratha Maurya (the
[C] Vasumitra
[D] Vajramitra Ans :A last ruler of the Mauryan Empire). He
was Commander-in-Chief in the army
of Mauryan Emperor.
Successor -Agnimitra.

'अ ा यायी' क रचना कसने क थी ?
Who authored 'Ashtadhyayi' ?

(a) Ved Vyas 🔰Chapters”),

Ashtadhyayi, Sanskrit (“Eight
Sanskrit treatise on
(b) Panini*
grammar written in the 6th to 5th
(c) Shukdeo
(d) Valmiki Ans : b century bce by the Indian grammarian


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