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SAT – I Maths PA-III

Advanced Maths-Miscellaneous

 Topics to be covered
1. Exponents & Radical Functions
2. Rational Expressions & Functions
3. Recursive Formula
4. Exponential Functions 1
SAT – I Maths PA-III

For all integers m and n and non zero numbers a and b, following laws hold:

am × an = am+n

n =a −
m n

(am)n = amn

(ab)m = am × bm

a0 = 1

a−n =
a b
( )−n = ( )n
b a
Radical & Radical Equations

 An expression of the form √ n

a is called a radical.
 It is also known as nth root of a.
 Simplest Radical Form (S.R.F)
 The radicand has no perfect n-th power factors.
1. √ 8 = 2√ 2
2. √3
16 = 2√ 2
3. √ 12 = 2√ 3

 There are no radicals in the denominator.

1 √2
1. =
√2 2
xy xy √3 z
2. 3 2 =
√z z

 There are no fractions in the radicand.

√ x = √ xy
z z

√ xy = √ xyz
3 2
z z
• How to solve an equation that contains the square root of variable term:

 Isolate the radical

 Square both sides 2
SAT – I Maths PA-III

 Simplify

Rational Expressions & Equations

 A rational expression is an algebraic fraction whose numerator and denominator are polynomials.
 Any value of the variable which makes the denominator zero must be excluded from the domain.
Such solutions are called extraneous solutions.
 A rational equations is an equation which contains rational expression.

Recursive Functions

 A recursive formula for a sequence defines how to find the nth term for the sequence.
 An initial condition is always given.
 A recursive equation.
 Commonly used formulas:

 Arithmetic Progression : an = a + (n − 1)d ; Sn = [2a + (n − 1)d)]
a(r −1)
 Geometric Progression: an = a × rn−1; Sn =

Exponential Functions

An exponential function is a function of the form f(x) = a(b)x, where a = 0, b > 0 and b  1.
 a = initial factor and b = rate of growth or growth multiplier.
 If b > 1, the graph rises as x increases. This indicates exponential growth.
 If b < 1, the graph falls as x increases. This indicates exponential decay.
 For any exponential function of above form, the domain is the set of real numbers and range is
the set of all positive numbers.
 Exponential growth or decay formula:
Final = Initial × (Growth multiplier ) t

where t = time required by growth multiplier,

and T = desired time period. 3
SAT – I Maths PA-III

Table 1: Linear and exponential growth

Linear Exponential
Simple interest Compound interest
Arithmetic sequence Geometric Sequence
y = mx + c y = abx

 Linear vs exponential graph

Ex: The table below gives the initial number (at time t = 0) of bacteria placed in a growth medium
and the number of bacteria in the growth medium over 3 hours. Which of the following functions
best models the number of bacteria, N (t), after t hours?

Time (hours) Number of bacteria

0 1.0 × 103 4
SAT – I Maths PA-III

1 4.0 × 103
2 1.6 × 104
3 6.4 × 104

1. N (t) = 4000t
2. N (t) = 1000 + 3000t
3. N (t) = 1000(4−t)
4. N (t) = 1000(4t)

Ex: A bank has opened a new branch and, as part of a promotion, the bank branch is offering $1,000
certificates of deposit at simple interest of 4% per year. The bank is selling certificates with terms
of 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. Which of the following functions gives the total amount, A, in dollars, a
customer will receive when a certificate with a term of k years is finally paid?
1. A = 1, 000(1.04k)
2. A = 1, 000(1 + 0.04k)
3. A = 1, 000(1.04)k
4. A = 1, 000(1 + 0.04k)

Ex: A bank has opened a new branch and, as part of a promotion, the bank branch is offering $1,000
certificates of deposit at simple interest of 4% compounded semi-annually. The bank is selling
certificates with terms of 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. Which of the following functions gives the total
amount, A, in dollars, a customer will receive when a certificate with a term of k years is finally

1. A = 1, 000(1 + 0.04k)
2. A = 1, 000(1 + 0.08k)
3. A = 1, 000(1.04)k
4. A = 1, 000(1.02)2k

Ex: The following equation represents the population growth of bacteria in a petri dish: P(t) =
350(2)t, where P(t) is the population after some amount of time t, measured in hours. Which of
the following best describes the relationship between the population of bacteria, P(t) and the
number of hours that have passed, t ?

1. The relationship is linear since the population has 350 more bacteria than the previous hour
2. The relationship is linear since the population has 2 more bacteria than the previous hour
3. The relationship is exponential since the population is 350 times larger than the previous hour
4. The relationship is exponential since the population is 2 times larger than the previous hour 5
SAT – I Maths PA-III

Class Assignment

1. A certain population of insects starts at 16 and doubles every 6 days. What is the population after
60 days?
a) 26
b) 210
c) 214
d) 232

2. After a single sheet of paper is folded in half, there are two layers of paper. The same sheet of
paper is repeatedly folded in half. If function f represents the number of layers of paper that
results when the original sheet of paper is folded a total of x times, then which equation could
represent this function?
a) f (x) = 2x
b) f (x) = x2
c) f (x) = 2x
d) f (x) = 4 2

3. The breakdown of a sample of a chemical compound is represented by the function p(n) =

300(0.5)n, where p(n) represents the number of milligrams of the substance that remains at the
end of n years. Which of the following is true?
I. 300 represents the number of milligrams of the substance that remains after the first year.
II. 0.5 represents the fraction of the starting amount by which the substance gets reduced by
the end of each year.
III. Each year the substance gets reduced by one-half of 300.
a) I only
b) II only
c) I and III only
d) II and III only 6
SAT – I Maths PA-III

4. Some banks charge a fee on savings account that are left inactive for an extended period of time.
The equation y = 5000(0.98)x represents the value y, of one account that was left inactive for a
period of x years. What is the value of y− intercept of this equation and what does it represents?
a) 0.98, the percent of money in the account initially
b) 0098, the percent of money in the account after x years
c) 5000, the amount of money in the account initially
d) 5000, the amount of money in the account after x years

5. Chris plans to purchase a car that loses its value at a rate of 14% per year. If the initial cost of the
car is $27,000, which of the following equations should Chris use to determine the value, v of the
car after 4 years?
a) v = 27, 000(1.14)4
b) v = 27, 000(0.14)4
c) v = 27, 000(0.86)4
d) v = 27, 000(0.86 × 4)4

6. Sia plans to invest $10,000 for 5 years at an annual interest rate of 6% compounded annually.
Which equation could be used to determine the profit, P, Sia earns from her initial investment?
a) P = 10, 000 × (1.06)5
b) P = 10, 000 × [(1.06)5 − 1]
c) P = 10, 000 × [(1.06)5 + 1]
d) P = 10, 000 × [5(1.06) − 1]

7. Serena and Hannah are growing bacteria in a laboratory. Serena uses the growth function f(n) =
n2t to model her experiment while Hannah uses the function g(t) = ( )4t to model her experiment.
In each case, n represents the initial number of bacteria, and t is the time, in hours. If Serena starts
with 16 bacteria, how many bacteria should Hannah start to achieve the same growth over time?
a) 32
b) 16
c) 8
d) 4

8. The number of square units, A, in the area covered by bacteria culture is increasing at a rate of
20% every 7 days. If the bacteria culture initially covers an area of 10 square centimeters, which
equation can be used to find the number of square units in the area covered by the bacteria culture
after d days?
a) A = 10(1.20) 7
b) A = 10(1.20)7d
c) A = 10(0.80) 7
d) A = (12)7d

9. A sequence is recursively defined by an = √ (a ¿ ¿ n−12 )+2 ¿. If a0 = √ 2, what is the value of a2?

a) √ 5 7
SAT – I Maths PA-III

b) √ 6
c) √ 8
d) 3

f (a n)
10. A sequence is recursively defined by an+1 = an - . If a0 = 1, f(x) = x2 - 3x, and g(x) = 2x - 3,
g (an )
what is the value of a2?
a) -3
b) -
c) 2

11. Find the sum of the following arithmetic progression 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + · · · + 199

12. Find the 23rd term of an AP with first term 2 and common difference 7.

13. The first term in a sequence is 4 and every number after the first is 4 more than the number
immediately preceding it. What is the value of the 50th number?
a) 196
b) 200
c) 202
d) 204
e) 208

14. The number of terms in the sequence 19; 15; 11; · · · - 57 is:
a) 18
b) 20
c) 21
d) 19
e) 23

15. Solve each equation:

x−1 x
a) =
2x x+6
x x−1 1
b) - =
2 x +5 4 x +10 8
9 x 5 x +8
c) - =6
x−2 x −2

16. What is the solution set for the equation below: 8
SAT – I Maths PA-III

x x−2
x−1 x+1
a) -2
c) 2

17. What is the solution set for the equation given below:

1 2 −4
- = 2
x x−2 x −2 x
a) -2
b) 0
c) 2
d) There is no solution

18. If f(x) = 2 is undefined when x = 6, what is the value of a?
( x−a) −4 ( x−a ) +4

19. Solve the following:

a) (-2ab2)(3a5b3)
b) xn-2.x.xn+1
a 7 b4 c 2
a3 b−2 c−1

( )
2 −3

3 1
20. If a 4 = 8 then what is the value of a 2

4 8 1
21. If 8 3 × 8 3 = m , find m?

22. (3x + 3x + 3x)3x =?

a) 27x
b) 34x 9
SAT – I Maths PA-III

c) 32x+1
d) 3x+1


g(x) = a√ a(1−x)

Function g is defined by the equation above. If g(-8) = 375, what is the value of a?

a) 25
b) 75
c) 125
d) 625

24. Which of the following is equal to
3−2 √ 2
a) 3 - √2
b) 3 + √2
c) 3 + 2√ 2
d) 3 + 4√ 2

25. What is the value of (1 + √ 3)(2 - √ 3)?

a) 1 - √ 3
b) 1 + √ 3
c) -1 - √ 3
d) -1 + √ 3

26. What is the value of √ 8 + √ 18 - √ 32?

a) √ 2
b) 2√ 2
c) 3√ 2
d) √ 3

27. What is the value of (√ 6 - √ 2)(√ 3 + 1)?

28. If (x + 1)3 = -64, what is the value of x?

a) -6
b) -5
c) -4
d) 3

29. 10
SAT – I Maths PA-III

11 - √ 2 x +3 = 8

What is the solution set of equation defined above?

a) 0
b) 3
c) 6
d) 9

30. If k = 8 - √ 2 and √
x−k = -2. What is the value of x2?

Home Assignment

1. 24 × 43 =
a) 812
b) 87
c) 67
d) 210

2. 6√ 9 × 2√ 16
a) 144
b) 288
c) 864
d) 1728

3. If x-3 = 27, find x? 11
SAT – I Maths PA-III

4. If m 2 = 8, What is the value of m?

5. If x = 9a2 and a > 0 then what is the value of √ x

4 3−4 2
6. 2 =?

7. If x > 0 then (4x)(8x) =?

a) 29x
b) 28x
c) 26x
d) 25x

8. If (-a2b3)(2ab)(-3b) = kambn, what is the value of m + n?

(2 x)3 (3 x)
9. Find
(6 x 2)2

10. If k = 8√ 2 and
2 √
k = 3 h, what is the value of h?

√ 3 p 2−11- x = 0
If p > 0 and x = 8, in the equation above, what is the value of p?


√ 5 x−12 = 3√ 2
What is the solution set of equation defined above?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

13. If a = √ 3 and √ 2−3 x = a, what is the value of x?
3 12
SAT – I Maths PA-III

n 4n
14. If n  4 than which of the following is equal to +
n−4 4−n
a) n
n(n+ 4)
n+ 4

a 1
15. If a  ±1 than which of the following is equal to 2 -
a −1 a+1
2 a−1
a 2−1
d) 2
a −1

16. The number of rats in a certain population doubles every 40 days. If the population starts with 12
rats, which of the following gives the total number of rabbits in the population after t days?
a) 12(2) × ( 40t )
12(2) × ( )
c) ( 40t )
d) ( 40t )
12 ( 2 )

17. Population P of a town is 80,000 this year. If the population of the town decreases at a rate of 4%
each year, which of the following expressions gives population P after t years?
a) 80, 000(0.6)t
b) 80, 000(0.96)t
c) 80, 000(0.96t)
d) 80, 000(1 - 0.04t) 13
SAT – I Maths PA-III

18. A certain radioactive substance gas a half-life of 12 days. This means that every 12 days, half of
the original amount of the substance decays. If there are 128 milligrams of the radioactive
substance today, how many milligrams will be left after 48 days?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32

Following two questions refer to this common information:

Evelyn deposited $3000 into her bank account, which earns 4% interest compounded annually.
She uses the expression 3000(x)t to find the value of the account after t years.

19. What is the value of x in the expression?

20. Evelyn deposited the same amount into an account that earns 5% interest rate compounded
annually. How much more money than her original deposit in the account with 4% interest rate
compounded annually will she have earned in 10 years? 14

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